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Lesson Plan Title: Passing

Date: N/A
Subject: Physical Education
Grade: 9
Topic: Basketball

Materials: 12 basketballs (1 per 2 students), 24 flags

Safety Considerations: Inspect the activity area and eliminate potential hazards. Check that the activity
surface provides safe traction. Clearly outline the boundaries for the activity and set a safe distance
form wall and obstacles. Make sure the students are wearing appropriate foot wear(runners) and
clothing, and no jewelry. Teach skills in appropriate progressions, provide supervision, and make sure
there is spacing between students when passing. If an end walls or stage is close to the baseline, place
gym mats/padding for protection.

Management Strategies
- Equipment: Have one partner grab the ball for the class, and have the other put it away at the end of
- Groups: partner up with the person standing next to you on your left (for partner passing), for groups
of three split students into threes that are standing next to one another, teams number off students 1-
4. Have each corner designated as a number, once a student has a number they go to the corner.

Stage 1- Desired Results – you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?

 Psychomotor:
- Students will be able to successfully pass a basketball using the cues taught in class
- Students will demonstrate several ways how to pass a basketball
- Students will be able to pass a basketball standing still and while moving

 Affective:
- Students will show good social skills by working with a partner or group
- Students will experience basketball as a way to be physically and mentally active
- Students will show sportsmanship and respect towards their classmates and instructor while

 Cognitive:
- Students will be able to demonstrate and understand the skills and tactics when passing a
- Students will be able to perform successful passes (chest pass, bounce pass, etc) with strength,
accuracy and technique
- Students will be able to name cues for passing a basketball
- Students will demonstrate general knowledge for the game of basketball.
Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.
 Are the students able to successfully pass the basketball?
 Are the students able to pass the basketball in several different ways?
 Are the students using proper technique?

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.
 Did the students learn to properly pass a basketball?
 Were they able to pass a basketball with proper technique?
 Did the students participate?

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Activity Sequence Time

Motivational Set 2 mins

Warm Up: Pass Tag 5 mins

Partner Passing-teach: bounce pass, chest pass, push pass, skip pass 17mins

Triangle Passing 7mins

3 Person Weave 7mins

No Dribbling Basketball game 10mins

Closure 2 mins

Total Time 50 mins

Motivational/Anticipatory Set
 Introduce to the class the focus of todays class will be on passing a basketball
 Tell students that basketball is a sport played by both females and males at a high level (NBA,
USPORT, NCAA) and it is played in high school

Ask the students:

How many of you have played basketball before? Do you know how to pass a basketball? What types of
passes are there?

Warmup: Pass Tag

- One basketball
- Start with 2 people it
- Trying to tag other students with a flag
- Ball must be in your possession to tag someone
- Cannot dribble or run with the ball you must pass it to your teammate(s)
- If you get tagged take your flag out and you join the “IT” team

Main Procedures/Strategies:

Skill or Concept Learning Activities Teaching and Observation Points

- Explain to students the objective - No dribbling
Pass Tag of the game - No steps with the ball
- Designate 2 people to be it
- Have the rest of students tuck a
flag into shorts or pants
- Students get into partners Cues:
Bounce Pass - Have one student standing on - both hands
side line other middle of the gym - chest level
- Hold ball with both hands - Extend arms
- Ball at chest level - Palms towards floor
- Extend fingers towards target - Bounce between you and
(partner) partner
- Extend arms down when
releasing ball
- Palms out towards the floor
- Bounce ball in-between you and

x x x x x x x
X x x x x x x

X x x x x x x

x x x x x x x

- Students get into partners

Chest pass - Have one student standing on Cues:
side line other middle of the gym - square
- Body square to your partner - both hands
(target) - Step towards target
- Hold ball with both hands - Extend arms
- Step towards passing target
- Extend arms when releasing the
x x x x x x x

X x x x x x x

X x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
- Students get into partners Cues:
Push Pass - Have one student standing on - Face target
side line other middle of the gym - Step towards target
- Face target - Ball to chest
- Step towards target with - arm extended, wrist snaps
throwing arm
- Ball moves up the side of the
body to the chest
- Off hand stays on ball
- Ball side arm pushes through the
- Arm fully extended, wrist snaps
to put back spin on ball

x x x x x x x

X x x x x x x

X x x x x x x
x x x x x x x

- have students in groups of 6 Cues:

Skip Pass spread out across the gym in a - pass over a player on your team
half moon shape to another player on your team
- Pass the ball to every other - switch sports half way through
person, make sure that everyone
gets the chance to pass the ball so
students will have to switch

- 1 ball 6 per group - Move towards the ball
Triangle Passing - split students up into 4 groups - Communication – call for the
- player 1 passes ball to player 3 ball
and goes to the row of player 3 - Variations:
passes to player 5 and goes to - change direction
row of 5, etc. - change type of passing
5&6 3&4


- Players start at one end of the - Pass the ball ahead of the
3-Person Weave court in three lines, one in the person (target)
middle and one near each sideline - follow your throw
- Middle player starts the weave - call for the ball
by passing to one of the side - start with chest pass, switch to
players, 01(middle player) runs bounce pass
behind the player (02) passed to next group starts once the group
and then the other player passes ahead is at half court
it across to the other player (03)
and cuts behind them, etc.

- Have gym split into halves to - No dribbling

No Dribbling Basketball game have two games going on one - Communicate
side NCAA other USPORT side - Focus on passing to teammates
- Play 4v4 and special awareness
- Offence cannot dribble the ball
- Students must pass to advance
the ball
- Same rules as regular basketball
but cannot dribble
 Have students stand closer together when passing
 Have students pass with none dominant hand to make it more difficult
 Provide more time for more repetition
 Allow students to walk through the 3 person weave to make it easier
 Pass with non dominant hand during 3 person weave to make it harder

Closing /Summary of lesson:

 Review outcomes
 What are some important cues when passing?
 What passing did you find the easiest and hardest?
 What would you do differently if we were able to do this lesson again?

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