Notice of Dishonor

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Notice of Dishonor Contents of notice

1. A negotiable instrument is considered to be  The identity of the instrument

dishonoured if :  The fact that it has been dishonoured by non
1. If it is not accepted when presented for acceptance or non payment and
acceptance  A statement that the party giving notice intends
2. If it is not paid when prepared for to look to the party addressed for payment
payment at maturity or, Notice to the party who is dead
3. If presentment is excused or waived
and the instrument is past due or  To the personal representative if there be one
unpaid.  To the Inst residence or last place of bussiness

Notice of dishonour – is bringing either verbally or in When notice need not be given to the drawer
writing, to the knowledge of the drawer or endorser of
a. Where the drawer and drawee are the same
an instrument, upon proper proceedings taken, has not
been accepted or has not been paid and that the party
b. When the drawee is fictitious person or a
notified is expected to pay it.
person not having capacity to contract
c. When the drawer is the person to whom the
instrument is presented for payment
The object of giving notice of dishonour is two d. Drawer knew bill would be dishonoured
fold: e. Drawer countermanded payment
1. To inform the parties secondarily liable that
the maker or acceptor, as the case may be, When notice need not be given to indorser:
has failed to meet his engagement: and
a. When the drawee is fictitious person or a
2. To advise such parties that they will be
person not having capacity to contract, and the
required to make payment.
indorser was aware of the fact of the time he
Effect of Failure to give Notice of Dishonor indorsed the instrument
b. Where the indorser is the person to whom the
- Any person to whom such notice is not given instrument is presented for payment
is discharged c. Where the instrument was made or accepted
for his accommodation
 Indorser are entitled to notice of dishonour,
mere knowledge by the indorser of non-
payment is not sufficient.
 Foreign Bill of Exchange
By whom given: - Protest id necessary

1. By the holder or his representative Discharge of Negotiable Instrument

2. By or on behalf of any party to the instrument
who might be compelled to pay it to the holder.
 A negotiable instrument is discharge
 Notice may be in writing or oral
a. By payment in due course by or on behalf of the
principal debtor
 A misdescription of the instrument does not b. By payment in due course by the party
initiate the notice unless the party to whom the accommodating where the instrument is made
notice is give is infact misled thereby or accepted by accommodation
c. By the intentional cancellation thereof by the
d. By any other act which will discharge simple
contract for the payment of money
e. When the principal debtor becomes the holder  Unless and until he accepts, the drawee is not
of the instrument at or after maturity in his own bound in any way as a party to a bill and the
right. payee or other holder has no recourse against
Discharge of an Instrument – means a release of all
 Acceptance should be in writing
parties, whether primary or secondary, from the
obligations arising there under Constructive Acceptance

1. Where the drawee to whom a bill is delivered

for accepatance destroys it
 A person secondarily liable on the instrument is
2. When the drawee refuses to return the bill
a. BY any act which discharges the General Acceptance – assents without qualification to
instrument the order of the drawer
b. By intentional cancellation of his
signature by the holder
c. By the discharge of prior party Qualified Acceptance – Varies the effect of the bill
d. By a valid tender of payment by a prior
party a. Conditional – payment by the acceptor
e. By a release of the principal debtor dependent upon the fulfilment of a
Material Alteration – Any alteration which changes b. Partial – an acceptance to pay part only
of the amount
a. The inte
c. Local – an acceptance to pay only at a
b. The sum payable
particular place
c. The time and place of payment
d. Qualified as to time
d. The number or the relation of the parties
e. The acceptance of some of redrawees
e. The medium or currency in which payment is to
be made
f. Or may other alteration which changes the
effect of the instrument

Bills of Exchange – an unconditional order in writing

addressed by one person to another, signed by the
person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is
addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or
determinable time a sum certain in money to order or
to bearers.

When bill may be treated as promissory note?

1. The drawer and the drawee are the same

2. The drawee is a fictitious name
3. The drawee has no capacity to contract

Referee in case of need –the person named by the

drawer or indorser as the one whom the holder may
resort in case of need

Acceptance – the signification by the drawee of his

assent to the order of the drawer

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