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Continuing education self-assessment quiz:

Risk factors for dental caries in the five-year-old South
Australian population
The scientific article by Slade et al. on page 130 of this issue explores the risk factors influencing dental caries prevalence
in five-year-old South Australian children. Test your knowledge here by first reading the article entitled: Risk factors for dental
caries in the five-year-old South Australian population, answer the following questions and then forward the completed
questionnaire to the Australian Dental Journal Office and we will let you know how you scored. Please place a tick in the
box alongside the option that you think provides the best answer to each question. Some questions may have more than
one correct answer. The Editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Q1. Which of the following aspects of dental caries contributed to the case definition used in this study?
A. precavitated lesions
B. enamel hypoplasia
C. cavitated lesions
D. filled teeth
E. missing teeth

Q2. What was the estimated prevalence of caries in the study population?
A. 25.0%
B. 37.8%
C. 40.2%
D. 64.6%
E. none of the above

Q3. Delayed initiation of tooth cleaning was a statistically significant risk factor for dental caries
among which subgroup?
A. children living in households with income of <$31 200 per annum
B. children with caries
C. children who slept with a bottle containing sweet drink
D. children living in Adelaide
E. none of the above

Q4. Which of the following was a statistically significant risk factor for dental caries in this population?
A. child’s sex
B. regular consumption of sweet drinks before the age of 6 months
C. initiation of toothpaste usage after the age of 24 months
D. low birth weight
E. none of the above

Q5. In this study, socio-economic inequalities in caries were accounted for by:
A. behavioural risk factors
B. low birth weight
C. parent’s self-rated oral health
D. levels of Streptococcus Mutans
E. none of the above

Name: ...........................................................................................................................

Address: ..................................................................................................Postcode............

Email: ............................................................................................................................

Mail answers to: The Editor, Australian Dental Journal, PO Box 520, St Leonards NSW 1590.

202 Australian Dental Journal 2006;51:2.

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