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Jessica Tingley 1

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _________________________


Part 1: True or False (5 points)

1. When magma escapes the volcano into open air it is called lava. T F

2. The word volcano comes from an Island off the coast of Sicily, Italy. T F

3. Volcanoes did not help create most of the ground on earth. T F

4. Regions with volcanoes are a great place to live if you are a farmer.T F

5. A Caldera is the type that most people think of when they think of
a volcano T F

Part 2: Multiple Choice (5 points)

1. A volcano that recently erupted or is still erupting is called?

A) Extinct Volcano B) Active Volcano
C) Dormant Volcano D) None of the Above

2. The name of the zone of earthquakes and volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean is?
A) Krakatoa B) Pacific Ocean Volcanic Region
C) Ring of Fire D) Pacific Volcano Zone

3. Which of the following is not a type of volcanic activity?

A) Cinder Cone B) Composite
C) Fissure D) Shield

4. A volcano that likely won’t erupt again is called?

A) Extinct Volcano B) Active Volcano
C) Dormant Volcano D) None of the Above

5. Something that can occur as a result of a volcano eruption is?

A) Destruction of Everything/Everyone in its path B) Earthquake
C) Tsunami D) All of the Above

Part 3: Label the Diagrams (7 points)

1. A: _______________________________________
B: _______________________________________
C: ________________________________________
Jessica Tingley 2


Bonus Question (3 points):

List the names of three famous volcanoes that we learned about
1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________

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