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Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 1

Global Classroom Module Lesson Plans

EDTC 645

Dr. LeAnn Derby

November 7, 2017
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 2


Incorporating global learning into classrooms and teaching instruction has become

increasingly important. In order for students to truly become 21st century learners they need to

be able to understand and connect to students around the globe. This will give them a global

perspective and learn about other cultures different from their own. Many students do not get to

have global experiences and can only learn based on what they have around them. These two

lessons give the students in Israel and Bethesda, Maryland in the United States the opportunity to

explore other cultures. They will first be learning about themselves and their own family culture.

They will then get the opportunity to connect and learn about students in Israel and their cultures.

These two lessons will help to broaden their learning experiences.

Pre-Planning Template- Instructor Approved (Revisions noted at the end)


Students will be exploring their own culture and comparing it to different cultures. They will

learn about cultures of their classmates as well as cultures of students across the globe in Israel.

Background concerning the school and the group you are working with:

● 23 second grade students at Bannockburn Elementary School which is located in

Bethesda, Maryland.

● The area is very high socioeconomically. Racially, the school is not very diverse however

we are very internationally diverse.


● 48.5% Female

● 51.5% Male

● <5% American Indian or Alaskan Native

Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 3

● 11.7% Asian

● <5% Black or African American

● 8.8% Hispanic/Latino

● <5% Pacific Islander

● 67.8% White

● 8.1% 2 or more races

● 6.8% ESOL

● <5% FARMS

● 7.7% Special Education

Bannockburn Elementary School is a public school that operates within Montgomery County

Public Schools

Time frame:

Over a six-week period divided into two units of three weeks each.

Subject And Grade level:

Second Grade (Social Studies)

Proposed Topic and Rationale:

This project will allow students to take a deeper look into their own culture and compare the

similarities and differences to their peers. They will then get to compare their cultures to those of

the students in the partnering classroom in Israel. In the first three weeks, students in both classes

will first need to learn about culture in general and then they will get a chance to research their

own culture at home to share at school. They will create a Google Slides presentation that shares

the information they learned about their own culture. They will present this to their own

Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 4

In the next three weeks, students will create a ScreenCast which will present their Google Slides

presentation. Both classes will post their ScreenCasts on the same site. They will be able to

comment on each other’s posts.

At the end of the six weeks, the two classes will hold a Skype session, (first thing in the morning

for our class and end of the day for the Israel class) to discuss similarities and differences they

saw. This will allow them the opportunity to ask any additional questions that they didn’t say in

the comments. They will use their information gained from the other class to write a letter to

each other.

By the end of this project, both classes will have a sense of culture and global awareness of the

US and Israeli cultures.

Global Network You Plan to Use: Global Schoolnet

Key Challenges:

Challenge #1: There is a huge variety in reading abilities in the classroom- Below benchmark,

on benchmark, and above benchmark

Solution: When students are looking at the Google Slide Presentation, I will partner the on and

high readers with lower readers to make sure there is nothing they do not understand. Including

the ScreenCast with the voiceover will benefit these students greatly.

Challenge #2: Other class may not be English Proficient

Solution: The partnering class may not be English Proficient which may cause some confusion

when students are reading and looking at their presentations. Again, I believe that having

students do a voiceover for their presentation will help as well as including pictures to aid in

their explanations.
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 5

Prior Knowledge:

● Knowledge and understanding of the word culture

● Knowledge of their own culture

● Knowledge of using Google Slides

The first week will be very much focused on understanding the word culture and what that

means to them. They will be doing a lot of discussing with their families at home and I will be

conducting formative assessments before delving deeper into the project to make sure students

really understand what culture means and creating their presentations.

Content Standards:

People of the Nation and the World (Social Studies)

2.2.A.1 Analyze elements of two different cultures and how each meets their human needs and

contributes to the community.

● Explain ways people of different ages and/or cultural backgrounds can respect and help to pass

on traditions and customs.

2.2.B.1 Explain that individuals and groups share and borrow from other cultures to form a


● Give examples of how families in the community share and borrow customs and traditions

from other cultures.

ISTE Student Standards (2016):

Digital Citizenship:

2.a – Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the

permanence of their actions in the digital world.

Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 6

2.b- Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology,

including social interactions online or when using networked devices.

