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Treatment of Severe Hyperkalemia:

Confronting 4 Fallacies
J. Gary Abuelo1
Division of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases, Department of Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital and Alpert Medical School of
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Severe hyperkalemia is a medical emergency that can cause lethal arrhythmias. Successful management
requires monitoring of the electrocardiogram and serum potassium concentrations, the prompt institution
of therapies that work both synergistically and sequentially, and timely repeat dosing as necessary. It is of
concern then that, based on questions about effectiveness and safety, many physicians no longer use 3
key modalities in the treatment of severe hyperkalemia: sodium bicarbonate, sodium polystyrene sulfo-
nate (Kayexalate [Concordia Pharmaceuticals Inc., Oakville, ON, Canada], SPS [CMP Pharma, Farmville,
NC]), and hemodialysis with low potassium dialysate. After reviewing older reports and newer informa-
tion, I believe that these exclusions are ill advised. In this article, I briefly discuss the treatment of severe
hyperkalemia and detail why these modalities are safe and effective and merit inclusion in the treatment of
severe hyperkalemia.
Kidney Int Rep (2018) 3, 47–55;
KEYWORDS: colonic necrosis; Kayexalate; low potassium dialysate; severe hyperkalemia; sodium bicarbonate; sodium
polystyrene sulfonate
ª 2017 International Society of Nephrology. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (

evere hyperkalemia is a medical emergency that applicable literature is reviewed here to support this
S threatens patients with lethal arrhythmias.
Successful management requires monitoring of the
As background, severe hyperkalemia is a serum po-
electrocardiogram and serum potassium concentrations, tassium concentration of >6.0 or >5.5 mmol/l with an
prompt administration of therapies that work both arrhythmia or hyperkalemic electrocardiographic
sequentially and synergistically (Figure 1), and timely changes. It is usually multifactorial, caused by various
repeat dosing as necessary. If monitoring and follow-up combinations of renal failure (often oliguric), potassium
care are not done carefully or if any therapy is supplements, drugs that impair renal potassium excre-
excluded, death may result. In 1 study of patients with tion, and movement of potassium out of cells due to
severe hyperkalemia, the number of measures used to hyperglycemia or inorganic metabolic acidosis
treat hyperkalemia correlated with achieving a serum (Table 1).1–4 In 1 study, severe hyperkalemia included
potassium concentration of <5.5 mmol/l and with approximately 0.6% of hospital admissions and was
survival.1 associated with high comorbidity (chronic kidney dis-
It is of concern then, that following published reports ease [70%], hypertension [46%], diabetes mellitus
and opinions, many physicians no longer use 3 key [41%], malignancy [32%], and multiorgan failure
modalities in the treatment of severe hyperkalemia: so- [25%]), and with high mortality of approximately 31%;
dium bicarbonate, sodium polystyrene sulfonate the principal causes of death were septic shock (28%),
(Kayexalate [Concordia Pharmaceuticals Inc., Oakville, respiratory (16%), and cardiac (15%).1 When serum
ON], SPS [CMP Pharma, Farmville, NC]), and hemodial- potassium was $6.5 mmol/l, 50% of patients had
ysis with low or no potassium dialysate. These exclu- hyperkalemia-induced electrocardiographic changes,
sions, although well-meaning, are based on fallacies due and 47% were symptomatic with muscle weakness, ar-
to failure to consider all available information. The rhythmias, or cardiac arrest.
The management of severe hyperkalemia involves 3
Correspondence: J. Gary Abuelo, Division of Kidney Diseases and tasks, which should be carried out in close succession
Hypertension, Rhode Island Hospital, 593 Eddy Street, Providence, (Table 2)5:
RI 02903, USA. E-mail:
Received 14 July 2017; revised 8 September 2017; accepted 2 i. Antagonize any electrocardiographic changes
October 2017; published online 7 October 2017 caused by hyperkalemia with i.v. calcium chloride
Kidney International Reports (2018) 3, 47–55 47
REVIEW JG Abuelo: Fallacies in the Treatment of Severe Hyperkalemia


