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New offer shows employers are wavering…

Keep up the strikes

Don’t let UUK off the hook
niversities UK (UUK) have
made a new offer to try to end
the USS pensions dispute.
Our powerful strikes have got the
employers on the run – and there
is now an opportunity to score a
stunning victory.
The shift is potentially a massive
climbdown for the employers and
is a testament to the strength of
UCU’s strikes. But the move could be
designed to stop our strikes hitting
examination marking.
Solid – and growing – strikes have
forced UUK to retreat. This is not the
time to trust the bosses, or halt action. Imperial College London Photo: Ben Windsor

The revolt against their last offer run – and we should keep on fighting If there isn’t it should be rejected,
showed our strength and has seen for a deal that protects the pension and it shouldn’t go out to ballot.
calls for the “status quo” (no change in scheme for good. Some people might say that’s not
members’ payments or benefits) to be possible. But many of the same people
UCU’s negotiating position, backed by Retreated said winning ‘status quo’ was pie in the
branch after branch. But there have been many examples sky. Many more wanted to settle for
Now UUK say they will back off in the past where employers have far, far less than we have now won.
from the attack and instead agree to a retreated only to come back when they
Joint Expert Panel to look at how the feel more confident. Liverpool
scheme should operate in the future. There should be no agreement to Mass redundancies have been
The current scheme would remain any deal, or any move to ballot UCU announced in recent days at several
in place until at least April next year. members, unless UUK commits to pick universities such as Liverpool
up the tab for any deficit found by the University and the Open University.
Hawks valuation panel rather than pass it on They have come in the midst of our
But let’s be clear. The UUK “hawks” to members of staff. dispute. It’s easy to see how job losses
have not given up. UUK will hope They could pay more, increase their and course closures could be used to
to use that period in order to buy line of credit or ask the government to soften us up.
time, undermine the momentum the support the scheme. We cannot assume that the
strikes have developed, and make their In other words, the panel should employers have suddenly seen the
attacks on USS at a later date. begin with a clear statement that there light!
Why give them six months or a year will be no detriment to staff as a result
to regroup? We have got them on the of the valuation. Continued overleaf... ‘Socialist Worker (Britain)’ @SWP_Britain 020 7840 5600 Daily bulletin:
The Joint Expert Panel would be
made up of actuarial and academic
experts nominated in equal numbers
from both sides commissioned to
deliver a report.
The deal commits both parties
to recommend “measures aimed at
stabilising the fund” to provide a
pension “broadly comparable” with
the current arrangements.
“Broadly comparable” isn’t enough.
It should be at least as good as the
present scheme.

Affordability? Photo: Leeds University UCU

The bosses remain committed to commitment from the employers then The deal can be improved if our
imposing a worse pension scheme we know that in all likelihood we are negotiators go back and demand
on workers. And talk of “affordability going to be asked to pay more for a more from USS while further strike
challenges” gives too much ground to worse pension when the panel reports. action is looming.
the false idea that there is a deficit in That means we should vote against the It would also be very dangerous to
the scheme. offer if it goes out to ballot. let down our guard, especially when
There is no deficit in the USS Why shouldn’t workers keep the we don’t know if the government’s
scheme – it is in surplus. scheme they have now? The employers Pension Regulator will allow UUK’s
Now they have changed their have had a ‘pension holiday’ since proposals to go ahead.
argument to say that it is the cost 1997, and are now posting record
of future benefits that has got them surpluses! Why should they not pay Watching
worried. But their projections forward any difference? Employers and workers elsewhere are
are also bogus. The union’s higher education watching this dispute. The USS scheme
UCU general secretary Sally Hunt committee (HEC) will make a decision is one of the few remaining Defined
wrote to members explaining that on the offer, following a branch Benefit pension schemes in Britain.
the deal would assess the valuation members’ meeting next Wednesday. If UUK get away with wrecking it –
of the scheme. And in light of that This follows the previous deal that now or in a year’s time – that will send
“contributions or benefits” could be was overwhelmingly rejected by branch a message to other employers that they
“adjusted in any direction”. delegates earlier this month – and that can attack workers too.
But why should workers’ pay any forced the HEC to withdraw it. It’s fantastic that strikes have
more – or get any less in retirement – The union leadership has not given humiliated UUK and blocked their
when the scheme is not in deficit? a recommendation to branch delegates plans. If university strikers build on
In her latest email Sally Hunt on whether they should accept or this, they can win a victory that will
says that “if you wish the union reject the deal. have implications for everyone.
to further pursue a policy of no
detriment whatever the result of the Activists
independent inquiry you should vote UCU members are already organising
against the proposal when you get an activists’ meetings and branch A union
Sally Hunt has also said that it is
meetings to discuss the deal.
Involving the maximum number
“extremely unlikely” that UCU could of workers will be key to fighting to UK wide
win a “no detriment” committment
from UUK.
defend the scheme.
And they should demand that
activists’ day
But at every stage of this dispute the union does not throw away its school
we’ve been told demands like “status advantage by calling off future strikes
Saturday Includes sessions
quo” are unachievable, only to see unless the employers commit to no on: Organising a
28 April,
them backed by members. detriment. 12pm-5.30pm strike • Involving
That’s why we should now tell Sending the offer as it stands to the London casualised workers
• Using social media
UUK we want a committment to “no union’s members and telling them
detriment”. to “accept or reject” will present Hosted by UCU London region
If we don’t receive such a members with a false choice.

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