Nurs 151 Final Evaluation

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Self Assessment

2017 - 2017 - NURS 151 Practical Nursing Practice 2 Final (201508)

NURS 151 Practical Nursing Practice 2 (PN, 09-Jan-2017 - 30-Apr-2017)
Student : Stacy Maureena Prashad
Clinical Teacher/Preceptor : Mercelies McHugh
Program Coordinator : Vasanthy Harnanan
Location : Hawthorn Woods Care Community - Sienna Senior
Placement Setting : Agency
Unit/Office/Clinic : LTC
Period : 09-Jan-2017 To 30-Apr-2017
Student hours : 168
Required Hours : 168
Validated hours : 156
Teacher comment for validated hours:

I declare that this is my original work and the sources used are acknowledged.

Abilities and Outcomes / Learning Outcomes Student Rating Teacher Rating


Satisfactory Satisfactory
1. 1 Comply with regulatory standards, relevant legislation and the practice setting’s policies and


S.M.P. : I comply with all the regulatory standards, relevant legislation and the practice setting’s policies and procedures when practicing such as

adhering to the rights of medication, proper and timely documentation, respect and professionalism, etc.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
1. 2 Act in a responsible, ethical and accountable manner.

S.M.P. : I act in a responsible, ethical and accountable manner at my clinical placement and whenever practicing in the lab such as taking

instructions from my professor, treating my peers and residents with respect.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
1. 3 Determine strengths and limitations and when to consult and seek assistance from other


S.M.P. : Whenever I was uncertain I seek assistance from my peers and my professor such as if I was unaware of a drug or to perform a skill such as

administering medications via G-Tube for the first time.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
1. 4 Use evidence informed practice and a theory-based approach to care.

S.M.P. : I perform all my skills based on theory I learned in lab and school such as performing assessments, performing research on drugs before

administering it, documentation, etc.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
1. 5 Ensure client safety and a safe environment.

S.M.P. : Client safety is my number one priority and I ensure the residents safety by placing the bed on lowest position, ensuring the call bell was in

reach, performing vital sign before administering meds, assess for signs of aspiration when feeding residents, etc.
Satisfactory Satisfactory
1. 6 Ask relevant questions to clarify understanding of the plan of care and whenever uncertain.

S.M.P. : Whenever I was uncertain I seek assistance from my peers and my professor.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
1. 7 Identify ethical and unsafe situations and seek appropriate assistance to resolve these.

S.M.P. : As mentioned above client safety is my number one priority and as such, in my practice, I try to identify ethical and unsafe situations and

seek appropriate assistance to resolve these and advocate for my client.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
1. 8 Demonstrate understanding about the role of the student nurse.

S.M.P. : I believe I demonstrated understanding about the role of a student nurse in my practice at my clinical placement.


Was able to practice safely and develop her level of competency through ongoing research, asking questions when in doubt and seeking
guidance with unfamiliar procedures


Satisfactory Satisfactory
2. 1 Participate in team sharing and discussions.

S.M.P. : I participated in all group disscussion and post conference.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
2. 2 Document clearly, accurately, concisely in a timely manner using written and electronic methods.

S.M.P. : Documentation was done throughout my clinical in a clearly, accurately, concisely in a timely manner using written manner.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
2. 3 Report relevant information to the appropriate personnel.

S.M.P. : Relevant information was always reported to the appropriate personnel such as after taking vital signs any abnormal findings were reported

to my professor and the nurse in charge.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
2. 4 Utilize communication techniques with the client and inter-professional health care team.

S.M.P. : This is one of my strength, I communicated well with my clients and within my interprofessional team. With my client, the use of verbal and

nonverbal communication, therapeutic touch, active listening, etc were used. Within my interprofessional team, I relayed relevant information in a

timely manner, proper documentation, etc

Satisfactory Satisfactory
2. 5 Maintain privacy and confidentiality according to the Personal Health Information Protection Act


S.M.P. : Privacy and confidentiality is key when providing care for my clients, this skill was maintained by ensuring by mentioning clients initial

instead of name when documenting, etc

Satisfactory Satisfactory
2. 6 Use technology to retrieve information including research, data and other information.

