In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

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‫الر ْح َٰم ِن ه‬

‫الر ِح ِيم‬ ‫َّللاِ ه‬

‫س ِم ه‬
ْ ‫ِب‬
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Islamic Library
Kalam [Theology] ...............................................................................................................................4
Tawhid [Divine Unity] ......................................................................................................................6
‘Adl [Divine Justice] .........................................................................................................................6
Nubuwwah [Prophethood] ...............................................................................................................7
Imamate [Divine Vicegerency] .........................................................................................................8
Ma’ad [Resurrection] (and Afterlife) ................................................................................................ 10
Allah (swt) / Tawhid .......................................................................................................................... 12
General Beliefs .................................................................................................................................. 15
The Holy Qur’an ................................................................................................................................ 23
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sawa) ................................................................................................. 34
Ahlul-Bayt (as) .................................................................................................................................. 38
General......................................................................................................................................... 38
Imam Ali b. Abi Taleb (as) ............................................................................................................. 41
Lady Fatima al-Zahra' (sa) ............................................................................................................. 45
Imam al-Hasan b. Ali (as) .............................................................................................................. 47
Imam al-Husayn b. Ali (as) ............................................................................................................ 47
Imam Ali b. al-Husayn al-Sajjad (as) .............................................................................................. 51
Imam Muhammad b. Ali al-Baqir (as) ............................................................................................. 51
Imam Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Sadiq (as)......................................................................................... 52
Imam Musa b. Ja'far al-Kadhim (as) ............................................................................................... 52
Imam Ali b. Musa al-Ridha (as) ...................................................................................................... 53
Imam Muhammad b. Ali al-Jawad (as) ............................................................................................ 53
Imam Ali b. Muhammad al-Hadi (as) .............................................................................................. 54
Imam al-Hasan b. Muhammad al-Askari (as) ................................................................................... 54
Imam al-Mahdi (as)........................................................................................................................... 55
Hadith [Traditions] ............................................................................................................................ 59
Other Prophets ................................................................................................................................. 72
Other Personalities ............................................................................................................................ 75
Fiqh [Jurisprudence] & Furu’ al-Deen [Branches of Faith] .................................................................... 80
General and/or Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................... 80
Salaat [Prayer] .............................................................................................................................. 85
Sawm [Fast] ................................................................................................................................. 87
Hajj [Pilgrimage] ........................................................................................................................... 88
Zakat [Poor-Rate].......................................................................................................................... 89
Khums [One-Fifth]......................................................................................................................... 89
Jihad [Struggle] ............................................................................................................................ 90
Amr bil-Ma’ruf [Commanding the Good] .......................................................................................... 90
Nahy ‘anil-Munkar [Forbidding Evil] ................................................................................................ 90
Tawalla [Loving the Friends of Allah (swt)] ..................................................................................... 91
Tabarra [Dissociation from the Enemies of Allah (swt)] .................................................................... 91
Akhlaq [Ethics] ................................................................................................................................. 93
Gnosticism & Spirituality .................................................................................................................. 100
‘Ibadaat [Acts of Worship] ............................................................................................................... 105
Sects and Religions ......................................................................................................................... 110
Shi’a-Sunni Dialogue .................................................................................................................... 110
Inter-Religion Dialogue ................................................................................................................ 116
Other Sects ................................................................................................................................. 118
History ........................................................................................................................................... 120
Philosophy and Logic ....................................................................................................................... 127
Economics, Politics and Current Events ............................................................................................. 134
Family, Marriage and Social Issues ................................................................................................... 137
Women .......................................................................................................................................... 142
Youth ............................................................................................................................................. 145
Fiction and Stories .......................................................................................................................... 146
Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................. 148
Kalam [Theology]

 82 Questions by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]

 Al-Babu ‘l-Hadi ‘Ashar [A Treatise on the Principles of Shi’ite Theology] by al-Shaykh
Jamal ud-Deen al-Hilli [PDF]
 Al-Tawhid Journal [PDF]
 Asl al-Shia wa Usuluh [The Origin of the Shi’ite Islam and its Principles] by al-Shaykh
Muhammad Husayn aal Kashiful-Ghita [PDF]
 Basic Teachings of Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Basic Principles [PDF]
 Discursive Theology by Dr. Ali Rabbani Gulpaygani [PDF]
 Doctrines of Shi'i Islam by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Elements of Islamic Studies by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Essence of Thoughts by al-Shaykh Yousef Saanei [PDF]
 Haqqul Yaqeen by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Imam Mahdi - The Spring of Life by Association of Imam Mahdi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Islam for All by Reza Esfahani [PDF]
 Islam, Fundamental Principals and Teachings by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Islamic Beliefs for All by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Islamic Doctrine by Abdul-Husain Muhammad [PDF]
 Islamic Doctrines Simplified by AlBalagh Foundation [PDF]
 Islamic Principles by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Islamic Teachings - an Overview by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Islamic Teachings in Brief by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Islamic Thought by Muhammad Saidi-Mihr & Amir Divani - Book 1 [PDF] - Book 2 [PDF]
 Lessons about Allah, Prophet Justice, Imamate and Resurrection by al-Shaykh Nasir
Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Kalaam [Scholastic Theology] by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Our Belief by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Principles of the Shi'ite Creed by al-Shaykh Ibrahim Amini [PDF]
 Shi’ite Social Theology by Mahmood Taghizadeh Davari [PDF]
 Shia Beliefs by al-Syed Abu Mohammad Naqvi [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Iqbal Husain Rizvi [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue Articles [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Shi'i Beliefs in the Bible by Dr. Thomas McElwain [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Shiism in Relation to Various Islamic Sects by Dr. AbulQasim Gorji [PDF]
 Tasheeh al-I'tiqaad [Emendation of Shiite Creed] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn
Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Tenets of Islam by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Core of Islam by al-Syed Fadhel al-Milani [PDF]
 The Faith of the Imamiyyah Shiah by al-Shaykh Muhammad Rida al-Muthaffar [PDF]
 The Fundamental Principles of Islam by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 The Irfan-ul-Haq and the Maurifat-e-Nooraniya Compiled by [PDF]
 The Islamic Principles by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 The Place of al-Mufid in the Development of Shi'i Kalam and Fiqh by al-Syed Ruhollah
Khomeini [PDF]
 The Roots of Religion [PDF]
 The Supreme Light and Created Lights - A Quranic Perspective by al-Shaykh Mohammed
Ali Shomali [PDF]
 The Theory of 'Alam al Khalq and 'Alam al-'Amr [PDF]
 The Truth as it is by Jafar Al-Hadi [PDF]
 Theological Instructions by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi [PDF] - Alternate
 Theology and Metaphysics in Nahjal Balaghah by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Usool ud-Deen [Pillars of Faith] by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Usul ud-Deen [Principles of Faith] by al-Shaykh Wahid Khorasani [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

Tawhid [Divine Unity]

 Please see section: 'Allah (swt) / Tawhid'

‘Adl [Divine Justice]

 Adalah by QFatima [PDF]

 Adl by al-Shaykh Fattah [PDF]
 Divine Justice and the Problem of Evil by Dr. Ghulam Hossein Adeel [PDF]
 Divine Justice by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Divine Justice by al-Syed Mujtaba Musawi Lari [PDF]
 Excerpts from ‘Divine Justice’ by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari
o Benefits of Evils [PDF]
o Death [PDF]
o Evils [PDF]
o Justice and Wisdom [PDF]
o Retribution [PDF]
o What is Justice [PDF]
 God and His Attributes by al-Syed Mujtaba Musawi Lari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Justice of God by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Let’s Learn about Divine Justice by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Divine Justice, the Problem of Evil by Dr. Javad Shayvard [PDF]
 The Justice of God by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]

Nubuwwah [Prophethood]

 Ethos of Prophets by al-Shaykh Taj Langroodi [PDF]

 Infallibility by al-Syed Murtadha al-Askari [PDF]
 Infallibility of Prophets and Imaams [PDF]
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Advanced Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] -
Part 4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Basic Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part
4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Kitab al-Kafi - Part 2: The Book of Divine Proof - I [PDF] - II [PDF] - III [PDF] - IV
[PDF] - V [PDF] - VI [PDF]
 Muhammad (saws) is the Last Prophet by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Prophethood by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Prophethood, and the Prophet of Islam by al-Shaykh Ibrahim Amini [PDF]
 Reflections on Revelation and Authority among Shi'ites and Mennonites by Dr.
Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Revelation and Prophethood by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Scientific Survey - Islamic Ideology by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Taharah & 'Ismah of the Prophets, Messengers, Awsiya', and Imams (Peace Be upon
Them) by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 The Infallibility Of The Prophets in the Quran by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]

Imamate [Divine Vicegerency]

 Aaron is to Moses, Ali is to Muhammad [PDF]

