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Name: _____________________

Be a Teacher: Electrical Energy Generation CORE: ___________

Objective: Create a one-page summary on Word teaching & explaining a generation of electrical energy in

 Hydroelectric energy from river flow

 Electrical energy from fossil fuels
 Electrical energy from nuclear reactions
 Electrical energy from another source (wind, geothermal, waves/tides, sunlight etc.)

 Your summary page needs to be descriptive from the intake source all the way to how the energy is
dispersed to homes and buildings.
 Pictures & diagrams are allowed but cannot consume more than 1/3 of the summary page.
 All writing (except title) should be no larger than a 12-point font. Writing should be using your own words
instead of copied and pasted.
 Create a summary that is educational and useful because it will be provided & shared to all your
classmates. Quiz and test questions will be designed off your summaries!
 You will have ONE day in the computer lab (Thursday April 5, 2018) to work on this assignment.
 It is due: Friday April 6, 2018!

Name: _____________________
Be a Teacher: Electrical Energy Generation CORE: ___________

Objective: Create a one-page summary on Word teaching & explaining a generation of electrical energy in

 Hydroelectric energy from river flow

 Electrical energy from fossil fuels
 Electrical energy from nuclear reactions
 Electrical energy from another source (wind, geothermal, waves/tides, sunlight etc.)

 Your summary page needs to be descriptive from the intake source all the way to how the energy is
dispersed to homes and buildings.
 Pictures & diagrams are allowed but cannot consume more than 1/3 of the summary page.
 All writing (except title) should be no larger than a 12-point font. Writing should be using your own words
instead of copied and pasted.
 Create a summary that is educational and useful because it will be provided & shared to all your
classmates. Quiz and test questions will be designed off your summaries!
 You will have ONE day in the computer lab (Thursday April 5, 2018) to work on this assignment.
 It is due: Friday April 6, 2018!

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