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Emotional Toughness Training

Emotional Awareness
In this first module of Emotional Toughness Training, we’ll ex-
plore emotional awareness to help you better understand why
you react to situations in the manner that you do. Champions
know who they are and what makes them tick. This is called
emotional awareness and it can help you develop a road map
that guides your life journey. Among other activities in this edi-
tion, I’ll show you how to find your strength zone to become
more successful and happier at work, find your true calling in
life, and establish a vision to guide you along your path.
Dr. Gregg Steinberg

Power Your Strengths to Success

It was more than fitting that Nashville resident ness. His talents come across amazingly well on
David Meador was presented with the Ben Hogan stage, usually earning him a standing ovation
Award at the 2013 Masters Golf Tournament. This wherever he speaks.
prestigious honor is presented by the U.S. Golf Many business experts purport the im-
Writers Association and they recognize someone
portance of using your strengths at work. Marcus
who is active in golf despite a physical handicap
Buckingham has popularized this notion in many
or serious illness. of his best-selling business books such as First
David Meador was just 18 when he lost his Break all the Rules. Buckingham states that fixing
sight in a car accident. But that did stop David your weakness will drain your energies. Don’ wor-
from living a full life, as he went on to earn a mas- ry about your weaknesses unless they become a
ter’s degree as well as develop a successful insur- disadvantage. Instead, you will be much more
ance practice. Along the way, he won two nation- productive when engaged in your strengths at
al blind golf championships. work.
David Meador has always focused on his Psychologists have touted this same principle
strengths, rather than dwell on his weaknesses. about our health and happiness. Martin Seligman,
As my friend, I have become aware of many of his renowned positive psychologist and former Amer-
key strengths such as his charismatic personality, ican Psychological Association president, has dis-
empathetic manner, and wonderful communica- covered that individuals who use their signature
tion style. Today, he has harnessed those signa- strengths during their day will be much happier
ture strengths into a professional speaking busi- than those individuals who do not.
This strength zone principle will also help you day, then develop a strength plan. Ask your-
attract more clients. When you are in your self questions such as: In what areas of work
strength zone, you will be giving off great confi- might I use my strengths more often? What
dence, great joy and great energy. When this hap- projects should I take on to use more of my
pens, people will gravitate toward you and want strengths? How can I incorporate my
to be around you, which will increase the possibil- strengths into my current projects?
ity of landing them as a client. 3. If your business demands that you acquire
To become more successful and happier at new clients, then how can you use a unique
work, you must use your strengths effectively. strength to accomplish this? Are you a great
Here are a few suggestions to accomplish this chef? Perhaps you should start a free cook-
process: ing class, and from this class, you will cook
up some new clients.
1. First, make a list of your five signature
strengths? Are you creative? Are you very The philosopher, Voltaire likened our life to a
disciplined and organized? Can you motivate game of cards. Each player must accept the cards
anyone? Are you a great writer? dealt to them. But once those cards are in hand,
you alone decide how to play them to win the
2. Next, ask yourself if you are using your
game. Play your hand wisely to a healthier and
strengths enough at work? If you are not
wealthier life.
using at least one of your strengths every

The Vision of John F. Kennedy

Very few childhood memories still linger in my
mind, but one stands out like yesterday morning.
The year was 1969, and I was a young boy of 6
years. It was late at night, well past my bedtime,
but my mother was keeping me up for what she
called “a historic moment”. Being a child, I had no
grasp at what she meant at the time, but now I John F. Kennedy
am so thankful for her foresight. As I sat in our Photo Courtesy of the John F. Kennedy Presidential
den in my pajamas, I saw live on television how Library and Museum
Neil Armstrong walked down the steps from his
lunar module. Then right before he made the last
step, Astronaut Armstrong said the famous words nates with me was his vision statement --By the
that now defined a generation “One small step decade’s end, the United States would have an
for man, one giant leap for mankind.” American walk on the moon. This vision for the
country boosted morale as well as created a
Fifty years ago, the world lost a visionary: John
surge of growth to our neophyte space program.
F. Kennedy. While he accomplished amazing
With Kennedy’s vision, NASA took off and be-
feats in his short-lived presidency, one that reso-

