Daftar Pustaka

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Daftar Pustaka

1. Byhheth S.H., Broman G., Holmberg J., Lundqvist U., dan Robert K.H. A Method for
Sustainable product Development in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. , 2004.
2. Deutschman, Aaron D. Machine Design Theory and Practice. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co, Inc. 1975.
3. Marbett CDonveyor Components Catalogue. 2005.
4. Rex. Tabletop : Engineering Manual. 1998.
5. Rex, Tabletop and MatTop chains Catalogue. 2004.
6. Rudenko, N. Material Handling Equipment. Moscow : Peace Publisher. 1964.
7. SKF General Catalogue. 2004.
8. SEW Motor Drive Catalogue. 2004.
9. Ullman, David G. The mechanical design process. New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company.
10. Weenen, J C van. Concept, context, and co-operation for sustainable technology. Proc.
International Seminar on Design and Manufacture for sustainable development 2002
(Liverpool) june 27-28, pp 3-12. 2002.
11. Wijaya, Sonny. Perencanaan dan Pembuatan Pressless Combiner Conveyor, Tugas Akhir
Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Kristen Petra. 2006
12. http://akhdanazizan.com/rangkaian-interlock-dengan-kontaktor


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