Merrill Lynch Futures

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CA, filed a motion to on the grounds that plaintiff

G.R. No. 97816, July 24, 1992 ML FUTURES had no legal capacity to sue
because although not licensed to do so, it had
Facts: Merrill Lynch Futures, Inc., a non- been doing business in the Philippines at least
resident foreign corporation, not doing for the last four (4) years thus it is prohibited by
business in the Philippines entered into a law to maintain or intervene in any action, suit
Futures Customer Agreement Spouses Pedro or proceeding in any court or administrative
M. Lara and Elisa G. Lara to act as the latter's agency of the Philippines; and its complaint
broker for the purchase and sale of futures states no cause of action since it is not the real
contracts in the U.S. A futures contract" is a party in interest because all their transactions
contractual commitment to buy and sell a had actually been with MERRILL LYNCH
standardized quantity of a particular item at a PIERCE FENNER & SMITH, INC., and not with
specified future settlement date and at a price ML FUTURES.
agreed upon, with the purchase or sale being
executed on a regulated futures exchange. The Trial Court sustained the motion to
Pursuant to their contract, their order to buy dismiss to which the affirmed holding that since
and sell futures contracts were transmitted to ML FUTURES had performed series of
through the facilities of Merrill Lynch business acts, consummated contracts and
Philippines, Inc., a Philippine corporation and a undertook transactions without license, it
company servicing ML future's customers. consequently had no legal personality to bring
From the outset, the Lara Spouses knew and suit in Philippine courts pursuant to the
were duly advised that Merrill Lynch provisions of Section 133 of the Corporation
Philippines, Inc. was not a broker in futures Code.
contracts, and that it did not have a license Sec. 133. Doing business without a license.
from the Securities and Exchange Commission — No foreign corporation transacting business
to operate as a commodity trading advisor (i.e., in the Philippines without a license, or its
'an entity which, not being a broker, furnishes successors or assigns, shall be permitted to
advice on commodity futures to persons who maintain or intervene in any action, suit or
trade in futures contracts'). proceeding in any court or administrative
agency in the Philippines; but such corporation
The Lara Spouses actively traded in may be sued or proceeded against before
futures contracts, including "stock index Philippine courts or administrative tribunals on
futures" for four years, there being more or less any valid cause of action recognized under
regular accounting and corresponding Philippine laws.
remittances of money (or crediting or debiting)
made between the spouses and ML It also declared that the evidence established
FUTURES. But when the Spouses incurred a that plaintiff had in fact been "doing business"
loss and became indebted to ML FUTURES in this country in legal contemplation.
which the latter asked them to pay, they Sec. 1. Definition and scope of this ACT .
refused to pay and now alleged that the (1) As used in this Act, the term
transactions were null and void because Merrill "investment" shall mean equity participation in
Lynch Philippines, Inc. had no license to any enterprise formed, organized, or existing
operate as a 'commodity and/or financial under the laws of the Philippines; and the
futures broker. phrase "doing business" shall INCLUDE
soliciting orders, purchases, service contracts,
This prompted Merrill Lynch Futures, opening offices, whether called "liaison" offices
Inc. to file a complaint against Sps Lara for the or branches; appointing representatives or
recovery of the debt plus interest and praying distributors who are domiciled in the
for a preliminary attachment against defendant Philippines or who in any calendar year stay in
spouses' properties. Preliminary attachment the Philippines for a period or periods totalling
issued ex parte and the defendant spouses one hundred eighty days or more; participating
were duly served with summons. They then in the management, supervision or control of
any domestic business firm, entity or Based on the findings: (1) that Dee Hong Lue
corporation in the Philippines; AND ANY purchased the surplus goods as trustee for the
OTHER ACT OR ACTS THAT IMPLY A Central Syndicate which was in the process of
CONTINUITY OF COMMERCIAL DEALINGS organization at the time of the bidding; (2) that
OR ARRANGEMENTS AND CONTEMPLATE it was the representatives of the Central
TO THAT EXTENT THE PERFORMANCE OF Syndicate that removed the surplus goods from
ACTS OR WORKS, OR THE EXERCISE OF their base; (3) that the syndicate must have
SOME FUNCTIONS NORMALLY INCIDENT realized a gross profit from its sales thereof;
TO, AND IN PROGRESSIVE PROSECUTION and (4) that if the sales tax were to be
OF COMMERCIAL GAIN OR OF THE assessed on its gross sales it would still be
PURPOSE AND OBJECT OF THE BUSINESS liable to a deficiency sales tax. Hence, the
ORGANIZATION. Collector decided that the Central Syndicate
was the importer and original seller of the
Issue: Whether the plaintiff has no legal surplus goods in question and, therefore, the
capacity to sue. one liable to pay the sales tax. Accordingly, the
Collector assessed against the syndicate
Held: Yes. The rule is that a party is estopped deficiency sales tax and denied the request of
to challenge the personality of a corporation the syndicate for the refund.
after having acknowledged the same by
entering into a contract with it. And the The Central Syndicate elevated the
doctrine of estoppel to deny corporate case to the Court of Tax Appeals but action
existence applies to foreign as well as to thereon was deferred by the Court of Tax
domestic corporations. One who has dealt with Appeals until after the trial of the case on the
a corporation of foreign origin as a corporate merits. Meanwhile, the Collector filed a motion
entity is estopped to deny its corporate requiring the syndicate to file a bond to
