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Air Under Water

Name: Megan Taylor

Date: Subject/Grade: Science/1st Grade

I. Integration of Learning Outcomes

a. Students will be able to discuss what happens when a vial is submerged under water.
b. Students will be able to correctly identify where air is located in a picture of a vial
c. Students will be able to write a few words or a sentence about each picture in their
journal describing what is going on and what they learned about air.
II. Standards
a. 3.2.1.A5: CONSTANCY AND CHANGE Recognize that everything is made of matter.
III. Anticipatory Set
a. Call students to the front of the room
b. Sit on the floor in front of them with the basin full of water
c. Show students the vial and tell them that it is called a vial and it is used for holding
liquids like water
d. Tell students that we are going to find out more about air by using vials and this bucket
of water
e. Ask students if they have ever put a bucket or container upside down in water
i. If they have, ask them what happened (air is trapped in the bucket)
f. If they haven’t, ask students what they think will happen if you put the vial straight
down into the water
IV. Procedures
a. Put the vial straight down into the water and tell students that the vial is not completely
filled with water because there is some air stuck inside
b. Tip the vial on its side to allow the air bubbles to come out
c. Ask students where they think the bubbles come from
d. Put the foam ball on top of the water to float
e. Ask students what they think will happen if you cover the foam ball with the vial and
push it under water
f. Put the vial over the foam ball and push it underwater
g. Ask students what they see
h. Let a few bubbles out and ask students what they saw happen
i. Ask students what they think would happen if you put a paper towel into the bottom of
the vial and put it underwater
j. Pick a stick with a student’s name on it and ask them to come up and put the vial in the
water while still keeping the paper towel dry
k. Pick four other sticks and ask students to do the same thing
l. After five students have tried, ask students what they had to do to keep the paper towel
i. Kept the vial straight up and down
m. Ask students why they think that worked
i. Air was trapped in the vial with the paper towel so water couldn’t get in as long
as air was taking up that space
n. Bring out the air and weather journals
o. Show students the journals and tell them that these will be their air and weather
journals for this unit
p. Ask students to go back to their seats quietly
q. Pass out the journals
r. Ask students to write their name on the front of the journal
s. Have students open up to page 2 of their journals
t. Ask students to draw an “X” on the picture to show where there is air and then
underneath have them write a few words or a sentence about air related to what they
just saw
u. Once students have finished page 2, ask them to do the same thing on page 3
V. Differentiation
a. Lower level students will be able to dictate to the teacher what they would like to write
in their journal if necessary.
VI. Closure
a. Ask students to come back to the front
b. Sit next to the chart paper from the previous lesson
c. Ask students to think of some words that they might need to remember when they
read, write, or talk about air
d. Write the answers under the word bank section
i. Vial
ii. Bubble
iii. Water
iv. Paper towel
e. Ask students what they have learned from this lesson
f. Write the answers underneath the content section
i. Air can be trapped in a vial underwater
ii. Air bubbles come out of the vial if its tipped sideways
iii. Air takes up space, so water can’t get in and get the towel wet
g. Leave room for student questions at the bottom
VII. Formative/Summative Assessment
a. The students will be assessed on their journals using a checklist at the end of the unit.
VIII. Materials/Equipment
a. Basin
b. Vial
c. Paper towels
d. Foam balls
e. Scissors
f. Water
g. Air and weather journals
h. Assessment checklist
IX. Technology
a. No technology is used in this lesson.

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