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BSC eisai Rural lacs Key lexis Main language Unit To; 1 Playroom safari page 6 a crocodile, a fion, a monkey, a snake, attiger, @ zebra ean /can‘t see Can you see a (monkey)? Yes / No. Cross-curricular links: an (zebras) (run)? climb trees, tly 2 School time page 14 a book, a chair, a clock, « pen, a table, teacher (blue, green, orange, pink, red, yellow) eal This is my / your (friend). A (blue) book. It's. a (red) clock How many (cars)? ‘cross-curticular links: Ws (loud), quiet, fost, slow w T'm hungry! page 22 bread, cheese, fish, pasta, rice, yoghurt (coffee, lemonade, milk, orange juice, tea, water) Do you like (cheese)? Yes / No. ‘ike (lemonade). 1 don't ike (coffee) CCross-curricular Finks: , j Fre ose ei ro ike $ get (yoghurt). Be they rl kx wher Culture My schoo! page 30 a lunch box, a pencil-case, a schoo! bag fy ears), eyels), face, hair, mouth, nose I've got (big) (ears). & Happy faces tego ow a moos 3! (big, small, black, blond, brown, red) ‘Eitee-curiiedian Bick: m I see with my eyes. I hear with my thst and My house Gathoon aedteom.agoren, | whatever? chal ouiten estimaisom” | taorknon poge 9 ‘Where's my sock? Is tin the (hall? Is ton the (table)? fs on fi CCross-curricular links: It’s upstairs / downstairs It’s on the left /the right. Culture At home page 48 a-castle, a pirate ship, aslide, o swing | This bedroom is (yellow and blue). There’s o (doll) on the (bed). 3 Playtime poge 58 a dress, sandals, shorts, 0 sunhat, oT shirt trainers a ball, a bike, a boat, a scooter, {a skipping rope, a trampoline (hopping, jumping, playing, riding a bike, running, skipping) I'm wearing (a T-shirt). What are you wearing? Take off your (hat). ‘Are you wearing (a Tshirt)? cross-curricular links: W's sunny (rainy / snowy (windy. rm (swimming). Cross-currieular links: 7m pushing / pulling. Stella Maidment and Lorena Roberts \appy slons. New Sition PF Asivny Hello again! we OP (GAM SET tt HT RASA at \\Ey BS Zs, OR OEY Ande, WES DA OY we K cas EGS ie Ae EOS Read and match. Jack Otto Introductory unit Lesson 4} q Playroom safari Read and match. 1 amonkey 3 ; 2a Nig ayn 3 alion 4 atiger 5 asnake 6 azebra & (Unit TLessoni (Animals) “4 Listen and write the numbers. Unit 1 Lesson 2 (Veansee... lean'tsee..) & Write the words and number the pictures. Read and circle Yes or No. 1 Can you see a snake? 2 Can you see a monkey? 3 Can you see a lion? 4 Can you see a crocodile? 5 Can you see a tiger? 6 Can you see a zebra? Unit 1 Lesson 4) ( Can you see a (snake)? Yes. No.’ 7 Look and write Yes or No. Then draw and write. Gan?) Peeeeeeall earretan —————— # as, ae AT aq) L257 run climb trees fly | f ie Yes Yes | No F % | ¥ & nit 1 Lesson 5 (Cam (monkeys) (rani? Write the words 4 or >. crocodile zebra tem monkey tiger snake Across > 4 (Animals pal te ee ese se = Ste eRe pate ee Red BERR Say the alphabet. > ABCDEFGHIJKLMN fo OPQRSTUVWXYZ Say the words. WO. a lion a a zebra én a tiger @ pay a monkey (Be Read and match. . No. - No. . No. ao No: Ez 10. Gaitttassond evatation ) Sk ae ee lh Bt A tt ae tt Fag Ss ae i st > es Find, draw and write. alion atiger amonkey a zebra asnake crocodile a Crocodile Unit 1 Lesson 8 Eval nn £2 School time Read the words and write the numbers. a table [6 a chair a teacher a book a clock apen YZ (unit2 Lesson “Classroom objects | Se ‘ Listen and match. @ @ (Thiviemy/yourtabe) 3 Unit 2 Lesson 2 RR TN bev ea ea 4 3 no : # le» Pee . Stadion) 15 4” Listen and point. Then listen and v. loud quiet fast slow (res foud)._ quiet fast stow) 2 Find and write the words. table blue book yellow tla[b]! ulp|x|p e|zivipliln{k|vje teacher alk} x|j}biviclfi{n clock cimiylje|l{l{olw{x hivif/blujz{m| xa e/t{k/cle|c|n/h rle{d|tla}h{b\ gir 8 vi{s{clo/rjajn e bos nipimicitliljfirje blololk{v[r[q[p ll] pink orange pen My