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Kershner District Tech Training Plan

District Technology Training Plan

Sarah Kershner
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
The District
Montgomery County Public Schools is currently the largest school system in Maryland. It
is also the 17th largest school system in the United States (MCPS, 2017). MCPS is a very diverse
public school system with students coming from 157 countries speaking 150 different languages.
Looking at the specific demographics of the students in the county, there are 29% White
students, 30% Hispanic, 22% African American, 14% Asian, less than 5% of two or more races,
less than 5% America Indian or Alaskan Native, and less than 5% Native Hawaiian or other
Pacific Islander (MCPS, 2017). Many of the students in the county receive special services.
There are 14.2% of students who participate in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other
Languages). 11.7% of students are receiving special education services. There are also 34.6% of
students who participate in FARMS (Free and Reduced-price Meals System).
Currently, there is a $2.46 billion Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget. In 2013, MCPS
presented their Strategic Technology Plan to the Board of Education. In order for students to be
college and career ready, the county created a multiyear plan that integrates “mobile and cloud-
based technologies” that together works with “technology-enriched instructional and curricular
resources that engage students in more explorative and interactive learning experiences” (MCPS,
The Problem
After MCPS rolled out their 2014-2016 Strategic Technology Plan, there has been a big
push in technology use in the classroom. This started with the rollout of ChromeBooks in the
classroom as well as implementing Google Apps for Education. While there were initial
Professional Development Trainings for the new technologies, there has not been any follow-up
training that continues to support teachers even though it is expected that they are using these
applications in their classrooms. Many teachers do not feel comfortable enough with the
applications themselves; therefore they choose not to incorporate it into their daily teaching
practices. The expectation from the county is that once these teachers have been given the
technology and have been trained on it at the beginning of the school year, the students and
teachers should be using it during their daily lessons. Many teachers in the county do not feel
like they have the proper skills to meet the expectations of the higher-ups. I was able to give out
a Survey Monkey to some of the teachers in the district. Many of them felt that Professional
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
Development at their school was lacking when it comes to Chromebooks. Not receiving proper
support and training throughout the year limits them.
Survey Monkey Link:
The Needs
In order to find out the needs of the county, I created a survey
( and asked a variety of teachers at different grade
levels their experience with Google Apps for Education. I wanted to have them describe if they
use Google Apps for Education themselves and their students. If they don’t I also wanted to find
out why they don’t use it and if there was a lack of training. The results below show how they
ranked the different applications.

I prefer to use I have heard of I use it myself I understand

paper pencil with it but I choose but don’t know how to use it
my students. not to use it how to use it completely and
myself or with with my use it constantly
my students. students. with the
Google 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Google Docs 33.33% 0.00% 66.67% 0.00%
Google Drive 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 33.33%
Google Forms 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00%
Google Sheets 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% 0.00%
Google Hangouts 0.00% 66.67% 0.00% 0.00%
Google Slides 0.00% 33.33% 66.67% 0.00%

