Part 1: Listening: Unit 8 Exam

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Unit 8 exam

Part 1: Listening
4 Match the definitions (1–5) to the words (A–E).
1 What (5 marks)
are the presentations about? (2 marks) 1 an increase in the temperature of the Earth
caused by gases trapped in the Earth’s
2 marks) 2 something that doesn’t damage nature
3 coal, gas or oil that is underground and used to
1 Why are Tiny Houses popular? What’s Molly’s provide energy
opinion of their future use? 4 to make the amount of something go up
5 a gas trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere that
causes the Earth’s temperature to increase
2 Why does the house on Mount Anvil have such
big windows? A fossil fuel
B greenhouse gas
C global warming
3 Is there a lot of pollution in the eco-village? D eco-friendly
Why? / Why not? E increase

Part 3: Grammar
4 Why does Alfredo put sand in the plastic bottles?
5 Use the prompts to write positive predictions ()
about the future using will, or negative
predictions () using won’t. (5 marks)
Part 2: Vocabulary In the future …
1 buses / need / drivers 
3 Complete the sentences with the words. There 
are two words you do not need. (10 marks) 2 the Earth / run out / water / by 2215 

back blood bones cold heart muscles
skin temperature toothache wrist 3 people / only / shop / online 

4 people / drive / traditional cars 
1 Oxygen moves around the body in the .
2 The covers and protects the whole body. 5 children / study / home 
3 There are 206 in the human body; they
help us to move.
4 I’ve got a bad ; I need some tissues for 6 Write sentences with the first conditional form.
my nose. Add if or unless where appropriate. (10 marks)
5 Julia is holding her mouth; I think she’s got 1 you / not have / breakfast / you / hungry / later
6 The connects the neck to the legs and it 2 the / planet / run out / of / water / we / stop /
supports the body. It’s where our spine is. wasting / it
7 We use 26 in the face when we smile.
8 The average human beat is 80 beats 3 the / river / overflow / it / continue / to / rain?
per minute.
9 You feel very hot. I think you’ve got a . 4 we / change / how / we / build / houses / we / not
10 I hurt my _ ; that’s why I can’t rite. be / environmentally friendly

5 I / buy / those / shoes / not be / too / expensive

Unit 8 exam
7 Complete the sentences with the first
conditional form of the verbs. (10 marks)
be cook do get go miss
not finish not leave not wear say

1 We to the beach if it sunny

2 The children a cold if they their
3 If you dinner, I the washing up.
4 We the train if we _ now.
5 What _ you if you your
homework in time?

Part 4: Practical English

8 Complete the dialogue. (15 marks)
Doctor (1) do you feel?
Patient I feel terrible!
Doctor What’s the (2) ?
Patient I’ve got a sore throat and a cough. I
think I’ve got the (3) .
Doctor Does it (4) when you
Patient Yes, it does.
Doctor (5) me take your

Part 5: Cumulative Review

9 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
(10 marks)
Eco-clothing is made of materials that are
(1) . This means they don’t destroy the
environment. For example, farmers grow a
(2) of organic cotton on farms without using
dangerous chemicals. These chemicals cause
(3) to the land and water. Hemp is an
environmentally friendly material that is used in eco-
fashion. It doesn’t need pesticides to grow and the
plant also helps to remove the (4) gas
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Eco-clothing
can also be made from recycled clothing and
materials. This helps to reduce waste. We will
cause harm to the planet (5) we stop using
harmful materials and processes to make our
clothes. Will eco-fashion become the future of the
fashion industry?
Unit 8 exam
Part 6: Reading 11 Read the text again, and then answer the
questions. (12 marks)
10 Read the text. According to the writer, why is the 1 How big is the Amazon rainforest?
Amazon Rainforest important? (3 marks)
2 How do plants clean the atmosphere?

3 Why are scientists interested in the rainforest?

The Amazing Amazon
Covering an area of 7,000,000 square kilometres, the 4 What are apprentices?
Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world.
It covers parts of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Suriname, 5 What is Drauzio Varella searching for?
Ecuador, Bolivia and French Guinea. Over half of the
planet’s rainforest is in the mazon. The plants in the 6 Why is his work hard?
rainforest take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
This cleans the atmosphere because carbon dioxide is a
harmful greenhouse gas.

The medical community is very interested in the plants of

the Amazon because different plants can cure illnesses.
For instance, there are plants that can reduce a
temperature and those that can help ease headaches,
toothaches and muscle pains. The Amazon people who
have knowledge of these plants are called ‘medicine men’.
When they get old they pass on their knowledge to
apprentices: younger men who will eventually become
medicine men, too.

One researcher, Drauzio Varella, from Brazil, is looking

for a cure for cancer in the Amazon. The work is difficult
because there are so many different plants in the
rainforest. He and his team test each one to find out if it
has medicinal properties. This takes a long time and it is
very detailed work. Another difficulty that scientists
have is the deforestation of the rainforests. Not only are
the plants and trees impacted by this, but the animals
lose their habitats and have nowhere to live. If people
continue to destroy the rainforest we will certainly lose
our chance to discover valuable new medicines.
Unit 8 exam
Part 7: Writing
12 Choose one of the prob ems from the box and
write an article about it. Include
recommendations about how to help save the
planet. Use the prompts to help you. Use linking
words. Write about 125 words. (10 marks)
climate change energy consumption
pollution water consumption

 Paragraph 1: Introduce the problem, its causes

and the result of not doing anything to stop it.
 Paragraph 2: Describe one way to help to reduce
the problem and how it will help.
 Paragraph 3: Describe another way to help
reduce the problem and how it will help.

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