classroom table (Colours Classroom objects) J Se i Sn a a a es eM St BS os Si Mi Sl Hh Se Re ee Say the words. @ =, | (2) @ @ a Read the words and write the numbers. a table a clock a pen a chair pee “® Listen and colour. ON tz Colour and say. 18 (unit 2 Lesson 8 Evaluation i a i a i a a a NS cs Read, draw and write. atable ateacher apen aclock abook achair This is my teacher. Pe Aen << He HiT nd ee (Unit 2 Lesson 8 Evaluation 19 3 T'm hungry! Read, look and v or X. 20 fish cheese yoghurt bread pasta rice pasta fish cheese bread rice yoghurt Unit 3 Lesson 1 Look and write. _ I like . bread . 7 “Leen : 7] Fitts ee | I don't like : 22 (unit 3 Lesson 3 (Tike. Tdon’t lke -. Write like or don’t like. Unit 3 Lesson 4 trees fields cows coffee milk lemons 24 (Unit3 Lesson 5 (We get (oranges) from (trees). ) Write the words + or 4. milk tea erecedile orangejuice book cheese bread lemonade snake rice zebra Across > €& S 28 | eth cette cai et oe oe Say the words. <1 3 ie) Read the words and write the numbers. @ Draw © or © and say. 26 (Gaits tassons Evaluation) ne ae A i ak i cl Find, draw and write. rice yoghurt pasta cheese bread fish Unit 3 Lesson 8 Evaluat & Happy faces Read, draw and match. hair eye eye face ear ear nose mouth 28 (unit tesson 1 (Parts of the face } & Listen and write the numbers. (ve got big ears / teeth /eyes. I've got a big nose /mouth.) Colour and write. blond black brown red blue yellow green orange __ pink 1 I've got hair and onon QYOS. 2 I've got.. eyes and .. hair. 3 : eyes and hair. 4 and Unit 4 Lesson 4 Read and v or X. Can you . i) «lL Ziel dD): smell it? | touch it?| taste it? | hear it? x x x v 32 (Unita Lessons (Can you Gee) it? ) Find and write the words. face flele[tld[g[h[y[k|h nose x|z|fla|cle|b|q{wia a n{cim/b/flelyle|pi(n hair o/t{r|tle/k/t/hjmid mouth siq|wi|b{vicliful fis eye e|jik/s|llwiqje|c[x hands zif{hjajilr|tjajjir bin{vicjofslajr|t|v _ mjolu/t{h}]b|m/w|z}q feet feet Unit 4 Lesson 6 ee Dita as Fe Ba Re TS a ie ofa Say the words. | Listen and draw. Read and colour. I've got green hair. I've got blue eyes. 6 6 I've got a red mouth. I've got a pink nose. I've got a yellow face. Ea ee lk a SE ae al Be a Ba Ei HE a i Find, draw and write. [eves ears anose amouth hair a face I've got blond hair and brown eyes. Unit 4 Lesson 8 Evaluation 5 My house Read, choose and circle. bathroom garden sitting room sitting room bathroom bedroom kitchen hall hall garden kitchen garden bathroom hall kitchen sitting room garden 36 (Units Lesson 1 (Pars ofa house | 2 Listen and ¥ or X. ie) 37 Is ita (book)? Yes. No. — Unit 5 Lesson 2 Read, match and write the words. 1 Where’s Mum? Inthek__. ch__.. 2 Where's Dad? Lb Inthe ed oo _. 3 Where's Jack? Intheg Grden., 4 Where's Polly? Inthe b__ th_._o__m. 5 Where's Daisy? In the __a 6 Where's Otto? In the _i 38 (its teson3) Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Oy 1. Where’s my sock? Is it in the kitchen? No. It’s in the bedroom 2 Where's my book? Is it in the bedroom? No. It’s 3 Where’s my hat? Is it in the sitting room? No. 4 Where's my car? Is it in the bathroom? 5 Where's my bag? Is it in the garden? 6 Where's my shoe? Is it in the hall? Unit 5 Lesson 4 (isin shoe ¢ar Daisy pencil clock toothbrush 1 The car. is in the bathroom. 2 The is in the hall. 3 The is in the sitting room. 4 The is in the bedroom. 5 The is in the kitchen. 6 is in the garden! Unit 5 Lesson 6 Re 41 <2 a ee ee Say the words. » gg sitting room bedroom kitchen bathroom a8 e as Read and say the answers. Where’s your bed? Where’s your television? r—4 og Where's your toothbrush? G2 (Unit 5 Lesson 8 Evalua' n li AR a a i i i A, ts a a, Find, draw and write. kitchen sitting room hall garden bathroom bedroom Look! I'm in the bathroom. Look! I’m in the Summertime Read and write the numbers. 