 Ahl al-Bayt and Caliphate by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Alee (a.s) the Master of Every Believer [PDF]
 Authority and Tradition by Ghasem Kakaie [PDF]
 Authority from a Shi'ite Perspective by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Ayah of Wilaya by al-Syed Murtadha al-Shirazi [PDF]
 Caliphate and Imamate by Ahmad Namaee [PDF]
 Completion of Argument by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Did Prophet Muhammad (saws) Appoint a Successor [PDF]
 Did the Prophet Appoint a Successor - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library
Project [PDF]
 Discussions Concerning al-Mahdi by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Divine Guide in Early Shi'ism by Dr. Mohammad Ali Moezzi [PDF]
 Essay on Ghadir by Ali Zulfiqar [PDF]
 Essays on Ghadir by M. H. Shahri [PDF]
 Final Distinct Eminence of Masomeen (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Ghadeer Khum - Where the Religion Was Brought to Perfection by al-Shaykh I.H. Najafi
 Ghadir - An Islamic Perspective by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 Ghadir in the Light of the Book and Tradition by Majid Ma'aref [PDF]
 Ghadir Tradition, the Expressive Evidence for Guardianship [PDF]
 Glimpses of al-Mahdi by IslamicMobility [PDF]
 Hadeeth of Al-Ghadeer from Shi'ee Source Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Hayatul Qulub - Vol. 3 Succession to Muhammad (saws) Compiled by al-Shaykh
Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Honouring Allah's Saints by al-Syed Yaqoob Jafri [PDF]
 How Was the Caliphate Decided after the Death of Holy Prophet [PDF]
 Imam al-Zaman (as) - Cause of Survival of the Universe Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam and Wilayat [PDF]
 Imamat & Leadership by al-Syed Mujtaba Musawi Lari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Imamat by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Imamate and Khilafat [PDF]
 Imamate and Wilayah by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] -
Part 3 [PDF] - Part 4 [PDF] - Part 5 [PDF] - Part 6 [PDF] - Part 7 [PDF]
 Imamate Divine Guidance by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Imamate Perfection of Deen by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Imamate and Infallibility of Imams in the Qur’an by Rida Kardan [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Infallibility of Prophets and Imaams [PDF]
 It Removes the Misconception about Caliphs’ Caliphate by Shah Walyullah Dehlavi [PDF]
 Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamul Ni'ma [Perfection of Faith and Completion of Divine
Favor] Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq
 Khalifatullah in Shia Belief by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Kitab al-Kafi - Part 2: The Book of Divine Proof - I [PDF] - II [PDF] - III [PDF] - IV
[PDF] - V [PDF] - VI [PDF]
 Leadership in Imami Shiism by Takamitsu Shimamoto [PDF]
 Let’s Learn about Imamate by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Man and Universe by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Master & Mastership by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Alternate
 Muntakhab al-Athar by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Necessity of Divine Leadership by al-Syed Hussain Murtaza [PDF]
 Necessity of the Existence of and Sunni Documentation on Imam al-Mahdi (a.s) [PDF]
 On the Knowledge of the Imam [PDF]
 Orientalists and the Event of Ghadir Khumm by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Proof of the Wilayah of Ali by Shia0fAhlulbayt [PDF]
 Proofs of Caliphate of Imam Ali [PDF]
 Reason, Faith & Authority - A Shi'ite Perspective by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali
 Reflections on Revelation and Authority among Shi'ites and Mennonites by Dr.
Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Shaykh al-Mufid's Account of Imamate in al-Irshād by Dr. Ghulam Hossein Adeel [PDF]
 Shi'ism - Imamate and Wilayat by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Taharah & 'Ismah of the Prophets, Messengers, Awsiya', and Imams (Peace Be upon
Them) by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 The Illustrious Period of the Imamate of Imam Zayn al-'Abidin by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar
Rizvi [PDF]
 The Infallible and the Text by Hussain Kawrani [PDF]
 The Just Ruler in Shi'ite Islam by Abdulaziz Abdulhussein Sachedina [PDF]
 The Manifestation of Imamate on Al-Ghadeer's Day by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jameel
Hammoud [PDF]
 The Need for a Divine Authority Compiled by [PDF]
 The Secret behind the Need for an Infallible Imam by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah
Yazdi [PDF]
 The Twelve Successors of the Holy Prophet by al-Syed Murtadha al-Askari [PDF]
 Ulul Amr by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 Verse of Wilayah by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Who are the Ulul Amr - An Excerpt from Tafsir al-Mizan by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn
Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Why Follow the Ahlul Bayt (AS) - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
 Wilayah by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]

Ma’ad [Resurrection] (and Afterlife)

 A’mal to Be Safe from the Squeeze of the Grave [PDF]

 Barzakh by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 Day of Judgment by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Death by IslamicOccasions [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Death, Grave, Punishment and Life after Death Compiled by [PDF]
 Dialogue with the Dead by Salman al-Farsi (ra) [PDF]
 Dying and Death [PDF]
 Eternal Life by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Heart Comforter at the Time of the Loss of Children and Loved Ones by Zayn ibn
Muhammad al-Amili [PDF]
 How to Make Life after Death Easier by Shyrose Jaffer Dhalla [PDF]
 Journey of the Unseen World by al-Shaykh Najafi Quchani [PDF]
 Let's Learn about the Resurrection by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Ma'aad by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 Man and Universe by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Manazil al-Aakhira [Stages of the Hereafter] by al-Shaykh Abbas al-Qummi [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Qiyamat e Sughra by al-Syed Muhammad Abbas Qamar Zaidi [PDF]
 Resurrection, Judgement and the Hereafter by al-Syed Mujtaba Musawi Lari [PDF]
 What You Should Do Just before Death by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Who Would Be Successful in the Hereafter Compiled by [PDF]
Allah (swt) / Tawhid