S.M.P. : The internet was used to do spontaneous research, and access my text book for information.


Has demonstrated a satisfactory ability to communicate clearly and accurately and in a timely manner. Through weekly practice is better
able to do a FDARE note, document vital signs and medication administration. She is able to proficiently articulate her ideas. Willing
participates in group discussion and is able to spontaneously communicate with the staff, her clients and their families. She is an active


Satisfactory Satisfactory
3. 1 Utilize effective communication techniques.

S.M.P. : I practiced effective communication techniques with my clients by the use of therapeutic touch, active listening, giving my clients time to

respond, the use of verbal and non-verbal cues.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
3. 2 Demonstrate therapeutic caring, compassionate, and culturally safe relationships with clients

and health care team members.

S.M.P. : I demonstrated therapeutic caring, compassionate, and culturally safe relationships with clients and health care team members. I supported

my fellow colleague in their practice and I practiced effective communication techniques with my clients by the use of therapeutic touch, active

listening, giving my clients time to respond, the use of verbal and non-verbal cues.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
3. 3 Apply knowledge of therapeutic use of self and identify its effect on client well-being.

S.M.P. : I use myself in any way necessary from walking with the resident around the ward, having a genuine conversation with then or listening to

their stories allowing them to reminisce.I

Satisfactory Satisfactory
3. 4 Use self-awareness to identify the effects that beliefs, values, and personal experiences have on

relational practice.

S.M.P. : I respect the beliefs, values, religion and values of others. This is evident in my practice, for example, one of my clients is catholic and she

requested to get up early and watch the catholic programs, I ensured that her morning care was finished in time so she could watch her programs.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
3. 5 Interact with clients and members of the inter-professional health care team; and, consult


S.M.P. : I communicate and interacted well with my client and interprofessional team. Effective communication skills were used, I made the most out

of the time available to with clients by listening to their stories, engaging with them, etc. I treated my colleagues with respect and dignity when

interacting with them.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
3. 6 Apply knowledge of practices and systems that support the diversity of clients and the inter-

professional health care team.

S.M.P. : I am aware of the knowledge of practices and systems that support the diversity of clients and the inter-professional health care team.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
3. 7 Apply knowledge of clients’ cultural, religious, and other beliefs and values as these influence

clients’ choices and decisions.

S.M.P. : As mention above, I respect the beliefs, values, religion and values of others. This is evident in my practice, for example, one of my clients is

catholic and she requested to get up early and watch the catholic programs, I ensured that her morning care was finished in time so she could watch

her programs.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
3. 8 Provide effective client education.
S.M.P. : This is evident in my practice, however, was not given the opportunity to perform this skill regularly.


Demonstrates a caring sensitive attitude when relating to her clients. Always goes down to their level, making the very important eye
contact and when appropriate using the therapeutic touch to convey the message of, I care and I do understand. Shows respect for clients'
choice. For example: will defer care if clients were to refuse.


Unsatisfactory Satisfactory
4. 1 Recognize conflicts and strategies for resolution.

S.M.P. : this skill has been improved tremendously however, I do believe I can develop this skill more.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
4. 2 Demonstrate leadership skills that foster group work and a positive learning environment.

S.M.P. : When my colleagues need help with changing a colostomy bag and feeding via G-Tube I guided her through the process it was a

collaborative team work but I took the responsibility to guide her. I do believe I require further development with this skill.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
4. 3 Identify opportunities to improve health care service and nursing interventions by advocating for

client, self, others, and quality practice.

S.M.P. : When caring for client their safety is of priority so I advocate for my client and myself to ensure that quality care is provided for them. I

require development in this skill.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
4. 4 Provide feedback to peers and accept feedback from peers and members of the inter-

professional health care team.