Creative Communicator:

6d- Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their

intended audiences.

Global Collaborator:

7a- Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and

cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.

Pre-Lesson Steps:

● Brainstorm project ideas to meet standards and objectives

● Determine technology and materials that will be needed to complete the project

● Connect with a global educator that would be willing to collaborate on the global project

with similar standards

● Create lesson plans collaboratively with the global educator partner and come up with a

schedule for implementation

● Make sure we agree on a similar rubric to assess the students success

Technology Use:

Students will take or upload photographs or videos of their artifacts to describe their culture.

Cameras will be provided at school if they do not have one at home.

Students will use Google Slides to paste their photos/videos into a presentation. Students will

add descriptions as well as any captions or labels to their presentation.

Students will record a ScreenCast of their presentation.

Teachers from both classes will upload their students’ presentations to the Global SchoolNet site.
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 7

Students will be able to comment and ask questions through the site.

Students will have the opportunity to Skype/Google Hangouts to discuss with the partnering


Essential Question (s):

● How do people develop, borrow, and share customs and traditions?

● How is your community shaped by people from different cultures?

● What is culture?

Differentiated Instruction:

For lower level students, I will have a pre-made Google Slides presentation template that they

just need to paste their pictures. I will include sentence starters for them to help write their

descriptions. For higher students who finish early, I will allow them to partner with a student

from the other classroom to write a paper describing how their cultures are the same and


Starting Activity for Module:

To get students interested in this project, I will first show them a video that discusses what

culture is and looks like.


I will then ask them to describe what they think culture means to them. The teacher in the

partnering classroom in Israel and I will create an introductory video introducing ourselves and

discussing the project. I will show them the other teacher’s video and show them where they are

on the map. I will tell them that we will be teaching them about our culture here and learning

about theirs in their Israel and how it might be the same or different. I will ask students if they

have any questions.

Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 8

Lesson Plans:

Summary of Two Lesson Plans:

Lesson #1: Lesson one will be taught during the first three weeks of the project. Students will be

given a homework assignment to return prior to this lesson that will have them discuss their

culture with their family and bring in pictures. Students will be creating their Google Slides

presentation that demonstrates what they learned about their culture.

Lesson #2: This lesson will occur within the second three weeks of this project. Students will

upload their Screencasts and start commenting and questioning on the other class’ presentation.

They will start taking notes on what they find the same and different using an organizer.

Summative Assessment:

When the project is completed, students from each class will write a letter to each other. They

will include things they learned about the culture that was the same and different.

Revisions Made to Pre-Planning Template:

Based on the feedback I received on my Pre-Planning Template, I made a few changes. First I

made sure to include Israel as my specific country I would be connecting with. In the original

template I was not sure if we were using the one we used for the Country Synthesis. I also

changed the NETS standards title to ISTE 2016 Standards. I added the essential question: what is

culture to better align my questions to my lesson plans.

Unit# 1
Lesson Title: What is Culture? What is My Culture?

Grade 2nd Grade Social Studies

Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 9

Length of Unit: Five 45 minute blocks

Standards People of the Nation and the World (Social Studies)

Addressed 2.2.A.1 Analyze elements of two different cultures and how each meets
their human needs and contributes to the community.
● Explain ways people of different ages and/or cultural backgrounds can
respect and help to pass on traditions and customs.
2.2.B.1 Explain that individuals and groups share and borrow from other
cultures to form a community.
● Give examples of how families in the community share and borrow
customs and traditions from other cultures.

Lesson Day 1:
Procedures: Students will be on the carpet sitting in their carpet square.The teacher
will tell students that they will be starting a project discussing culture.
Students will be given a few minutes to think about what they know
about culture and talk to an elbow partner. As a class, the teacher will
pull up a KWL chart on the Promethean Board. Students will discuss
what they know about culture, and what they want to know about culture.
Students will use clipboards and will be filling out their own KWL chart
as the teacher is filling it out on the board.

Next, the teacher will show the Discovery Education video called, How
Customs and Heritage Shape Communities (100 % Educational Videos,
2005). Students will have the opportunity to take notes on what they’ve
learned as they are watching the video. The teacher will then demonstrate
how to get to Britannica School Elementary article on culture. The article
link will be pushed out through the Google Classroom. Students will go
back to their seats to read the article on their Chromebook and will fill
out more of the KWL.