(mEq/L) 6

0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 1. Sequential response of hyperkalemia to 4 therapies administered as initial management to a virtual hemodialysis patient. This patient
missed a week of dialysis and presented to the hospital with muscle weakness, bradycardia, a serum potassium concentration of 8.5 mmol/l,
bicarbonate concentration of 16 mmol/l, and an electrocardiogram (ECG) showing loss of P waves and a QRS in a sine-wave pattern. The ECG
reverted to normal sinus rhythm after a second dose of calcium before there was a significant change in serum potassium level. The arte-
riovenous fistula was clotted. By the time vascular access was re-established and dialysis was performed, the serum potassium fell to a safe
level (5.2 mmol/l).

or gluconate. Repeat the dose if the changes do not The new potassium binding resin, patiromer,
resolve or recur. reduced serum potassium concentration by only 0.21
ii. Redistribute potassium into cells with insulin, mmol/l in 7 hours in a recent study; therefore, it is only
albuterol, and/or sodium bicarbonate, if there is used for chronic hyperkalemia.6
metabolic acidosis. Repeat as necessary. Monitor
Table 1. Principal causes of hyperkalemia
the blood glucose level hourly after insulin
administration. If the blood glucose is <200 mg/dl, Acute and/or chronic kidney failure (often oliguric): decreases urinary
excretion of potassium
use i.v. glucose to prevent insulin-induced Increased potassium intake
hypoglycemia. Decreased tubular potassium secretion: decreases urinary excretion of potassium
iii. Remove potassium from the body with oral (or Decreased aldosterone level Decreased aldosterone effect

rectal) sodium polystyrene sulfonate. This is Primary adrenal insufficiency Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists:
spironolactone, eplerenone
usually suspended in 33% sorbitol to move the Heparin: impairs aldosterone synthesis Epithelial sodium channel inhibitors:
sodium polystyrene sulfonate through the amiloride, triamterene, trimethaprim
gastrointestinal tract. Alternatively, remove po- Low renin states: diabetic nephropathy, Calcineurin inhibitors:
b-blockers, nonsteroidal cyclosporine, tacrolimus
tassium from the body with hemodialysis if the anti-inflammatory drugs
patient has a vascular access, and dialysis can be Angiotensin-converting Tubular defects: lupus nephritis,
initiated in <4 hours (duration of insulin effect). enzyme inhibitors obstructive uropathy,
sickle cell disease
Also, use hemodialysis if sodium polystyrene Angiotensin receptor blockers
sulfonate cannot be given or is ineffective. Oc- Movement of potassium out of cells (acute hyperkalemia)
casionally, rapid recovery of acute kidney injury True hyperkalemia Pseudohyperkalemia
(false positive)
produces urinary excretion of potassium, which
Metabolic acidosis-inorganica Hemolysis in vitro
augments and then may exceed the potassium
b-blockers Platelets >500,000/mm3
removed by sodium polystyrene sulfonate. This Insulin deficiency White cells >120,000/mm3
can be seen after the repletion of a volume deficit Hyperosmolality-hyperglycemia
in prerenal azotemia or after the relief of urinary Cell breakdown-tumor, muscle, red cell
obstruction. Unfortunately, the timing and Drugs that impair renal potassium excretion are indicated in bold.
amount of potassium excretion cannot be Hyperkalemia is common with type 4 renal tubular acidosis and uremic acidosis (i.e.
acidosis of renal failure); it is uncommon with the acidosis of diarrhea or types 1 (distal)
predicted. or 2 (proximal) renal tubular acidosis.

