April 2-6 2018 Newsletter

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Glidewell’s 
Major Assessments the fourth nine weeks:
Write a poem
 Spelling CVC words (we will have a spelling test)
 Decode (read) CVC, VC, CCVC, CVCC words
 Retell beginning, middle and end of a story
 Making a connection to a story
 Rhyme
 Use capitalization
Class 

Use punctuation
Use spacing between words
 Read 40 sight words for a grade of “2”
 Identify story setting, characters,
April 2nd, 2018 - April 6th, 2018 problem, solution
 Write using simple sentences, some
Dear Parents, capitalization and punctuation and form letters
correctly, and use spacing between words
This week in Reader’s Workshop, we will read, “Sunflower House” To
 Take a survey
increase reading comprehension we will look at these TEKS: Recognize Text  Addition problems
Structure (Point out that the words in many stories follow a certain pattern.  Subtraction Problems
Paying attention to how a book is organized can help them to understand it.)  Measurement-length, capacity, area and/or
Literary Element: Rhyme (words that sounds the same at the end) and weight
Rhythm (many poems have a rhythm or a beat like music) Identify Sequence  Recognizing numerals to 20
of Events (Identify and remember in what order events happen in the story.)
 Answer questions about financial literacy
This week in Writer’s Workshop, we are writing Poetry. In Math, we
will continue addition and subtraction word problems. In Social Studies, we
 Collect and organize data
will continue our study of maps and models. In Science, we will begin our  Compare/contrast using math vocabulary
study of ladybugs.  Generate a number that is one more than or one
less than a number up to 20

Upcoming Dates:
April 11th-Zilker Botanical Garden- 9:00-1:00ish (A parent
Ways you can support your child’s learning at home:
volunteer or two is needed- we have enough now, but anyone
 Have your child read to someone each night for 10-15 min.
can come because we do not have a limit.) Send a throw
 Have your child practice writing simple sentences paying
away lunch bag and throw away drink.
attention to using spacing between words, capitalization and
April 13th-Our class performs at morning assembly with Mrs.
Ulrich’s class punctuation
April 18th-Kinder Music Program 6:00. Arrive at 5:50. We will  Play a word wall word game (ideas on the back of the list sent at
wear our class t-shirts. BTS night)
May 11th- Mother’s Day Picnic 10:30-11:30  Help your child sound out words and write about a topic of
All Mothers are invited for songs and lunch interest using details in a story and drawing pictures to go with
May16th- Northwest Park Field Trip- We will walk to the park the words.
around 8:00 and return around 12:00. Check with room
parents to volunteer! (We need four parents to run some To pass the word wall assessment this nine weeks your child
stations) Notice the date change- pushed one day back
must read 40 words and this would earn a grade of “2” on the
due to schedule issue
May 30th- Last Day of School report card
List of word wall words for the year:
I, the, we, like, a, see, go, to, have, is, play, are, for, this, do,
Time to send your April snack if your child and, what, you ,little, said, here, was, she, he, has ,look, with, my,

eats snack! me, where, when, who, at, how, up, can , it, fun, as, did, will, am, in,
boy, girl, yes, no ,if, mom, dad, love, or, but, went, get, had, want,
not, on, us, that, him, her, they, could, some, one, two, three
,four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, red, yellow, blue ,green,
Kindergarten Mother’s Day Picnic
orange, purple, black, white, brown.
May 11th
Mother’s Day class performance and picnic with mom! .
10:30-11:30. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend Sincerely, Sherry Glidewell
or send someone to see your child perform. Please be on time. Email: sherry.glidewell@austinisd.org
We will sing three songs at 10:30, you will miss out if you are late! (512) 841-0326
Class website
Wish List Go to https://gullettgeckos.com and click on Learning. Next, click
Sand Toys- Our Playground sand toys have all disappeared! We on kindergarten and scroll down to websites and click on my name.
will even take recyclables that are completely washed out. For You will see photos, newsletters and our schedule
example milk jugs, old sturdy plastic cups, tupperware with missing
lids, wooden spoons.

Fake silk flower stems, little pots, plastic vases for flower shop
center (these can be pulled off old wreaths and flower
arrangements or purchased at Dollar Tree, Goodwill, garage sales…)

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