Students will come back to the carpet and share things they wrote down
on the L part of the KWL. The teacher will write things down on the
Promethean Board class KWL. The teacher will check the KWL
worksheets to monitor student understanding.

Day 2:
The teacher will review the definition of culture with students by taking a
look at the KWL from the previous day. The teacher will then introduce
the project to the students describing that they will first be preparing a
presentation to share about their own culture, and then they will get to
interact and learn about the cultures of students from a class in Israel.
The teacher will then show the premade introductory video of the teacher
from Israel. The teacher will then answer any questions students may
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 10

have about the project.

The teacher will then have students get into groups. They will be reading
The World of Bread by Patricia West on their Chromebooks. The teacher
will have students discuss in their group why they think the book was
chosen in relation to their discussion on culture. The students will come
to the carpet to discuss as a class. The teacher will then show the
Discovery Education video Bread Traditions. This video demonstrates a
Native American woman making blue cornmeal bread as a passed down
tradition. After the video is shown and they participate in a class
discussion, the teacher will explain the homework assignment to
students, My Culture Project. Students will ask a family member, (face-
face, phone, email, text) the questions on their homework assignment.
They will ask other questions they may have to learn more about their
own culture. Students may also bring in any artifacts they feel will
represent their culture.

Day 3:
Students will be at the carpet while the teacher is describing the Google
Slides Presentation. The teacher will demonstrate how they could create
a presentation based on the artifacts brought in as well as the Culture
Homework assignment. The rest of the time will be given for students to
start working on their Google Slides presentation on their Chromebooks
as the teacher walks around to monitor. If students brought in artifacts,
the teacher will assist them in taking pictures so they can upload them
into the presentation. Students also have the option to use Google Draw
or Insert Image to include pictures for their presentation. The teacher will
be monitoring and supporting students as needed.

Day 4:
Students will have another day to work on their Google Slides
Presentation. The teacher will call students one by one to support them as
they create their Screencast. Students will be finishing up any last
touches they want to make on their presentations. Students who need
more time will be able to record their ScreenCasts the next day or the
following week.

Day 5:
Presentation Day-
Students will present their ScreenCast Google Slides Presentation to the
Class. The rest of the class will be able to give compliments or make
connections by stating a comment. The teacher will then lead a class
discussion about what students noticed that was the same and different
between all of the cultures.
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 11

Resources: ● How Customs and Heritage Shape Communities
● KWL charts
● Britannica Elementary School article, Culture (2017).
● The World of Bread by Patricia West- https://mymcps-
● My Culture Homework

Technology and ● Class set of Chromebooks

Internet Based ● Promethean Board for teacher display
Needs: ● Google Classroom
● Camera
● Google Slides-Google Draw
● ScreenCast-video access on Chromebooks

Assessment with Students will be assessed on the information provided on their Google
rubric: Slide Presentation.

Grade: Criteria for Google Slides Presentation

A Google Slides Presentation included 6 aspects of student’s

culture. Presentation included 6 or more pictures (Google
Draw, uploaded pictures of artifacts, or properly cited
pictures from Insert Image-Search). Presentation included
detailed information on how the artifacts or traditions were
passed down.

B Google Slides Presentation included 4-5 aspects of student’s

culture. Presentation included 4-5 pictures (Google Draw,
uploaded pictures of artifacts, or properly cited pictures from
Insert Image-Search). Presentation included some
information how the artifact or tradition was passed down.

C Google Slides Presentation included 3 aspects of student’s

culture. Presentation included 3 pictures (Google Draw,
uploaded pictures of artifacts, or properly cited pictures from
Insert Image-Search). Presentation included little
information on how the artifacts or traditions were passed

D Google Slides Presentation included 1-2 aspects of student’s

culture. Presentation included 1-2 pictures (Google Draw,
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 12

uploaded pictures of artifacts, or properly cited pictures from

Insert Image-Search). Presentation did not include how the
artifacts or traditions were passed down.

