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This quiz is created from thirty years of personal experience in the spiritual field, over
twenty years of spiritual and metaphysical study and training, and ten years of pro-
fessional work as a spiritual teacher, healer and counselor. As with all my work, when
I sit down to write, I ask that God work through me and provide me any information
that needs to be shared at this time, and that all who are meant to find it may do so.
Therefore each archetype and accompanying book provides my psychic and intuitive
insights as well.

These archetypes are not meant to segregate or remove the uniqueness of each per-
son’s spiritual journey. The intent of this is to assist those on the spiritual path by
shining light on characteristics, learning style, common blocks and how to transcend
the most common struggles for each archetype. You may feel you do not relate to every
characteristic, or that it describes you perfectly, both are absolutely fine.

Your may also find that you relate to more than one archetype or that upon retaking
the quiz at a later time, that your archetype has changed. Each of these archetypes
identifies a part of our spiritual path, therefore, as you progress down your path, your
archetype will change to reflect that. While these each signify different lessons, you
do not have to experience each archetype. You may also find your main lessons in life
reside in one archetype and do not sway much from that. This is also completely fine.
Each person’s experiences on their spiritual path is unique to them and may transpire
differently than anyone else. This is simply a guide as to where you are in that spiritu-
al path and offers advice on what to do to assist you on that path.

To your spiritual success,

Christian Sinclair

Each prayer and mantra has interchangeable words such as God, which may be replaced with;
Spirit, Source, or Universe. If you are uncomfortable using any terms or phrases please substitute the
words you feel most comfortable with and relate to the most.

2016 Copyright by Christian Sinclair. All rights reserved. No part of these books may be used, duplicated, or
reproduced in any form whatsoever except in the case of brief quotations, articles,or reviews.
The Witch
You believe in magic and the ability for oneself to create magic in their lives. With
the use of spells and herbs, witches use intent with the power of the earth to bring
forth desires into fruition. Despite whether or not you actually practice magic, you
have an innate ability to manifest. The Witch understands their own power and the
power of the Divine Feminine. The Witch often find themselves in the occupations
of: midwives, herbalists, apothecaries, and as healers, coaches or teachers who
connect others with the Divine Feminine. You are a feminist and if female, may even
work in a profession which strives to serve women only.

Witches have respect for the earth and a “live and let live” mentality. Because of
the persecution they feel, they are accepting of others oddities and are usually not
judgmental. However, they may also be on the other end of the spectrum and harbor
resentment and bitterness for others because of the persecution they feel. The Witch
prefers to be alone or among a group of trusted friends, usually female. You have a
mysterious and powerful energy, especially to outsiders, but are very loyal, loving
and committed to the few you let close. You love animals and nature and would
do well with an herb garden with a pet to roll in the dirt beside you. Alone time is
invaluable and is a cherished time for regeneration. Reading books, drinking tea,
sleep, cooking, aromatherapy, candles, gardening, and old fashioned crafting such
as knitting, weaving, sewing, and embroidery are wonderful self-care tools.

The Witch loves their home and considers it a sanctuary. It is a place of magic,
recuperation, and to honor oneself. The Witch adorns their space, as well as them-
selves, with vintage, antique and handmade items which have stories. You prefer
old homes and historical places to modern living. You are powerful in your psychic
abilities regardless of whether you have harnessed them and their full potential yet
or they are still dormant.

For the Witch, spirituality is about making your own rules. After suppression from
the Church in the 15th century, the rise of witchcraft escalated. Many people
wanted religious freedom but were not being allowed to have their own beliefs.
People began developing their own faith and questioning the one size fits all
religion. As The Witch, you incarnate this same rebel soul which cannot be tamed
and do as you please spiritually and otherwise. You ask questions, and question
authority. You don’t believe in sitting idly by, you believe in creating one’s own
morals, magic, and destiny.

©Christian Sinclair |

Correlating Chakra: Sacral Chakra

When balanced you may feel or experience:

Imagination, creativity, sexual energy, intuition, able to resolve and dispel negativity
and negative energies, self-care, confidence, a healthy reproductive system and ease
of conception, and happiness.

When unbalanced you may feel or experience:

An inability to accept yourself, feelings of limitation, lack of self-worth, codependen-
cy, insatiable desires, and victimization.

Pelvis, Reproductive organs, bladder, colon, lower abdomen, spleen

Common Physical Ailments:

Reproductive issues including infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, impotence,
urinary tract and bladder problems, kidney infections, and low back pain.

Correlating Essential Oils:

Clary Sage, jasmine, rosemary, cardamom, juniper

Correlating Stones:
Agate, sunstone, opal, moonstone, citrine, snowflake obsidian, quartz, smoky quartz,
amethyst, wulfenite.