 7 Reasons Why a Scientist Believes in God by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 A Commentary on Theistic Arguments by al-Shaykh Abdollah Jawadi Amoli [PDF]
 A Discussion of the Kursi by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 al-Hadith al-Qudsi [A Word of Allah] by al-Syed Hassan al-Shirazi [PDF]
 Allah & the Qur'an [PDF]
 Allah by Yasin T. al-Jibouri [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Al-Tawhid and its Social Implications by al-Syed Ali Khamenei [PDF]
 At-Tawhid or Monotheism by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi [PDF]
 Arsh of Allah by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Arsh - the Throne of Allah by al-Shaykh Muhammad Saeed Bahmanpour [PDF]
 Bada’ [Change in Creation's Destiny by Divine Knowledge] by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Basic Teachings of Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Cognizance of Unitarianism by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi [PDF]
 Divine (Allah’s) Judgment (Hokm) versus Human Judgment (Hokm) by Dr. Hatem Abu
Shahba [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Divine Justice by al-Syed Mujtaba Musawi Lari [PDF]
 Divine Purpose by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 Divine Revelation - An Islamic Perspective on Divine Guidance and Human
Understanding by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Divine Revelation, Human Reason and Science by al-Shaykh Abdullah Jawadi Amuli [PDF]
 Discursive Theology by Dr. Ali Rabbani Gulpaygani [PDF]
 Does God Exist by IslamicOccasions [PDF]
 Does God Have a Mind by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Essence of Shia Faith by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali as-Saduq [PDF]
 Essence of Tawhid: Denial of Servitude But to God by al-Syed Ali Khamenei [PDF]
 Essence of Thoughts by al-Shaykh Yousef Saanei [PDF]
 Excerpt from the Causes Responsible for Materialist Tendencies in the West by al-
Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari
o Chance, God or Causation [PDF]
o God and Evolution [PDF]
o The Concept of Creation [PDF]
 Fear of Allah [PDF]
 Fundamentals of Knowing God by Reza Berenjkar [PDF]
 God and His Attributes by al-Syed Mujtaba Musawi Lari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 God in Islamic Traditions: a Glance at al-Tawhid by Shaykh as-Saduq by Dr. Karim Aghili
 God in the Quran by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 God of Islam by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 God of Muhammad (sawa) [PDF]
 Hadith al-Halila [Tradition of Myrobalan Fruit] by Mufaddal ibn Umar al-Jaufi and Imam
Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) [PDF]
 Haqqul Yaqeen by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Identity of Allah by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 Image of God in the Qur'an by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Inner Secrets of the Path by al-Syed Haydar al-Amuli [PDF]
 Inner Voice by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Advanced Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] -
Part 4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Basic Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part
4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Islamic Culture and Religious Studies - Book 1 [PDF] - Book 3 [PDF] - Book 4 [PDF]
 Islamic Description of God Attributed to Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Justice of God by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Kitab al-Kafi - Part 1: The Book of Divine Unity - I [PDF] - II [PDF] - III [PDF]
 Knowing Allah by al-Shaykh Muhammad Javad Bahonar [PDF]
 Let’s Learn about Divine Justice by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Let’s Learn about God by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Man and Universe by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Monotheism for Young Adults by Nayerreh Tavassoli [PDF]
 Muhammad and His God before the Revelation by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 On the Unity of God [PDF]
 One, Followed with Indefinite Zeros by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Our Belief by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Perspectives on the Concept of Love in Islam by Mahnaz Heydarpoor [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Promises of Allah in the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 Self Recognition is the Key to Recognition of One's Creator Compiled by
 Seeing Allah by Dr. V. J. Majd [PDF]
 Shi'i Beliefs in the Bible by Dr. Thomas McElwain [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Tawassul to the Ahlul Bayt Compiled by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Tawassul by al-Syed Abd al-Karim Bi-Azar Shirazi [PDF]
 Tawassul in Light of Qur'aan and Hadeeth Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Tawheed by Al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Tawhid Book 1 [PDF] - Book 3 [PDF] - Book 4 [PDF]
 Tawhid in Ten Lessons by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Tawhid by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi [PDF]
 Tenets of Islam by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Divine Justice, the Problem of Evil by Dr. Javad Shayvard [PDF]
 The Four Pillars of the Arsh [PDF]
 The Justice of God by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Names of Allah (swt) and Its Meaning Compiled by - Part 1 [PDF] - Part
2 [PDF]
 The Nature of Understanding Allah (swt) by al-Shaykh Hussain Madhahiri [PDF]
 The Paths of Right and Wrong by al-Syed Hyder Raza [PDF]
 The Purpose and Aim of Creating the Human by al-Syed Kamal al-Haydari [PDF]
 The Unity of Allah (swt) in the Qur’an [PDF]
 Towhid by Al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Understanding God's Mercy by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2
[PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part 4 [PDF] - Part 5 [PDF] - Part 6 [PDF] - Part 7 [PDF] - Part 8
 Wisdom of the Unseen by al-Syed Amir Raza [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
General Beliefs
 82 Questions by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 A Brief Summary of Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 A Divine Perspective on Rights Commented by Dr. Ghodratullah Mashayekhi [PDF]
 A General Look at Rites by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 A General Outlook at Islamic Rituals by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 A Gift for the Youth by al-Syed Shabeeb Rizvi [PDF]
 A Glance at Historiography in Shiite Culture by al-Shaykh Rasul Ja’fariyan [PDF]
 A Living Religion with Exalted Teachings [PDF]
 A Shi’ite Creed by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq [PDF]
 A Shi'ite Anthology by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Ain al-Hayat by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Al Amali [The Dictations] by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Al-Babu ‘l-Hadi ‘Ashar [A Treatise on the Principles of Shi’ite Theology] by al-Shaykh
Jamal ud-Deen al-Hilli [PDF]
 Al-Ghadir and its Relevance to Islamic Unity by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 'Al-Kafi' by al-Kulayni by Dr. I. K. A. Howard [PDF]
 Al-Tawhid Journal [PDF]
 An Inquiry into Intercession by Dr. Asiyah Banu [PDF]
 An Inquiry into Religious Dissimulation by Azizah Adib [PDF]
 An Introduction to Islam by Dr. Liyakat Takim [PDF]
 An Introduction to Islamic Precepts by Ali Akber Talafi [PDF]
 Arba‘een-e-Husayni by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Asl al-Shia wa Usuluh [The Origin of the Shi’ite Islam and its Principles] by al-Shaykh
Muhammad Husayn aal Kashiful-Ghita [PDF]
 Aspects of Religion in the Nahj al-Balagha by Jawad Mostafavi [PDF]
 Bada’ [Change in Creation's Destiny by Divine Knowledge] by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Basic Beliefs of Islam by al-Syed QMM Kamoonpuri [PDF]
 Basic Principles [PDF]
 Beneficiation in Islam by Mohammad Sohufi [PDF]
 Brotherhood & Fellowship in Islam by Mohammad Sohufi [PDF]
 Charity by [PDF]
 Combating Falsehood in Islam by Dr. Shah Tariq Kamal [PDF]
 Differences between Islam and Iman by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Discovering Islam by al-Syed Moustafa al-Qazwini [PDF]
 Discovering Shi'i Islam by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Divine Purpose by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 Dream Interpretation Attributed to Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (as) [PDF]
 Duty of Acquiring Knowledge by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Education in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Eid e Ghadeer by WilayatMission [PDF]
 Elia and Islam in Ancient Scriptures [PDF]
 Essay on Ghadir by Ali Zulfiqar [PDF]
 Essays on Ghadir by M. H. Shahri [PDF]
 Essence of Shia Faith by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali as-Saduq [PDF]
 Eternity of Man [PDF]
 Facts about Shias by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 Faith and Reason by al-Shaykh Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani [PDF]
 Fatimiyyah is Ashura' by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Fifty Lessons on Principles of Belief for Youths by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Forgiveness in Islam by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Forgiveness in Islam by Dr. Shah Tariq Kamal [PDF]
 Forty Ahadith by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Four Californian Lectures by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Friday Prayer Lectures by al-Syed Ahmad Hashemi [PDF]
 From Resolution to Revolution by al-Syed Moustafa al-Qazwini [PDF]
 Fundamentals of Islam according to Quran by al-Shaykh Mahdi Puya Yazdi [PDF]
 Fundamentals of Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Gambling [PDF]
 Gems Science in Islam by al-Syed Abbas Borhany [PDF]
 General Concepts of Islam by al-Syed Ali Khamenei [PDF]
 Ghadeer Khum - Where the Religion Was Brought to Perfection by al-Shaykh I.H. Najafi
 Glimpses of Certain Aspects of Islam by al-Syed Nasim Jafarey [PDF]
 Glimpses of Shia Islam by Ahmed A. Khan [PDF]
 Goal of Life by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Good-Naturedness in Islam - Its Signs and Effects by Ali Reza Maktabdar [PDF]
 Greatness of the 27th of Rajab by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Greater Sins by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 Hijab and Family Life by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Hijab by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Holy Ramadan by IslamicOccasions [PDF]
 Identity of a Mo’min [Believer] by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 Importance of Dua in Islam and Method of Supplicating by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider
Jawadi [PDF]
 In the Feast of the Light by Mahdiyar Ghamsari [PDF]
 Inner Secrets of the Path by al-Syed Haydar al-Amuli [PDF]
 Inner Voice by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Inquiries about Islam by al-Shaykh Mohamad Jawad Chirri [PDF]
 Inquiries about Shia Islam by al-Syed Moustafa al-Qazwini [PDF]
 Intercession by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 Introduction to Islam by Islamic Humanitarian [PDF]
 Introduction to Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Ridha Golpayghani [PDF]
 Introduction to Islamic Principles by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Introduction to Islamic Science by Rasoul Imani Khoshkhu - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] -
Part 3 [PDF]
 Introduction to Kitab al-Irshad by al-Syed Muhammad-Reda al-Ja’fari [PDF] - Alternate
 Introduction to Tashih al-I'tiqaad by al-Syed Muhammad-Reda al-Ja’fari [PDF]
 Invitation to Islam by al-Syed Moustafa al-Qazwini [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Invitation to Islam by Dr. Thomas McElwain [PDF]
 Is Eid All about Happiness Compiled by [PDF]
 Is the Qur'aan Complete? Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Islam - a Code of Social Life [PDF]
 Islam - Faith, Practice & History by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Islam - Religion for All Ages by Be'that Foundation [PDF]
 Islam - The Absolute Truth by Jameel Kermalli [PDF]
 Islam - The Religion of Dialogue by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 Islam and Physical Care by Al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Islam and Religious Pluralism by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Islam and Religious Pluralism by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Islam and Revolution by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Islam and the Modern Age by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Islam for All by Reza Esfahani [PDF]
 Islam by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Islam, Fundamental Principals and Teachings by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Islamic Conception of Love and Goodness [PDF]
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Advanced Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] -
Part 4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Basic Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part
4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Islamic Culture and Religious Education (For the Pupils) by al-Syed Ali Akbar Moosavi
Hosseini [PDF]
 Islamic Culture and Religious Studies - Book 1 [PDF] - Book 3 [PDF] - Book 4 [PDF]