In the survey, I also asked what support was still needed in order to integrate Google Apps for
Education into their classroom. There were a few different responses that I received but they all
related to having more training. A few responses included knowledge of how the applications
connect with the curriculum, small group training, and finding applications that are age
appropriate. All of these applications are known and available to the teachers in the county.
However, the teachers aren’t being provided with enough training. In order to meet the needs of
the county, I will create the District Technology Training Plan.
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
The Audience
The use of Chromebooks and Google Apps for Education in the county did not happen
too long ago. With the growing and very diverse population in the county, it would be very
helpful for all staff to learn about helpful educational applications. Teachers at all technology
comfort levels and core team members should be included. The plans and trainings are broken up
by skill level so everyone is able to benefit from the different sessions that they are attending.
Core Team members, Staff Development Teacher, Reading Specialist, Math Content Coach, and
even Vice Principals or Principals should attend a part of the training. The more support that a
school can provide for each other the better the outcome. Many times the county rolls something
out for teachers to learn, the Core Team members aren’t always clued in. It’s important that all
school staff have some knowledge about these applications. Not everyone is going to start out or
even end on the same comfort level. In order to get an idea of skill levels in the county, a skill
level survey on Google Applications for Education should be used.
The goals of this training plan reflect the Mission Statement of Montgomery County
Public Schools. It is as follows: “Every student will have the academic, creative problem solving,
and social emotional skills to be successful in college and career” (MCPS, 2017). In order to
meet that vision, MCPS created five core strategies in their District Implementation Plan. Core 5,
Operational Excellence and Continuous Improvement, relates directly to this training plan. “As a
recipient of the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, MCPS has a long-standing
commitment to operational excellence and continuous improvement” (MCPS, 2017).
“Improve teaching and learning through the effective integration of technology and through
building staff capacity in the effective use of technology to enhance and support learning”
(MCPS, 2013).
● Given training on Google Apps for Education, teachers will be able to create authentic
learning experiences that allow students to use digital tools to solve problems and think
● Given training on Google Apps for Education, teachers will be able to participate in
virtual learning communities in order to gain support and resources from other teachers.
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
Listed below is a proposed set of courses for staff to attend. It is broken up into target
audiences because the entire plan is for all Montgomery County Public School staff. High school
teachers will not need to attend all of the exact same trainings that elementary school teachers
do. However, many of the courses are geared toward all staff because they are a basic
introduction to Google Apps for Education and will allow collaboration within the courses and
time for teachers to plan.
Target Audience Course Title Description of Course
All MCPS Staff Introduction to the G This will focus on the benefits of integrating
technology into the classroom and give a brief
overview of the different applications in the G
All MCPS Staff Online Resources: What This will focus on the apps Google Plus,
support is there? Google Groups, and Google Search. Staff will
be introduced and trained on how to get
questions answered as well as joining groups to
share resources.
All MCPS Staff Goodbye Copy Room! This will focus on the major benefits of Google
Benefits of Google Drive Drive. This will go over uploading Docs,
Slides, and Forms to Google Classroom.
MS and HS Staff Google Hangouts and This will focus on using these two applications
Google Groups to create a classroom community where
teachers can easily answer questions as well as
communicate with all students in real time.
All Staff Google Sheets and Forms: This will focus on using these applications to
Student Data collect data on students and to see their growth.
This will allow teachers to see how to organize
student information.
All Staff Online Learners: How to This course will focus on helping teachers show
research correctly their students how to make sure they are
choosing valid sources. It will also focus on
how to help teach students how to cite their
sources correctly so they do not plagiarize.
All Staff YouTube: Let’s Make it This course will focus on using YouTube as an
Educational efficient instructional tool. It will demonstrate
how to find educational videos, make playlists,
as well as embed links into Google Slides, Docs
and Classroom.
All Staff Virtual Fieldtrips This will focus on the ability to use Google
Hangouts and Google Maps to extend learning
beyond the classroom. Teachers will be able to
experience and create ideas for virtual fieldtrips
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
for their classroom.
MS and HS Teachers Blended Learning using The focus of this course will be for teachers to
the G-Suite learn how to create blended learning courses
using applications in the G-Suite. They will be
using Drawings, Docs, Sheets, and Forms.
All Staff Chrome Extensions and This will focus on the ability to use Google
Add Ons Chrome extensions. They will learn how to
create a private app collection as well as share a
calendar with students and parents.

Instructional Strategies
In order to teach all of the content listed above, I will use many strategies in order to be
successful. I have found that using a lecture method is not always the best way to go about
teaching adults or kids. To teach these concepts, a hands on approach needs to be used. For the
staff to become comfortable with Google Apps for Education, they need to actually create things
for themselves. I will be incorporating video and slideshows for teachers to watch during the
workshop. I will also be sure to incorporate collaboration. At the different training workshops,
it’s important for teachers to work with each other. I will make sure to include planning time for
grade level teachers. Once they are comfortable enough with the applications, they will be able
to work with others to create content. Another instructional strategy I will use is including
games. Games are a great way to review concepts. Teachers will be able to have fun while they
are learning. It’s important to include many different instructional strategies since people learn in
a variety of ways.
Sample Five-Day Workshop
During this Five-Day Workshop, participants are learning about the basics of the G-Suite.
They will be give plenty of planning time so that they can use this new knowledge of all of these
Google Applications to collaborate with educators teaching in the same grade level to create
resources that they will use in their classroom. They will start out by learning about each
different application in the G-Suite and how to use it in their own classroom. They will then
learn about how to find the support they need through other educators as well as online. On the
fourth day they will learn about all of the benefits of transferring everything to Google Drive.
The last day will be dedicated to discussing Google Chrome Extensions and any Add-Ons they
might want to use in their classroom.
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
Day 1: Introduction to G-Suite Part 1 Time: 3 Hours Morning Session
Background Knowledge:
Participants of this session will already need to have their Google Account set-up as well as
know how to sign in. Participants will be asked to bring in their own Chromebook or Laptop but
the training session will have some available for participants to use.
In this session, participants will be introduced to a few of the applications in the G-Suite. To
make sure they do not get overwhelmed, we will only be focusing on only three in the morning
session: Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms. We will do a basic overview of what the importance
of including technology in the classroom and a brief overview about what the G-Suite is. Then
we will get specifically into the three applications. We will spend about 40 minutes focusing on
each one and allowing them to practice creating materials.

