Assignment For Advance Skillset Development On Apne Sapne - A Non-Governmental Organization

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Advance skillset development
Apne sapne -- A non-governmental organization

Submitted by: - Submitted to:- Manika kaushik

Bhanu Pratap Singh (leader) (26)

Dharmendra Lamba (30)

Pratyush Gaurav (69)

Deepanshu Kansal (29 )

Anugrah Dwivedi (14)

B.A LL.B With specialization in Energy laws (batch 1)

Governments, civil society, and concerned citizens are essential stakeholders in any program to
revitalise a community’s needs and bring them out of difficulty. India’s biggest, and most
marginalised community is its children. At every stage of their life, even at birth, India’s children
face life changing challenges. Strategic and consistent intervention by NGO workers, in the form
of on-ground support and activism, while also working with officials is a necessity to give every
child a better future.

The welfare Society Act is made by 1860, and the Societies Registration Act meets all the
conditions of 1860. The organization is an autonomous organization, and is not affiliated with
any national or international organization right.


 The Fundamental Rights of Children, and Protection of Policy Director's Principles.

 Benefit of government schemes to economically disabled citizens.
 Conflict for "drug-free society".
 Enrolling in schools through RTE (Right to Education Act).
 To bear the expenses of the education of the students.
 Protecting the Fundamental Rights and Policy Directors of Children.

 Doing proper survey of government departments, solve the problems of the citizens.
 Camping to provide information to government employees for the government schemes
available to them.
 An attempt to free the drug from the society.
 Spreading public awareness through seminars and workshops in society.

Certain Projects:

 Project Patshala: To provide education to the children who are working under
hazardous conditions such as garbage picking, construction sites etc.
 Project Bulandi : The idea of Project Bulandi came from the protest against the
government for the deteriorating condition of the government school in the state. Apnse
Sapne was one of those NGO’S participating in the protest.
 Meet your dreams : There were certain students in the NGO who have already decided
and made their goals in their life. This project was fo those students to help them to fulfill
their dreams.
 At least One : This is similar to fulfilling the dreams of children.

Advices for advancement :

 We gave advices related to the NGO’S such as :

 Common agenda: coming together to collectively define the problem and create a
shared vision to solve it;
 Shared measurement: agreeing to track progress in the same way, which allows for
continuous improvement;
 Mutually reinforcing activities: coordinating collective efforts to maximize the end
 Continuous communications: building trust and relationships among all
 Strong Backbone: having a team dedicated to orchestrating the work of the group.


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