 Islamic Doctrine and Deeds by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Islamic Doctrine by Abdul-Husain Muhammad [PDF]
 Islamic Doctrines Simplified by AlBalagh Foundation [PDF]
 Islamic Factsheets - Shiite Beliefs and Practices Explained [PDF]
 Islamic Hijab for Women by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Islamic Shi'ite Encyclopedia by al-Syed Hassan al-Amin [PDF]
 Islamic Teachings - an Overview by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Islamic Teachings in Brief by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Islamic Thought by Muhammad Saidi-Mihr & Amir Divani - Book 1 [PDF] - Book 2 [PDF]
 Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamul Ni'ma [Perfection of Faith and Completion of Divine
Favor] Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq
 Lantern of the Path Attributed to Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) [PDF]
 Levels of Submission by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Love and Hate for God's Sake by al-Syed Mujtaba Sabouri [PDF]
 Ma'raj Compiled by [PDF]
 Man and His Destiny by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Man and Universe by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Martyrdom: Arise and Bear Witness by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Meraj and the Prophet of Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi [PDF]
 Meraj, [The Night of Ascension] by al-Shaykh Muhammad Faidh al-Kashani [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Merits of Mourning over the Afflictions of Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Merits of Turbah [Earth] of Imam Husain’s Grave by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib
Shirazi [PDF]
 Methods of Religious Thought in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Misconceptions regarding Tahrif [Distortion] by Muhammad Baqir Ansari [PDF]
 Muntakhab al-Athar by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Muslims' Knowledge by Muhammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Mystery of the Shia by Mateen J. Charbonneau [PDF] - [Purchase Hard Copy]
 Nawroz in Islam by al-Shaykh Muhammad Hasan Najafi [PDF]
 Need of Religion by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 On the Islamic Hijab by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 On the Status of Woman in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Ownership in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Parenting in Islam by WWW.QUL.ORG [PDF]
 Peaceful Co-Existence by al-Syed Sadruddin Baldghi [PDF]
 Perspectives on the Concept of Love in Islam by Mahnaz Heydarpoor [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Pork by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Practises of Shia Islam from Qur'an and Sunni Books [PDF]
 Prostration on Dust [PDF]
 Public Administration in Islam according to Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Questions and Answers on Faith and Practice by Muhammad al-Musawi [PDF]
 Reason, Faith & Authority - A Shi'ite Perspective by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali
 Red Shi'ism, Black Shi'ism by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Reflections on Revelation and Authority among Shi'ites and Mennonites by Dr.
Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Religion vs. Religion by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Religious Tolerance in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Repentance by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Research Methods in Islamic Sciences by al-Shaykh Mansour Leghaei [PDF]
 Risalat al-Huquq [Treatise of Rights] by Imam al-Sajjad (as) [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Satan - The Accursed [PDF]
 Saviour in Islam by Mansour Pahlavan [PDF]
 Scientific Survey - Islamic Ideology by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Secrets behind Visiting Karbala by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 Seeing Allah by Dr. V. J. Majd [PDF]
 Seeking the Straight Path by Diana (Masooma) Beatty [PDF]
 Sermon on Intercession Compiled by [PDF]
 Shi’ite Social Theology by Mahmood Taghizadeh Davari [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Iqbal Husain Rizvi [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Shia Encyclopedia [PDF]
 Shia Islam in Sunni Traditions by Sultanu’l-Wa’izin al-Shirazi [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue Articles [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Shi'i Beliefs in the Bible by Dr. Thomas McElwain [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Shi'ism - Imamate and Wilayat by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Shiism in Sunnism by al-Syed Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi [PDF]
 Shi'ism in the View of Imam al-Baqir (as) by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 Shiism, the Natural Product by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Shiite Islam, Orthodoxy or Heterodoxy by Dr. Luis Alberto Vittor [PDF]
 Shirk and Waseela Compiled by [PDF]
 Sileh Rahim by al-Syed Muhammad Husaini [PDF]
 Slavery by al-Syed Ameer Ali [PDF]
 Slavery from Islamic and Christian Perspectives by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Special Salawat of the Month of Sha'ban by al-Syed Mahmoud Madani [PDF]
 Spiritual Dimensions of Mourning for Imam Husayn (a) by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali
Shomali - Part I - The Divine Plan for Human Salvation [PDF] - Part II - The Role of
Hardship and Suffering in Spiritual Progress [PDF] - Part III - How True Mourning Can
Lead to the Goodly Life [PDF]
 Status of Women in Islam - A Critical Analysis on a Matter of Equality by Ghulam
Hossein Adeel [PDF]
 Status Of Women In Islam by Khursheed Warsi [PDF]
 Striving for Right Guidance by al-Syed Muhammad al-Tijani al-Smaoui [PDF]
 Tabligh (Preaching) Compiled by [PDF]
 Taqiyah Compiled by [PDF]
 Taqiyah by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Taqiyyah Compiled by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Taqwa [Piety] by al-Shaykh Hussain Tooyserkani [PDF]
 Taqwa [Piety] by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 Taqwa by al-Syed Hussain Sheikh [PDF]
 Tasheeh al-I'tiqaad [Emendation of Shiite Creed] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn
Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Tawassul to the Ahlul Bayt Compiled by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Tawassul by al-Syed Abd al-Karim Bi-Azar Shirazi [PDF]
 Tawassul in Light of Qur'aan and Hadeeth Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Tawbah [Repentance]– in a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project [PDF]
 Tawbah [Repentance] by al-Shaykh Hussain Madhahiri [PDF]
 Tawbah [Repentance] by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Tenets of Islam by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Absolute Truth by Jameel Kermalli [PDF]
 The Ascension of the Prophet by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Beauty of Charity by Ahmed Ali al-Kuwaity [PDF]
 The Core of Islam by al-Syed Fadhel al-Milani [PDF]
 The Divine Invitation by al-Shaykh Muhammad Khalfan [PDF]
 The Educational System in Islam by al-Shaykh Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi [PDF]
 The Faith of the Imamiyyah Shiah by al-Shaykh Muhammad Rida al-Muthaffar [PDF]
 The Final Conclusion Published by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 The Greatness of the Month of Rajab by al-Shaykh Jawad Maliki Tabrizi [PDF]
 The Ideal of Islam [PDF]
 The Importance of Knowledge in Islam by S. A. Husain [PDF]
 The Islamic Government by Abdus Samad [PDF]
 The Martyr [PDF]
 The Message of Islam and Karbala by Professor Karrar Husain [PDF]
 The Methods of Missionary Works by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 The Minimum Difference between a ‘Momin’ and a ‘Kafir’ Compiled by [PDF]
 The Mystery of Life by al-Syed Muhammad Taqi Ja’fari [PDF]
 The Place of Knowledge in Islam by al-Syed Mohamad Sohofi [PDF]
 The Practises of Shia Islam from Qur'an and Sunni Books [PDF]
 The Purpose and Aim of Creating the Human by al-Syed Kamal al-Haydari [PDF]
 The Right Path by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Sharafuddeen [PDF]
 The Roots of Religion [PDF]
 The Shia and Their Beliefs by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 The Shia Rebuts by al-Syed Ridha Hosseini Nasab [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Shia Under Attack by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Chirri [PDF]
 The Status of Knowledge in Islam by Mohammad Hossein Faryab [PDF]
 The Status of Mothers in Islam by al-Syed Mohammad Sohufi [PDF]
 The Status of Music in Islam by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 The Touch of Grace by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Truth as it is by Jafar Al-Hadi [PDF]
 The Visage of Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Way of Friendship in Islam by Be'that Foundation [PDF]
 The Wilayah of Ali in the Shia Adhan by Dr. Liyakat A. Takim [PDF]
 Theological Instructions by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi [PDF] - Alternate
 This is Islam by Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri Abyaneh [PDF]
 Universality of Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Usool ud-Deen [Pillars of Faith] by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Usul ud-Deen [Principles of Faith] by al-Shaykh Wahid Khorasani [PDF]
 Usuli Shiism by Dr. Zackery Heern [PDF]
 Verses of Ghadir by al-Mostafa Centre of Islamic Researches [PDF]
 Watching Over the Holy Sepulchers of the Prophets and the Illustrious Imams by al-
Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 We Cry for Hussain, So Did the Prophet of Islam by Yasser al-Madani [PDF]
 What is a Shia [PDF]
 What is Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Who Are These Twelve Successors of the Prophet (s)? by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library
Project [PDF]
 Why Do the Shi'ah Prostrate on Turbah? - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic
Library Project [PDF]
 Why Pray in Arabic? by Ahmed H. Shariff [PDF]
 Why Prostrate on Karbala's Turba? by Yasin T. al-Jibouri [PDF]
 Why Shia - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project [PDF]
 Will All the Companions of Muhammad (saw) Enter Heaven by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Work, Production and Labour Laws in Islam by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
The Holy Qur’an
 25 Dua from the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 40 Ahadith on the Noble Qur'an by al-Syed Majid ‘Adili [PDF]
 82 Questions by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 A Concordance of the Qur'an by Henna Khasiss [PDF]
 A Glimpse of Tafsir-e Nur - Verses 162-165 of Surah al-An'am by al-Shaykh Mohsin
Qari'ati [PDF]
 A Glimpse of Tafsir al-Mizan - The Miracle of the Qur'an by Shahnaze Safieddine [PDF]
 A Probe into the Meaning of Light in the Qur'an and Hadith by Azizullah Afshar Kermani
 A Probe into the Purport and Application of the Verse of Love by al-Syeda Ridwanah
Siddiq-e Alawi [PDF]
 A Quick Look in the Holy Book by al-Shaykh Jawad al-Ansari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 A Step by Step Guide to Tajweed by QFatima - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 A Study of Polytheism and Idolatry in the Qur’an [PDF]
 Ahlul-Bait (a.s.) in the Qur'an and Sunnah by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Ahlul-Bayt (as) in the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 Allah & the Qur'an [PDF]
 Alphabetical Index to the Holy Quran by Dr. Ammar Shah [PDF]
 Alphabetical Topics of the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 Al-Tawhid Journal [PDF]
 Ameerul Momineen in Quran by al-Syed Reza Kazmi [PDF]
 An Analysis of 80 Percent of the Words of the Quran [PDF]
 An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Quran - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Vol. 8 [PDF] -
Vol. 9 [PDF] - Vol. 10 [PDF] - Vol. 11 [PDF] - Vol. 12 [PDF] - Vol. 13 [PDF] - Vol. 14 [PDF] -
Vol. 15 [PDF] - Vol. 16 [PDF] - Vol. 17 [PDF] - Vol. 18 [PDF] - Vol. 19 [PDF] - Vol. 20 [PDF]
 An Outline of Governance from a Qur’anic Perspective by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi
Mesbah Yazdi [PDF]
 Arabic Grammar for the Holy Quran by al-Qaem Institute [PDF]
 Arabic through the Qur'an by Alan Jones [PDF]
 Authenticity of the Quran by al-Shaykh Muslim Bhanji [PDF]
 Ayah of Wilaya by al-Syed Murtadha al-Shirazi [PDF]
 Ayat ut Tatheer - To Whom Does the Purification Verse Refer To by Dr. Hatem Abu
Shahba [PDF]
 Beams of Illumination from the Divine Revelation by al-Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri [PDF]
 Boundless Peace and Friendship in the Qur'an by Mohammad Rasoul Ahangaran [PDF]
 Brief Analysis of Ne'ma (Bounty) in the Holy Qur'an by Jerrmein Abu Shahba [PDF]
 Commentary of Sura al-Fatiha [PDF]
 Commentary of Sura al-Hujurat (Moral Values of Qur'an) by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn
Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 Commentary of Sura al-Hujurat (The Islamic Moral System) by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani
 Commentary of Sura al-Jinn by a Group of Muslim Scholars under Supervision and Guidance
of al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Commentary of Sura al-Kahf by Ali Abdur-Rashid [PDF]
 Commentary of Sura Maryam by Ali Abdur-Rashid [PDF]