● By the end of this session, participants will be able to describe the purpose of Google
Apps for Education including the different applications that are provided.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to identify the uses for 3 out of the 11
core services in the G-Suite.

Instructional Strategies
● The session will start with a consensogram to get a sense of what participant’s feelings
are about Google Apps for Education.
● They will lead a discussion about the importance of technology in the classroom and how
participants are already using technology in the classroom as well as pros and cons.
● The instructor will show a video that briefly goes over what Google Apps for Education
is and how it can be used in the classroom.
● The participants will be split up into three groups. Each group will spend about 40
minutes learning about Google Forms, Sheets, or Documents. They will rotate until they
have been to each station.
● Each station will provide an overview of the application with a video as well as pre-made
materials by other teachers.
● Teachers will get time at each station to look through resources as well as create some of
their own.

● Chromebooks or Laptops
● Promethean Board/ or Projector
● Shared resources made by teachers that were used in their own classroom
● Videos demonstrating G-Suite
● Consensogram and stickers
● Participants will place a different colored sticker on the consensogram to see the
difference in how they felt at the beginning of the session.
● They will have an exit card that asks them about the purpose of Google Apps for
Education. It will include a written response that asks them to give an example of how
they could use Forms, Sheets, or Docs in their own classroom.
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
Day 1: Introduction to G-Suite Part 1 Time: 2 Hours Afternoon Session
Background Knowledge:
Participants will understand the purpose of Google Forms, Documents, and Sheets. They will
have already practiced using them in the morning session.
This afternoon session will allow participants to meet with people in their same grade level in
order to plan for their own students. They will pick out objectives from the curriculum that they
want to create resources for. They will have support from the instructors as they plan.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to collaborate with peers to create a
Google Document, Form, and Sheet that can be used in their classroom.
Instructional Strategies:
● Instructors will help divide the group into appropriate grade levels.
● Instructor will demonstrate on the Promethean Board looking at MyMCPS curriculum,
picking out an objective, and deciding which application would best meet the needs of
the objective.
● Participants will be given time to collaborate with their group members to create
resources using the applications discussed from the morning sessions.
● Participants will have time at the end of the session to present their resources to the rest
of the group and explain how they will use them in their classroom.
● Participants will be able to give feedback and suggestions on how to make the resources

● Chromebooks or Laptops
● Access to MyMCPS specific grade level curriculum
● Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Sheets
● Participants will submit the resources they created to the instructor.
Day 2: Introduction to G-Suite Part 2 Time: 3 Hours Morning Session
Background Knowledge:
Participants of this session will already need to have their Google Account set-up as well as
know how to sign in. Participants will be asked to bring in their own Chromebook or Laptop but
the training session will have some available for participants to use.

● By the end of this session, participants will be able to identify the uses for 3 out of the 11
core services in the G-Suite.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to
Instructional Strategies:


Kershner District Tech Training Plan

Day 2: Introduction to G-Suite Part 2 Time: 3 Hours Morning Session

Background Knowledge:
Participants will be asked to bring in their own Chromebook or Laptop but the training session
will have some available for participants to use. They will have already learned about the G-
Suite from the previous day. They also already made resources for Google Forms, Sheets, and
In this session, participants will be learning about Google Slides and Google Classroom. They
will spend about an hour and a half on each application. They will be able to create resources on
Google Slides. They will also be able to set up their own Google Classroom and understand the
benefits of using it with students and parents.

