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“The Robbers” Karya Anton Chekhov

One evening before christmas, Ergunov, the doctor’s assistant, was returning
from the hamlet of Repin with some purchases for the hospital. The doctor had lent
him his very best horses but in the middle of way, snow-storm sprang up and he lost
his way. He was confused but after two hours passed. He found inn by helping of
dogs. He remembered that the inn owned by Andrew Chirikov had been murdered,
leaving behind him an old wife and a daughter, Liubka. Then the doctor asked to
enter into the inn guided by Liunka. The first room he entered was almost empty and
the air was hot and smelled of freshly scrubbed boards. At a table under the icons
sat a small, thin peasant of forty with a little red beard and wearing a blue skirt. It
was Kalashnikov, a hotorious Ruffian and horse thief. There the doctor also met with
Merik. Merik also told his with Filia, a famous Circassian chieftain.
Kalashnikov tuned a balalaika, and thenMerik and Liubka danced. The doctor
excited of it. After that Kalashnikov went away. When dancing, Merik said that he
would find Liubka’s mother and her money, then he would kill her and cut Liubka’s
throat with a knife and set fire to the inn. A while later, Merik went away, too. When
Kalashnikov and Merik went away, the doctor was afraid that his horse lost. It was
right, after Merik went away, his host lost and he was angry with Liubka. They
quarreled and Liubka struck him on the head with her fist.
Next day, Ergunov’s head still ached and he heared a roaring in his ears as if
he were sitting under a railway bridge with a train going over his head. He was
confused how to answer the questions that would be put to him. After that he thought
about the nice of free life and he wanted to live freely.A year and a half passed, the
doctor long since dismissed from the hospital and without work, came out of a
stsaloon in Repin. Two wagons went by on the road; the doctor saw that Andrew
Chirikov’s was burning and he remembered about what happened to him at that inn
one winter’s night a year and a half ago.
1. Setting

Place : Andrew Chirikov’s inn.

Time :

 One evening before Christmas

 A year and a half passed in one spring night.

Atmosphere : feeling that is created at the beginning in the story is dibble.

2. Character

Protagonist : Liubka andErgunov

Antagonist : Merik and Filia (Peasants)

Major : Ergunov, Liubka, Merik, Kalashnikov

Minor : Andrew Grogorich, Fillia, Kalashnikov’s father and uncle, Old Woman.

3. Plot

Introduction :
When he lost his way and he found an inn and then he entered in it.

Risingaction :
When the doctor looked for his horse and he thought that his horse had lost.

Climax :
When the doctor didn’t found his horse, then he looked for Liubka and met her (Doctor seized the
neck of Liubka’s chemise and tore, then he caught Liubka in his arm.Liubka slipped out of his
embrance and struck him on the head with her fist.)

Falling action :
In the morning after all happened to the doctor at the inn last night, when he tought about freedom
and want to be free, too.

Resolution :
The doctor dismissed from the hospital (without wore), and he come out a saloon in Repin
wandered aimless down the street and out into the open country.

4. Conflict

In this story, there are 4 kinds of conflict

 Human vs Social
Human VS Social is occurring when the doctor thought about people’s habitualsuch as why
the one must get up in the morning, have dinner at noon, and go to bed at night?
 Human vs Human
Human VS Human is occurring when the doctor and Liubka were quarreled after the doctor
realized his horse was lost.
 Human vs Natural
Human VS Natural is occurring when the doctor lost his way in a violent snowstorm in his
journey to Repin.
 Human vs Self
Human VS Self is occurring when the doctor wants being free and got a freedom.

5. Point of View

Writer use Omniscient point of view, because the writer know all about of the storysuch as the
writer knew that Ergunov is the doctor’s assistant, then the writer knew that Ergunovwas returning
from the hamlet of Repin in one evening before Christmas, etc. The second reason is the story use
pronun He, She, Her, His, and They.

6. Theme

We must have freedom in our life; Freedom is one of the important part for our life.


Indeed, this story tells about a man of frivolous character who had the reputation in the district of
a windbag and a great drinker, but after all had happened to him at an inn in the winter’s night a
year ago. When he went to his home, but in the middle of road there is snowstorm he cannot toward
to his home. So, he and a hours is that brought by him stopover in the an inn. In the inn he saw the
free people that their life are not depend on the others people, they can do what that they want
without must feel is not free from the others. After that, he go out from his job and try to undergone
his life by his self. From this story, we can get the point that we can make our life more interesting
by our way so that we can feel our life more have meaningful.
Suatu malam sebelum natal, Ergunov, asisten dokter, kembali dari dusun
Repin dengan beberapa pembelian ke rumah sakit. Dokter telah meminjaminya
kuda-kudanya yang terbaik tapi di tengah jalan, badai salju bermunculan dan dia
tersesat. Dia bingung tapi setelah dua jam berlalu. Dia menemukan penginapan
dengan membantu anjing. Dia ingat bahwa penginapan milik Andrew Chirikov telah
dibunuh, meninggalkan seorang istri tua dan seorang anak perempuan, Liubka. Lalu
dokter meminta masuk ke penginapan yang dipandu oleh Liunka. Ruang pertama
yang dimasukinya hampir kosong dan udara panas dan berbau papan gosok yang
baru digosok. Di meja di bawah ikon duduk seorang petani kecil berusia empat
puluhan dengan jenggot merah kecil dan mengenakan rok biru. Itu adalah
Kalashnikov, penjahat ruffian dan kuda hotorious. Di sana dokter juga bertemu
dengan Merik. Merik juga menceritakannya dengan Filia, kepala suku Sirkasia yang
Kalashnikov menyetel balalaika, lalu Merik dan Liubka menari. Dokter
senang sekali. Setelah itu Kalashnikov pergi. Saat menari, Merik mengatakan bahwa
dia akan menemui ibu dan uang Liubka, lalu dia akan membunuhnya dan memotong
tenggorokan Liubka dengan pisau dan membakar penginapan. Beberapa saat
kemudian, Merik juga pergi. Ketika Kalashnikov dan Merik pergi, dokter itu takut
kudanya hilang. Benar, setelah Merik pergi, tuan rumahnya kalah dan dia marah
pada Liubka. Mereka bertengkar dan Liubka memukul kepalanya dengan tinjunya.
Keesokan harinya, kepala Ergunov masih terasa sakit dan dia mendongak di
telinganya seolah sedang duduk di bawah jembatan kereta api dengan sebuah kereta
melintas di atas kepalanya. Ia bingung bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan yang akan
diajukan kepadanya. Setelah itu dia memikirkan tentang kehidupan bebas yang
menyenangkan dan dia ingin hidup dengan bebas. Setengah setengah tahun berlalu,
dokter tersebut sejak lama diberhentikan dari rumah sakit dan tanpa kerja, keluar
dari sebuah stsaloon di Repin. Dua gerobak berjalan di jalan; Dokter melihat bahwa
Andrew Chirikov sedang terbakar dan dia ingat tentang apa yang terjadi padanya di
penginapan itu pada suatu malam musim dingin satu setengah tahun yang lalu.

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