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Laboratory Investigation of the Influence of

Geotextile on the Stress–Strain and Volumetric
Change Behavior of Sand

Article in Geotechnical and Geological Engineering · January 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s10706-018-0446-6


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4 authors:

Brahim Abdelkader Ahmed Arab

Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef


Marwan Sadek Isam Shahrour

Lebanese University (en détachement de Pol… Université des Sciences et Technologies de Li…


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Geotech Geol Eng


Laboratory Investigation of the Influence of Geotextile

on the Stress–Strain and Volumetric Change Behavior
of Sand
Brahim Abdelkader . Ahmed Arab . Marwan Sadek . Isam Shahrour

Received: 5 June 2016 / Accepted: 3 January 2018

 Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Abstract This paper presents the results of triaxial contribution of geotextile to the stress–strain mobi-
tests conducted for the investigation of the influence of lization augments with the increase in the confining
geotextile on both the stress–strain and volumetric pressure, while its contribution to the volume con-
change behavior of reinforced sands. Tests were traction decreases with the increase in the confining
carried out on loose sand. The experimental program pressure. The reinforced soil becomes contracting in
includes drained compression tests on samples rein- the case of 2 and 3 geotextile layers.
forced with different values of both geotextile layers
(1 B Ng B 3) and confining pressure (r0c ) varying Keywords Geotextile  Reinforcement  Sand 
from 50 to 200 kPa. Tests show that the contribution Stress  Strain  Triaxial  Volumetric-change
of geotextile is negligible until an axial strain thresh-
old that range between 2.5% for a confining pressure
of 50 kPa to lower than 1% for 100 and 200 kPa
confining pressure. At higher values of ea, geotextile 1 Introduction
induces a quasi-linear increase in the stress deviator
(q) and volume contraction in the reinforced sand. Geotextile is widely used in geotechnical engineering
Tests show a negligible influence of the number of for the improvement of soft soils, slops stabilization
geotextile layers (Ng) on the contribution of geotextile and construction of embankments and retaining walls
to both stress–strain and volumetric change, when for infrastructure facilities such as roads, highways
normalized with Ng. Tests also show that the and railways. The use of geotextile in soil reinforce-
ment results in the construction of geo-composite
system with enhanced engineering properties, such as
B. Abdelkader  A. Arab
Laboratory of Materials Sciences and Environment, strength, ductility and permeability.
Hassiba Ben Bouali University of Chlef, The design of geotechnical structures using geo-
02000 Ouled Fares, Algeria textile requires a good understanding of the interaction
between geotextile and the soil material during the
M. Sadek (&)  I. Shahrour
Laboratory of Civil Engineering and géo-Environmental deformation process. Wide experimental researches
(LGCgE), University of Lille 1, Cité Scientifique, were conducted for the investigation of the role of
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France geotextile in the improvement of the engineering soil
properties (McGown and Andrawes 1978; Chan-
M. Sadek drasekaran et al. 1989; Athanasopoulos 1993; Gray
Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon and Al-Refeai1986; Ling and Tatsuoka 1993;

