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Project Based Learning Unit/Lesson Plan Template

Project Idea:
Students are learning about why it’s important to evaluate the positive and negative
effects of an economic choice. We will be reading, Beatrice’s Goat, which is a true story
about a family in Uganda who receives a goat from the Heifer foundation in order to
help them survive. The classroom will speak with someone from Heifer International
using Google Hangouts. They will learn more about the foundation. Students will have
to work with a partner and create a presentation with Prezi about the positive and
negative choices of a gift they could potentially give a family in need.

Content Standard:
4.2.A.1. Explain why people have to make economic choices about goods and services.

ISTE Standard for Students (

Empowered Learner
● 1c
Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and
to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Knowledge Constructor
● 3c
Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and
methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful
connections or conclusions.
Creative Communicator
● 6b
Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital
resources into new creations.
● 6d
Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium
for their intended audiences.

Objective for lesson (at least one HOTS objective):

Students will be able to:
● Identify and explain how economic choices have consequences
● Compare and give examples of the positive and negative aspects of two
economic choices
● Justify an economic choice using the positive and negative aspects of their

● Chromebooks with internet access
● Beatrice’s Goat by Page McBrier
● Heifer International Website
● Give a Good Powerpoint
● Google Docs- Decision Making Grid
● Prezi
● Promethean Board to display Google Hangouts

Teacher Directed Activities:

● Teacher will read Beatrice’s Goat by Page McBrier.
● Teacher will lead discussion about economic choices that Beatrice’s family had
make and display Decision Making Grid
● As a class, they will fill out Decision Making Grid for Beatrice’s family’s economic
Next day:
● Teacher will discuss Heifer International and read the back of Beatrice’s Goat
which explains what the foundation does.
● Teacher will pull up the Heifer International Website and explore with the class
● Teacher will open Google Hangouts to connect with someone from the
● Foundation worker will lead a discussion with students and take questions
● Teacher will then explain to students that they will be choosing between two
goods that a family could receive and evaluate the positive and negative aspects
of each
● Teacher will model filling out a decision making grid for two goods as well as
turning it into a Prezi

Student Directed Activities:

● Students will come up with a list of questions to ask the foundation worker after
listening to Beatrice’s Goat
● Students will research with partners on Heifer International website using
● Students will pick two goods compare and fill out Decision Making Grid on
Google Docs
● Students will create a presentation on Prezi that explains their Decision Making

Performance Based Assessment (what is a performance based assessment)

Formatively, I will be checking in with students as they work on their Decision Making
Grids. Since they will be using Google Docs within Google Classroom, I can see their
progress and make comments to help guide them to be successful.
Summatively, I will be grading them on their final Prezi and their explanation of their
choice of good.
What needs to be included in their Prezi to be proficient?
● 2 positive aspects for both economic choices
● 2 negative aspects for both economic choices
● Final decision of a good to purchase
● Explanation of how they came to their decision

Sample Finished Project:

Link to my Decision Making Grid:

Link to Prezi presentation:

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