 Commentary of Sura Yasin by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF] - Alternate
 Commentary of Sura Yusuf by Ali Abdur-Rashid [PDF]
 Commentary of the Holy Qur'an by al-Shaykh Mahdi Puya Yazdi / M.A. Ali [PDF]
 Commentary on Sura al-Munafiqun by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Complaint of the Quran by al-Shaykh Muhammad al-Ya’qoobi [PDF]
 Danger of Self-Interpretation of Quran [PDF]
 Determinism and Free Will in the Qur'an by Mahdi Gorjian [PDF]
 Dua after Completion of the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 Dua before and after Reciting Qur'an [PDF]
 Dua before Reciting the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an by Jane Dammen McAuliffe - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Vol.
3 [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF]
 Examples of Piety in the Qur'an and Sunnah by al-Shaykh Hosein Tuyserkani [PDF]
 Excerpts from the Holy Qur’an, an Eternal Guidance to Mankind by Hasnain Mohamedali
 Fatima Zahra’ in the Noble Qur’an by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Fawaid-e-Quran [Merits of Each Qur’anic Surah] by Mustafa al-Musawi [PDF] - Alternate
 Fundamentals of Islam according to Quran by al-Shaykh Mahdi Puya Yazdi [PDF]
 Genuineness of the Holy Qur'an by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Ghadir in the Light of the Book and Tradition by Majid Ma'aref [PDF]
 Glimpses of Certain Aspects of Islam by al-Syed Nasim Jafarey [PDF]
 God in the Quran by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Hidden Truths in God's Word by al-Syed Mujtaba Musawi Lari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Holy Qur’an - English Translation by Mohammad Habib Shakir [PDF]
 Holy Qur’an - Three English Translations [PDF]
 Holy Qur'an - Transliteration [PDF]
 Holy Qur'an and the Shia by Abdilahi Nassir [PDF]
 Holy Qur'an Tafsir by al-Shaykh Mahdi Puya Yazdi
o Suras 1-5 [PDF]
o Suras 6-10 [PDF]
o Suras 11-15 [PDF]
o Suras 16-20 [PDF]
o Suras 21-25 [PDF]
o Suras 26-30 [PDF]
o Suras 31-35 [PDF]
o Suras 36-40 [PDF]
o Suras 41-45 [PDF]
o Suras 46-50 [PDF]
o Suras 51-55 [PDF]
o Suras 56-60 [PDF]
o Suras 61-65 [PDF]
o Suras 66-70 [PDF]
o Suras 71-114 [PDF]
 Holy Qur'an with English Translation by Dr. Ali Quli Qarai [PDF]
 Holy Qur'an with English Translation by al-Shaykh Muhammad Sarwar [PDF]
 Holy Qur'an with English Translation by Muhsin Khan [PDF]
 Human Reproduction in the Qur'an by Raeid Jewad [PDF]
 Huruuf of the Quran [PDF]
 Image of God in the Qur'an by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Imam e Zamana (atfs) in Quran and Hadiths [PDF]
 Imam Mahdi (a) in Chapter al-Qadr by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Imamate and Infallibility of Imams in the Qur’an by Rida Kardan [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Interpretation of Surah al-Hamd by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Introduction to the Science of Tafseer [Exegesis] of the Quran by al-Shaykh Ja’far
Subhani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Is the Qur'aan Complete? Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Advanced Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] -
Part 4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Basic Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part
4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Jesus from the Point of View of Qur'an [PDF]
 Jews in Quran [PDF]
 Jihad [The Holy War of Islam and its Legitimacy in the Qur’an] by al-Shaykh Murtadha
Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Lady Mary as a Role Model in the Qur'an and Bible by Zahra Kashaniha [PDF]
 Lessons from Quran by al-Shaykh Mohsin Qar’ati [PDF]
 Mahdi in the Qur'an by N. Vasram & A. Toussi [PDF]
 Man in Qur'an and the Meaning of Furqan by al-Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri [PDF]
 Misconceptions regarding Tahrif [Distortion] by Muhammad Baqir Ansari [PDF]
 Moral Characteristics of the Prophets - A Qur'anic Perspective by Mahnaz Heydarpoor
and al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Portraits of Youth in the Quran and the History of Islam by Ali Dawani [PDF]
 Practises of Shia Islam from Qur'an and Sunni Books [PDF]
 Preface of Qur'an by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi [PDF]
 Promised One in the Quran by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 Promises of Allah in the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 Questions of a Non-Believer on the Holy Quran Compiled by [PDF]
 Qunut [PDF]
 Quran, a Comparative Study by Dr. Mohsin Naqvi - Parts 1 and 2 [PDF] - Parts 3 and 4
 Quran, Translation and Commentary in Brief - Volumes 1-6 by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem
Shirazi - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF]
 Qur’anic Lessons [PDF]
 Qur'anic Themes in Minutes by al-Shaykh Mohsin Qari’ati [PDF]
 Quranic Lessons for Children [PDF]
 Quranic Treatment of Fear [PDF]
 Reflections from the Glorious Quran [PDF]
 Separating the Qur’an from the Family by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Shi'i Beliefs in the Bible by Dr. Thomas McElwain [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Significance of Each Verse of Surah Yaseen [PDF]
 Sociology of the Quran by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 Surahs for Forgiveness of Sins [PDF]
 Tafseer e Maasomeen [PDF]
 Tafsir by
o Introduction [PDF]
o Complete Tafsir [PDF]
o #1 al-Fatiha [PDF]
o #2 al-Baqarah - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part 4 [PDF]
o #3 Aal-‘Imran [PDF]
o #4 al-Nisa’ [PDF]
o #5 al-Ma’ida [PDF]
o #6 al-‘An’aam [PDF]
o #7 al-A’raaf [PDF]
o #8 al-Anfaal [PDF]
o #9 al-Tawbah [PDF]
o #10 Yunus [PDF]
o #11 Hud [PDF]
o #12 Yusuf [PDF]
o #13 al-Ra’d [PDF]
o #14 Ibrahim [PDF]
o #15 al-Hijr [PDF]
o #16 al-Nahl [PDF]
o #17 al-Isra’ [PDF]
o #18 al-Kahf [PDF]
o #19 Maryam [PDF]
o #20 Taha [PDF]
o #21 al-Anbiya’ [PDF]
o #22 al-Hajj [PDF]
o #23 al-Mu’minoon [PDF]
o #24 al-Noor [PDF]
o #25 al-Furqaan [PDF]
o #26 al-Shu’araa’ [PDF]
o #27 al-Naml [PDF]
o #28 al-Qasas [PDF]
o #29 al-'Ankaboot [PDF]
o #30 al-Room [PDF]
o #31 Luqman [PDF]
o #32 as-Sajdah [PDF]
o #33 al-Ahzaab [PDF]
o #34 Saba' [PDF]
o #35 Fatir [PDF]
o #36 Ya Seen [PDF]
o #37 al-Saffaat [PDF]
o #38 Saad [PDF]
o #39 az-Zumar [PDF]
o #40 Ghafir [PDF]
o #41 Fussilat [PDF]
o #42 ash-Shuraa [PDF]
o #43 az-Zukhruf [PDF]
o #44 ad-Dukhan [PDF]
o #45 al-Jathiyah [PDF]
o #46 al-Ahqaaf [PDF]
o #47 Muhammad (sawa) [PDF]
o #48 al-Fath [PDF]
o #49 al-Hujurat [PDF]
o #50 Qaf [PDF]
o #51 adh-Dhariyat [PDF]
o #52 at-Tur [PDF]
o #53 an-Najm [PDF]
o #54 al-Qamar [PDF]
o #55 ar-Rahman [PDF]
o #56 al-Waqi’ah [PDF]
o #57 al-Hadid [PDF]
o #58 al-Mujadilah [PDF]
o #59 al-Hashr [PDF]
o #60 al-Mumtahanah [PDF]
o #61 al-Saff [PDF]
o #62 al-Jumuah [PDF]
o #63 al-Munafiqun [PDF]
o #64 al-Taghabun [PDF]
o #65 al-Talaq [PDF]
o #66 al-Tahrim [PDF]
o #67 al-Mulk [PDF]
o #68 al-Qalam [PDF]
o #69 al-Haqqah [PDF]
o #70 al-Ma’arij [PDF]
o #71 Nuh [PDF]
o #72 al-Jinn [PDF]
o #73 al-Muzzammil [PDF]
o #74 al-Muddathir [PDF]
o #75 al-Qiyama [PDF]
o #76 al-Insan [PDF]
o #77 al-Mursalat [PDF]
o #78 al-Naba’ [PDF]
o #79 al-Nazi’at [PDF]
o #80 ‘Abasa [PDF]
o #81 al-Takwir [PDF]
o #82 al-Infitar [PDF]
o #83 al-Mutaffin [PDF]
o #84 al-Inshiqaaq [PDF]
o #85 al-Buruj [PDF]
o #86 al-Tariq [PDF]
o #87 al-A’la [PDF]
o #88 al-Ghashiyah [PDF]
o #89 al-Fajr [PDF]
o #90 al-Balad [PDF]
o #91 al-Shams [PDF]
o #92 al-Layl [PDF]
o #93 al-Duha [PDF]
o #94 al-Sharh [PDF]
o #95 al-Tin [PDF]
o #96 al-‘Alaq [PDF]
o #97 al-Qadr [PDF]
o #98 al-Bayyinah [PDF]
o #99 al-Zalzalah [PDF]
o #100 al-‘Adiyat [PDF]
o #101 al-Qari’ah [PDF]
o #102 al-Takathur [PDF]
o #103 al-‘Asr [PDF]
o #104 al-Humazah [PDF]
o #105 al-Fil [PDF]
o #106 Quraysh [PDF]
o #107 al-Ma’un [PDF]
o #108 al-Kawthar [PDF]
o #109 al-Kafirun [PDF]
o #110 al-Nasr [PDF]
o #111 al-Masad [PDF]
o #112 al-Ikhlaas [PDF]
o #113 al-Falaq [PDF]
o #114 al-Nas [PDF]
 Tafsir al-Mizan by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Vol. 3
[PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Vol. 8 [PDF] - Vol. 9
[PDF] - Vol. 10 [PDF] - Vol. 11 [PDF] - Vol. 12 [PDF]
 Tafsir of Suras 58 - 114 by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi
o #58 al-Mujadilah [PDF]
o #59 al-Hashr [PDF]
o #60 al-Mumtahanah [PDF]
o #61 al-Saff [PDF]
o #62 al-Jumuah [PDF]
o #63 al-Munafiqun [PDF]
o #64 al-Taghabun [PDF]
o #65 al-Talaq [PDF]
o #66 al-Tahrim [PDF]
o #67 al-Mulk [PDF]
o #68 al-Qalam [PDF]
o #69 al-Haqqah [PDF]
o #70 al-Ma’arij [PDF]
o #71 Nuh [PDF]
o #72 al-Jinn [PDF]
o #73 al-Muzzammil [PDF]
o #74 al-Muddathir [PDF]
o #75 al-Qiyama [PDF]
o #76 al-Insan [PDF]
o #77 al-Mursalat [PDF]
o #78 al-Naba’ [PDF]
o #79 al-Nazi’at [PDF]
o #80 ‘Abasa [PDF]
o #81 al-Takwir [PDF]
o #82 al-Infitar [PDF]
o #83 al-Mutaffin [PDF]
o #84 al-Inshiqaaq [PDF]
o #85 al-Buruj [PDF]
o #86 al-Tariq [PDF]
o #87 al-A’la [PDF]
o #88 al-Ghashiyah [PDF]
o #89 al-Fajr [PDF]
o #90 al-Balad [PDF]
o #91 al-Shams [PDF]
o #92 al-Layl [PDF]
o #93 al-Duha [PDF]
o #94 al-Sharh [PDF]
o #95 al-Tin [PDF]
o #96 al-‘Alaq [PDF]
o #97 al-Qadr [PDF]
o #98 al-Bayyinah [PDF]
o #99 al-Zalzalah [PDF]
o #100 al-‘Adiyat [PDF]
o #101 al-Qari’ah [PDF]
o #102 al-Takathur [PDF]
o #103 al-‘Asr [PDF]
o #104 al-Humazah [PDF]
o #105 al-Fil [PDF]
o #106 Quraysh [PDF]
o #107 al-Ma’un [PDF]
o #108 al-Kawthar [PDF]
o #109 al-Kafirun [PDF]
o #110 al-Nasr [PDF]
o #111 al-Masad [PDF]
o #112 al-Ikhlaas [PDF]
o #113 al-Falaq [PDF]
o #114 al-Nas [PDF]
 Tafsir Guidance for Mankind [PDF]
 Tafsir Imam al-Askari (as) – Part 1 [PDF] – Part 2 [PDF] – Part 3 [PDF] – Part 4 [PDF] –
Part 5 [PDF] – Part 6 [PDF] – Part 7 [PDF] – Part 8 [PDF] – Part 9 [PDF] – Part 10 [PDF] –
Part 11 [PDF] – Part 12 [PDF] – Part 13 [PDF] – Part 14 [PDF] Attributed to Imam al-Askari
 Tasheel at Tajweed - Simplified Rules of Tajweed [PDF]
 Tawassul in Light of Qur'aan and Hadeeth Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Thawahir al-Qur'an by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 The Amazing Quran by Dr. Gary Miller [PDF]
 The Bible, the Quran and Science by Maurice Bucaille [PDF]
 The Cause of the Ashura Uprising - A Qur’anic Perspective by Ismat Yazdi [PDF]
 The Collection and Preservation of the Quran by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 The Disconnected Letters by saba7saba7 [PDF]
 The Easy Dictionary of the Qur'an by al-Shaykh AbdulKarim Parekh [PDF]
 The Final Collapse by al-Shaykh Fadhlullah Haeri [PDF]
 The General Pattern of Islamic Thought in the Qur’an by al-Syed Ali Khamenei [PDF]
 The Human Being in the Qur'an by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Infallibility Of The Prophets in the Quran by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 The Learnings of the Glorious Quran by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi [PDF]
 The Living Miracle by Yusuf Fadhl [PDF]
 The Luminous Flashes [The Qur’anic Names of Imam Ali (as) and His Household] by
al-Syed Hashim al-Bahrani [PDF]
 The Mercy of Quran and the Advent of Zaman - Commentary on Four Suras by al-
Shaykh Fadlullah Haeri [PDF]
 The Mystery of Life by al-Syed Muhammad Taqi Ja’fari [PDF]
 The Politics of Using the Qur’an by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Position of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (s) in the Verse of Mubahala from a Sunni
Perspective by Muhammad Ya‘qub Bashvi [PDF]
 The Practises of Shia Islam from Qur'an and Sunni Books [PDF]
 The Qur'an (Translation) by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF]
 The Quran (When Was It Compiled) by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Quran and its Translators by Ali Quli Qara’i [PDF]
 The Quran and the Nature of Life by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Qur'an in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 The Qur'an Made Simple by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Qur'an on Astronomy by Islamic Mobility [PDF]
 The Qur'an: its Protection from Alteration by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate
 The Scientific Dimension of the Quran by Dr. Mahdi Golshani [PDF]
 The Supreme Light and Created Lights - A Quranic Perspective by al-Shaykh Mohammed
Ali Shomali [PDF]
 The System of Wilayat by al-Syed Agha Jawad Naqvi [PDF]
 The Unity of Allah (swt) in the Qur’an [PDF]
 Thematic Approach to Qur'an Exegesis by Mahmood Namazi [PDF]
 Thematic Approach to Qur'anic Exegesis by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Towards Better Understanding of the Holy Qur'an by al-Shaykh Muslim Bhanji [PDF]
 Towards Understanding the Qur'an by al-Syed Abdul Ala Maududi [PDF]
 Trends of History in Qur'an by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Understanding the Qur'an by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Understanding the Qur'an by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Understanding the Uniqueness of the Qur'an by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Verse of Wilayah by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Verses of Ghadir by al-Mostafa Centre of Islamic Researches [PDF]
 Vocabulary of the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 What Does the Quran Say about the Ahlul-Bayt by Zahir Ebrahim [PDF]
 Who are the Ulul Amr - An Excerpt from Tafsir al-Mizan by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn
Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Wudhu’ in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith by al-Syed Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sawa)

