Edtc 610 Kershnerwebbasedunit

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Kershner Web Based Unit Overview

Website Link: http://sarahdkershner.wixsite.com/kershner-science

Grade 2 Students - Will be done all online, however in a classroom setting because of the
grade level these students are in

Project Description:
Students are going to become astronomers and conduct research to find out information about
the Sun, Moon, and the Stars. They will be working with a partner during center rotations to
complete the three modules. By the end of these modules, the pairs will create a Presentation /
Powtoon animation that demonstrates their understanding of the observable properties of the
sun, moon, and stars as well as their understanding of their movement.

Content Standards:
Writing: With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and
publish writing, including in collaboration with peers
Earth Space Science: Observe and describe changes over time in the properties, location, and
motion of celestial objects

ISTE Technology Standards:

ISTE Standard 1: Creativity and innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products
and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
ISTE Standard 2: Communication and collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media.

Identify and record observable properties of the sun, moon and stars
Observe and record changes in the location of the sun and moon in the sky over time.

Introduction Module:
Initial post due by Tuesday, Comments due by Thursday
By the end of this module, students will be able to demonstrate their background knowledge
about the sun, moon, and stars
1. Students will complete a Google Classroom posting in order to write about what
background knowledge they have about the celestial objects.
2. Students will comment on their peers postings.

Module 1:
T-chart completed by Monday, Pixies turned in by Wednesday
By the end of this module, students will be able to compare physical features of the moon and
the Earth.
1. Students will review physical features of the Earth learned previously by watching Brain
Pop Jr. video on landforms
2. Students will complete T-chart Physical Features of Earth vs. Moon in Google Doc with
3. Students watch short video clip explaining physical features of the moon. They can go
back and add information to their T-Chart.
4. Students will create a Pixie drawing to demonstrate their understanding of physical
features of the moon versus the Earth. They will submit it to Google Drive.
Brain Pop Jr. video on Landforms:
Discovery Education Video: https://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/videos/3d1171e4-ea19-

Module 2:
Initial posting due Thursday, Comments due Friday
By the end of this module, students will be able to describe observable properties of star and
describe change in location of stars
1. Students will view PebbleGo article: Stars
2. Students watch short video clip of stars in sky overtime: Time-Lapse of Starry Night Sky
3. What evidence do you see that demonstrates the stars appear to be moving? Students
will make a prediction about why the stars appear to be moving and discuss with their
4. Students will watch the short video clip called: Relationship with Earth to see if their
predictions were right
5. Students will write a posting on a class Google Doc that states what their prediction was
and if it was wrong or right as well as information they learn about the observable
PebbleGo article:
Time Lapse of Starry Night Sky
Relationship with Earth:
Module 3:
Initial posting due Monday
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to describe observable properties of the sun
and describe changes in location of the sun.
1. Students will view PebbleGo article: Sun
2. Students will view Claude Monet Haystacks Powerpoint - explain that he observed and
painted at different times in the day so the light was different in every picture
3. Using knowledge from Module 2, students will make a prediction about why the sun
appears to move across the sky
4. Have students review video from previous day: Relationship with Earth
5. Students will add information to their Stars posting from previous module. This time they
will include information about the sun. They should also comment on others’ postings.
6. Pairs will start brainstorming ideas for their Powtoon.

PebbleGo article:

Powtoon is due by Friday
1. Partners will plan a Powtoon that demonstrates what they have learned about the sun,
moon, and stars. They will make sure to include observable properties for each as well
as include information about how they move in the sky. They will be evaluated by the

Discovery Education. (2004). Relationship with Earth [Video File]. Retrieved from

Discovery Education. (2004). Space Exploration: Moons Surface [Video File]. Retrieved from

Pebblego. (2016). Retrieved from


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