● By the end of this session, participants will be able to identify the uses for 2 out of the 11
core services in the G-Suite.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to set up their own Google Classroom
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to create a Google Slides Presentation
Instructional Strategies:
● Instructors will give an overview of Google Classroom
● Instructors will give a walk through of how to set up a Google Classroom
● Participants will be creating a Google Classroom of their own while instructors are
● Instructors will demonstrate how to upload and post things in Classroom
● Participants will be given time to personalize and upload into their Google Classroom.
They can make more than one Google Classroom, if they have multiple classes or teach
different subjects.
● Instructors will move on to discuss Google Slides
● Instructors will show examples of Google Slides and the basics of how to use it
● Participants will work with partners or in groups to create their own Google Slides
presentation. They will create one based on an objective in the curriculum
● If time, they can share their presentation with the class in order to receive feedback

● Promethean Board or Projector
● Chromebooks and laptops
● Exit Card
● Access to Google Classroom and Google Slides
● Handout with directions on how to set up a Google Classroom
● Participants will fill out an exit card that discusses how they will use Google Classroom
to benefit their students and parents.
● Participants will invite the instructors to join their Google Classroom in order to receive
● Participants will share their Google Slides presentation with the instructors
Kershner District Tech Training Plan

Day 2: Introduction to G-Suite Part 2 Time: 2 Hours Afternoon Session

Background Knowledge:
Students will have already learned about 5 of the 11 G-Suite applications. They will already have
resources made from the previous day and this morning. For this afternoon session they will get
a brief overview of the rest of the applications: Gmail, Calendar, Vault, Sites, Hangouts, Drive.
They will learn about the last 6 apps in the G-Suite. Since it is only a 2-hour session, we cannot
go into much depth for these applications. In later sessions they will learn more about Drive,
Hangouts, and Sites. They will play a game at the end of this session to review all 11
applications that they have learned about within the 2 days.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to identify the purpose for all 11
Google Apps for Education in the G-Suite.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to describe how they can use one of
the 6 applications discussed in their classroom; Gmail, Calendar, Vault, Sites, Hangouts
and Drive.
Instructional Strategies:
● Instructors will give a brief overview of the other 6 applications using videos.
● Instructors will place chart paper throughout the room with one of the applications on
● Participants will walk around the room in pairs or groups. They will write ways they
would use these applications in their classroom.
● Participants will then take a Gallery Walk in order to see what others wrote.
● Instructors will lead a discussion about what was written and have participants complete
exit card on the computer.
● Instructors will split group into teams. They will lead the game of Jeopardy to review the
different applications.
● Participants will fill out a survey that demonstrates their comfort level with Google Apps
for Education and the G-Suite.

● Chromebooks or Laptops
● Promethean Board or Projector
● Jeopardy Review Game
● Participants will fill out an online exit card that demonstrates their knowledge of the 6
applications discussed. They will explain how they may use them in the classroom.
● Instructors will take anecdotal notes of the Jeopardy Review Game
● Participants will fill out the comfort level survey that demonstrates their knowledge from
the 2-day course.
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
Day 3: Online Resources: What Support is there? Time: 3 Hours Morning Session
Background Knowledge:
The past two days participants learned about G-Suite and all the applications that come with that.
They know how to access those applications and how to use them. That will be their foundation
to learning about where they can go to search for answers if they have a question. This will help
staff feel confident so that they have a place to look for support throughout the school year.
In this session they will be instructed on using Google Hangouts as well as Groups in order to
get support from others. They will discuss PLNs (Personal Learning Networks) and why they are
important to have. The session will demonstrate how to join a Google Educator Group.

● By the end of this session, participants will be able to create a Google Plus account in
order to access the applications that it comes with.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to create their own PLN in order to
gain support from other educators.
Instructional Strategies:
● Instructors will lead a discussion on Personal Learning Networks
● Participants will read an article about PLNs and how they can be used in the classroom
● Instructor will show an introductory video on PLNs and people that use them.
● Participants will create a Google Plus Account if they do not already have one.
● Instructors will demonstrate how to join a Google Educator Group
● Instructors will give time to allow participants to explore different Google Educator
● Instructors will show participants how to use Google Hangouts to discuss topics with
other educators
● Participants will have time to explore Google Hangouts and create a Google Hangout
with their group
● Participants will fill out a reflection of what is one thing they learned from their PLN