Unit# 2
Lesson Title: My Culture and Your Culture

Grade 2nd Grade Social Studies


Length of Unit: Five 45 minute blocks

Standards People of the Nation and the World (Social Studies)

Addressed 2.2.A.1 Analyze elements of two different cultures and how each meets
their human needs and contributes to the community.
● Explain ways people of different ages and/or cultural backgrounds can
respect and help to pass on traditions and customs.
2.2.B.1 Explain that individuals and groups share and borrow from other
cultures to form a community.
● Give examples of how families in the community share and borrow
customs and traditions from other cultures.

Lesson Days 1 and 2

Procedures: Students will be sitting on the carpet. The teacher will lead a discussion
on the Google Slides Presentations. The teacher will model filling out a
Venn Diagram with the class. They will discuss their presentations in
depth and decide what was similar between all of them and what was
different. The teacher will fill out the Venn Diagram on the Board as a

*Before this lesson, teachers from both classes will have uploaded the
ScreenCast presentations onto the Global SchoolNet website.*

Teachers will model how to access the Global SchoolNet Website to

view the other class’ presentation. They will watch one together as a
class and discuss what was similar and different.

Students will then go back to their seats with their Chromebooks.

Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 13

Students will take the rest of the class period and the next class period to
listen to the class presentations from the Israeli class (the Israeli class
will listen to the presentations from our classroom). As students are
listening, they are going to be filling out their own Venn Diagram. They
will be comparing what they learned about their own culture to the
students in Israel and what they presented on their culture.

Days 3 and 4
Teachers will be in communication and partner up their students. The
teachers in each classroom will assign each person a specific student
from the partnering class. This will be the student’s presentation they
focus on.

After learning which student is their partner across the globe, the class
will brainstorm questions they may have. Through the website and on the
SchoolNet website, they will be able to post questions and answer
questions that were posted to them by the other class. This will take a
few days because of the time difference to get the correspondence

Day 5:
The teacher will show the BrainPop Jr. Video on writing a friendly letter.
The teacher will model how to write a friendly letter to the other teacher
in the Israeli class.. They will explain the criteria for success which is to
include something they found was the same about their culture and
something that was different. They will be using their Venn Diagrams
and their communication with the student from the other class to help
write their letter. They will ask any last minute questions they have for
the student in their letter. Students will be typing this on Google Docs.
The teachers will push the assignment out on Google Classroom.

Resources: ● Venn Diagrams

● BrainPopJr -
● Google Docs- through Google Classroom

Technology and ● Global Classroom Network- Global Schoolnet

Internet Based
Needs: ● Promethean Board for teacher display
● Chromebooks and headphones

Assessment with Students will be assessed on the information provided in their Friendly
rubric: Letter and their ability to compare and contrast their culture to the Israeli
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 14

Grade: Criteria for Comparing Cultures Letter

A Friendly Letter included 2 or more aspects of the Israeli

culture and United States culture that were the same.
Friendly Letter included 2 or more aspects of the Israeli
culture and United States Culture that were different.
Friendly Letter included 1 thing they learned or thought
was interesting about the Israeli culture.

B Friendly Letter included 1 aspect of the Israeli culture

and United States culture that was the same. Friendly
Letter included 1 aspect of the Israeli culture and
United States Culture that was different. Friendly Letter
included 1 thing they learned or thought was interesting
about the Israeli culture.

C Friendly Letter included 1 aspect of the Israeli culture

and United States culture that was the same. Friendly
Letter included 1 aspect of the Israeli culture and
United States Culture that was different. Friendly Letter
did not include something they learned or thought was
interesting about the Israeli culture.

D Friendly Letter included 1 aspect of the Israeli culture

and United States culture that was the same or different.
Friendly Letter did not include something they learned
or thought was interesting about the Israeli culture.
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 15


KWL Chart

My Culture HW
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 16
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Venn Diagram Handout

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100% Educational Videos, 2005. How Customs and Heritage Shape Communities. [Full Video].
Kershner Global Classroom Lesson Plans 19

Available from

BrainPopJr. (2017). Sending a Letter. Retrieved from

Culture. (2017). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from

RRKidz, 1996. Bread Traditions. [Video Segment]. Available from

The National Educational Technology Standards for Students. International Society for

Technology in Education Standards. (2016). Retrieved from

West, P. (n.d.). The World of Bread. [PDF file]. Retrieved from



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