 A Beautiful String of Incidents in the Life of the Holy Prophet by Islamic Mobility [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 A Brief Summary of Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 A Glance into the Life of the Prophet by Daar al-Haqq [PDF]
 A Glimpse of the Character Traits of the Prophet (saws) - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] by
Abu’l-Fadl Mujtahid Zanjani
 A Page from Our Islamic History - A Jewess Tries to Poison Prophet Muhammad by
Yasin T. al-Jibouri [PDF]
 A Short Account of the Lives of the Fourteen Infallibles by Mehdi Rahimi [PDF]
 Advice to Abu Thar (ra) by Prophet Muhammad (saws) [PDF]
 Ahadith on Visiting Holy Graves Compiled by - Part 1 [PDF]
 Assassination Attempt on the Prophet (saw) by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Background of the Birth of Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Basic Principles [PDF]
 Beacons of Light by Abu 'Ali at-Tabrisi [PDF]
 Black Thursday by al-Syed Muhammad al-Tijani al-Smaoui [PDF]
 Christians Who Defended and Died for Muhammad and His Family by Mateen J.
Charbonneau [PDF] - Purchase Hard Copy
 Could the Holy Prophet Commit Sins and Make Mistakes and Could He Read [PDF]
 Did Prophet Muhammad (saws) Appoint a Successor [PDF]
 Did the Prophet Appoint a Successor - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library
Project [PDF]
 Dua al-Amaan [PDF]
 Dua al-Mujeer [PDF]
 Eating and Drinking Conduct of the Prophet Muhammad by Mohammad Reza Jabbari
 Examples of Piety in the Qur'an and Sunnah by al-Shaykh Hosein Tuyserkani [PDF]
 Fascinating Discourses of Fourteen Infallibles by Jawad Qazilbash [PDF]
 General Invitation by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Glimpses of the Prophet's Life by Talip Alp [PDF]
 God’s Messenger and Message by Hussein Daraghi [PDF]
 God of Muhammad (sawa) [PDF]
 Haqqul Yaqeen by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Hayatul Qulub - Vol. 2 - A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s) by al-Shaykh
Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Healthy Living as Taught by the Holy Prophet [PDF]
 History of the Prophet of Islam [PDF]
 In the Feast of the Light by Mahdiyar Ghamsari [PDF]
 Islamic Teachings - an Overview by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Justice, Peace and Prophet Muhammad by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Let's Learn about the Prophet of Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Life of the Prophet Mohammad Before Starting the Mission by Dr. Ahmad Rahnamaei
 Lights on the Muhammad Sunnah or Defence of the Hadith by Mahmud Abu Riyyah [PDF]
 Ma'raj Compiled by [PDF]
 Man and Universe by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Meraj and the Prophet of Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi [PDF]
 Meraj, the Night of Ascension by al-Shaykh Muhammad Faidh al-Kashani [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Mission of the Prophet of Islam by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Moral Characteristics of the Prophets - A Qur'anic Perspective by Mahnaz Heydarpoor
and al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Moral Governance of the Prophet Muhammad (s) by Mohammad Nasr Isfahani - Part 1
[PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 Morality of the Prophet by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Mubahala by Naba’ Organization [PDF]
 Mubahala by Tahawoor Ali Jaffari [PDF]
 Muhammad (saws) is the Last Prophet by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Muhammad in the Bible by 'Abdul 'Ahad Dawud [PDF]
 Muhammad [s] in the Mirror of Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Muhammad and His God before the Revelation by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 Muhammad, Prophet of Islam by Yasin T. al-Jibouri [PDF]
 Muhammad, the Messenger of God by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Nahj al-Fasaha [PDF]
 Ohod [PDF]
 Passing Away of the Prophet by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Pearls of Wisdom by Husayn Naghavi [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Prayers of the Final Prophet by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Prophecies about the Holy Prophet of Islam in Hindu, Christian, Jewish and Parsi
Scriptures by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Prophet Mohammad and His Household [PDF]
 Prophet Muhammad (saws) - The Last Messenger in the Bible by Kais al-Kalby [PDF]
 Prophet Muhammad (saws) [PDF]
 Prophet Muhammad (saws) by IslamicOccasions [PDF]
 Prophet’s Covenant to the Christians of Najran by Yasin T. al-Jibouri [PDF]
 Prophethood, and the Prophet of Islam by al-Shaykh Ibrahim Amini [PDF]
 Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Seal of the Prophet & His Message by al-Syed Mujtaba Musawi Lari [PDF]
 Seventy Thousand People from Karbala Will Enter Paradise without Being Questioned
Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Iqbal Husain Rizvi [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue Articles [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Special Salawat of the Month of Sha'ban by al-Syed Mahmoud Madani [PDF]
 Spiritual Advice of the Messenger of Allah for Ibn Mas'ud [PDF]
 Sunan al-Nabi (saws) by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Supplication of Sha'baan and the Prophet's Sermon [PDF]
 Tenets of Islam by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Thawab for Salaat al-Jama'ah [PDF]
 The Ascension of the Prophet by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Battle of Ahzab [PDF]
 The Battle of Badr [PDF]
 The Battle of Hunayn [PDF]
 The Battle of Khayber [PDF]
 The Battle of Moota [PDF]
 The Battle of Tabuk [PDF]
 The Battle of Taif [PDF]
 The Battle of Uhud [PDF]
 The Change of Qiblah [PDF]
 The Character of The Holy Prophet of Islam by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 The Character of the Noble Prophet by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Event of Mubahila [PDF]
 The First Charter of Human Rights by Yousef N. Lalljee [PDF]
 The Fourteen Innocents (as) by Dr. Ainur Raza [PDF]
 The Hadith Qudsi [Sacred Narration] of Me'raj [Ascension] [PDF]
 The Influence of the Character of Prophet Muhammad (s) on the Spread of Islam
during the Meccan Period by Asghar Muntazir Qa’im [PDF]
 The Life of Muhammad - The Greatest Liberator, the Holiest Prophet by al-Shaykh Baqir
Shareef al-Qurashi [PDF]
 The Life of Muhammad the Prophet by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 The Life of the Prophet (saw) from the Wife of the Prophet (saw) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Message by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Perfect Role Model - Ethical Conduct of the Prophet of Islam by Himmat Suhrab Pur
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 The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 The Prophet Muhammad (sawa) from the Perspective of the Shi'ah by Dr. Muhammad
Legenhausen [PDF]
 The Prophet of Islam by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 The Prophet’s Night Journey and Ascent to Heaven by al-Syed Ahmad Rahnamaei [PDF]
 The Prophet's Last Prayer by al-Syed Murtadha al-Askari [PDF]
 The Prophet's Spiritual State at the Time of His Mission by al-Syed Ahmad Rahnamaei
 The Prophetic Hadiths in Al-Khisal by al-Shaykh Mohammad Javad Shomali [PDF]
 The Revealer, the Messenger, the Message by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 The Sermon of Prophet Mohammad at Ghadir Khum by Vahid Majd [PDF]
 The Unschooled Prophet (saws) by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Voice of Prophet Muhammad (saws) [PDF]
 They Ask You by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Treaty of Hudaiba [PDF]
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[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
Ahlul-Bayt (as)