48 Kidney International Reports (2018) 3, 47–55

JG Abuelo: Fallacies in the Treatment of Severe Hyperkalemia REVIEW

Table 2. Treatment of severe hyperkalemia

Mechanism Treatment (initial dose) Onset (duration) of action Redosing Comments
Antagonize ECG changes CaCl or Ca gluconate (1 g i.v. over 2–3 min) 1 min (30–60 min) If ECG changes do not resolve or Does not affect serum K level
Redistribute K into cells NaHCO3 (150 mEq i.v. over 3–4 h) 2–3 h (permanent) Not necessary if HCO3 normalized Effective in metabolic acidosis
(HCO3 #17)
Insulin (10 U i.v.) 10–20 min (4–6 h) If K rises >6 mEq/l I.v. glucose for blood glucose <200 mg/dl
Albuterol (10–20 mg in 4 ml saline over 30 min (2–6 h) If K rises >6 mEq/l Up to 40% ESRD patients are resistant
10 min by nebulizer)
Remove K from the body Na polystyrene sulfonate (30–60 g in 1–2 h (permanent) Every 2 h to achieve K<6 Not used with ileus or bowel obstruction
33% sorbitol)
Hemodialysis Minutes (permanent) If K rises >6 mEq/l Give Na polystyrene sulfate first, if dialysis
delayed >4 h

Ca, calcium; CaCl, calcium chloride; ECG, electrocardiographic; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; K, potassium; NaHCO3, sodium bicarbonate.

The 4 Fallacies sodium bicarbonate over $4 hours. However, it is

Fallacy 1 likely that rapid administration is also effective. In 1
Sodium bicarbonate fails to lower serum potassium patient, a dose of 144 mEq given over 135 minutes led
acutely and has no role in the emergent treatment of to a fall of serum potassium concentration from 8.6 to
hyperkalemia.5,7–10 6.5 mmol/l and reversal of electrocardiographic
This viewpoint is based on reports of hyper- changes caused by hyperkalemia.18 In 10 cases, 50
kalemic patients who had minimal (<1 mmol/l) or no mEq given over 15 minutes produced a 0.5 mmol/l
decrease in serum potassium concentration after drop at 30 minutes.23
receiving i.v. sodium bicarbonate.11–16 However, Therefore, when patients with severe hyperkalemia
other case series observed satisfactory decreases in have significant metabolic acidosis, sodium bicarbonate
serum potassium concentration (1.5–3.0 mmol/l) in should be part of the treatment. It has worked in
response to sodium bicarbonate.17–20 The responsive patients on long-term hemodialysis. It provides addi-
patients had metabolic acidosis with pH < 7.35, tional potassium lowering when added to insulin or to
significant hypobicarbonatemia (serum bicarbonate insulin and albuterol.23 However, sodium bicarbonate
levels < 17 mmol/l), doses of sodium bicarbonate > should not be given to hypervolemic patients due to
120 mEq, and mostly serum potassium concentrations the risk of pulmonary edema or to patients with
> 6 mmol/l. In contrast, the unresponsive patients organic acidosis, such as lactic or ketoacidosis, in
had few of these features. Also, the unresponsive whom the acidosis does not contribute to the
cases were all hemodialysis patients, although it is hyperkalemia.24
unclear how this might diminish the response to so- The amount of sodium bicarbonate needed is
dium bicarbonate. unpredictable.22,24 One may start by giving 150 mEq in
The greater efficacy of sodium bicarbonate in
reducing serum potassium levels in patients with
appreciable metabolic acidosis is ascribed to greater
sodium entry into acidotic skeletal muscle. (Raising
extracellular bicarbonate levels stimulates sodium
bicarbonate co-transport into cells and falling extra-
cellular hydrogen increases sodium cell entry via
sodiumhydrogen exchange.) The higher intracellular
sodium then increases sodium, potassium adenosine
triphosphatase activity, and cellular potassium uptake
(Figure 2).21 The response of hyperkalemia to sodium
bicarbonate is observed even when an increase in Figure 2. Muscle cell uptake of potassium during therapy with so-
partial pressure of carbon dioxide prevents any change dium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). Functional coupling between
in arterial pH; therefore, an increase in plasma bicar- sodiumhydrogen (Naþ–Hþ) exchange and Naþ, potassium (Kþ)
bonate independently appears to move potassium adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) (a) leads to apparent Kþ–Hþ
intracellularly.19,22 exchange, and between Naþ–HCO3– cotransport and Naþ, Kþ–
ATPase (b) leads to apparent Kþ–HCO3– cotransport. Modified with
One concern about the efficacy of sodium bicar-
permission from Figure 3 in Aronson PS, Giebisch G. Effects of pH on
bonate is that it only works over several hours, potassium: new explanations for old observations. J Am Soc
which is not useful in severe hyperkalemia.7 This Nephrol. 2011;22:1981–1989.21 Copyright ª American Society of
mostly reflects the usual practice of administering Nephrology.

