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SERP 403/503

Transition Planning Document (IEP)

Student Information
Student Name: Paulo Santos
DOB: 2/09/1998
IEP Meeting Date: 3/09/2017
Previous IEP Meeting Date: 3/02/2016
Current Grade Level: 11
Expected Graduation Date: 05/14/2020

Indicate the method used to invite the student to the transition meeting:

Paulo was handed a written notice inviting him to his transition meeting, along with a
verbal reminder the day before.
Age Appropriate Transition Assessments and Summary
Personal Interests:

Paulo completed a survey that has short checklist named What Do I Like to Do? It
essentially helps students understand themselves and their preferences.
Paulo enjoys watching movies at his house with his sister. He also enjoys raking leaves and
sweeping the patio. Paulo learns soccer drills from his brother who is a collegiate athlete.
He also enjoys working at the grocery store.

Paulo has completed the assessment named A Guide to Assessing College Readiness- This
assessment provides skills in order to succeed in a traditional higher education setting.
Paulo has expressed that college/ post secondary education is something he would be
interested in.
A representative from the University of Arizona came and talked about Project Focus as an
option for after high school. Paulo will apply to the program in two years.

Paulo has training in house keeping through extensive practice at home. Paulo has attained
training as a grocery store associate. He also understands both English and Portuguese.

Paulo has participated in YES! (Your Employment Selection) where he watched videos
covering up to 120 jobs and realized the best-matched job for his skills.
Although not officially employed Paulo has volunteer hours of experience in a grocery
store. He really enjoys working at the grocery store and was even offered a position post
Independent Living Skills (Optional):

Paulo was given the Children’s Administration Division of Children and Family Services: Life
Skills Inventory Independent Living Skills Assessment Tool by the Washington State
Department of Social & Health Services,
This assessment showed skills that Paulo already attains and skills that need to be
practiced and mastered before graduation.
Categories Paulo is advanced or higher in:
2. Personal Appearance and Hygiene
3. Housekeeping
4. Housing
5. Job Maintenance Skills
6. Interpersonal Skills
7. Pregnancy Prevention/Parenting and Child Care

Categories Paulo needs practice in:

1. Money Management/Consumer Awareness
2. Food Management
4. Educational Planning
5. Job Seeking Skills
6.Emergency and Safety Skills.
7. Knowledge of Community Resources
8. Legal Skills.

Student Strengths, Preferences, Interests

Who provided information about student strengths, preferences, interests:

Paulo’s parents, teachers, and paraeducators provided information about student

strengths, preferences, and interests.
Was invitation of an outside agency considered? Were they invited? Did they attend?

Yes Paulo’s parents are involved with a non-profit organization called Raising Special Kids.
Paulo’s parents invited them. A representative from the organization came to the meeting.
Measurable Post-Secondary Goals
Training/Education Goal:

Given a list of potential post secondary education institutions that have programs for
people with disabilities Paulo will fill out a graphic organizer indicating aspects of each
program. He will be given a new institution each week to consider. Given five potential
options Paulo will be expected to pick two options by the end of five weeks. Starting
3/05/2017. This will be measured by the completion of each graphic organizer.
Training/Education Connected IEP Annual Goal:

Paulo will set up an advising appointment with the representative from Project FOCUS at
the University of Arizona to get information on the types of prerequisites and criteria he
needs to be eligible for the post secondary program by 5/12/2017.
Employment Goal:
Given a journal Paulo will write down one critique the associate he is shadowing every time
he works with him. Paulo will then reflect and come up with a solution on how he will
address/fix this problem for next time. This goal will be measured by teacher charting the
number of completed journal entries each visit. Journal entries will be measured from

Employment Connected IEP Annual Goal:

Paulo will complete 40hours of volunteer work at the grocery store by 5/14/2018. This
will be measured by his time log chart.

Independent Living Goal (When necessary):

Paulo will practice taking the bus with his paraprofessional once per week for the rest of
the year. This will be measured by the number of times they go until he can proficiently
ride by himself.

Independent Living Connected IEP Annual Goal:

When given a graphic organizer Paulo will complete a graphic organizer for each of the
following lessons.
1. Money Management/Consumer Awareness
2. Food Management
4. Educational Planning
5. Job Seeking Skills
6.Emergency and Safety Skills.
7. Knowledge of Community Resources
8. Legal Skills.
One topic per week for the school year. Paulo will be expected to fill out 4/5 components
within each graphic organizer. This will be measured by teacher charting.
Transition Services/Activities
Transition Area Service/Activity Person/Agency Start End Date
Responsible Date
Training/ Education Project FOCUS meeting Ms. Morado 5/12/17 5/12/17
Employment Shadowing Associate Ms. Morado 3/05/17 5/14/17
Independent Living Transportation Ms. Lauren 3/05/17 5/14/18

Courses of Study Supporting Goals and Activities

Course Year Year Year Year
Basic Math 2017 2018 2019 2020
Life Skills 2017 2018 2019 2020
Basic Writing 2017 2018 2019 2020
Reading 2017 2018 2019 2020
Transfer of Rights at Majority
The student and his/her parents were informed of the transfer of rights under Part B of
IDEA (except for a child with a disability whose rights remain with a court-appointed

Yes: (Date):
Parent/Student Signatures:

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