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PROCEEDINGS, Twenty-Sixth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering

Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 29-31, 2001



Shaun D. Fitzgerald1, Andrew W. Woods1 & Alfred Truesdell2

1 2
BP Institute, University of Cambridge Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Madingley Rise Earth Sciences Division
Cambridge, CB3 0EZ, UK Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA
E-mail: E-mail:

ABSTRACT Variations in vertical permeability are particularly

important in the case of vapour-dominated reservoirs
We present a model of a geothermal system supplied which are overlain with liquid-dominated regions.
at depth by saturated steam. It is shown that as steam Ingebritsen & Sorey (1988) showed how the depth of
rises from depth to lower pressure regions, liquid the transition point between lower and higher
forms for pressures greater than 3.1 MPa. Once the permeability zones can effectively control the depth
pressure reaches 3.1MPa and the steam continues to at which a reservoir can change from a liquid- to
rise into even lower pressure regions, it becomes
vapour-dominated state.
superheated. Condensate does not form in the zone
where pressures are less than 3.1MPa. The concept of variations in vertical permeability
The formation of condensate in regions where the raises an interesting question regarding how such a
pressure is in excess of 3.1MPa may lead to contrast can actually form. It is widely accepted that
dissolution of the host rock. This in turn may lead to when geothermal reservoir liquids rise, cooling near
the formation of a higher permeability zone under a the surface can lead to precipitation of minerals such
lower permeability ‘cap rock’.
as silica (Henley et al., 1984); as the temperature of a
The depth of the transition point at which condensate liquid saturated in silica falls, silica will tend to
no longer forms appears to be primarily controlled by precipitate out. Precipitation is therefore considered
the pressure at the base of the reservoir. The to be a significant factor leading to the formation of
influence of the heat flux as an independent low permeability rocks over a geothermal reservoir.
parameter is shown to be relatively small. The depth
of the transition point appears to be constrained to In this paper we describe a further mechanism for the
formation of low permeability rock overlying a
This is an interesting result since the permeability in higher permeability zone. We build on the work of
many vapour-dominated geothermal reservoirs is Moore et al. (1998), who noted that mineral
believed to increase significantly at around this dissolution may arise due to the condensation of
depth. saturated steam at pressures greater than 3.1MPa, by
developing a model of the system and determining
INTRODUCTION the factors which determine the depth of the
Many geothermal reservoirs are considered to have a transition from a lower to a higher permeability rock.
low permeability cap rock overlying the bulk of the
reservoir itself (White, Muffler & Truesdell, 1971; ANALYSIS
Ingebritsen & Sorey; 1988). In general terms, the cap
Let us consider the steady state case in which the
rock is believed to be of sufficiently low permeability pressure P1 and enthalpy h1 are constant at some
to prevent the reservoir from being flooded by cold depth, and where (a) the pressure P1 is greater than
groundwater aquifers, but sufficiently permeable so
the pressure corresponding to the maximum enthalpy
as to allow some fluid to enter and some fluid to exit of saturated steam P*, (b) the fluid is at saturation
in the form of hot springs, mud pots, geysers and
conditions and (c) the pressure gradient in the two-
fumaroles (Grant, Donaldson & Bixley; 1982). The phase zone is less than hydro-(liquid) static but
permeability of the main reservoir rock however is greater than vapour-static. We now develop a
deemed to be significantly greater than the overlying
simplified steady state model in order to elucidate the
cap rock. Indeed, if this were not the case then it is processes involved in this system. For the purposes of
difficult to envisage how fluid contained within the our discussion we will consider a 1-D system such
reservoir actually flows to wells. The notion of a low
that there is no horizontal heat or mass transport and
permeability cap rock overlying a higher
where vertical advection of heat is significantly
permeability ‘reservoir rock’ is therefore a widely greater than vertical conductive heat transfer.
accepted concept.
As vapour rises from the base of the system and ∂
decompresses adiabatically ((i)-(ii), Fig. 1), the ( ml hl + mv hv ) = 0
specific enthalpy of vapour increases. Consequently, ∂y
a fraction of the vapour condenses and the liquid thus where h denotes the specific enthalpy.
formed falls under gravity back to the source. This
concept is in agreement with the notion that the The conservation of momentum is expressed in the
pressure gradient is sub-hydrostatic. The process of form of Darcy’s law. For simplicity, we use the
partial condensation continues until the rising vapour concept of relative permeability and assume that
reaches a pressure of 3.1MPa, the pressure P* relative permeability is proportional to saturation so
corresponding to the maximum enthalpy of steam h*. that
As vapour continues to rise into lower pressure K  ∂P 
regions, it retains enthalpy h* and becomes ml = − ρ l S  + ρ l g 
superheated, eventually venting from the surface as µl  ∂y 
superheated vapour with pressure ~1 bar and
enthalpy h*. and