● Chromebooks and Laptops
● Instructions on Google Plus
● Google Hangouts online
● Google Educator Groups online
● Reflection Sheet
● Participants will fill out a reflection sheet that lists one resource or something new they
learned from creating their PLN. They will discuss the benefits of having a PLN.
Day 3: Online Resources: What Support is there? Time: 2 Hours Afternoon Session
Background Knowledge:
In the morning session, they learned about creating a PLN using Google Hangouts and joining a
Google Educator Group. In this session, they will learn about how they can look to Google Help
Center if they need more support other than just other educators.
In this session, instructors will be showing participants the Google Help Center to look for
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
answers. They will also be showing them the Education Directory where they can find local
experts on Google.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to demonstrate using the Google Help
Center to answer a question.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to demonstrate finding a Google
Expert through the Education Directory.
Instructional Strategies:
● Instructors will lead a discussion with participants about what they would do if they
couldn’t figure out an answer to their question.
● Instructors will ask participants for questions that may come up while using different
● Instructors will demonstrate how to use the Google Help Center to find their answer.
● Instructors will demonstrate how to find the Education Directory to find local experts in
their area.
● Participants will have time to explore both sites in order to answer their questions. They
will work with a partner. One partner will ask a question while the other person finds the
answer. Then they will switch.
● Participants will then be given a set of questions to see if they are able to locate the
correct answer.

● Chromebook or Laptops
● Promethean Board or Projector
● Sticky notes to write their questions on
● Google Questions provided by the instructors
● Google Help Center
● Education Directory on Google
● Instructors will hand out a paper that has different questions about applications that have
been taught already. Participants will use the Help Center to find the correct answer and
write it down.

Day 4: Goodbye Copy Room: Benefits of Time: 3 Hours Morning Session

Google Drive
Background Knowledge:
Participants will have already learned briefly about Google Drive and Google Classroom They
will have already made different Google Docs, and Slides as well as other forms. This will help
then when they go into more detail about Google Drive.
Participants will learn that they can store everything and anything on their Google Drive. They
will learn how to transfer files onto their drive. They will also learn how to share resources
through Google Drive. They will use their knowledge of Google Docs and Classroom to connect
the two.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to transfer resources into their Google
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to create a shared folder in Google
Drive with their teammates from their school and grade level.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to create
Instructional Strategies:
● Instructors will show a video to review Google Drive.
● Instructors will demonstrate how to create new folders and organize their Google Drive.
● Instructors will demonstrate how to upload files into their Google Drive
● Participants will have time to organize their Google Drive.
● Participants will have time to transfer files to their Drive from their flash drive or other
memory products.
● Instructors will share an entire Google Doc with the group. They will demonstrate how
anyone can have access and edit or you can make it so people that are sharing can only
● Participants will practice creating a shareable Google Document or Slide
● Participants will get into groups and create a shared document to practice
● Instructor will review how to access their Google Classroom.
● Instructor will demonstrate how to combine Google Drive with Google Classroom.
● Participants will then individually create a shared document that they could use in their
classroom and share it with the instructor for evaluation.

● Chromebooks or Laptop
● Promethean Board or Projector
● Memory Stick/Flash drive if they have one
● Instructions on Google Documents/Slides/Forms and how to upload

● Participants will create a shared document of their choosing. (Google Docs, Forms, etc).
They will make sure it applies to their classroom and share it with the instructor through
their Google Classroom.

Day 4: Goodbye Copy Room: Benefits of Time: 2 Hours Afternoon Session

Google Drive
Background Knowledge:
Participants briefly learned about Google Forms and Sheets in the first workshop.
They will learn how they can create quick exit cards, or quizzes on Google Forms without
printing out paper for the entire class. They will learn about the benefits of using it online.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to create a quiz or exit card using
Google Forms.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to demonstrate evaluating a Google
Form to understand student comprehension
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
Instructional Strategies:
● Instructors will review Google Forms and Sheets with a video
● Instructors will lead a discussion by using case by case scenarios about what question
choice suits different content: multiple choice, short answer, etc.
● Instructors will demonstrate how to change questions in Google Forms.
● Instructors will demonstrate how to create a response destination
● Instructors will demonstrate how to share and view the responses.
● To review, using ActiVotes, instructors will ask participants different questions about
setting up quizzes online. They will split up in teams to see who gets the most questions
● Participants will get in partners to create an exit card or quiz.
● They will share it with their partner and get feedback.

