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Part A Reading Comprehension. Read the following text.


“La Gioconda”, better known as “the Mona Lisa”, has fascinated people for hundreds of
years. The picture was painted around 1503 by Leonardo da Vinci and currently hangs in the
Louvre in Paris. For years, historians have wondered who Mona Lisa was. Some have seen
her as a figure from Greek mythology while others have considered her to be a religious
figure because of her simple dress and angelic face.
Much has been written about this wonderful work. It has been praised by critics and viewers
alike, and for many it is a holy object, a symbol of perfection. But even in the days of
Leonardo there were those who criticised it. It was something for young rebels to despise, a
taboo for them to break.
In 1919, Marcelle Duchamp, a French painter, took a reproduction of the Mona Lisa and
added a moustache and an obscene title. Other artists have made her cross-eyed, put braces
on her teeth, added glasses, made her very fat and replaced her face with that of Stalin or
Salvador Dali.
Advertisers soon realised that the value of her mysterious smile and since then she has been
drawn on items from towels and shits to ashtrays, plates and watches. Books. Films, records,
restaurants, shops, petrol stations, dogs, horses and even nightclubs have been named after
her. She has advertised champagne, chocolate, cars and cotton wool.
But no matter how people regard the Mona Lisa, the fact remains that this is the most
famous painting in the world.

1. For the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information
in the text. (2 points: 1 point each)
a) In what way is the Mona Lisa unique?
b) What inspires people to make commercial use of the Mona Lisa?

2. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports
your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet. (1.5 points: 0.5 each)
a) No-one knows who the original Mona Lisa was.
b) Not everyone regards the painting as a holy object.
c) The picture was damaged in 1919.
3. Find the synonym for each of the four words below from the six options.

Obscene figure view terrible despise work

a) Hate
b) Artistic creation
c) Rude
d) Look at

4. Choose A, B or C in the questions below. Only one choice is correct. (1.5 points: 0.5 each)

1. The name Mona Lisa ….

a) Replaced the painting’s original name
b) Comes from Greek mythology.
c) Is one of the picture’s names.

2. In Leonardo da Vinci’s time…

a) It was forbidden to criticise religious objects.
b) Many people thought the picture was perfect.
c) The Mona Lisa wasn’t well-known.

3. There are artists who have ….

a) Changed the picture to make it suitable for advertising.
b) Mot shown respect for da Vinci’s work.
c) Written articles criticising the picture.

PART B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4

1. What do you think of using great art in advertising?

2. Why do you think artists made changes to the Mona Lisa?
3. What do you think of using great art in advertising?
Some people think that using famous pictures in adverts is a good thing. They think that it helps
sell things. While this may be true, I strongly believe that it is a bad idea.
Firstly, advertising should be fun and exciting. Furthermore, the pictures that they use should be
about the product they sell. In addition to that, it should be something that is interesting for
Secondly, famous art pictures should be in museums. They were not painted to help sell bread or
cars. It is essential that we don’t forget that they are an important part of our history.
Taking everything into account, I think that we should see great art in art museums. While I accept
that famous paintings attract people’s attention, they should be used to teach us something, not
sell us something.
(137 words)

4. Why do you think artists made changes to the Mona Lisa?

Some people think that artists made changes to the Mona Lisa to make it more interesting. They
think that the painting was boring. While this may be true, I believe that they did it for money.
Firstly, they wanted to make the painting fun. Furthermore, they wanted us to stop and look at the
painting. In addition to this, they wanted us to buy the product they were selling,
Secondly, they wanted to make fun of the woman in the Mona Lisa. Some of the artists didn’t like
da Vinci and wanted to ruin his art. They didn’t think that he was as good a painter as all the
people said.
Taking everything into account, I think the artists were extremely jealous of Leonardo da Vinci
because he could paint better than they could paint.
(135 words)
Possible answer
1a) It is the most well-known painting in the world./ No-one knows who Mona Lisa was.
1b) Her mysterious smile is famous and helps sell products which use it.

2. a) T. For years, historians have wondered who Mona Lisa was.

b) T. But even in the days of Leonardo there were those who criticised it.
c) F. In 1919 a French painter took a reproduction and added a moustache and an
obscene title.

3 a) despise b) work c) obscene d) view

4 cbb

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