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I cannot describe in just one page how this experience was or what meant to me, but I will

try to summarize it. Erasmus is definitely one of the best exchange programs created for students
that can allow them to see the world, learn new things about themselves and improve their skills.
For me, those five months were in the beginning like hell. In the first week my only thought was
to come back home to my family and never leave again. I was alone, I never traveled before,
especially in a country where the majority of people doesn’t speak English. I was scared at first,
but also I was relieved because I knew that I can do well on my own. Erasmus proved to me that
is not just a travel and a study opportunity, is also a maturity ”exam”. An exam that made me
stronger, independent and helped me to gain more confidence in myself.

For this kind of experience, I wanted the best location, because the place is important and,
also, it can make this experience more fun. So, I chose Torun, Poland and I will never regret my
choice. Torun was one the best places in Poland, I loved that city from the first day that I was there.
In five months I made many friends there from different countries, friendships that will continue
all my life, and I learned the Polish language, some sentences in other fourteen languages and I
saw 6 capitals of Europe and 6 different cities of Poland. I went to an orphanage with sweets and
toys for kids, heard their stories and, also, to a shelter where I played with dogs and laughed a lot. I
am very grateful to the Erasmus Student Network and International Programs Office which helped
me and other Erasmus students integrate and to experience the Polish culture.

The Polish education system from Nicolaus Copernicus University is totally different from
the Romanian one. The teaching method is different from ours; they have modern technology; they
have an online system USOS in which the students can see their grades and interact with teachers
and MOODLE an online platform in which the students send their homework or their essays to be
checked by the teacher.

In five months I saw more than I saw in 20 years, I made more friends than I could imagine
and some of them even came to Romania. I learned to take risks, to be more independent and to
cook turkish food. Also, I ate a lot of pancakes from Manekin, the best restaurant in Torun where
I went with my friends and stayed all night, talking and making more adventures together.

This was the experience that changed me completely in thinking and speaking, improved
my English and let me be free. In the end, I want to thank my coordinator Mrs. Prof. Elena Bonta
and Mrs. Roxana Popescu for the fact that they motivated me and supported me, to Polish
professors, who helped me and to all the people that I have met in this experience. My advice is to
take advantage of this opportunity and never be afraid, no matter how hard it is.

Dobrin Răzvan


Third Year

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