● Laptops and Chromebooks
● Promethean Board or Projector
● ActiVotes
● Participants will get receive feedback from their partner on their exit card or quiz that
they created. They will turn it in to the instructor after they make any changes.

Day 5: Chrome Extensions and Add Ons Time: 3 Hours Morning Session
Background Knowledge:
They have learned about all of the applications in G-Suite as well as made many resources by
this workshop. They are now ready to explore Google more to learn about the different
extensions and add ons that are offered.
In this morning session, participants will learn about the Web Store as well as different Add Ons
they can use in their classroom. Instructors will demonstrate how to access the Web Store as well
as give participants time to explore different applications.

● By the end of this session, participants will be able to evaluate applications located in the
Chromebook Web Store to Add On with their students.
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to evaluate Add Ons to use with their
Instructional Strategies:
● Instructors will lead a discussion about what participants find to be their most useful
application they have learned about so far.
● Instructors will show a video about the Web Store.
● Instructors will demonstrate how to search for MCPS specified applications.
● Participants will read articles about teacher recommended applications.
● Participants will collaborate with others in the classroom to evaluate different
applications: what makes them good or bad?
● Participants will share what they found to the rest of the group
● Instructor will go over Add Ons and how to use them
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
● Participants will get a chance to explore different Add Ons with the group they were
with before

● Chromebooks or Laptops
● Promethean Board or Projector
● Article on applications recommended
● Google Forms Exit Card on apps
● Participants will fill out an exit card through Google Forms that allows them to discuss
what makes an application useful or not useful to them. They will make their own
Day 5: Chrome Extensions and Add Ons Time: 2 Hours Afternoon Session
Background Knowledge:
In the morning session, participants got a chance to evaluate a variety of applications and Add
Ons. In this session they will use their knowledge to create a lesson plan that involves an
application of their choosing.
In this session, participants will work in grade level teams to create a similar lesson plan using an
application from the Web Store. They will create the lesson plan, present it with the class, and
share it with the instructors.

● By the end of this session, participants will be able to
● By the end of this session, participants will be able to
Instructional Strategies:
● Instructors will share an example of a lesson plan that was created with an application
from the Web Store
● Instructors will go over the Lesson Plan Template with the group and ask if there are any
● Instructors will share the template with everyone in the group
● Participants will get into groups with people who are in the same grade level
● They will choose an application from the Web Store
● They will collaboratively work on their lesson plan together
● They will present to the group to get feedback

● Chromebooks or Laptops
● Promethean Board or Projector
● Lesson Plan Template
● Example Lesson Plan
● Participants will share their lesson plans with the instructors and evaluated on how well
they incorporated the application.
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
● The Importance of Technology in the Classroom
● Google Apps for Education 101
● Google Forms
● Google Docs
● Google Sheets
● Google Slides
● Google Classroom
● Google Calendar
● Google Drive
● Google Vault
● Google Sites
● Google Hangouts
● Gmail
● Web Store
● Add Ons
● PLNs
educators/ 5 Personal Learning Networks for Educators (Bernard, 2011)
in-the-classroom - 10 Reasons Today’s Students Need Technology in the Classroom
(Wainwright, 2017)
● -
Modern Professional Learning: Connecting PLCs with PLNs (Davis, 2015)
● Google Plus Support
● Google Help Center
● Google For Education Directory
● G-Suite Learning
teachers/ 25 Awesome Apps for Teachers, Recommended by Teacher (McClure, 2015)
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
● Google Applications Exit Card
● Jeopardy Review Game
● Comfort Level Survey on all 11 apps
● Examples of PLNS
● Google Educator Groups Instructions and Purpose
● Reflection on PLNS (Kershner, 2017)
● Made Up Questions on Google Apps for Education
● Case scenarios on questions formats
● Lesson Plan Template
Field Test and Revision
In order to test out my workshop, people need to get a sense of it at every grade level to
see how it works. I will gather a group of elementary school, middle school and high school
teachers. Before doing the actual workshops, I will run through my plans with this group in order
to get their suggestions and feedback. I will briefly discuss each of the five-day workshops and
see what questions they still may have. I also think it is important that I discuss with each grade
level where they might see problems arise or anything that may be redundant. I want to make
sure I field-test it on teachers that are at a variety of comfort levels with the applications. I want
to make sure that I have differentiated enough to meet all levels as well as get their feedback on
where I can differentiate more.
After getting their feedback, I will request the assistance of a MCPS Technology
coordinator. I think that may be helpful to have another set of expert eyes looking at the plan and
help to revise it. Together we will go through and revise parts of the plan that were confusing or
unnecessary. If there are parts that they suggest I add or take out I will change that.
To evaluate the success of the workshops, I will need to do follow-up surveys with the
participants. I will also need to look at the exit cards and products from each session. Lastly, I
will need to see the implementation of these applications in their classroom.
After all of the sessions, participants will give feedback and that can be positive or
negative. It is important to find out their opinions and how they think the sessions went. They
need to be honest and give constructive criticism if there was something that they didn’t like or
something they still don’t understand.
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
By looking at the exit cards and resources they have created during the lessons, I will be
able to see if they actually learned about the applications that were being taught. Depending on
their responses in the exit cards and the resources they made and collaborated with other teachers
on that will tell me if they really understood the purpose of the different applications. Being able
to use it is one thing, but also they need to be able to relate it to something they would use in the
classroom with their own students.
As I just stated, it is important to take a look and see how they end up implementing these
applications with their actual students. The point of creating all of these resources and using all
these applications on Google is to make meaningful products that will help engage students and
allow them to be successful. When using technology, teachers shouldn’t be using it just to say
they have technology in the classroom. In order to see if these workshops work, I need to hear
from the teachers once they actually are using these applications with their own students. I need
to survey teachers and see how they are adjusting and their feelings on these technologies.