S.M.P. : I provide feedback to my peers and I also accept peer feedback. This is used to better my practice.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
4. 5 Support clients’ rights for self-determination and choice.

S.M.P. : My clients' rights are important to me, and thus I give my support whenever necessary. this criteria is met because I allow my clients the right

to their choices such as when assisting with feeding the PSW informed me to feed my client however my client was determine to eat herself, I allowed

her to complete this task.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
4. 6 Respond appropriately to unsafe, unacceptable, and unprofessional behaviours.

S.M.P. : If I notice any inappropriate activities I report it to my professor.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
4. 7 Consult and collaborate when carrying out health care and nursing practices that are in the best

interests of the public and protect the public through collaboration and consultation.

S.M.P. : At my facility there was an influenza outbreak, as a result the building was on complete lockdown preventing us and the public from

attending this is an event that shows how the nursing practice protects the public through collaboration and consultation

Teacher comments for LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY :

Stacy demonstrates a caring sensitive attitude when relating to her clients. Always goes down to their level, making the very important eye
contact and when appropriate using the therapeutic touch to convey the message of, I care and I do understand. Shows respect for clients'
choice. For example: will defer care if clients refuse. Very supportive of her peers and staff. A resourceful member of the team.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
5. 1 Incorporate the unique needs and expected outcomes into individual clients’ plans of care.

S.M.P. : This skill is evident in my practice, it is also evident in the care maps I completed for individual clients.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
5. 2 Develop theory-based plans of care that are holistic and client centered and are articulated

competently in writing and orally.

S.M.P. : This is evident in the care plans I completed for my clients, Plan was based on the individual needs of the client and were client centered. It

was later articulated in proper written documentation.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
5. 3 Use knowledge, skill and judgment to assess clients, prioritize needs and outcomes.

S.M.P. : This skill is satisfactory when assessing my clients I use the knowledge I was taught and this assist to prioritize need and outcome for my

client. This is archive by producing concept maps, skills learned in lab, etc.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
5. 4 Provide information that contributes to the evaluation and refinement of plans of care.

S.M.P. : By continuing practicing, this skill has been improved and is evident in my post-conference discussions.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
5. 5 Safely and competently carry out nursing assessments and nursing interventions that are theory-

based and within skill abilities.

S.M.P. : I satisfied this skill, It is evident in my practice in skills such as medication administration.I practice skills such as vital signs, bed making,

feeding my patients, bed bath, and peri care

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory
5. 6 Carry out nursing care that reflects the practice decision-making framework.

S.M.P. : I do believe I carry out nursing care that reflects the practice decision-making framework, however, I believe my problem solving and

decision-making skills can be further developed.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
5. 7 Complete nursing care responsibilities and nursing interventions in an organized and timely


S.M.P. : This skill is evident in my practice all assessments and interventions for my clients were carried out in an organized timely manner. My

nursing care responsibilities and nursing interventions such as providing grooming activities, conducting vital signs, assessments and assisting with

feeding were all completed my care map was completed but my DAR note was not, I am working on my time management skills to ensure all my

duties are completed in the future.


Stacy shows initiative and a sense of responsibility, for example, upon receiving her assignment, she takes the time to review her clients’
care plans and also consulted with the staff regarding care. With guidance, was able to perform and complete care in a responsible
manner. She was engaged in creating concept care plans, which became more holistic and meaningful. She is continuing to develop and
perfect this ability. She is encouraged to be more consistent and thorough in performing head to toe assessment, as this is the
fundamental in identifying clients’ unique needs and problems.


Satisfactory Satisfactory
6. 1 Work with clients and members of the inter-professional health care team to assess clients,

determine health needs, and to achieve mutually agreed expected outcomes.