Geotech Geol Eng

Krishnaswamym and Isaac 1994; Vercueil et al. 1997; sand is composed of rounded particles with a mean
Haeri et al. 2000; Unnikrishnan et al. 2002; Madhavi grain size D50 = 0.61 mm, D10 = 0.225 mm and a
and Murthy 2007; Tang et al. 2007). They showed that uniformity coefficient D60/D10 = 3.38. The granular
geotextile improves soil strength, reduces post-peak distribution of this sand is illustrated in Fig. 1. Tests
loss in strength and increases the axial strain at failure; were conducted with a propylene non-woven geotex-
consequently it enhances the ductility of the rein- tile (BidimS72). The characteristics of this geotextile
forced-soil composite. The soil improvement mainly are summarized in Table 1. The tensile axial strength
results from the geotextile-soil friction and interlock- is equal to 25 kN/m, while the axial strain at the
ing between the soil and geotextile. The triaxial device maximum axial tension is equal to 80%. The filtration
was used for the investigation of the influence of opening size is equal to 85lm, which is equal to 13%
geotextile on the stress–strain and volumetric behavior of the mean grain size of the Chlef sand used in the
of the soil reinforced by geotextile (Athanasopoulos study. The behavior of Chlef sand has been widely
1993; Haeri et al. 2000; Madhavi and Murthy 2007; studied under monotonic and cyclic loading (Ahmed
Ashmawy and Bourdeau 1998). Experimental inves- 2009; Arab et al. 2011, 2014; Della et al. 2009;
tigations showed that the stiffness of the reinforced Belkhatir et al. 2011, 2013).
soil depends on the geotextile type, which could lead The experimental program consisted in the realiza-
to either increase or decrease in the stiffness of the tion of drained triaxial compression tests on sand
reinforced-soil. Friction between the soil and geotex- samples 70 mm in diameter and height. Tests were
tile largely influences the increase in the peak strength conducted for three values of the confining pressure
of the reinforced soil. (r0c = 50, 100 and 200 kPa) with three values of the
Triaxial tests showed also that the soil reinforce- number of geotextile layers (Ng = 1, 2 and 3) (see
ment by geotextile reduces the dilatancy of the Fig. 2). These tests were compared to tests conducted
reinforced soils. This reduction is due to the role of on unreinforced soil (Ng = 0).
geotextile in increasing the sand confinement, which is The experimental procedure included two phases.
largely depending on the ratio of geotextile aperture The first one concerns the preparation of the reinforced
size to the sand mean diameter. Undrained cyclic tests sand sample, while the second consists in the realiza-
showed that the use of geotextile in soil reinforcement tion of the compression drained triaxial tests using the
provides advantageous for construction in seismic Bishop cell apparatus. The sample was prepared in
area, in particular a significant reduction in the equal layers. Geotextile layers were placed in the sand
liquefaction potential of the reinforced sand (Vercueil at the specific heights. Tests were conducted with a
et al. 1997; Haeri et al. 2000).
This paper presents results of drained triaxial tests
on Chlef sand, which aim to a better understanding of
the influence of geotextile on the stress–strain and
volumetric change behavior of the reinforced soils.
Tests are conducted on loose sand reinforced with
different geotextile layers. Analyses of these results
lead to interesting results concerning the influence of
the confining pressure and the number of geotextile
layers on the enhancement of the soil behavior. The
paper presents first the materials used in the study, the
experimental procedure, followed by the analysis of
the experimental results.

2 Material Used and Experimental Procedure

Laboratory tests were carried out on loose medium- Fig. 1 Granular distribution of the sand of Chlef used in this
grained sand from the Chlef River in Algeria. This study

Geotech Geol Eng

Table 1 Properties of the geotextile used in the experimental values of the number of geotextile layers. For the
program (BidimS72) unreinforced sand, a moderate peak is observed at an
Geotextile property Value axial strain ea = 15%. For the reinforced sand, the
variation the stress deviator (q) shows a continuous
Axial tensile strength (kN/m) 25 increase during the triaxial loading. This result
Strain at the maximum axial tension (%) 80 indicates a mobilization of the geotextile up to high
Area weight (g/m2) 305 values of both axial strain (ea = 25%) and lateral
Thickness under 2 kPa (mm) 2.7 strain (between 20 and 25%), which are small,
Filtration opening size (lm) 85 compared to the strain at the maximum axial tension
of the geotextile (80%).
Concerning the volumetric change, results show an
important influence of the number of geotextile layers
backpressure of 400 kPa, at a strain-controlled rate of
on the soil response. Geotextile reduces the lateral
0.0017 per minute.
deformation of the reinforced sand and consequently
reduces the soil dilatation. The reinforced soil
becomes contracting with Ng = 2; the increase in
3 Presentation and Discussion of Results
Ng accentuates the soil contracting behavior. Note that
at low strain, the presence of geotextile have no effect,
3.1 Geotextile Effect on Shear Strength
since they are mainly mobilized at relatively high
and Volumetric Strain
strain level.
Figure 4 shows the pattern of the sample deforma-
Figure 3 shows results of the triaxial test conducted at
tion at failure. It can be observed that failure occurs par
an effective confining pressure r0c = 50 with different

Fig. 2 Geotextile arrangement used in the experimental program

Fig. 3 Drained 350 5

compression tests conducted
Volumetric strain, εv (%) (%)

on reinforced Chlef sand (r0c 300 Ng= 0 0

Deviator stress, q (kPa)

Ng= 1
= 50 kPa)
250 Ng= 2 -5
Ng= 3
200 -10

150 -15

100 -20 Ng= 0

Ng= 1
50 -25 Ng= 2
Ng= 3
0 -30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Axial strain, ε1(%) Axial strain, ε1(%)