 40 Sufi Comics by Arif & Ali [PDF]

 A Brief History of the Fourteen Infallibles by WOFIS [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 A Brief History of the Lives of the Twelve Imams [PDF]
 A Concise Treatise on the Twelve Imams by al-Shaykh Jawad Tabrizi [PDF]
 A Probe into the Purport and Application of the Verse of Love by al-Syeda Ridwanah
Siddiq-e Alawi [PDF]
 A Short Account of the Lives of the Fourteen Infallibles by Mehdi Rahimi [PDF]
 A Survey into the Lives of the Infallible Imams by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Abdullah Ibn Umar and Hate Towards Ahlulbayt [PDF]
 Advice of Ahlul-Bayt (as) by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Ahadith about Ahlul-Bayt (as) from Sunni Narrations [PDF]
 Ahadith on Visiting Holy Graves Compiled by - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] -
Part 3 [PDF]
 Ahl al-Bayt and Caliphate by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Ahl al-Bayt, Ethical Role Models by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Ahl-al-Bayt (`a) - its Meaning and Origin [PDF]
 Ahlil-Thikr by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 Ahlul-Bait (a.s.) in the Qur'an and Sunnah by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Ahlulbayt - Celestial Beings on Earth by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Ahlul-Bayt (as) in the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 Akhlaq e-A’imma [Morals & Manners of the Holy Imams] by al-Syed Zafar Hasan Amrohi
 Alayhis Salam for the Ahlulbayt (a.s) [PDF]
 Analysis of the History of Aale Muhammad by al-Shaykh Bohlool Bahjat Afandi [PDF]
 Anecdotes from the Lives of the 14 Ma’sumeen by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Anecdotes of Pious Men by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Anecdotes of the Ahlul-Bayt by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Ayat ut Tatheer - To Whom Does the Purification Verse Refer To by Dr. Hatem Abu
Shahba [PDF]
 Basaair al-Darajaat - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part 4 [PDF] - Part 5
[PDF] - Part 6 [PDF] - Part 7 [PDF] - Part 8 [PDF] - Part 9 [PDF] - Part 10a [PDF] - Part
10b [PDF] by al-Shaykh Muhammad bin al-Hassan al-Saffaar
 Bilal’s Bedtime Stories - Part 2 by Ahmed H. Shariff [PDF]
 Biographies of Leaders of Islam by 'Ali Naqi Naqawi [PDF]
 Biographies of the Imams by QFatima [PDF]
 Certainty Uncovered by al-Shaykh Jamal ud-Deen al-Hilli [PDF]
 Christians Who Defended and Died for Muhammad and His Family by Mateen J.
Charbonneau [PDF] - Purchase Hard Copy
 Does AhlulBayt Include the Nine Descendants of al-Husain (as) [PDF]
 Duas from Tibb al-A'imma (Islamic Medical Wisdom) [PDF]
 Fascinating Discourses of Fourteen Infallibles by Jawad Qazilbash [PDF]
 Few Facts about the Twelve Imams (as) [PDF]
 Gems from the Treasures of the Ahlul Bayt (as) [PDF]
 Ghadir as Narrated by Ahlulbayt (s.a) by al-Syed Ali al-Milani [PDF]
 Glimpses of Shia Islam by Ahmed A. Khan [PDF]
 Hadeeth al-Thaqalayn [PDF]
 Hadith al-Kisa - The Narration of the Cloak by Gholam Hossein Masoud [PDF] - Alternate
 Haqqul Yaqeen by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Hayatul Qulub - Vol. 3 Succession to Muhammad (saws) Compiled by al-Shaykh
Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Healthy Living as Taught by the Ma'sumeen [PDF]
 How to Visit Holy Shrines Compiled by [PDF]
 Ihya al-Mayit - Fadail Ahl al-Bayt (as) from Sahih Sunni Ahadith by al-Shaykh
Jalaaluddin as-Suyuti [PDF]
 Imams [PDF]
 Islamic Teachings - an Overview by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamul Ni'ma [Perfection of Faith and Completion of Divine
Favor] Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq
 Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Know Your Divine Personalities by Yousuf N. Lalljee [PDF]
 Life Sketches of the Fourteen Infallibles by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Love for the Ahlul Bayt and its Outcomes by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Man and Universe by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Manifestation of Divine Light by Ali Sa’adat Parwar [PDF]
 Merits of Reciting Salawat by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Misbah-uz-Zulam - Roots of the Kerbala Tragedy by al-Syed Imdad Imam [PDF]
 Mubahala by Naba’ Organization [PDF]
 Mubahala by Tahawoor Ali Jaffari [PDF]
 Muntakhab al-Athar by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 On the Knowledge of the Imam [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Prayers of the Infallibles [PDF]
 Prophet Mohammad and His Household [PDF]
 Sahaba vs. the Ahlul-Bayt (as) [PDF]
 Selections from Mafatih al-Jinan [PDF]
 Separating the Qur’an from the Family by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Iqbal Husain Rizvi [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue Articles [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Sihah-e-Sittah - Khairul Bariyyeh [PDF]
 Special Salawat of the Month of Sha'ban by al-Syed Mahmoud Madani [PDF]
 Stories from the Chosen Ones by M. H. Shahri [PDF]
 Story of Sacrifice by Naba Organization [PDF]
 Sunni Myth of Love for the Family by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Sunni Traditions in Praise of the Ahlul-Bayt (as) [PDF]
 Supplication in the Eyes of the AhlulBayt (AS) by al-Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi al-Asifi
 Tawassul to the Ahlul Bayt Compiled by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Tawassul by al-Syed Abd al-Karim Bi-Azar Shirazi [PDF]
 Tenets of Islam by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Ahl ul-Bayt; Ethical Role-Models by al-Syed Mahdi al-Sadr [PDF]
 The Despotic Rulers by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyya [PDF]
 The Event of Mubahila [PDF]
 The Excellence of Durood [Sending Blessings on the Holy Prophet and His Purified
Progeny] by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 The Fourteen Innocents (as) by Dr. Ainur Raza [PDF]
 The Guidance is Only through the Holy Words of Masomeen asws Compiled by [PDF]
 The Irfan-ul-Haq and the Maurifat-e-Nooraniya Compiled by [PDF]
 The Luminous Flashes [The Qur’anic Names of Imam Ali (as) and His Household] by
al-Syed Hashim al-Bahrani [PDF]
 The Prophet's Household by Al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 The Role of Holy Imams in the Revival of History Vol. I [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] by al-Syed
Murtadha al-Askari
 The Role of the Ahl al-Bayt in Preserving the Teachings of Islam by al-Syed Murtadha al-
Askari [PDF]
 The Scholarly Jihad of the Imams by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 The Suffering of the Ahl ul Bayt by Mateen J. Charbonneau [PDF] - [Purchase Hard Copy]
 The True Stories by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 The Twelve Successors of the Holy Prophet by al-Syed Murtadha al-Askari [PDF]
 Ulul Amr by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 Verse of Wilayah by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 What Does the Quran Say about the Ahlul-Bayt by Zahir Ebrahim [PDF]
 Why Follow the Ahlul Bayt (AS) - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
 Wilayah by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
 Ziyarat al-Jami'ah [PDF]

Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (as)

 ‘Ali, The Best of the Sahabah by Toyib Olawuyi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 1000 Virtues of Imam Ali (as) by Ali Reza Sabiri Yazdi [PDF]
 400 Golden Rules for the World and the Hereafter by Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 A Document of Instruction by Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 A Letter from Father to Son, the Last Will of Ali ibn Abi Talib (a) [PDF]
 Aaron is to Moses, Ali is to Muhammad [PDF]
 Alee (a.s) the Master of Every Believer [PDF]
 Ali (as) - The Miracle of Muhammad (saws) [PDF]
 Ali (as) the Manifesting Imam by Ahmad Tirmazi [PDF]
 Ali ebn-e Abi-Taleb, the Wali of God & Wasi of the Prophet by Abdulaziz Sachedina [PDF]
 Ali the Magnificent by Y. N. Lalljee [PDF]
 Ameerul Momineen in Quran by al-Syed Reza Kazmi [PDF]
 Character of Ali b. Abi Taleb by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Dua al-Mashlool [PDF]
 Dua al-Sabaah [PDF]
 Dua Kumail ibn Ziyaad [PDF]
 Dua Sanam-e-Quraish [PDF]
 Essay on Ghadir by Ali Zulfiqar [PDF]
 Essays on Ghadir by M. H. Shahri [PDF]
 Examples of Imam `Ali’s (a.s.) Moral Virtues by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Fada'il Ameer al-Mu'mineen [PDF]
 Final Distinct Eminence of Masomeen (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Forgiveness in the Munajat Sha'baniyyah by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 General Invitation by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Ghadeer Khum - Where the Religion Was Brought to Perfection by al-Shaykh I.H. Najafi
 Glimpses of Nahj al-Balagha by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Glorious Sermons & Sayings of Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Hadith al-Tariq [PDF]
 Haqqul Yaqeen by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 History of the Caliphs by al-Shaykh Rasul Ja’fariyan [PDF]
 How Come Imam Ali (as) Did Not Object to the Caliphs Becoming Caliphs [PDF]
 Hub-e-Ali and Bugh-e-Ali Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam Alee (a.s) Public Condemnation of the Usurpers Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf
 Imam Ali - Sunshine of Civilized Islam by Muhammad Tahmasebi [PDF]
 Imam Ali (a.s) in the Views of al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Imam Ali (as) - Source of Light Wisdom and Might by Sulayman Kattani [PDF]
 Imam Ali (as) by QFatima [PDF]
 Imam Ali (as): The Herald of Unity by Kazim Mirjalili - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 Imam Ali (as)'s Explanation of Salaat Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam Ali and Political Leadership by al-Shaykh Muhammad Reyshahri [PDF]
 Imam Ali’s First Treatise on the Islamic Education and Ethics by al-Shaykh Husayn
Ansariyan [PDF]
 Imam Ali's Life Motto by al-Syed Rida al-Sadr [PDF]
 In the Feast of the Light by Mahdiyar Ghamsari [PDF]
 Islamic Description of God Attributed to Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Justice and Remembrance by Raza Shah Kememi [PDF]
 Khasa’iss Amir al-Mo’minin [Virtues of the Commander of the Faithful] by al-Shaykh
Ahmed ibn Shu’ayb an-Nassa’iy [PDF]
 Khutbah Iftikharia [PDF]
 Khutbah Rajjat [PDF]
 Khutbah Tutunjiyyih [PDF]
 Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mufeed - Part 1 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Martyrdom at the Prayer Niche by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Misconceptions about Nahjul Balaghah by al-Syed Waheed Akhtar [PDF]
 Muawiyah and Abusing Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Mubahala by Naba’ Organization [PDF]
 Munajaat al-Sha'baaniya [PDF]
 Munajaat of Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Nahj al-Balagha [PDF]
 Names & Titles of Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Names and Appelations of Mola Ali (as) by Mohammad I Ali Shahid [PDF]
 Names of Imam Ali's Sons by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Noha of Ameer al-Mu'mineen (as) at the Grave of Lady Fatima (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Ohod [PDF]
 One Hundred Virtues of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib by al-Shaykh Ibn Shadhan [PDF]
 Perfect Man by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Philanthropic Ideals in Imam Ali's Rule by IzzatullAh Mawlaniya and Mahmud Rida
Tawakkuli [PDF]
 Polarization around the Character of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib'(A.S) by al-Shaykh Murtadha
Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Proof of the Wilayah of Ali by Shia0fAhlulbayt [PDF]
 Proofs of Caliphate of Imam Ali [PDF]
 Public Administration in Islam according to Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Questions of a Non-Believer on the Holy Quran Compiled by [PDF]
 Rameela's Tradition [PDF]
 Reflections on Dua Kumail by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Reflections on Munajaat of Imam Ali (a) by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Religion in Nahjul Balagha by al-Syed Javad Mostafavi [PDF]
 Sahifa al-Alawiyya [Collection of Supplications of Imam Ali (as)] [PDF] - Alternate
 Selections from Judgements of Hazrat Ali [PDF]
 Selections from the Nahj ol-Balagha by Olumoddin Sa'id [PDF]
 Self Recognition is the Key to Recognition of One's Creator Compiled by
 Sermon on Innovations Speculations and Perceptions Compiled by [PDF]
 Sermon on Intercession Compiled by [PDF]
 Sermon on the Day of Eid [PDF]
 Sermon without Alif [PDF]
 Sermon without Dots [PDF]
 Seven Most Loved Things in Life Compiled by [PDF]
 Supplication of Sha'baan and the Prophet's Sermon [PDF]
 Surrender and Realisation - Imam Ali on the Conditions for True Religious
Understanding by James Morris [PDF]
 The Absolute Truth by Jameel Kermalli [PDF]
 The Battle of Ahzab [PDF]
 The Battle of Badr [PDF]
 The Battle of Hunayn [PDF]
 The Battle of Jamal [PDF]
 The Battle of Khayber [PDF]
 The Battle of Moota [PDF]
 The Battle of Nahrawan [PDF]
 The Battle of Siffin [PDF]
 The Battle of Tabuk [PDF]
 The Battle of Taif [PDF]
 The Battle of Uhud [PDF]
 The Brother of the Prophet by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Chirri [PDF]
 The Commentaries on Nahjul Balaghah by al-Syed Waheed Akhtar [PDF]
 The Deficiencies of Women in the Eyes of Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balagha by al-Shaykh
Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Epistle [PDF]
 The Infallibles - #3 Imam Ali (as) by al-Syed Mehdi Ayatollahi [PDF]
 The Life of Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh Baqir Shareef
al-Qurashi [PDF]
 The Life of the Commander of the Faithful Ali Ibn Abu Talib (as) [PDF]
 The Lion of Allah by al-Syed Afsar Ali Shah [PDF]
 The Magnificence of Hazrat Ali (as) [PDF]
 The Philantropic Ideals in Imam Ali's Rule by Izzatulah Mawlaniya and Mahmud Rida
Tawakkuli [PDF]
 The Richest Treasure - A Selection from Nahj al-Balagha [PDF]
 The Sufferings of Amirol Mominin [Commander of the Faithful] Ali ibn Abi Talib
(as) by Majid Massoudi [PDF]
 The Voice of Human Justice by George Jordac [PDF]
 Theology and Metaphysics in Nahjal Balaghah by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Timeline of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) by QFatima [PDF]
 Tributes to Hadrat Ali (as) by Yousuf N. Lalljee [PDF]
 What Happened in Ghadir by Muhammad Baqir Ansari [PDF]
 What Non-Muslims Say about Ali (as) - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library
Project [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Why the Hatred by Mateen J. Charbonneau [PDF]
 Will of Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Woman’s Dignity in the Words of Amir ul-Muminin Ali ibn Abi Talib by Abbas Ali Shameli