mv = − ρ v
(1 − S ) ∂P + ρ v g 
µv  ∂y 
where ρ denotes density, K denotes permeability, S
denotes liquid saturation, P denotes pressure and g
denotes the acceleration due to gravity.

Finally, we assume that the properties of liquid and

vapour are constant within the two-phase zone, with
the exception of specific enthalpy. We approximate
the specific enthalpy of liquid in the form
hl = aP
where a is a constant. We approximate the specific
Figure 1. The pressure-enthalpy diagram for pure enthalpy of vapour within the two-phase zone in a
water. Within the two-phase zone similar fashion so that
saturated vapour ascends adiabatically hv = b − cP
[(i) to (ii)] and the specific enthalpy of where b and c are constants.
vapour increases. Consequently some of
the vapour condenses and the liquid so
formed descends under gravity. This Single-Phase Zone
process occurs until the vapour reaches
its maximum enthalpy at P* [(iii)]. Above For pressures less than 3.1MPa, the ascending vapour
no longer condenses and we therefore consider the
this point vapour ascends adiabatically to
lower pressure regions and becomes fluid to be single phase vapour. We may write the
superheated (dashed line). [The effect of conservation of mass as

dissolved gases such as CO2 is not
( mv ) = 0
considered in this diagram]. ∂y
We now develop a simple mathematical model to
Similarly, the conservation of enthalpy may be
determine how the depth of the two-phase to single
written as
phase transition point varies with heat flux and

pressure at depth. ( mv hv ) = h* ∂ ( mv ) = 0
∂y ∂y
Two-Phase Zone where the specific enthalpy of vapour remains
Under steady state conditions within the two phase constant at h*. Within the single phase zone, changes
zone we can write the conservation of mass as in density of the ‘fluid’ are governed by changes in

( ml + mv ) = 0
density of the superheated vapour, unlike the two-
phase zone where density changes were assumed to
∂y be dominated by changes in the saturation. We
where y denotes vertical direction, m denotes mass therefore assume that the density of vapour is
flux, suffix l denotes liquid and suffix v denotes proportional to the pressure so that we may write
vapour. We can also write the conservation of
enthalpy as
(1 − S ) ∂P + ρ v g 
P K gradient decreases at the transition point, and then
mv = − ρ v* gradually increases again as the superheated vapour
P* µv  ∂y  becomes less dense nearer the surface.
Let us now consider how the dynamics of the system
where * denotes conditions at the maximum enthalpy change as a function of the heat flux applied at depth.
of vapour. Finally, we note that the single phase and In figure 3 we show how the position of the transition
two-phase zones are coupled through the point from two-phase to single phase conditions
conservation of mass and enthalpy flux at the varies as a function of the heat flux supplied at depth.
transition point.
Heat Flux
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