Correlating Element: Earth

Tarot Card: The High Priestess

©Christian Sinclair |

Common Struggles:
Witches were falsely accused and persecuted relentlessly. They were victims of
harsh punishment and often put to death for their beliefs and practices. Similarly,
those with The Witch archetype are often misjudged and hold a strong victim
mentality. You may find that you are often falsely accused and misunderstood
despite your desire to be authentic. Because of your ability to manifest easily you
may find with a strong victim mentality that you manifest stressful and condemning
situations with money, relationships, and work. This may present itself as some of
the following:

• Being passed over for raises and promotions, jobs you are qualified for, not being
as successful as you desire.

• Attracting unhealthy and abusive relationships

• Never having enough money, getting money than losing it, and receiving money
only to receive a bigger bill.

Through centuries of persecution that was, at times, for no greater reason than
simply being a woman, those with The Witch archetype retain these feelings of
oppression. While The Witch has a deep connection to the Divine Feminine, she
must still practice healing around her own femininity. The Witch has her own
resentments toward the feminine identity as well. You may feel like being a woman,
or the female part of yourself, is your most charming and damning trait. This also
creates deep seated bitterness toward men, the “man’s world”, and the Divine
Masculine. Women who believe in this female oppression create situations to back
this mindset. They find themselves in careers making less money than their male
counterparts, losing jobs to men, or dismissed due to their gender. The female Witch
loves being a woman but is greatly displeased with how women are perceived feels
the injustice predominantly in their lives.

©Christian Sinclair |


We must all heal aspects of our masculine and feminine spirit. It requires a balance
and one cannot exist without the other. When out of harmony internally, it will
manifest externally. Your spiritual path will require deeper development of these two
energies and will present itself in your life until you heal your feelings toward them.
Releasing and forgiving any harbored resentments toward male and female energy
will create changes in leaps and bounds. For instance, female energy is giving while
male energy is receptive. By not balancing these energies you will create more of one
of these traits in your life, either perpetually giving without reward, or selfishly
receiving without giving to others. If you are experience money issues in your life this
may be the root to your problem.

Letting go of victimization can be extremely difficult. As soon as this is discussed our

initial response is to begin validating our experiences and exactly why we feel just in
our victimization. Until we take responsibly for our lives and mindset we will
continue to experience this victimization. Our lives, money, relationships and
business will all be negatively affected by this way of thinking. We cannot proceed
spiritually, psychically, emotionally or mentally if we remain in this frame of mind.
When we realize that our life is being created for us and is not happening to us, we
can then begin to create more desirable outcomes.

©Christian Sinclair |

Recommended Practices:
Using old belief systems such as moon magic and astrology as tools to up-level your
Healing male and female energies.

Recommended Reading:
Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind and Spirit by Queen
Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend
Clairvoyance by Charles Leadbeater
Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine by Joseph Campbell

I balance the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine easily and effortlessly.

I release all persecution I have felt and forgive anyone and everyone who I believe has
persecuted me.

I create magic and miracles in my life and am open and receptive to the magic and
miracles Spirit creates for me.

Divine Father Mother, I release, and forgive all negative emotions toward the male
and female spirit. Assist me in seeing my brothers and sisters equally, through your
heart and through your eyes. I accept your magic, miracles, and light, and reflect
your light in this world.

Want more? Visit The Witch board on Pinterest for inspiration, branding, decor, fashion and more!
Make sure to follow me on Pinterest for updates!

©Christian Sinclair |

Who Am I?
Christian Sinclair is spiritual teacher, healer, psychic, and writer who has worked
with over 200+ clients, helping them to dynamize their lives, health,
relationships, and careers. Having two parents who were predominate figures in
spirituality and metaphysics, Christian has spent her life in the spiritual field
surrounded by new thought leaders such as: Dan Millman, Doreen Virtue, Jimmy
Twyman, Gregg Braden, Don Miguel Ruiz, Donna Eden, Mary Morrissey, as well
as many others.

Christian studies, practices and is well versed in:

Christ Consciousness
Occult studies
The Bible
Christian Science
Religions of the Far East
Food As Medicine
Mind over medicine
Past lives
Oneness Blessing
Akashic Records
Dream interpretation
Art Therapy
Lunar Phases
Pagan studies
Native American practices including animal magic
As well as a plethora of others.

She uses her lifetime in spirituality, metaphysics, and psychology to assist people
in accessing profound levels of healing in a modern, stylish, and even light
hearted and humorous ways.

Christian is a contributor for The Huffington Post, YFS, and Revamped Magazine.

©Christian Sinclair |

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