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 4 Deformation pattern of the reinforced sand sample at failure

bulging between layers. This result is similar to that improvement. The slope of the second zone is equal to
obtained by Madhavi and Murthy (2007). SRq = 365 kPa. Similar results are observed for the
In order to understand the contribution of geotextile variation of the ratio of the stress deviator Rq with the
to the stress–strain behavior; we present in Fig. 5 the lateral strain.
variation of the ratio of the stress deviator excess to the Figure 6 shows the influence of geotextile on the
number of geotextile layers (Rq): ratio of the volumetric change variation (Rv):
Rq ¼ ðqNg  q0 Þ=Ng ð1Þ Rv ¼ ðevNg  ev0 Þ=Ng ð2Þ
qNg and q0 denote the value of the stress deviator of evNg and ev0 denote volumetric change of reinforced
reinforced sand and unreinforced sand, respectively. sand and unreinforced sand, respectively.
Figure 5a shows the variation of Rq with the axial It can be observed that the influence of geotextile on
strain ea. It can be observed that tests conducted with the variation of Rv is similar to that observed with the
the three values of Ng (Ng = 1, 2 and 3) give close stress deviator excess. Two zones can be distin-
results. Two zones can be distinguished, with a linear guished, with quasi-linear variation. The first zone
variation between Rq and ea. The first zone corre- indicates low influence of geotextile on the volumetric
sponds to small values of the axial strain (up to 2.5%; it change. The slope of the second zone is equal to SRv =
shows a negligible contribution of geotextile to the soil 0.47.

Fig. 5 Drained compression tests (r0c = 50 kPa)—variation of the ratio of the stress deviator excess (Rq)

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 6 Drained
compression tests (r0c =
50 kPa)—Variation of the
ratio of the volumetric
change variation (Rv)

Figures 7, 8 and 9 show the results obtained at the Figures 10, 11, and 12 show results obtained at a
confining pressure r0c = 100 kPa. It can be seen that the confining pressure r0c = 200 kPa. A small negative
influence of the number of geotextile layers is similar variation ratio of the stress deviator excess (Rq) is
to that observed at the confining pressure r0c = 50 kPa observed in the first zone (Fig. 11), which indicates
but with a reduction in the limit of the first zone that at high confining pressure, geotextile reduces the
(Fig. 8). The limit of this zone is equal to eao = 1%, to initial axial stiffness of the reinforced soil. In the
be compared to that observed at r0c = 50 kPa (eao = second zone, results of these tests are similar to those
2.5%). The slope of the second zone is equal to SRq = observed with lower values of the confining pressure
380 kPa, which is higher than that observed with r0c = (r0c = 50 and 100 kPa). The slope of the stress deviator
50 (SRq = 365 kPa). This result indicates an increase in (SRq) is equal to 440 kPa, which is higher than that
the contribution of geotextile with the increase in the observed at lower confining pressures (365 kPa for r0c
soil confining pressure. = 50 kPa and 380 for r0c = 100 kPa). These results
Concerning the volumetric change (Fig. 9), the indicate enhancement of the geotextile efficiency with
slope of the second zone is equal to SRv = 0.23, which the increase in the confining pressure.
is smaller than that obtained at the confining pressure Concerning the volumetric change (Fig. 12 and
r0c = 50 kPa (SRv =0.47). This result indicates a Table 2), the slope of the second zone is equal to SRv =
diminution in the contribution of the geotextile to the 0.18, which is smaller than that obtained at lower
soil contraction with the increase in the soil confining pressures (0.47 kPa for r0c = 50 and 0.23 for
confinement. r0c = 100 kPa). This result indicates a diminution in the

Fig. 7 Drained 500 5

compression tests conducted Ng= 0 Ng= 0
on reinforced Chlef sand (r0c 0
Ng= 1
Deviator stress, q (kPa)

Volumetric strain, ε v (%)

400 Ng= 1
= 100 kPa) Ng= 2
-5 Ng= 2
Ng= 3
300 Ng= 3



0 -30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Axial strain, ε1(%) Axial strain, ε1(%)

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 8 Drained
compression tests (r0c =
100 kPa) Variation of the
ratio of the stress deviator
excess (Rq)

Fig. 9 Drained
compression tests (r0c =
100 kPa) Variation of the
ratio of the of the volumetric
change variation (Rv)

Fig. 10 Drained 500 5

compression tests conducted Ng= 0
on reinforced Chlef sand (r0c 0 Ng= 0
Ng= 1
Deviator stress, q (kPa)

Volumetric strain, ε v(%)