existence and capacity. The principle will be guarantee the payment of the tax assessed
applied to prevent a person contracting with a against it which motion was denied by the
foreign corporation from later taking advantage Court of Tax Appeals on the ground that
of its noncompliance with the statutes, chiefly cannot be legally done it appearing that the
in cases where such person has received the syndicate is already a non-existing entity due
benefits of the contract where such person has to the expiration of its corporate existence. In
acted as agent for the corporation and has view of this development, the Collector filed a
violated his fiduciary obligations as such, and motion to dismiss the appeal on the ground of
where the statute does not provide that the lack of personality on the part of the syndicate.
contract shall be void, but merely fixes a The Court of Tax Appeals issued a resolution
special penalty for violation of the statute. dismissing the appeal primarily on the ground
There would seem to be no question that the that the Central Syndicate has no personality
Laras received benefits generated by their to maintain the action then pending before it.
business relations with ML FUTURES. From this order the syndicate appealed to the
Supreme Court wherein it intimated that the
Tan Tiong Bio, Et. Al v. C.I.R. appeal should not be dismissed because it
could be substituted by its successors-in-
Facts: The Central Syndicate, a corporation interest, it's directors and officers. In permitting
organized under the laws of the Philippines, the substitution, the CA labored under the
remitted to Collector of Internal Revenue a premise that said officers and directors may be
sales tax for the purchase the entire stock of held personally liable for the unpaid deficiency
surplus properties from Dee Hong Lue which assessments made by the Collector of Internal
the latter had bought from the Foreign Revenue against the defunct syndicate.
Liquidation Commission. Subsequently it
demanded refund representing alleged excess After trial, the Court of Tax Appeals affirmed
payment of sales tax due to the adjustment the decision of the Collector of Internal
and reduction of the purchase price in the (1)
ordering it's directors and officers to pay jointly decedent had formerly possessed. Bearing in
and severally. mind that our corporation law is of American
origin, the foregoing authorities have
Issue: Whether the Central Syndicate having persuasive effect in considering similar cases
already been dissolved because of the in this jurisdiction.
expiration of its corporate existence, whether
the sales tax in question can be enforced Considering that the Central Syndicate
against its successors-in-interest who are the realized from the sale of the surplus goods and
present petitioners. that the sale of said goods was the only
transaction undertaken by said syndicate, there
Held: Yes. It should be stated at the outset being no evidence to the contrary, the
that it was petitioners themselves who caused conclusion is that said net profit remained
their substitution as parties in the present case, intact and was distributed among the
being the successors-in-interest of the defunct stockholders when the corporation liquidated
syndicate, when they appealed the case to the and distributed its assets immediately after the
Supreme Court for which reason their sale of the said surplus goods. Petitioners are
substitution was effected. They cannot, therefore the beneficiaries of the defunct
therefore, be now heard to complain if they are corporation and as such should be held liable
made responsible for the tax liability of the to pay the taxes in question. However, there
defunct syndicate whose representation they being no express provision requiring the
assumed and whose assets were distributed stockholders of the corporation to be solidarily
among them. liable for its debts which liability must be
express and cannot be presumed, petitioners
In the second place, there is good authority to should be held to be liable for the tax in
the effect that the creditor of a dissolved question only in proportion to their shares in
corporation may follow its assets once they the distribution of the assets of the defunct
passed into the hands of the stockholders. corporation. The decision of the trial court
Thus, recognized are the following rules in should be modified accordingly.
American jurisprudence: The dissolution of a
corporation does not extinguish the debts due Babst v. CA
or owing to it. A creditor of a dissolve
corporation may follow its assets, as in the Facts: ELISCON obtained from CBTC a loan in
nature of a trust fund, into the hands of its the amount of P8,015,900.84, with interest at
stockholders. An indebtedness of a corporation the rate of 14% per annum, evidenced by a
to the federal government for income and promissory note.[2] ELISCON defaulted in its
excess profit taxes is not extinguished by the payments, leaving an outstanding
dissolution of the corporation. And it has been indebtedness in the amount of P2,795,240.67
stated, with reference to the effect of as of October 31, 1982.[3]
dissolution upon taxes due from a corporation,
"that the hands of the government cannot, of The letters of credit, on the other hand, were
course, collect taxes from a defunct opened for ELISCON by CBTC using the credit
corporation, it loses thereby none of its rights facilities of Pacific Multi-Commercial
to assess taxes which had been due from the Corporation (MULTI) with the said bank,
corporation, and to collect them from persons, pursuant to the Resolution of the Board of
who by reason of transactions with the Directors of MULTI adopted
corporation, hold property against which the
tax can be enforced and that the legal death of
the corporation no more prevents such action
than would the physical death of an individual
prevent the government from assessing taxes
against him and collecting them from his
administrator, who holds the property which the

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