We first non-dimensionalise the governing equations. 0.2

Transition Depth
We consider a geothermal system of depth D, with a
base pressure of Po, and therefore non-dimensionalise
depth y with respect to depth D so that 0.6
^ y
y= 0.8
and non-dimensionalise pressure P using the base
pressure Po so that
^ P Figure 3. Depth of transition point from two-phase to
P= single phase conditions.
We also non-dimensionlise the heat flux Q through In figure 3 single phase vapour overlies two-phase
the system based on the heat flux that would be conditions. Depth is non-dimensionlised based on a
transported through the system if vapour at maximum 1000m deep system, and heat flux is non-
specific enthalpy was driven up through the reservoir dimensionalised as before. It is found that the vertical
with the pressure gradient Po /D so that extent of the transition point increases slightly with
^ Qµ v D applied heat flux. The pressure gradient within the
Q= two-phase zone is by definition sub-hydrostatic,
ρ v KPo h * thereby allowing liquid to descend (while vapour
We first consider an example where a geothermal ascends). More convective heat flux can be
system of 1000m vertical extrent is supplied at depth accommodated through the two-phase zone if the
with saturated fluid at a pressure equal to the circulating mass flux increases. Hence, more heat can
hydrostatic pressure. In this case the pressure within be transported through the system if the pressure
the geothermal system decreases towards the surface gradient within the two-phase zone weakens to
as seen in figure 2. enable a higher mass flux of descending liquid

Condensation Rate
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.00005 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002


P actual 0.4 Q=0.3


P hydro Q=0.5
0.6 Q=0.8
Figure 2. Pressure as a function of depth. Example
shown is for geothermal system depth Figure 4. Rate of condensation as a function of depth
1000m, base pressure = hydrostatic for dimensionless heat fluxes of 0.3, 0.5
pressure + atmospheric and and 0.8. Condensation rates are
dimensionless heat flux = 0.5 expressed in the form d/dy(mlµ lD/Kρ lPo)

The pressure gradient within the two-phase zone is Within the two-phase zone, liquid condensate is
sub-hydrostatic so that the condensate which forms formed as vapour ascends. Since the circulating mass
descends to the base of the system. The pressure flux increases with heat flux, we find that the rates of
condensation within the two-phase zone increase dissolution/no dissolution if the during the genesis of
with applied heat flux. This is shown in figure 4, the reservoir, pressure was approximately hydrostatic
where we show how the rate of formation of liquid at a depth > 500m. Such a concept is reasonable since
(condensation rate) varies with depth for 3 different geothermal systems are invariably supplied by
heat fluxes for the case in which the base pressure is meteoric water such that the pressure at the lateral
hydrostatic pressure + atmospheric, and in which the extents of the system is close to hydro-static. We can
system is 1000m deep. The height at which therefore conclude that this process could have been
condensation ceases increases slightly with applied responsible for the formation of the permeability
heat flux, in accordance with the observations of contrasts which we see today (Ingebritsen and Sorey,
figure 3. 1988).
Future work will examine the dissolution process in
Finally, we note that the condensation within the two- more detail, and investigate how the system evolves
phase zone can lead to dissolution of minerals such as when minerals are precipitated when any condensate
silica and calcite. The dissolution of the minerals in re-boils at the base of the geothermal system.
the two-phase zone could therefore lead to an
increase in permeability relative to the overlying rock REFERENCES
containing superheated vapour. It is conceivable that
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illustrated schematically in figure 5. measurements in geothermal wells”, Proc. N.Z.
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Initial value Permeability Grant, M.A., Donaldson, I.G. & Bixley, P.F. (1982),
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Figure 5. Schema of the potential evolution of the R.D., Norman, D.I. (1988), “The Fluid Inclusion and
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CONCLUSIONS Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 23.
There are a number of geothermal reservoirs around Ramey, H.J., Jr. (1968), “A reservoir engineering
the world which exhibit a permeability contrast at or study of The Geysers geothermal field”, Submitted as
around a depth (below water table) of 300-500m. evidence, Reich & Reich, petitioners v.
Examples include The Geysers in California (Ramey, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1969 Tax Court
1968), Larderello in Italy and Kawah Kamojang of the United States, 52, T.C. No. 74.
(Dench, 1980) in Indonesia. Ramey (1968) described White, D.E., Muffler, L.J.P. & Truesdell, A.H.
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permeability “cap” rock overlying the productive part compared with hot-water systems”, Econ. Geol. 66,
of the reservoir. The depth of the transition point is 75-97.
extremely similar to the depth for

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