Reporting Verbs

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Reporting Verbs (Worksheet 1) Match the reporting verbs below with their definitions. a) aremark that calls attention to something or someone admit b) state firmly advise c) announce publicly or officially announce d) make (someone) agree, understand, or realise the truth of assure something claim €) impart knowledge of some fact or event to someone complain ) give advice confirm 2) refuse to give up or change your mind convince h) define and make understandable declare i) give or restore confidence explain j) make a proposal, declare a plan for something inform k) strengthen or make more firm insist 1) anassertion that something is true or factual mention m) declare to be true persuade n) express discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness reassure ©) inform with certainty and confidence suggest p) cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action Read the following examples (1 — 12) and write in the most suitable verb from above. You ‘may have to change the form of the verb. 1- “Stop worrying so much,” he her. “Everything will be ok.” 2- A: Why are you home so late? B: My boss that I stay until I'd finished the report she needs for tomorrow. A: Well, you can’t ‘You knew that you would have to work hard if you took this job. 3- The American and British governments a lot of people that Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction (nuclear Bombs) so they invaded the country. They were wrong. 4- — The student her teacher that she would be late the next day. 5- He called his wife to tell her that he had been involved in a car accident, her that he wasn’t badly hurt. 6- She her students to stop messing around and wasting time as they only had a few more months to improve their English (!) T= A: Where are you off to? B: I'm going round to Bill’s place. A: I thought you were going to stay home tonight? B: Well, I was but he me to go and see him. 8- He that he hadn't been telling the truth. 9— A: Who are you talking to? B: I'm onthe phone. I'm our reservation for tonight, 10— A: Did she tell you that she’s getting divorced? B: She it when we were talking about Ann’s wedding. I -was so surprised. 11— During the convention he that he was retiring next year, afler 25 years service. He that he would be very sad to leave the ‘company and ‘that he had been having health problems recently. = He that it was an accident and he never meant to break it but Pm not so sure, Divide the verbs on the previous page into the nvo following categories: “tell verbs’ “say verbs’ (the hearer is usually the direct object. (the hearer is not usually the direct Example “I told him to hurry up.") object. Example~*I said that yesterday.”) reassure mention Choose 3 verbs from the ‘tell’ category, 3 verbs from the ‘say’ category and write examples using them below. Please, please, please canI goon] A She claimed thal she's going on holiday with my fricnds? Please. hholiday with her friends. Z_ifyou let me go on holiday with my |B | She repeated that she'd lke to go on friends I promise I'll study really hholiday with her friends. hard in school next term and will clean my bedroom every day. ‘As [told you before, Pdlike toga | © on holiday with my friends. ‘Excuse me, | have something to tell | D She mentioned that she was going on you. I'm going on holiday with my hholiday with her friends. friends this summer. 3 | This summer I'll take some French | E | She insisted that she was going on classes, learn how to drive and go hholiday with her friends. on holiday with... some friends. @ Me? What am Idoing this summer? | F _| She bepged her parents to let her go Er... I'm, uh, going on holiday on holiday with her friends. with some friends. 7 [[promise my friends and I will G_| She stated that she was going on behave ourselves on holiday. holiday with her friends. & | Don't worry. Nothing bad will H_ | She announced thai she was going ‘happen to me on holiday. "ll be on holiday with her friends. perfectly safe. 9 | 'm going on holiday with my |_| She admitted that she'd already friends thts summer and I'll like to arranged a holiday with her fends. make sure that our travel arrangements are still ok, Tm going on holiday this summer | 7 with my friends. She confirmed her holiday plans. 11 [1 don't care what you say. Tam K | She tried to persuade her parents to going on holiday with my friends let her go.on holiday with her friends. this summer, 12 | Ok, ok it’s tue. I have booked a L_ | She reassured her parents about her holiday with my friends this holiday. summer. Do you forgive me? Look at the remarks above and maich them io the best description. 2 3 6. 10. 1 4 s 12,

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