came a dominate force, with all eyes looking up- were nothing else to accomplish of worthy merit.
ward at the moon, wondering if we could really Buzz Aldrin was telling the crowd an im-
do the impossible--have a man walk on the moon. portant construct of having a vision. We need to
A vision for the country is no different from a continually set new goals to attain throughout our
personal vision. Our personal vision is our guiding lives.
light. Your vision are your personal dreams and Do you feel demotivated? Have you stop
aspirations We all need this light. In a sense, it is setting new goals for your life because you have
our survival mechanism. Our vision keeps us alive accomplished much in your life?
inside, without it, we may slowly die inside.
When Neil Armstrong’s foot landed on the
Ask Buzz Aldrin. A few years back I heard Al- moon’s surface, it was an evolutionary step for hu-
drin speak at the Southern Festival of Books in manity. It showed that anything is possible, but it
Nashville. (Buzz Aldrin was Armstrong’s wingman
all starts with a vision.
and second in command on Apollo 9). Aldrin said
that after doing the impossible and returning to Henry David Thoreau once stated, “In the long
Earth, he felt empty inside and depressed. He said run, men hit only what they aim at”. I would add,
that he had accomplished all his dreams-he had “We need to adjust our aim” The passing this week
reached the mountaintop. He felt as if there of Neil Armstrong showed us that when we have

Strengths & Michelangelo

Earlier in the summer, I had the great pleasure sculptor of the statue of David. One fact I did not
to travel to Florence Italy with my family. Walk- know was that many scholars believe he was au-
ing the streets of this Renaissance city, you feel tistic. The evidence relates to his lack of personal
transported back in time. At every turn, you see hygiene and social skills. He had a very difficult
amazing architecture like the Duomo di Firenze by time relating to people but an amazing ability to
Filippo Brunelleschi. Walk into any church and relate to marble.
your eyes are feasted upon beautiful stained The story of Michelangelo relates to the cur-
glass. All the streets are extremely narrow and rent philosophy of strength psychology, which
filled with original cobblestone, built long before posits that your success will come from a focus on
there was the thought of a mechanized vehicle. what you are great at doing. You need to focus
However, my favorite experience was seeing very little attention on your weaknesses, unless
the Statue of David. Pictures don’t capture the they hurt your success.
magnificence of this sculpture. Walking around Michelangelo focused completely on his
him, you are mesmerized and perplexed at how strength of creativity, and it gave him legendary
anyone could carve such beauty. David makes status. Unfortunately, many people in business
you believe in the magic of art. spend too much time and energy in their weak-
Luckily, we had a wonderful docent who told ness zone. For instance, I had a client who was
us endless stories of the true Michelangelo, the president of a financial company and his strength

was the “big picture”. He was a visionary. His Are you allowing your weaknesses to drain you
weakness was the details and the “nuts and and de-energize your days? Let go of your weak-
bolts” of the operation. When he was in the de- nesses and focus on your strengths and you will
tails of his company, he would get drained and be turn your life into a masterpiece.
grumpy. He disliked the details but thought he
needed to be better at this aspect of his compa- Every block of stone has a stat-
ue inside it and it is the task of
With my advice, he finally agreed to let go of
the details and hire someone in that regard. As a
the sculptor to discover it.
result, he became more energetic and positive - Michelangelo
and his business began to explode.

Self-Lead to Success
With all the incessant fighting on Capital Hill Former President Hall had a positive and
leading to the government shutdown, we are all affirming attitude that created a trickle down
asking, “Where have all the great leaders gone?” effect to the faculty and staff, producing a won-
It seems like our leadership has failed us in so derful synergy that now permeates the school
many ways, mainly by their selfishness in focusing grounds. As a faculty member for the last 15
on their interests instead of the people’s needs. years, I can say without a doubt, he was the best
president we have had in my tenure.
Fortunately, we have had great local leader-
ship in our backyard: Tim Hall, the former Austin While APSU greatly benefited from Tim’s pres-
Peay State University president. Because of his ence on campus, anyone could gain from his lead-
stewardship, APSU was voted as one of the best ership style and philosophies. His principles of
Universities to work in the United States for the leadership can help you to become a better self-
past two years. (Only 140 Universities were leader. A self-leader follows a positive affirming
picked for this prestigious list). lead in life.
Regardless of whether you are a business ex-
ecutive, student or musician, you must take the
lead to your success. Here are a few of Tim Hall’s
key leadership principles that can help create a
transformation in your life:
1. Great leaders have great EQ: Emotional
Intelligence. When you interact with Pres-
ident Hall, he always leaves you feeling
good about yourself. Furthermore, he gives
off great energy, always smiling and in a
Dr. Tim Hall good mood.
Photo Courtesy of Austin Peay
State University
A self-leader gives off positive energy and able. The feedback is more positive. As a
in return, gets it back in their life. result, people begin to have higher expec-
2. Great leaders have solid values. Being un- tations in what they can do which leads to
ethical will catch up to you. As Tim Hall greater performance. This is the definition
told me, “It is hard to hide being unethical. of a self-fulfilling prophecy. From day one,
Your actions will find you out. “A self- Tim Hall believed that APSU had amazing
leader talks the talk and walks the walk. potential. A self-leader believes in their
This builds a bridge of trust with others. own amazing potential. To transform your
life and get the success you deserve, you
3. Great leaders believe in the potential of must become a self-leader.
others. When you have high expectations
of others, your interactions are more favor-