S.M.P. : For a mutually agreed expected outcomes to materialize it requires work from everyone in the interprofessional team, for instance, me and

peers assist the PSW to get clients ready for breakfast, the PSW helps the nurse in charge by getting the clients ready for breakfast so that they can

administer medication, the nurse in charge helps the physician by monitor the wellbeing of the residents and conveys relevant information to the him.

This is all done achieve mutually agreed expected outcomes.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
6. 2 Contribute as a member of the inter-professional health care team to respond to the changing

needs and expected outcomes of clients.

S.M.P. : I provide therapeutic care and help as much as I can when in the clinical setting along with the other health care professionals the task given

was changed as the needs of the client changed for instance, I would assist with feeding and then be asked to take a client back to his or her room to

use the washroom.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
6. 3 Seek out assistance and consult with members of the inter-professional health care team.

S.M.P. : In the beginning of my clinical placements skills that I didn't feel comfortable, I sought out assistance from my colleagues.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
6. 4 Use teamwork, consensus building, and conflict resolution skills.

S.M.P. : My colleagues and I all worked as a team in getting clients ready for breakfast by working together we were able to get the task done in a

timely manner.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
6. 5 Describe effective, collaborative, and consultative strategies to meet client’s needs within a

changing environment.

S.M.P. : My colleague had a client who had to be fed by G-tube and another who had to received colostomy care this I had both clients before so I

collaborated with her and together to perform a bed bath on the client, by doing this we were able to get the task done effectively.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
6. 6 Interact with members of the health care team respecting their unique role and competencies.

S.M.P. : Every member of the health care team has their own responsibilities and duties which make them all equally important. I respect all the

members of a health care team.


The experiences at the long term care did provide the opportunity to see and understand the value of team work, as many of the clients
needed care by at least two person assistance. Team sharing discussions are very valuable in identifying clients’ needs and evaluating
care. This was lacking on the units, however the post conference discussions bore out the importance of this level of collaboration. On a
weekly basis was engaged in updating the nurse in charge of assessment findings and concerns. For example: holding the relevant
medication for clients with abnormal heart rate and or blood pressure.


Satisfactory Satisfactory
7. 1 Act in the best interests of clients and protect clients from harm through collaboration and

consultation with members of the inter-professional health care team and through competent and safe

S.M.P. : This is evident in my practice, my clients and their safety are my priority and I collaborated and consulted with members of the inter-

professional healthcare team to provide competent safe practice such as when first started clinical I ensure a colleague was present with me when

transferring clients to their bed from their wheelchair and vice versa, this was because I was not yet comfortable with the skill but I ensure my client

safety by asking for assistance.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
7. 2 Participate in self-reflection to identify strengths, areas for improvement.

S.M.P. : I participate in self-reflection to identify strengths, areas for improvement. This is evident in my self-evaluation.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
7. 3 Create, implement, and evaluate a learning plan consistent with the Quality Assurance program


S.M.P. : CNO Quality Assurance program guides me when Creating, implementing, and evaluating a learning plan. This is evident in my learning

plan created.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
7. 4 Seek out learning opportunities and feedback that foster professional development; and,

integrate these into practice.

S.M.P. : In my clinical placement and lab when an opportunity arises to learn a new skill such as feeding via G-tube or wound care, etc I seek them

out because these skills will better my practice. I also take feedback from my peers and professor and use them as a driving force for my


Satisfactory Satisfactory
7. 5 Utilize nursing, health and other theory and literature to improve nursing practice.

S.M.P. : I utilize nursing, health and other theory and literature to improve nursing practice. This is evident when I use my textbooks and nursing

websites, etc to complete research.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
7. 6 Use a theory-based approach and evidence-informed practice.

S.M.P. : This is evident in my practice when I use my textbooks and nursing websites, skills learned in lab etc to complete research for my practice.


Stacy has gained much form this rotation, however needs to continue to develop her knowledge and skills in becoming more competent.
Has remained keen throughout in seeking out new learning opportunities. Has benefited by the meaningfulness of her questions. Her plan
moving forward is to enhance her assessment skills, her time management, and problem solving skills.


