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CIRTL Learning Outcomes Matrix

As the Delta Certificate is the capstone to your experience with the Delta program, we
believe it is important to reflect on the experiences that led to the Delta Certificate. In an
effort to maintain fidelity with our parent organization CIRTL, we have aligned the Delta
learning outcomes with the CIRTL learning outcomes. Therefore it is important that you
include the following matrix in your teaching and learning portfolio to demonstrate the
accomplishment of the Learning Outcomes.

Please fill-out and include the following matrix in your portfolio. There are few examples
indicated in italics, please create your own.

Associate Level
Teaching –As-Research
Associates can do the following: How this outcome was met :

Describe how to access the literature and existing knowledge about Accessing literature was a component of the Delta internship
teaching and learning issues, in a discipline or more broadly. (Artifact #6). Existing knowledge about teaching and learning
issues was a large component of College Science Teaching,
the course WISCIENCE Scientific Teaching Fellows take in the
Define and recognize the value of the Teaching-as-Research Defining and recognizing the value of the TAR process was
process, and how it can be used for ongoing enhancement of done in the Delta Internship project (Artifact #6).

Describe a ‘‘full-inquiry’’ cycle. The “full-inquiry” cycle was addressed both during the Delta
Internship seminar and in College Science Teaching.

Describe how the integration of Evidence-Based Teaching, Learning The integration of evidence-based teaching, learning
Communities and Learning-through-Diversity within Teaching-as- communities and learning-through-divesrsity was
Research can be integrated to implement and advance effective emphasized in the Delta internship project (Artifact #6) and
teaching practices for diverse learners. will be in the poster as well (Artifact #7).

Evidence-Based Teaching How this outcome was met :

Describe and recognize the value of realistic well-defined, Describing and recognizing the value of well-defined and
achievable, measurable and student-centered learning goals. measurable learning goals was addressed very heavily in
College Science Teaching, as well as the Internship Seminar,
sessions at the 2017 Teaching and Learning Symposium, the
CIRTL Biology Lab course I took and the EPIC learning
Describe several known high-impact, evidence-based effective Evidence-based practices and their alignment was covered in
instructional practices and materials and recognize their alignment College Science Teaching and put to practice in Exploring
with particular types of learning goals. Biology in the fall.

Describe several assessment techniques and recognize their Assessment techniques and alignment were discussed in
alignment with particular types of learning goals. College Science Teaching, EPIC learning community and the
CIRTL Biology lab course. The internship seminar also
covered this.
Learning Communities
Associates can do the following: How this outcome was met :

Describe and recognize the value of learning communities, and Recognizing the value of learning communities and
how they impact student learning. understanding how they impact student learning was by
participating in the EPIC learning community, as well as the
internship seminar.
Describe several techniques for creating a LC within a learning We discussed several techniques for creating a learning
environment, including strategies that promote positive community in College Science Teaching, as well as in the EPIC
interdependence between learners so as to accomplish learning learning community, and the facilitation seminar put on by
goals. Delta and WISCIENCE.
Describe several techniques and issues of establishing LCs Facilitating learning communities amongst a diverse group of
comprising a diverse group of learners. learners was covered in College Science Teaching, as well as
in the EPIC learning community.
Recognize the value of and participate in local professionally This was emphasized in the internship, where we were
focused learning communities associated with teaching and required to participate in a CIRTL event. We have also been
learning. encouraged in any WISCIENCE, CIRTL or Delta event or
course to participate in other events related to teaching and
Learning through Diversity
Associates can do the following: How this outcome was met:

Describe the scope of diversity in learning environments, of both The scope of diversity in learning environments was
students and instructor. Including but not limited to backgrounds, addressed in the multiple diversity workshops I have
race, gender, ability, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender participated in, both offered through WISCIENCE and Delta.
preference, and cognitive skills. This is also found in Artifact #9, the TA Training lesson plan.
Describe the impact of diversity on student learning, in particular The impact of student diversity on learning was emphasized
how diversity can enhance learning, and how inequities can in multiple diversity workshops, as well as College Science
negatively impact learning if not addressed. Teaching and the EPIC learning community. This is also
addressed in Artifact #8, the lesson plan for Int Sciences 230,
as well as Artifact #9, the TA Training lesson plan.
Describe how an instructor’s beliefs and biases can influence An instructor’s beliefs and biases were discussed in College
student learning. Science Teaching and the diversity workshops I’ve
participated in. This is also found in Artifact #9, the TA
Training lesson plan.
Describe and recognize the value of drawing on diversity in the Diversity in the development of teaching plans was
development of teaching plans (including content, teaching emphasized in College Science Teaching and the diversity
practices and assessments) to foster learning. workshops I’ve participated in, especially one handout in
particular with different inclusive teaching strategies one can
implement in the classroom. This is also found in Artifact #9,
the TA Training lesson plan.
Describe several learning-through-diversity (LtD) techniques and Learning-through-diversity strategies were discussed and
strategies. highlighted in the Delta Internship seminar.
Practitioner Level

