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It has been five hundred years since the end of Lothric.

Its proud castle are broken rubble, its fields

ashen wastelands as far as the eye can see. The sullen peaks of the Jötunheimr mountains loom in the
distance. A barrier not only to those who would plunder the riches of this land, but also to the evil that
destroyed it from within. Beyond the mountains lie the northern kingdoms. From the hardy warriors of
Valhiem and Kvenland to the secretive and warlike peoples of Din Etin. The dwarf holds of Midhiem the
principality of Arcadia lie beyond. Prosperous lands that are beyond the true bite of winter. The plains of
Helluland are home to the finest horses and horsemen of the north and these doughty warriors are ever
eager for the chance to test their mettle. From the coastline of Faereyjar sleek long ships slip their
moorings eager to claim the Nordrhaf as their own. Frakkland and Koenugard lie further south still, lands
of haughty and proud nobles as quick in battle as they are generous in peace. Beyond the steppes of Din
Etin lie the Hinterlands. Home to brute Orcs and Picts. these lands are in constant turmoil as petty
chieftains war with one another. When these hard lands know peace at last, the others surely will know
only war.

Into this land you have arrived. You seek adventure amongst the ruins of Lothric? Perhaps you wish to
plumb the depths of the Nordrhaf? No matter. Wherever you're travels take you, you can be sure of one
thing: Adventure will seek you regardless of your wish, and when it does be sure to great it sword in
hand with a proud heart beating in your chest...

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