Kidney International Reports (2018) 3, 47–55 49

REVIEW JG Abuelo: Fallacies in the Treatment of Severe Hyperkalemia

1 liter 5% dextrose over 3 to 4 hours, and then look for than being ineffective, the sodium polystyrene sulfo-
a lowering of the serum potassium concentration and nate seemed to prevent this increase. Also, the patients
correction of acidosis. If necessary, additional sodium were normokalemic; had they been hyperkalemic, stool
bicarbonate can be administered to completely correct potassium concentration would have been higher,34
the serum bicarbonate deficit (i.e., to bring the level to and the sodium polystyrene sulfonate might have
24 mmol/l). The bicarbonate can be assumed to bound more potassium.
distribute through a virtual space equal to 50% of In a third study, 9 of 32 hyperkalemic patients given
body weight, so the dose for complete correction would sodium polystyrene sulfonate had no or <0.5 mmol/l
be body weight (in kilograms)  0.5  bicarbonate decrease in serum potassium concentrations; however,
deficit per liter. With serum bicarbonate levels <10 the other 23 patients had significant drops in serum
mmol/l, the virtual space increases to 70% or even potassium concentrations by 0.5 to 2.8 mmol/l.35 The
100% of body weight, and dosing should be increased authors believed that the failure of sodium polystyrene
accordingly.25,26 sulfonate to control hyperkalemia in these 9 cases was
Parenteral sodium bicarbonate is available as a caused by tissue damage that released potassium and
hypertonic solution of 44.6 or 50 mEq in 50-ml vials. It that higher sodium polystyrene sulfonate doses might
is usually given i.v. as an isotonic solution by adding 3 have been more effective.
vials to 1 liter of 5% dextrose. Direct injection of the To dispel the doubt that these 3 studies cast on
undiluted vials is discouraged because each vial would potassium lowering by sodium polystyrene sulfonate,
raise serum sodium concentration by approximately 1.3 all 7 of the most recent case series of sodium poly-
mmol/l in a 70-kg patient, and this increase in osmo- styrene sulfonate use confirmed its effectiveness in
larity would partly counteract the effect of lowering almost 800 patients; single 60- to 80-g doses were fol-
potassium.22,24 Nevertheless, decreases in serum po- lowed by average falls in serum potassium of 0.9 to 1.7
tassium by 2.1 to 3.0 mmol/l have been seen using mmol/l.36–42 The average decreases in serum potassium
hypertonic sodium bicarbonate in severely acidotic increased significantly from 0.6 to 0.9 to 1.2 mmol/l as
patients (pH 7.10 to 7.18).18 sodium polystyrene sulfonate doses increased from 15
to 30 to 60 g.36–38,40,42 Regarding onset of action, a
Fallacy 2 significant fall of 0.6 mmol/l was noted in potassium
