Tutorial 3 (CHAPTER 3a)

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Q1. A rectangular channel with 2.0 m wide carries a discharge of 6.0 m3/s. Calculate the critical
depth and specific energy at critical depth.
(yc = 0.972 m, Emin = 1.458 m)

Q2. A rectangular channel has a width of 1.8 m and carries a discharge of 1.8 m3/s at a depth
of 0.2 m. Calculate
(a) specific energy
(b) alternate depth to the existing depth
(c) Froude numbers at the alternate depths
(E1 = 1.4742 m, y2 = 1.45 m, F1 = 3.57 and F2 = 0.1829)

Q3. (a) State three (3) methods that use to determine the critical depth in open

(b) A rectangular channel ( b = 5 m) is made up to carrying the discharge of 10 m3/s.

(i) Compute the specific energy for depth 0.5 m and 3.5 m.
(ii) Plot the graph of specific energy and based on its graph, determine:

(i) The Emin and critical depth

(ii) Determine the depths of water with specific energy of 2.5m.

(E =1.315 m, E = 3.517 m, Emin = 1.1 m, yc = 0.75 m, y1 = 0.35 m and y2 = 2.45 m)

Q4. Calculate the critical depth corresponding to a discharge of 6.0 m3/s in

(a) triangular of side slope 1.5 horizontal: 1 vertical (graph) (Ans: yc = 1.267 m)
(b) trapezoidal channel, b = 2.0 m, z = 1 (trial n error) (Ans: yc = 1.54 m)

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