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Can you really be a Virtual Assistant

(VA) and work from home?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Here's some qualities / requirements
you need to have.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

1. You actually believe that the
computer will not explode if you
make a mistake.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

2. You love to explore the internet

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

3. While exploring you're not
confused 100% of the time.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

4. You know what CTRL and ALT

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

5. You do not talk to a mouse, you
hold it.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

6. You have extra 4 hours at night to
do VA work at first (part time)

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

7. You have fast internet connection
at home or in a nearby cafe.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

8. You actually want to work from

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

9. You have a place/room/corner of
the house where you can have well
ventilated work.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

10. You love new knowledge and

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

11. You're willing to to accept
10,000+/month pay for fulltime VA
work at first.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Now a personal interview of someone
who's actually a VA: Mia

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

1. What's your background before
being a VA?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Course: BSC Business Management

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

BEFORE (I was just single then)

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Retail Management

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

On/off Entrepreneur

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

NOW (I'm now married)

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Career Wife and Career Mom (yes!
kinacareer ang lahat! hahaha)

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

the Family's Secretariat, Treasurer
and Strategy Partner

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Occasional Family Driver

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010


(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Blogging (on the side)

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010


(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Member of CFC (couples for christ)

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010


(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Being a better Catholic

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Living a balanced life

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Reaching my human potential

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Childcare / Education /
Homeschooling if doable

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Baby Sign Language and Teaching
my baby to read

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Business Opportunities and Making

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Reminder, Mia is a real person, that's
why it's very detailed!
It’s in her personality to explain like this.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Food and Cooking

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010


(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

TV and Movies

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Catholic contemplative prayer

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Financial planning advocate

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Breastfeeding advocate

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Finance guru wannabe

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Internet guru wannabe

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Motivational speaker wannabe

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Artist wannabe

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Crafter wannabe

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Photographer wannabe

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Fashionista on a budget wannabe

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Health buff wannabe

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Serial entrepreneur wannabe

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

*** TIME is a very precious
commodity to me.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I try to do a litte of everything in short
pockets of time

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

2. How did you discover Jomar's

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I met Jomar at a Bo Sanchez Retreat.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I became a member of the Online
Mentoring Club.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I attended the VA Seminar when it
became available.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

3. Tell us the story how you got the
VA work?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

After attending the VA Seminar,
My VA boss told me there was an
(My boss is someone I know)

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

He knew I was interested in earning
from home so he offered me the job.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

4. Can you disclose how much you
earn monthly?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Php 10,000 because that's my boss'
going rate.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

5. Tell us a normal day in your VA life?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I start the day by checking my email
to see what needs to be done for the

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Then I email a Things to Do (usually a
running list).

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

My work includes: online research,
preparing reports, coordination work
and online promotions.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I end the day with an email of my
Accomplishment Report.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

6. Are you handling multiple VAs
under you?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

*** HOW I WISH *** One day!

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

7. Two Best things you like about
being a VA

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Working at home and the flexible
work schedule (I am at home with the

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Handling different tasks (It's my
personality; I like doing different/new

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

8. Two things you didn't expect when
becoming a VA.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Overcoming certain dislikes/fears/etc
because now it's just a part of my

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

9. Your advise to people who want to
be a VA

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Know why you're doing it:

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Those with established careers might
think:”VA work is something my
assistant should being doing".

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

But if you think along the lines of:

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

"I have time for the family AND/OR I
would like to learn, then train and hire

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Then you will appreciate your work

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

10. In your own words WHY did you
become a VA?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I prayed to God:

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I wanted to work at home so I can
look after my baby.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Otherwise, its back to the corporate

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I wanted to learn more about internet
marketing (which is what my boss is

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I am going overseas with my family.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I want to learn new skills which I can
use in case I need to go back into

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

I wanted to do something that had
the potential to become a business.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

So far, this is where God has led me.-

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

So like Mia, who attended the VA
Seminar, would you like to see if this
is for you?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

The unique thing about this seminar
is there’s a two month ASSIGNMENT

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

That you need to do at home.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

This will show you how a VA works,
first hand.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Then after you submit the assignment
to me, I’ll endorse you to people I
know who’s hiring VAs!

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

But what if you’re not in the
Philippines at all?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Or not available this Sept 18?

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Just attend the
Online Version of the Seminar

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

The online version allows you to
watch the presentation in your own

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Then after one week, we’ll do an
online Q and A where you ask what
you want to ask...

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Along with other “online” classmates.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

The closest Online VA Question and
Answer is scheduled on Sept 25,
Saturday 9am-10am

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

That’s 9 pm EDT Sept 24
New York Time

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

To participate in the online Q and A,
you’ll need a PC with fast internet,
and headphones.

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

(microphone is needed only if you
want to speak, but we can just text

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

So you better get “in” the online
class ASAP by going to

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Now for the live seminar....

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Limited Live Seminar seats are still available
for the 1pm - 6pm, Saturday Seminar
Sept 18,2010 at
Rosewood Pointe, Taguig City

Just go to this website:

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

“Where’s Rosewood?”
Go here:

The Venue

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

Online Seminar:

Live Seminar:

(c) Jomar Hilario 2010

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