= 200 kPa) Ng= 2 Ng= 1

Ng= 3
Ng= 2
-10 Ng= 3



0 -30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Axial strain, ε1(%) Axial strain, ε1(%)

contribution of geotextile to the soil volume contrac- 3.2 Geotextile Effect on Shear Strength
tion with the increase in the soil confinement. and Mechanical Properties

Figure 13 shows the variation of the shear strength

versus the confining pressure r0c and the number of
geotextile layer Ng. It can be seen a significant

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 11 Drained
compression tests r0c =
200 kPa) Variation of the
ratio of the stress deviator
excess (Rq)

Fig. 12 Drained
compression tests r0c =
200 kPa)—Variation of the
ratio of the of the volumetric
change variation (Rv)

Table 2 Influence of geotextile on the stress–strain and volumetric change behavior of Chlef sand
Confining pressure r0c (kPa) 50 100 200

SRq (kPa): Slope of variation of the ratio of the stress deviator excess (Rq) with the axial strain 365 380 440
SRv: Slope of variation of the ratio of volumetric change excess (Rv) with the axial strain 0.47 0.23 0.18

influence of these two parameters on the shear strength (R2 = 0.98 for r0c = 50 kPa, R2 = 0.99 for r0c =
that increases with the increase of r0c and Ng. It can 100 kPa and R2 = 0.99 for r0c = 200 kPa).
also be noted a linear variation of the shear strength Figure 14 shows the variation of the mobilized
with the confining pressure. Regarding Ng, the angle of internal friction with effective mean pressure
logarithm of Shear strength could be correlated r0c and for several layer number Ng. When increasing
linearly to Ng; the following expressions are proposed Ng, It can be noted a decrease of the angle of internal
to correlate the drained shear strength at the peak (qss) friction when increasing the effective mean pressure.
(Ng) (0 B Ng B 3): When increasing the soil.
• Log (qss) = 0.58 9 Ng ? 4.10 for r0c = 50 kPa
• Log (qss) = 0.42 9 Ng ? 4.76 for r0c = 100 kPa
• Log (qss) = 0.26 9 Ng ? 5.41 for r0c = 200 kPa

Geotech Geol Eng

500 500

Shear strength, qss(kpa)

400 400

Shear strength, (kPa)

300 300
Ng =
200 0 200 Chlef Sand
50 kPa
100 kPa
100 3 100
200 kPa

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 1 2 3 4 5

Confining pressure (kPa) Number of Geotextile,Ng

(a) (b)

Fig. 13 Variation of shear strength versus confining pressure (a) and versus number of geotextiles (b)

60 • Ratio of the stress deviator excess to the number of

geotextile layers:
Internal Frictional Angle, ϕ (°)

50 1
Rq ¼ ðqNg  q0 Þ=Ng:
• Ratio of the volumetric change excess to the
number of the geotextile layers:

Rv ¼ ðevNg  ev0 Þ=Ng:

10 However, these results should be taken carefully and

0 50 100 150 200 250
verified for other geotextile properties that could be
Effective Mean Pressure, σ'c(Kpa) find in engineering practice.
Tests conducted at various values of the confining
Fig. 14 Variation of Internal frictional angle versus effective
pressure show that the contribution of geotextile to the
mean pressure
stress–strain mobilization increases with the augmen-
4 Conclusions tation in the confining pressure, while its contribution
to the soil volume contraction decreases with the
This paper included a laboratory investigation of the increase in r0c .
influence of geotextile on both the stress–strain and The tests results show that the presence of geotex-
volumetric change behavior of loose medium-grained tile leads to an increase of the shear strength with the
sand. Tests were conducted using the Bishop triaxial increase of confining stress (r0c ) and number of
device. Results show that the contribution of geotex- geotextile (Ng). The reinforced soil becomes con-
tile at low values of the axial strain is negligible; the tracting when Ng C 2.
limit of this zone depends on the confining pressure The following relations are proposed to correlate
(2.5% for r0c = 50 kPa and 1% for r0c = 100 kPa). At the drained shear strength at the peak (qss) and the
higher values of the axial strain, geotextile induces a number of geotextile layers (Ng):
quasi-linear increase in the mobilized stress deviator. • Log (qss) = 0.58 9 Ng ? 4.10 for r0c = 50 kPa
Tests show a negligible influence of the number of • Log (qss) = 0.42 9 Ng ? 4.76 for r0c =100 kPa
geotextile layers (Ng) on both of the: • Log (qss) = 0.26 9 Ng ? 5.41 for r0c = 200 kPa

Geotech Geol Eng

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