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate is of uncertain effi- concentrations measured from 0 to 4 hours after sodium
cacy,9,10,27–30 and if effective, it is only after a delay of polystyrene sulfonate administration.39
several hours, making its usefulness questionable for
severe hyperkalemia.5,8,9,28,30,31 Sodium polystyrene Fallacy 3
sulfonate is not recommended to treat life-threatening Intestinal necrosis, usually of the colon, is an
hyperkalemia,8,9,27,29 but some would use it as a last infrequent, but often fatal complication of sodium
resort.28 polystyrene sulfonate.5,28–30,43,44
The questioning of the efficacy of sodium poly- The role of sodium polystyrene sulfonate in
styrene sulfonate is based on 3 studies. In one, serum producing intestinal necrosis is based on 3 types of
potassium concentrations fell by 1.4 mmol/l over 5 days evidence. The first involves studies in rats. In 1 study,
in 5 hyperkalemic patients on 60-g sodium polystyrene rats given 10-ml enemas with 70% sorbitol, which is 47
sulfonate per day combined with sorbitol.32 This drop times the dose used in humans, developed colonic ne-
in potassium was <1.7 mmol/l seen in a control group crosis, whereas enemas of sodium polystyrene sulfonate
on sorbitol alone. However, the 2 groups were not at 23 times the human dose had no toxic effect.45 In
comparable because sorbitol alone produced volumi- contrast, in a more recent study, only 1 of 5 rats given
nous diarrhea, which is known to cause potassium loss, enemas with 33% sorbitol had necrosis, but of the 8
and the sodium polystyrene sulfonate group experi- rats given sodium polystyrene sulfonate enemas, 6
enced a 9 mmol/l increase in serum sodium, which is were dead or dying, and 3 had mucosal ulcerations,
known to raise serum potassium concentration due to although the dose was only one-quarter the dose of the
its effect on tonicity.22 previous study.46 Both studies found that rats given
In another study, serum potassium concentrations sodium polystyrene sulfonate in sorbitol developed
remained constant over 12 hours in 6 hemodialysis colonic necrosis, but the earlier study ascribed it to
patients who were given 30-g sodium polystyrene sorbitol, whereas the later study ascribed the necrosis
sulfonate and sorbitol.33 However, serum potassium to sodium polystyrene sulfonate. Although these
levels rose 0.4 mmol/l in a placebo group, perhaps due results are concerning for intestinal toxicity of sodium
to absorption of dietary potassium and release of polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol, the use of doses
potassium from cells by catabolism. Therefore, rather many times the human dose and the contradictory
50 Kidney International Reports (2018) 3, 47–55
JG Abuelo: Fallacies in the Treatment of Severe Hyperkalemia REVIEW

