Errata Visco

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Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Kevin D. Dahm and Donald P. Visco, Jr.

First Edition
Errata for First Printing

Page Correction Description


36 In paragraph starting with “‘One Kelvin’ is defined,” change “plus” to “minus” where marked.
70 “…rather than specific molar enthalpy, gives…

Add circled part to the equation.

79 In problem 2-15 parts B and C, change “exists” to “exits”
81 In the table in the upper left corner, there is an H that has both underline and a ^ over it. The ^ is
correct. It should NOT be underlined.
89 In equation 3.9, add circled numbers,


Change “lb” to “lbm” , so that denominator is 162 lbm/lb-mol

92 Change “Step 6” to “Step 7”, and “Step 7” to “Step 8”
93 4th line “…time-dependent Equation 3.31:” should be “Equation 3.1”
105 The sentence, "...since that it is what we are trying to determine,"
Page Correction Description

Replace “36,560” with “38,560.”

Replace “kJ/mol” with “J/mol”

Change "36,560" to "38,560"

Change "44,400" to "46,400"

128 In problem 3-27, change “1 bar” to “1 atm”

162 In Step 5, change “ 669.0” to “946.0”
187 Problem 4-12. “A 10 ounce glass that is half full of water (half full)…”
188 Problem 4-27. “…at T=100 degrees F and expels it as a saturated liquid at T=100 degrees F.
192 Immediately above Figure 5-2, change “on the operation of the reactor” to “on the safety of, or the
operation of, the reactor”
211 In margin note at the bottom of the page, change step “7” to step “6”
212 Every mention of the following on this page should be changed:
- step “7” to step “6”
- step “8” to step “7”
- step “9” to step “8”
- step “10” to step “9”
- step “11” to step “10”
- step “6” to step “5”
232 In problem 5-7, parts B and C, change each mention of “HFC-134a” to “R-422A”
233 In problem 5-10, change “HFC-134a” to R-422A”
234 & 235 In problem 5-16, change all mentions of “R-134a” to “R-422A”
235 In problem 5-19, change “HFC-134a” to “R-422A”
274 The “HR” in equation 6.141 should be “HR”
285 In the last line above problem 6-14, change “CP* = 40 J/mol” to “CP* = 40 J/mol·K”
285 In problem 6-16 part C, change “1.5 kJ/min” to “1.5 kJ/min·K”
286 In problem 6-20 part A, change “0.100 mol/L” to “0.100 L/mol”
317 In Figure 7-10, there are two lines that are labelled “T=400 (l)
The darker line (for which the label is on the right hand side) should be labelled “T=450 (l)
Page Correction Description

399 Paragraph 3, change sentence to read “Next, you have another system that has one black molecule than
can be in either of the two available locations (different than the blue system).
403 One of the chemical structures in the margin is for “1-hexanol”. This figure should be removed and
replaced with “1-hexene”. The structure of 1-hexene is:

H H2
H2 H2
403 In the paragraph that follows the end of the example, there are two references to “Andrzej et. al.,
2010”. Please change both to “Treszczanowicz et al., 2010”
408 In 2nd paragraph, delete “component.” and replace with “the components.”
419 In the sentence following Equation 9.65, delete “is” and replace with “it”
420 In equation 9.68, the superscript “IG” should be “ig”
423 In problem 9-3, change “ethanol” to “2-propanol”
478 Equations 11.34 and 11.39 at the bottom of the page- there is a hat missing on the middle term.
11.34 should be:  = 
Page Correction Description

11.39 should be: 
 =  = 

482 In the problem statement for Example 11-2, between “…0.1 mol% benzene.” and “You know the
infinite…” add a new sentence that reads “The absorber operates at 20 °C.”
486 Equation 9.48, in the middle of the page, should be numbered 9.42. The text also contains two
references to “Equation 9.48”, one above the equation and one below it, that should be changed to
“Equation 9.42”
504 Unnumbered equations in the middle of the page- please change “0.3354” to “0.3646” and change
“0.2846” to “0.2852”
530 In the caption of Table P11-27, change “70 °C” to “40 °C”
540 "Recall the virial equation as provided in Equation 7.78 7.91:"
The equation number right below it should be listed as 7.91 and not 7.78
547 Table 12-5 caption. Add a "(2)" after "dimethyl carbonate" in the caption.
“…dimethyl carbonate (2) system at ….
553 The equation that is currently numbered “(8.88)” should be “(8.67)”
570 In problem 12-23, change “… at 413.15 Kusing the” to “…at 413.15 K using the …”
580 In the bottom paragraph, there are two references to “Figure 12-1”, both of which should be changed to
“Figure 13-1”.
607 In the problem statement for Example 13-11, part b, change “At what temperature and composition
does the eutectic occur?” to “At what temperature and composition does the eutectic occur, according
to the model?”
607 In the problem statement for Example 13-11, part c, change the end from “…as the temperature is
lowered.” to “…as the temperature is lowered, according to the model.”
609 Change the heading for Step 5 from “The eutectic temperature and composition” to “The eutectic
temperature and composition according to the model”
609 At the end of the first paragraph under the “Step 5” heading, change “T = 305 K and x1 = 0.71.” to “T =
305 K and x1 = 0.67.”
609 At the end of the second paragraph under the “Step 5” heading, change “T = 305.02 K and x1 = 0.715.” to
“T = 303.66 K and x1 = 0.672.”
609 Change the heading for Step 6 from “Cooling a system of x1 = 0.6 from 330 K to 300 K” to “Cooling a
system of x1 = 0.6 from 330 K to 300 K according to the model”
609 In the third line below the Step 6 heading, change “about 315 K” to “about 312 K”.
609 In the fourth line from the bottom of the page, change “305.02 K” to “303.66 K”
609 In the second line from the bottom of the page, change “x1 = 0.715” to “x1 = 0.672”
610 Replace Figure 13-18 with this figure. (The caption should not change.)
Page Correction Description



Temperature (K)





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
mole fraction hexane-1,6 diamine

615 In the problem statement for problem 13-29, delete the following section of text: “If you were to
improve the modeling result through the use of an excess molar Gibbs free energy model, would the
activity coefficients for the system need to be greater than or less than 1 to bring the model closer to
the experimental data? Please demonstrate how you arrived at your answer.” The text before and after
this section should remain as is, and the two margin figures should remain intact.
616 In the problem statement for problem 13-30, part C, change “76%” to “60%”
643 First line under equation 14.78, “analogous to step 4” should be “analogous to step 3”
646 In Table 14-8, bottom row leftmost column, change the “y” to an “x”
655 In equation 14.112, delete “=7.47x1018” from the end of the line.
693 Add a margin note immediately below the “Example 15-6” heading that says “Oxygen is treated as an
“inert” in this problem because it does not participate in the chemical reaction examined here. But it is
certainly not an “inert” compound in general. The presence of oxygen in a system that also contains
flammable/explosive compounds is a severe hazard.”
743 Change “HFC-134a (also known as R-134a or 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) to “R-422A (also known as R-
422a or ISCEON® 79”
746 At the top of the page, change “HFC-134a” to “R-422A” and “R-134a or 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane” to
“ISCEON® 79”
749 The second to last entry under “Non-ring increments” currently reads “=CH”. It should be “≡CH”

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