Satisfactory Satisfactory
8. 1 Utilize problem-solving skills to inform decision making in all aspects of nursing care.

S.M.P. : I do Utilize problem-solving skills to inform decision making in all aspects of nursing care, for example, one of my client's HR was

bradycardia and irregular so I informed my professor, I checked his meds if they were all ok to take with his low HR and also the side effects of each

drug to ensure that bradycardia is not a side effect. I also believe That I require further development in this skill.

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory
8. 2 Use problem-solving and decision-making skills to assess clients and to determine nursing

diagnoses, expected outcomes, nursing interventions, and evaluative criteria.

S.M.P. : I do use problem-solving and decision-making skills to assess clients and to determine the nursing process, this was evident in my practice

and the concept maps I created.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
8. 3 Use self-reflection to design a plan to improve problem-solving and decision-making skills.

S.M.P. : In my practice, I use self-reflection as a tool to evaluate my skills, this has been very effective in my decision-making skills.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
8. 4 Utilize knowledge from variety of nursing, health, and other theory into nursing practice to

provide safe and competent care.

S.M.P. : I use the theory from my lab sessions, nursing websites, and my textbook to ensure I provide safe and competent care to my clients.

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory
8. 5 Use prioritization strategies for client care.

S.M.P. : I do believe I have improved a lot in this skill, however, I believe I can further develop this skill.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
8. 6 Demonstrate professionalism and accountability.

S.M.P. : I have maintained professionalism and accountability throughout my clinical placement. I treat my colleagues with respect.

Satisfactory Satisfactory
8. 7 Recognize strengths and limitations and seek appropriate assistance and support.

S.M.P. : As stated above whenever I was uncertain I seek assistance from my peers and my professor such as if I was unaware of a drug or to

perform a skill such as administering medications via G-Tube for the first time.


Her ability to problem -solve and think critically is evidently developing at a satisfactory pace. She is often able to trouble shoot a problem
when others would be unsure. Her responses reflect research and knowledge development.

9. SIM number of hours

9. 1 SIM number of hours

S.M.P. : 8

M.M. : 8

Teacher comments for SIM number of hours :


Student Final Summary with Strategies for Continued Growth

During the past few month, I have grown tremendously, in my confidence and my skills and practice. I am more confident when performing skills, I am
more equipt to provide effective care. Areas I have excel in is are communication, building a therapeutic relationship and being a valuable member of
my interprofessional team. I require development in areas such as critical thinking, time management and problem-solving. This skill will continue to
be developed through continuous practice in the lab and completion on NURS 153.

Teacher Final Summary with Strategies for Continued Growth

Stacy has been consistent and successful in her effort to accomplish a satisfactory grade for this course. Her participation reflects research and a
satisfactory development of her knowledge. She is better able to plan and organize her care delivery. She has gained much experience, such minor
dressings, GT feeding and medication administration. Was able to care for two residents and at the same time safely administer medication for both.
Demonstrated the value of reporting concerns.. This was always done in a timely manner.

Ongoing knowledge development through research is encouraged. Needs to continue to work on developing and being more thorough and consistent
in doing her head to toe assessment. Enhancing the timeliness and quality of her documentation is a learning plan.

Grade Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Referred to Clinical Excellence Committee (CEC)

Program Coordinator Feedback

The Program Coordinator has reviewed the evaluation Yes No

Student Sign Off

I met with my Clinical Teacher/Preceptor and discussed my evaluation Yes No

In general this evaluation accurately reflects my performance Yes No

Student Comment

The growth in my practice is tremendous. This has been a successful semester, I have learned new skills and developed old ones. I felt supported by
my clinical professor with her guidance and feedback and my colleagues. There is room for improvement in a number of skills such as critical thinking,
problem-solving and time management. I plan on developing these skills through continuous practice in open access lab and taking advantage of my
clinical placement in semester three.

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