findings between the 2 rat studies cast doubt on the hyperkalemia after insulin, and after calcium, albute-
clinical application of these reports. rol, and sodium bicarbonate, if they are used. Ileus and
Another observation that implicated sodium poly- intestinal obstruction are contraindications.
styrene sulfonate as the cause of intestinal necrosis was The potassium-lowering response to sodium poly-
the finding of sodium polystyrene sulfonate crystals in styrene sulfonate is unpredictable, although higher
histologic specimens of necrotic bowels of patients.47,48 doses generally produce greater decreases than lower
However, this only showed that patients received doses, and a 60-g dose decreases potassium by
sodium polystyrene sulfonate because crystals may be approximately 1.2 mmol/l (range: 0.9–1.7 mmol/l in
seen with a normal bowel or with an unrelated different studies).36–38,40,42 A lesser response can be
pathology.47 Crystals are not always seen in the anticipated in patients who release potassium because
necrotic mucosa of patients reported to have sodium of cell breakdown, as happens with rhabdomyolysis,
polystyrene sulfonateinduced necrosis.43 and in larger patients, whose greater muscle mass
The third type of evidence is of the numerous contains a greater excess of total body potassium.24 The
patients who experienced intestinal necrosis after goal is to reduce the serum potassium to #5.5 mmol/l,
exposure to sodium polystyrene sulfonate.43,49 so 60 g of sodium polystyrene sulfonate with 33%
Although of great concern, these reports do not sorbitol should be given when potassium is >6.5
prove causation. They support an etiologic role of mmol/l. However, smaller or larger doses (e.g., 90 g)
sodium polystyrene sulfonate in intestinal necrosis if can be given initially depending on the size of the
the patients had no other risk factors for it, such as old patient and degree of hyperkalemia. Serum potassium
age, chronic kidney disease stages IV or V, congestive levels should be obtained every 2 hours, and doses of
heart failure, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, sodium polystyrene sulfonate should be repeated until
peripheral vascular disease, and chronic pulmonary the potassium level is at goal.
disease.50–52 However, these factors were present in
most cases of intestinal necrosis ascribed to sodium Fallacy 4
polystyrene sulfonate.43,50,53 Also, sodium polystyrene Although hemodialysis with low potassium dialysate (0
sulfonate would appear causative in cases of intestinal or 1 mmol/l) removes more potassium55,56 and seems
necrosis if this complication occurred more often in necessary to achieve normal serum potassium concen-
individuals exposed to sodium polystyrene sulfonate trations after the postdialysis rebound,57 low potassium
than in those who have not been exposed. However, in dialysate may increase the risk of significant arrhyth-
a retrospective cohort study of sodium polystyrene mias and sudden death and should not be used.5,58–60
sulfonate and colonic necrosis in a tertiary medical This viewpoint is based on 2 types of evidence. The
center, 3 of 2194 individuals receiving sodium poly- first was the occurrence of frequent or complex ven-
styrene sulfonate or 0.14% had colonic necrosis; this tricular premature contractions in some patients during
was not statistically different from the 79 of >121,000 and after hemodialysis,61–65 together with the obser-
individuals who were not given sodium polystyrene vation that avoiding the rapid fall in serum potassium
sulfonate or 0.07% who experienced colonic necrosis.49 levels early in hemodialysis64,65 or raising the dialysate
Similarly, in a retrospective study of 11,409 hemodi- concentration of potassium (to 3.0 or 3.5 mmol/l)61,66
alysis patients, 20% were prescribed sodium poly- decreased the frequency of ventricular premature
styrene sulfonate. Colonic surgery, a marker for colonic contractions. The rapid fall in serum potassium was
necrosis, was no more common in patients who avoided by starting with a higher than usual dialysate
received sodium polystyrene sulfonate (0.6%) than in potassium concentration and reducing it during the
those not given sodium polystyrene sulfonate (1.0%).54 dialysis to a lower than usual concentration, thus
It is not clear if sodium polystyrene sulfonate causes maintaining a constant concentration difference
intestinal necrosis; instead, it may just be a marker for between the dialysate and the plasma (constant
risk factors for intestinal necrosis, such as chronic and gradient dialysis). Unfortunately, the clinical signifi-
end-stage renal disease. Even if sodium polystyrene cance of the reduced ventricular ectopy in these studies
sulfonate with or without sorbitol can rarely produce is clouded by contradictory reports. Constant gradient
intestinal necrosis, it is so uncommon (much <1%) that dialysis reduced ectopy only early in dialysis in 1
physicians should not hesitate to prescribe it for severe study,64 and only 14 hours after dialysis in another.65
hyperkalemia if it might be lifesaving. The studies on low potassium dialysate are similarly
Therefore, because of the effectiveness and relative difficult to interpret. One study found no increase in
safety of sodium polystyrene sulfonate, it could be arrhythmias that occurred during potassium-free dial-
concluded that unless hemodialysis is planned within 4 ysate compared with standard potassium dialysate
hours, it should be administered to patients with severe (2 mmol/l).62 When another study found increased
Kidney International Reports (2018) 3, 47–55 51
REVIEW JG Abuelo: Fallacies in the Treatment of Severe Hyperkalemia