The Legacy of Emotional Intelligence

The 4th of July is my favorite holiday. It is a In direct contrast, his foe in the Washington
truly remarkable moment in time when we had a administration was the guy on our nickel. Thomas
group of amazing individuals, known as our Jefferson, a rich aristocrat from Virginia, believed
founding fathers, get together and create the in an agrarian society with farmers being more
foundation for our wonderful nation. This is a day important than corporations, and pushed that for
we should celebrate with joy as well as reverence. his agenda.
But I do believe we have a misconception in I hope it is obvious to you who won this ideo-
our history books. Our true founding father is the logical battle-It was Hamilton. Our America is his
guy on the $10 bill--Alexander Hamilton. In my vision.
view, he has never received his disserved recogni-
But why do we revere Jefferson and other
tion for shaping our country into what it is today. founding fathers while few school children know
Hamilton came from a small country in the about Alexander Hamilton?
Caribbean. He was raised by a single mother and The answer is emotional intelligence. Jeffer-
was dirt poor. But his amazing talents allowed son had it in vast amounts while Hamilton had
him to be sent to America and then George
little. Jefferson was seen as the man of the peo-
Washington noticed the impressive lad. He be- ple, who never said a mean word in public. Hamil-
came his assistant in the revolutionary war and ton, on the other hand, said what was on his
eventually, Secretary of the Treasury in George mind, creating many enemies in his corner.
Washington’s administration.
One enemy was Aaron Burr (vice president at
Because of his background, Hamilton pushed the time under Jefferson), who shot Hamilton
for a meritocracy with the notion that anyone dead in a dual in 1802. The story is that Hamilton
should be able to rise to the top. He also empha- shot first, aiming his pistol above Burr to purpose-
sized corporate America leading the way. He saw ly miss, while Burr took dead aim and killed the
the need for big business and a centralized bank. great visionary.

This is a historic tale that should be told in seen professors get promoted to V.P. because
all history books as a word of caution. Talent and they would have scored off the charts on a likea-
skill is not enough. For you to be successful, in bility scale. I have seen graduate students get
politics, business, or any area of your life, you amazing jobs, not because they had the most tal-
must have emotional intelligence. ent or were the most skillful, but because they
What is emotional intelligence? For every ex- had the highest emotional intelligence.
pert, there is a different definition. I would define I know you too have seen this happen in your
emotional intelligence as the ability to make field, time and time again.
friends, the ability to make people feel good
While we teach basic knowledge in school, we
about themselves, and the ability to have people
also need to emphasize the skill of emotional in-
respect you.
telligence, not only today but for the centuries to
I have seen emotional intelligence rocket indi- come.
viduals to success, time and time again. I have

Finding Your Calling Like Loretta Lynn

In 1960, Loretta Lynn stepped onto the stage Fifty years later, Loretta Lynn is still going
of the Grand Ole Opry for the first time. It was not strong. She continues to tour when healthy and,
an easy journey. In fact, Loretta and her family in 2004, put out a country album that landed on
slept in their car the night before outside the top of the country charts. Loretta Lynn does not
Opry and they all shared a doughnut for breakfast seem to be slowing down with thoughts of retire-
in the morning. To say she was dirt poor was an ment any time soon.
understatement. Loretta Lynn gets it. She found her calling.
Two years later, with her great singing voice That is the ultimate goal for anyone in the work-
and charisma, the Grand Ole Opry made her a ing world.
lifetime member. To any country singer, this is I always ask my classes at ASPU what the ulti-
one of the highest honors that can bestowed up-
mate goal of college is. To which they respond,
on you. To Loretta, however, it was only the be-
“To Graduate” or “To Learn” or “To get a good
ginning. job” and of course “To get an “A’ in my class”
To which, I respond that those answers have
important value, but a student’s ultimate goal in
In the long run, you make your college is to find a career from which they do not
own luck - good, bad, or indif- want to retire. Ultimately, that is finding your
Only a few luck individuals, like Loretta Lynn,
- Loretta Lynn find their calling. But what a wonderful life that
would be: If you can get up every morning and be
excited to go to work.

