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In Honors Physics, we completed a Lab Development where we were given a scenario

and then assigned the task of creating a testable question for an experiment. Our scenario

included a cart, ramp, motion detector, books to change the incline of the ramp, a force probe,

and additional masses. I decided to test the question “How does acceleration change as Fgx

changes?” Then, building upon this question, I hypothesized, identified the variables, and

detailed how I would collect and record data. Through this lab, I developed the skill of creativity.

It taught me to think outside of the box; normally in labs we are given a question we must

answer, but in this one we had to look at a given situation and develop a related question

ourselves. This taught me to analyze a situation from a very imaginative perspective and think

about all the ways that I could use my resources. I had to apply my previous knowledge and

think deliberately in order to do so. This skill of creativity can be applied to other subjects, as

well. In Geometry I analyze the diagram and “givens” of a proof, examining every possible

conclusion I can make. In English I survey a prompt very closely, looking for innovative ways to

respond instead of just producing the easy, “basic” answer. Creativity is a skill that will also be

helpful and necessary in a non-academic way in order to solve difficult obstacles in life. I credit

my development of this creativity to Honors Physics, especially the Lab Development.

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