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Centro Universitario Cultural lunes, 2 de abril de 2018

Carrisoza Gutiérrez Yair Abraham


Dear friend

How are you been? Maybe you are on vacations visiting your grandparents, my apologies, I been
really busy so I can´t write to you before I hope you understand.

Hey! have you ever been to Chiapas before? Or visited the ancient ruins of Palenque? It’s amazing;
when I arrived to the bus station of Tuxtla I was really exited but tired too, we traveled about
fourteen hours; my girlfriend hasn’t traveled to many hours before so she was extremely tired and
bored but when we arrived to the hotel we can take a break and eat something to regain our
strength. After our break we went to downtown and walked around the principal square for about
two hours.

In the morning we asked to the hotel attendant for the available travels to visit “El canon del
Sumidero and Palenque”. There were many options to choose but we just looking for those two
ones so we decide bought the two days option, then we rode the bus at ten o´clock in way to “El
canon”. I was never been there before but I tell you it’s an amazing experience, you must visit this
place once on your life. We arrived to the hotel again in the night.

We just slept a few hours before we wake up again, the bus leave at 6 o’clock. Have you ever been
on the top of a pyramid? Palenque is one of the most beautiful places in the world, we were
amazed because the high and the gorgeous arquitecture of the pyramids. We walked around the
ruins all the day long and take many pictures.

We were at the bus station last night, it’s a shame but we really enjoy our little vacations. What
about you? Write me back soon.

P.D. we sent you some pictures already.

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