There is an old saying in the self-help litera- ues to argue for the career. The one that fits best
ture and it is a bit clichéd but very true—“ When and feels right will be your direction. (This could
you love what you do, you never work a day in be an awareness exercise for parents working
your life” with their children to find a direction. I describe
The difficult part, of course, is finding your such an exercise in my book, Flying Lessons.)
calling. Here is a 3 step process to help discover Finding your direction and staying on that
your calling: Make a list of 5 of your key path for the rest of your life is a wonderful experi-
strengths. This could such items as creativity, and ence. I remember the story of the 92 year old
negotiator and problem solver pediatrician who said that he would never think
of retiring because he loves his job so much. He
Make a list of 5 of your key values: This could could never think of retiring because it keeps his
be such items as charity, money, or compassion. mind sharp and love in his heart. I can only wish
Then pick two careers that you think are your call-
those sentiments to you.
ing and write a persuasive paragraph (as if you
are writing it to me) using your strengths, and val-

Go Full Throttle without Burning Out

Daniel Day Lewis made history by being the must figure out ways to go full throttle without
first male actor to win 3 academy awards in the burning out.
Best Actor category. He won for Lincoln (2013), The secret to going full throttle is to harness
There Will Be blood (2007), and My Left Foot your internal energy rhythms. Our bodies have a
(1989). natural internal energy rhythm. You can feel it:
According to Steven Spielberg, Daniel Day Place two fingers on the side of your neck and get
Lewis acts using a method in which he never your pulse. This is the rhythm of life. This is your
breaks character on the set. His roles become all internal energy rhythm. Once you tap into your
consuming. He goes full throttle into every part energy cycles at the right time, you will not only
that he plays--One of the main reasons for his im- maximize your productivity but also prevent
mense success in the dramatic arts. burnout.
Unfortunately for the movie industry, Daniel You can accomplish this “Full Throttle’ process
Day Lewis recently announced he was taking a in 3 easy steps:
needed break for a few years. He called it “a lie Step 1: Become aware of the rise and fall of your
down”. His comments alluded to the notion that natural energy levels.
he was burnt out from his current job.
Many people are like Daniel Day Lewis. They Does your energy soar in the morning? Does it
go full throttle at work. Their jobs are all consum- take a skid after lunch? Do you have a second
ing and it is non-stop from one day to the next. wind in the afternoon? While most individuals will
Unlike Lewis, most of us are not multi- have a few peaks and valleys throughout the day,
millionaire actors who can leave our careers for everyone is unique. Knowing when your energy
years at a time and just “lie down”. Instead, we soars as well as when it droops is the first step in

going full throttle without burning out. My energy peaks in the morning so I write
Step 2: Create an energy to-do list this column and do my creative work early in my
day. I also have another peak around 2pm and I
Most successful individuals create a to-do list. have scheduled to teach my classes then. This
Here is a twist--quantify those activities on your matching system has allowed me to be very pro-
to-do list in terms of three different levels of en- ductive at the right times during the day.
ergy: high, moderate and low. Meeting with a
On the flip side, if I did my high-energy
disgruntle client may take immense energy
tasks when I had naturally low energy, I would be
whereas sending out e-mails requires low energy. forcing my creativity. Not only would this make
Step 3: Create an energy plan in which you me less effective, it would also zap my energy,
match tasks to your energy levels. and increase my chances of burning out.
Energy rhythms are all around us-the ebb and
More specifically, place the most demanding
flow of tides, the migration of the birds, the moon
energy tasks at times when your energy is soar-
orbiting the Earth, and the Earth orbiting the Sun.
ing. Position moderate energy level tasks for
times in the day when your energy begins to slide There is a rhythm to the Universe. Once you cap-
ture those rhythms in your life, then you will be
and do low energy tasks when you have
able to go full-throttle without burning out.
bottomed out.

This Emotional Toughness Training

e-Zine is a part of the Emotional
Toughness Training MOOC created
by Dr. Gregg Steinberg and Austin
Peay State University.

To learn more about Dr. Steinberg,

visit his website at

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