Teaching –As-Research How this outcome was met in the Delta Certificate:
Practitioners can do the following:

Develop and execute a Teaching-as-Research plan for a limited Developing and executing a TAR plan was met through
teaching and learning project Artifact #6 and #7, which are examples of my Delta
 Find and critically consider the literature and existing internship project.
knowledge associated with the teaching and learning
 Create realistic well-defined, achievable, measurable
and student-centered learning goals for the teaching
and learning project.
 Find or develop assessment (measurement) tool(s) that
are aligned with the learning goals of the teaching and
learning project.
 Develop a teaching plan (a hypothesis) to accomplish
learning goals.
 Implement the teaching plan and collect some data
regarding achievement of learning goals.
 Analyze the data and draw evidence-based conclusions
about the impact on student learning.
 Complete a full-inquiry cycle for the teaching and
learning project by using findings to suggest
improvements to the above actions
Show the integration of Evidence-Based Teaching, Learning Integrating the three pillars of Delta to accomplish learning
Communities and Learning-through-Diversity to accomplish goals was accomplished by the Internship seminar and our
learning goals. resulting internship projects (Artifact #6 and #7), the
WISCIENCE Teaching Fellows Program and in the reflections
on both (Artifact #6 and Artifact #10).

Evidence -Based Teaching How this outcome was met in the Delta Certificate:
Practitioners can do the following:

Access the literature and existing knowledge to develop a deeper This was done in College Science Teaching, Writing Across
understanding of existing evidence-based knowledge concerning the Curriculum, and the Delta Internship.
high-impact, evidence-based teaching practices.

Integrate one or more evidence-based teaching strategies into a Developing our own lesson plan using evidence-based
teaching plan so as to accomplish learning goals. teaching strategies is one of the outcomes of WISCIENCE
Scientific Teaching Fellows while teaching Exploring Biology
(Artifacts #1 & 2).
Implement one or more evidence-based teaching strategies for Implementing evidence-based teaching strategies is one of
students in a learning experience. the outcomes of the WISCIENCE Scientific Teaching Fellows
(Artifacts #1 & 2).

The Delta Certificate Candidate Guidebook 1

Learning Communities
Practitioners can do the following: How this outcome was met in the Delta Certificate:

Access the literature and existing knowledge to develop a deeper Understanding the importance and knowledge about LCs was
understanding of the knowledge concerning LCs and their impact part of the Delta internship.
on student learning.
Integrate one or more LC strategies into a teaching plan so as to Integrating collaborative learning into a teaching plan was
accomplish learning goals and learning-through- done while teaching Exploring Biology with the WISCIENCE
diversity. Scientific Teaching Fellows (Artifacts #1 & 2).

Implement one or more LC strategies for students in a learning Implementing collaborative learning strategies for students
experience. was a main part of Exploring Biology with the WISCIENCE
Scientific Teaching Fellows (Artifacts #1 & 2).

Contribute to local professionally-focused learning communities Contributing to professionally-focused learning communities

associated with teaching and learning. on teaching and learning was done through various Delta,
CIRTL and WISCIENCE workshops and classes.

Learning through Diversity

Practitioners can do the following: How this outcome was met in the Delta Certificate:

Access the literature and existing knowledge to develop a deeper Understanding diversity and its impact on learning is a
understanding of diversity and its impact on accomplishing central component of my Delta Internship project (Artifact #6
learning goals. and #7).

Examine and describe own beliefs and biases, including how they Examining and describing our own beliefs and biases was an
may influence their students’ learning. activity in both of the diversity workshops I participated in
with WISCIENCE and Delta, as well as Artifact #9, the TA
Training lesson plan.
Determine the diverse backgrounds among a group of students, Understanding the challenges of increasing diversity in STEM
and consider the opportunities and challenges of the findings on and testing a way to increase diversity is a central
each student’s learning. component of my Delta Internship project.

Create a teaching plan that incorporates content and teaching Creating a lesson plan to incorporate diverse content and
practices responsive to the students’ backgrounds. teaching practices to make a more inclusive classroom was
done through Exploring Biology and the WISCIENCE Scientific
Teaching Fellows (Artifacts #1 & 2).

Integrate one or more LtD techniques and strategies in a Integrating learning-through-diversity techniques and
teaching plan so as to use students’ diversity to enhance the strategies was completed through my Delta internship
learning of all. project (Artifacts #6 & 7) as well as through Exploring Biology
and the WISCIENCE Teaching Fellows (Artifacts #1 & 2).

Implement one or more LtD strategies in a teaching experience. Implementing learning-through-diversity strategies was
completed through my Delta internship project (Artifacts #6
& 7) as well as through Exploring Biology and the WISCIENCE
Teaching Fellows (Artifacts #1 & 2).

The Delta Certificate Candidate Guidebook 2

The Delta Certificate Candidate Guidebook 3

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