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Prof. Dr. Ayman A.

Control Engineering
Winter 2014

German University in Cairo

Faculty of Engineering and Materials Science
Mechatronics Engineering Department

Assignment 1
Dynamic Systems: Modeling and Analysis


Application no.

Group no.

Submission Deadline: Sunday, 12/10/2014

N.B. Please submit the assignment in this form

Prof. Dr. Ayman A. El-Badawy
Control Engineering
Winter 2014

Problem (1):
Write the Equations of Motion (EOM) for the two Degrees of Freedom (DOF) system shown
in the Figure.

(Note: Show your steps)


Prof. Dr. Ayman A. El-Badawy
Control Engineering
Winter 2014

Problem (2):
For the system given in Problem (1), if

a) Prove that the EOM can be written as

b) Find the System's free response for the following initial conditions

(Hint: Let F = 0 to get the homogenous solution of the Differential Equation)


Prof. Dr. Ayman A. El-Badawy
Control Engineering
Winter 2014

Prof. Dr. Ayman A. El-Badawy
Control Engineering
Winter 2014

Prof. Dr. Ayman A. El-Badawy
Control Engineering
Winter 2014

Problem (3):
A mass - spring - damper system has a mass of 200 Kg, a damping coefficient of 100 N.m/s
and an undamped natural frequency of 2 rad/s.

Find the following:

a) The stiffness coefficient

b) The damping ratio
c) The damped natural frequency
d) The system's damping type
e) Plot the system's response using MATLAB for the following initial conditions

(Note: Append your code and the results of the simulation)


Prof. Dr. Ayman A. El-Badawy
Control Engineering
Winter 2014

Problem (4):
For the Mass Spring Damper System given by

Find the particular solution using the time domain approach.


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