arrhythmias with potassium-free dialysate, the signifi-

cance was questionable because heart disease as
measured by moderate or severe left ventricular
hypertrophy was more common in patients with
arrhythmias than in those without arrhythmias.67
A further challenge to the ventricular ectopylow
potassium association are studies that showed that the
decrement in serum potassium during dialysis was no
greater,62,67 and the predialysis68 and postdialysis
potassium concentrations were no lower61,62 in patients
with arrhythmias than in those without arrhythmias. A
final weakness in the proposal that low potassium
dialysate might cause sudden death through ventricu-
lar ectopy was found in a 4-year follow-up of 127
hemodialysis patients, including 97 with ventricular
arrhythmias, in whom ectopy did not predict overall
mortality.69 One should note that none of the previ-
ously described reports on ventricular ectopy during
hemodialysis dealt with patients with severe
The other evidence for increased risk of low potas-
Figure 3. Plasma potassium concentration during and after dialysis.
sium dialysate is the association between low potassium Reproduced with permission from Blumberg A, Roser HW, Zehnder
dialysate (0 or 1 mmol/l) and sudden death,70–72 which C, et al. Plasma potassium in patients with terminal renal failure
was noted in 3 observational studies of large hemodi- during and after haemodialysis; relationship with dialytic potassium
alysis populations. However, this association could be removal and total body potassium. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
questioned in 1 study70 because it made no statistical 1997;12:1629–1634. Copyright ª Oxford University Press.
adjustments for older age and the many comorbidities
present in the individuals who died suddenly. The illustrated by a patient with a predialysis potassium
other 2 studies found that when the monthly concentration of 6.9 mmol/l who was dialyzed with a
predialysis serum potassium was in the severe hyper- potassium-free dialysate; the postdialysis concentration
kalemic range, low potassium dialysate was not asso- was 3.3 mmol/l and the concentration 5 hours
ciated with increased sudden death.71,72 When the postdialysis was 4.4 mmol/l.75
monthly serum potassium concentration was >5.5 In summary, the original observation that ventric-
mmol/l, low potassium dialysate was associated with ular ectopy during hemodialysis might be related to the
fewer sudden cardiac deaths in a third study73 and rate of potassium removal or to low potassium dialysate
lower all-cause mortality in a fourth study.74 has not been confirmed by subsequent studies, and the
When hemodialysis is used to remove potassium in concern that ventricular ectopy presages sudden death
severe hyperkalemia, the aim is to safely remove or reduced survival was refuted by a study of 4-year
enough potassium to bring the serum potassium con- mortality in such patients. Furthermore, rather than
centration not only into the normal range, but bring it increasing risk in hyperkalemic patients, hemodialysis
down low enough so that the dietary potassium intake with low potassium dialysate was associated with less
of the patient will not lead to hyperkalemia by the next sudden death and mortality. Instead of avoiding the
dialysis; however, only 1 study has shed light on how use of low potassium dialysate in patients with severe
to do this.57 When 14 hyperkalemic patients were hyperkalemia, nephrologists should adopt it.
dialyzed against a 1 mmol/l dialysate, the average Absent convincing contradictory information, the
serum potassium fell from 5.7 to 3.6 mmol/l at the end author recommends the traditional “rule of 7” to
of dialysis, but rose to 5.0 6 hours later as potassium determine the dialysate potassium concentration to be
reequilibrated from the cells to the extracellular fluid; 1 used for a 3-hour hemodialysis (or a longer treatment in
individual with a predialysis potassium level of 6.9 a very large or morbidly obese individual). It stipulates
mmol/l equilibrated at 6.1 mmol/l (Figure 3). Therefore, that the sum of the dialysate potassium concentration
not enough potassium was removed in any of the cases and the serum potassium levels of the patient equals 7,
to bring the post-rebound serum potassium concen- and thus, the midpoint between (or average of) the 2
tration comfortably within the normal range. A values is 3.5 mmol/l. In this way, the amount of
0 mmol/l dialysate would have been better, as potassium removed increases as the potassium
52 Kidney International Reports (2018) 3, 47–55
JG Abuelo: Fallacies in the Treatment of Severe Hyperkalemia REVIEW

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