Secutec Binder Ds Uk

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Product No. 01.04


Secutec Binder is a specially developed binder with It is very important to make test mixes of the reci-
extreme density and very high compres-sive pes given, before starting to make the final mix for
strength compared to traditional cementi-tous bind- a relevant purpose, since a lot of different pa-
ers. Secutec Binder is combining the latest ce- ramethers influence the workability and properties
ment / microparticle and fibre tech-nology with a of the final material. It is advisable to arrange trial
special union of admixtures which enables mortars, mixes using Secutec standard aggregates to com-
grouts and concrete based on this binder to pare the workability and properties of these mixes
achieve properties way beyond the possibilities of with the mixes using local aggregates.
traditional cemen-titous materials.
Depending on the wanted workability and pro-
Secutec Binder is used as the binder compo-nent perties of the final mix an amount of 20 - 40% of
for producing Secutec mortars and con-crete to be Secutec Binder is needed for mixing a ultra High
used in connection with safes, bank vaults and mili- strength mortar, grout or concrete. The amount of
tary defence barriers as well as industrial castables fibres and main reinforcement to be incorporated
for wear lining and wear protection. Secutec Binder depends very much on the purpose for which the
has an extremely high compressive strength and a final mix has to be used.
very high ductility due to the fibre and main rein-
forcing. CASTING
Secutec Binder contains polypropylen fibres and is
perfectly suited for both main reinforce-ment like Secutec mortar or concrete is always placed
steelbars and wire mesh as well as steel fibre rein- ussing strong vibration equipment. A optimum vi-
forcement. Incorporated fibre and main reinforce- bration and compaction of the mortar is reached at
ment dramatically increases the ductility of the final 50 Hz vibration frequency.
Secutec Binder and aggregates must be mixed in
Before preparing your own mixes, based on Se- an efficient pan-type mixer to achieve the expected
cutec Binder, it is very important that the quality of results. The size of the mixer and the strength of
your local aggregates is tested together with spe- the engine driving the mixer must be at least 50 %
cialists in this field. It is necessary to follow our ad- stronger than when mixing traditional concrete
vice strictly to achieve the expected properties. mixes due to the extreme inner coherence of the
Based on your local aggregates we will be happy final mix. Alternatively the amount to be mixed
to make the first trial mixes to investi-gate the pos- must be adjusted to 50% of the usual mixes. Se-
sibilities. A range of standard recipes using Se- cutec Binder is mixed together with the aggregates
cutec standard aggregates for various uses can be and water in 4 minutes before adding the steelfi-
achieved from our local distributor or directly from bres to the mix. After adding the steelfibres another
our office 3 minutes is mixed.

CONTEC APS - Axel Kiers vej 30 - 8270 Højbjerg -

Tlf. +45 86 721 722 - Fax. +45 86 721 723 - e-mail:

Product No. 01.04


Secutec Binder is supplied in: The following properties are typical when using
Secutec Binder in combination with Secutec stan-
25 kg bags on pallets of 1000 kg, net weight. dard aggregates and fibres.

1000 kg Big Bags, net weight on 1 pallet. Compressive strength:

24 hours: 45 - 85 N/mm²
Bulk delivery in silo trucks or ship. (6525-12325 PSI)
3 days:100 - 150 N/mm²
STORAGE (14500-21750PSI)
7 days:110 - 180 N/mm²
Bags of Secutec powder must be stored on pallets (15950-26100 PSI)
in dry conditions. Under these condi-tions the shelf 28 days:150 - 230 N/mm²
life is min. 6-12 months. (21750-33350 PSI)

Flexural strength:
HEALTH AND SAFETY 28 days: 20 - 50 N/mm² (2900-7250 PSI)
Secutec Binders are non-toxic and safe to use.
However powder in contact with water or moisture,
At 20ºC: 4 - 8 hours.
produces a strong alkaline solution. Protective
gloves, clothing and a dust mask should be worn
when mixing and applying the material. Security as Wear resistance:
for traditional cement. DIN 52108: 1 - 4 cm³ / 50 cm²

Water permeability:
Extremely low compared to very high quality mortar
or concrete.

CONTEC APS - Axel Kiers vej 30 - 8270 Højbjerg -

Tlf. +45 86 721 722 - Fax. +45 86 721 723 - e-mail:

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