Summative Evaluation
In order to determine the totality of the training, its important to see how the teachers do
after the workshops are over. As I stated before, teacher surveys are a way that I can see how the
teachers themselves feel about how they are implementing technology into their lesson plans.
The comfort level of the teachers is very important because that was the focus problem in the
county. Teachers were not receiving enough professional development to implement these
technologies. It is important to see how they feel after the training. Another way I can see if the
workshops worked is to get the point of view of the students. It is important to not only get the
teacher perspective but also the student perspective. Giving students across all grade levels a
survey will give an overview of how they feel technology is being integrated in the classroom. A
similar survey about their comfort level in using the different applications could tell us a little bit
about how much integration is going on. It is also a way to get an honest opinion about how
often the applications are being used to benefit the students.
Another way to determine the effectiveness of the entire training plan is to look at student
data before and after the trainings. Looking back to the goals of the plan, MCPS wants students
to be college and career ready with 21st century skills. Giving students an assessment that reflects
Kershner District Tech Training Plan
that would be a way to see how effective our training was to encourage teachers to implement
these applications and feel comfortable enough to do so.
5 day Workshop Cost
Instructors- 1-2 204 schools but $30 per hr 5 hrs a 30 X $750 X
per school schools will be day X 5 25=$750 102=
paired up days= 25 $76,500
204/2 = 102 hrs
Materials Materials all online $0.00
Venue Trainings will take $0.00
place at individual
Teacher None- will be taking $0.00
Stipend place during pre-
service week (no subs
Total: $76,500

In order for this training to be successful, follow-up with the participants is very
important. One of the worst things trainers can do is have a great workshop and training and then
never discuss the subject matter again. For teachers to feel comfortable with these Google
applications, they need continuous support. By giving the surveys as well as talking with
students across grade levels, I will see what still needs to be done. Continuing to give support
and resources to teachers is very important to make sure this training stays useful.
Follow-up trainings should occur with updates on the Google Applications. Many
updates are being made all of the time. If it is not possible to physically get someone to be at the
school, the Technology Specialist at the school will be in contact with the principals and
administrators. Staff meetings should occur that go over updates to the G-Suite as well as discuss
any issues or concerns that teachers are having. Collaboration is very important so that should
continue to be happening even after the workshops are done. In order for this training plan to be
successful, it needs to be a continuous process from all parties involved.
Kershner District Tech Training Plan

Bowers, L. (2015). Strategic technology plan. Retrieved from
Department of Public Information and Web Services (2017). Montgomery County Public Schools
at a glance. Retrieved from
Montgomery County Public Schools. (2017). District Implementation Plan. Retrieved from
Montgomery County Public Schools. (2013). Strategic technology plan. Retrieved from
Montgomery County Public Schools. (2017). The Strategic planning framework. Retrieved from
Kershner District Tech Training Plan

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