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Drill Bits

Roller Cone


Why Use Diamond Enhanced Products?

When drilling, it is crucial to keep the hole in gauge. The gauge Hole Diameter (Outer Most Part is Gauge Area)
is always the toughest part of a hole to drill for two reasons;
first, there is more rock to remove per revolution of the bit and,
secondly, the confinement stresses in the rock are at a maximum
at the gauge. The gauge of a bit is always wearing and in contact Diamond Enhanced Gauge Inserts
with the hole wall, whether it be from reaming undergauge hole,
washing and reaming between connections or drilling ahead. This
wear can cause an out-of-gauge hole. Security Row

In addition, gauge/surf wear may substantially increase rate of seal

wear and thus reduce bit life. Application types such as directional
Diamond Enhanced Surf Inserts (33%)
or horizontal drilling frequently utilize diamond enhancement; however,
any application type may benefit from use of diamond reinforcement.

Why Would You Use Diamond Enhanced Surf Inserts

You would first try an increase in wear-resistant carbide gauge
material, adding more gauge inserts or efficient, application specific Diamond Enhanced Shirttail Inserts

shapes which will decrease the wear at the gauge.

Secondly, you could also increase the surf insert counts or try a
Shirttail Inserts
dual surf row.
Thirdly, security rows are another way to help reduce gauge wear,
although they are probably the least effective of the three solutions
in preventing wear.
When these methods fail you would probably try some diamond
enhanced products. Keep in mind that these components add cost
to your products and are the last resort for solving this problem.
Which Diamond Enhanced Products Do
QH30DS with 33% DEI surf = Q30DS
You Try First?
You should try diamond enhanced surf inserts first. They come in QH30DS with 50% DEI surf = Q30D2S
three percentage amounts (33%, 50% and 100%). Keep in mind the
costs when choosing the percentage amounts. QH30DS with 100% DEI surf = Q30D3S

Then you would probably try diamond enhanced gauge inserts.

There are several shapes and sizes that your Application Design
Evaluation (ADESM) specialist could help you pick which is right for EXAMPLE OF HOW DIAMOND ENHANCED PRODUCTS CAN AFFECT BIT COST
your application. For gauge row application of diamond, percentage
applied is not varied - 100% concentration is always utilized. 8-1/2 EQH42R No Diamond Enhancement 1 x Base Cost
Diamond enhanced gauge inserts are very wear resistant, but are 8-1/2 EQH42DR With 33% DEI Surf 1.57 x Base Cost
more susceptible to chipping and impact than standard carbide
gauge inserts and should be run in more abrasive than hard rock 8-1/2 EQHD42DR With 33% DEI Surf and 100% DEI Gauge Rows 3.11 x Base Cost
applications. These can be used with or without diamond enhanced
8-1/2 EQHD42D3RD With 100% DEI Surf, Gauge Rows and Shirttail 5.45 x Base Cost
surf inserts. The latest generation of diamond enhanced gauge
inserts have proven to be much tougher than in the past.
Drill Bits

© 2009 Halliburton. All rights reserved. Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the contract
between Halliburton and the customer that is applicable to the sale. HO5698 9/09


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