1 adress 4 asunhat | 4G (Unité Lesson 1 2 shorts 5 a T-shirt 3 sandals 6 trainers (Goths) Follow and colour. Then write. red shorts blue T-shirt green sunhat yellow socks brown trainers I'm wearing red socks ik blue ‘ a yellow oe i brown Unit 6 Lesson 2) [¢m wearing (rea) (socks).| hy 5 “2” Listen and choose. (Vm wearing (shorts). | Look! and ¥ or X. Then ask your friend. ‘Are you you i = (wearing . Me f i My end . Unit 6 Lesson 4 a (a Tshirt)? | 4&7 Draw and write. 68 (Waite essen) [its (rainy). snowy sunny windy | Write the words and complete the picture. | shorts asunhat trainers @Fshirt sandals a dress a. T-shirt YX Unit 6 Lesson 6 tae a a ee a te i a ita Say the words. Lp Gp ‘2 Listen and colour. Read and write J (Jack) or P (Polly). I'm wearing shorts. I'm wearing sandals. I'm wearing trainers. 3 og I'm wearing a dress. S Read and say the answers. Are you wearing a T-shirt? c—4 8 Are you wearing trainers? 23 50 (Unit Lessons Evaluation a am mam Sl ee ee * Find, draw and write. [adress asunhat shorts aTshirt trainers sandals | asunhat shorts aT-shirt trainers sandals a Te ee ee re im wearing a ed yellow sunhat, 'm wearing a W Playtime Read, choose and circle. @ @ Li a ball a scooter a bike a boat a skipping rope a boat a trampoline a scooter ® © a skipping rope a boat a scooter a scooter a ball a bike a ball a skipping rope a trampoline 52 (nit? Lesson 1) [Outdoor toys} ‘= Listen and write the numbers. Tm playing with a ing a ing Look, read and circle. I'm jumping. I'm skipping. I'm riding a bike. I'm running. @ Vm running. I'm playing with a ball. I'm hopping. I'm jumping. I'm riding a bike. I'm playing with a ball. I'm hopping. I'm skipping. 5G (Unit7 Lesson3 (i'm 6kipping)._) Write. ball trampoline seeeter skipping rope boat bike @ I'm riding my » scooter ce @ I'm playing with _ M0 ee id, ~ a 7 eae I'm playing on } <==. my... / ( I'm playing with ) ———! my o ~ ( I'm riding my :) (tim playing with) Playing o. (Pap on 1m riding my ..) 55 Write pushing or pulling. ® (tm pulling -) @ (1m. : "56 (Gat7 sens) Write the words + or 4. yoghurt snake rice ears water boat eyes | clock tea nose skipping rope cat kitchen Across > 1 * 5. 7 ki Ss -s 10 a 12 <> Ks “QB BG Downs InN “A FF SA fe ylels 2 > a E af) 1 q Ff 4 4 46 ey ia Unit 7 Lesson 6 Revision } 57 gee, Se ie te oa lt § . Say the words, a cS ahs A, a A el a} @ @ @ rH DA é Read and draw. a8 a ball a boat a skipping rope 2° Listen and write the numbers. Read and match. Cas Ay \'m hopping. I'm running. 8 = = I'm skipping. Dt “I'm swimming. SB (Gok 7 arson eatin) Se SS i a ok EP Be le ts i i cs BH Find, draw and write. atrampoline abike aboat aball askipping rope a scooter I'm playing with a ball. — st = ees ul Lesson 7 Evaluation Tina’s Tiny Books Make a tiny book. ! Look! A Unit 1 Lesson 7 - : 62 (Gnitt tesson7) Make a tiny book. [-- Unit 2 Lesson 7) — 64, (Writ? Lesson 7) a tiny book. (Unit 3 Lesson 7 =cut = = fold = stick Make a tiny book. Oops! I’ve got hands! 68 (Gait Lesson) The doll’s | Unit 5 Lesson 7 | The television's in the : pati ! Make a tiny book. and my sandals. Unit 6 Lesson 7) Clothes! by “ Look! I’m wearing my sunhat, 71 I'm wearing my .. shorts, 72. (Wits tesson7) A new edition of the best-selling, story-based course for children starting English at the beginning of the school system. Happy House i uces children to English through the adventures of a lively family with their three children, their cat, Otto, and the mouse characters who live under the floor. The Activity Book contains: © one page of practice activities per Class Book lesson © Take-home English: activities to involve parents in children’s learning © a MultiROM, with interactive language games, songs and stories OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AAU PAL ceo g rey y Prry Misti Mee Aer y nT

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