Lady Fatima al-Zahra' (sa)

 12 Questions Concerning Fadak [PDF]

 40 Questions and Answers on the Virtues and Sufferings of Hazrate Zahra (sa) by al-
Syed Muhammad Sadeq Rohani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Bayt al-Ahzaan [House of Sorrows] by al-Shaykh Abbas al-Qummi [PDF]
 Beacons of Light by Abu 'Ali at-Tabrisi [PDF]
 Bihar al-Anwaar [Seas of Light] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi Vol. 43 -
The Life of Lady Fatima (as) [PDF]
 Burning the House by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Day of Martyrdom of Lady Fatima (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Dua al-Simaat [PDF]
 Fadak - The Inheritance that Wasn't [PDF]
 Fadak - The Property of Fatima al-Zahra [PDF]
 Fadak in History by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Alternate
 Fadak of al-Zahraa (as) by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Fatima (as) - The Perfect Role Model [PDF]
 Fatima (sa) the Gracious by Abu Muhammad Ordoni [PDF]
 Fatima (sa), the Daughter of Muhammad (S), a Brief Biography by Yasin T. Al-Jibouri
 Fatima al-Zahra (a) in the Words of the Infallibles by Zahra Ikhwan Sarraf & al-Syed
Murtada Hussayni Shah Turab [PDF]
 Fatima is Fatima by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Fatima Zahra’ in the Noble Qur’an by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Fatimiyyah is Ashura' by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Hazrat Zahra’ (s.a.) & Fadak by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Holy Fatima’s Mushaf [PDF]
 Lady Fatima’s Role and Influence on Muslim Society by Mahmoud Taqizadeh Dawari et al.
 Lady Fatima's Speech [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Lady Fatima Zahra (s.a.) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Manifestation of the Divine Light, a Glimpse into the Spiritual Greatness of Fatima az-
Zahra by al-Shaykh ‘Ali Sa’adat Parwar [PDF]
 Mushaf Fatimah (a.s) by Abdullah Amini [PDF]
 Noha of Ameer al-Mu'mineen (as) at the Grave of Lady Fatima (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Recognize Me, I am Fatima by al-Syed Baqir Husain Rizvi [PDF]
 Sayyida Fatima al-Zahraa' (as) by QFatima [PDF]
 Sermon of Fadak by Tahir R. Jaffer [PDF]
 Settling Ablaze the House of Revelation - References from Sunni Works [PDF]
 The Fountain of Paradise by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Infallible Fatima by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 The Life of Fatima az-Zahra’ (as) the Principal of All Women - Study and Analysis by
al-Shaykh Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi [PDF]
 The Magnificence of Lady Fatimah [p] by al-Syed Ali Khamenei [PDF]
 The Oppression of Sayeda Faatima Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Position of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (s) in the Verse of Mubahala from a Sunni
Perspective by Muhammad Ya‘qub Bashvi [PDF]
 Syeda Fatima The Most Paramount Lady by Dr. Ali Ghaemi [PDF]
 The Tasbih of Fatima Zahra by Abbas Azizi [PDF]
 The World’s Most Outstanding Lady Fatima az-Zahra’ by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi
 Tragedy of al-Zahra' (a.s.) by al-Syed Ja’far Murtadha al-’Amili [PDF]
Imam al-Hasan ibn Ali (as)

 15th of Ramadan by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]

 Imam al-Hassan (as) - Taken from Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn
Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Imam Hasan (as) by QFatima [PDF]
 Imam Hasan (as) by Revolt and Silence Imam Husain (as) by Silence and Revolt by
Hassan Saeed [PDF]
 Imam Hasan al-Mujtabah Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam Hassan (as) and Caliphate by Qurrat-ul-Ain Abidiy [PDF]
 Imam Hassan (as), Myth of His Divorces by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Imam Hassan bin Ali (as) by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Imam al-Hasan (as) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Rays from the life of Imam Hasan bin Ali (as) by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Sulah al-Hassan (as) by al-Shaykh Radi al-Yasin [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Gardener of the Gardens of Tawheed by al-Syed Sadeq Musavi Garmaroodi [PDF]
 The Infallibles - #4 Imam al-Hassan (as) by al-Syed Mehdi Ayatollahi [PDF]
 The Life of Imam Hassan al-Mujtabah (as) - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh Baqir
Shareef al-Qurashi [PDF]
 The Prophet's (sa) Fragrant Flower by al-Shaykh Wahid Khorasani [PDF]
 The Second Imam - Hazrat Imam Hasan by Be'that Foundation [PDF]
 The Second Imam by Mahdi Rahimi [PDF]
 The Treaty of Imam Hasan (as) [PDF]
 What Did the Holy Prophet of Islam (saws) Say about Imams Hassan (as) and
Hussain (as) [PDF]

Imam al-Husayn ibn Ali (as)

 2nd of Muharram [PDF]

 40 Ahadith on Mourning (For Imam al-Hussein (as)) by al-Shaykh Jawad Muhaddathi
 A Guide for Walking to Imam Hussain (as) [PDF]
 A Lecture on Martyrdom of Imam Hussain by al-Syed Ameer Ali Masoom [PDF]
 Ahadith about Reward for Imam Hussein (as) Ziyara [PDF]
 al-Hussain in Prophetic Sunnah by Muhammad Nassirudin Arif [PDF]
 al-Hussain’s Martyrdom by Muhammad Nassirudin Arif [PDF]
 Al-Malhoof ala Qatla al-Tofoof by al-Syed Radiyy ad-Deen Ibn Tawus [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 An Everlasting Instruction by Abu Muhammad Zain al-Aabideen [PDF]
 Arabic Accounts of al-Husayn's Martyrdom by Dr. I.K.A Howard [PDF]
 Ashra E Muharram [PDF]
 Ashura - The 10th of Muharram by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Ashura Encyclopedia by Dr. I.K.A. Howard [PDF]
 Ashura by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Biography of Imam al-Kadhim (as) by Talib Zaidi [PDF]
 Events and Circumstances Surrounding the Martyrdom of al-Husain b. Ali by Dr. I.K.A
Howard [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Excerpts from: Tears and Tributes by Zakir [PDF]
 Fast of 'Ashura' by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Fatimiyyah is Ashura' by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Historical Sermons of Imam Hussain, Mola Abbas, Syeda Sakina & Syeda Zainab by
Islamic Mobility [PDF]
 History of Karbala by Abu Ammar [PDF]
 Husayn (as) by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Imam al-Husayn (as) - Taken from Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn
Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Imam Hasan (as) by Revolt and Silence Imam Husain (as) by Silence and Revolt by
Hassan Saeed [PDF]
 Imam Husain (as) by QFatima [PDF]
 Imam Husain (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam Hussain's Revolution by Yusuf Fadhl [PDF]
 Imam Hussein and the Day of Ashura' [PDF]
 Imam Hussein bin Ali (as) by Al Balagh Foundation [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Imam Husayn - The Heir of Prophet Abraham by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Kamiluz Ziyaraat [Merits and Method of Visiting Holy Tombs] by al-Shaykh Ibn Quluwayh
 Karbala and Ashura by al-Syed Ali Hosayn Jalali [PDF]
 Karbala and Beyond by Yasin T. al-Jabouri [PDF]
 Karbala by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Karbala, the Chain of Events by Ramzan Sabir [PDF]
 Kitab Maqtal al-Husayn Compiled by al-Shaykh Abu Mikhnaf [PDF]
 Last Sermon [PDF]
 Lectures on Ashura by al-Syed Mahmoud Taleghani, al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari and al-
Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Lessons from Ashura by Khalil Jaffer [PDF]
 Maqtal al-Husayn (as) by al-Shaykh Abd al-Razzaq al-Muqarram [PDF]
 Merits of Mourning over the Afflictions of Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Mourning for Imam Husayn (a) and its Outcomes by Mahnaz Heydarpoor [PDF]
 Mumtaz ul Haq Debate I On Who Killed Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Nafs al-Mahmoom by al-Shaykh Abbas al-Qummi [PDF]
 Our Husayn (a), Mourning Him and His Karbala by al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-Husayn al-Ameeni
 Reflections on Ashura-Oriented Literature by Muhammad-Reza Fakhr-Rohani [PDF]
 Roots of the Karbala Tragedy by al-Syed Imdad Iman [PDF]
 Safinat al-Najaat by Sadiq al-Hassan [PDF]
 Sayings of Imam al-Hussain (as) [PDF]
 Secrets behind Visiting Karbala by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 Spiritual Dimensions of Mourning for Imam Husayn (a) by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali
Shomali - Part I - The Divine Plan for Human Salvation [PDF] - Part II - The Role of
Hardship and Suffering in Spiritual Progress [PDF] - Part III - How True Mourning Can
Lead to the Goodly Life [PDF]
 Tears [PDF]
 Tears and Tributes by Zakir [PDF]
 Tears for Kerbala by Dr. Liakat Dewji [PDF]
 The Ashura Uprising by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 The Cause of the Ashura Uprising - A Qur’anic Perspective by Ismat Yazdi [PDF]
 The Event of Taff - The Earliest Historical Account of the Tragedy of Karbala by Abu-
Mikhnaf [PDF]
 The Hidden Truth about Karbala by A. K. Ahmed [PDF]
 The History and Philosophy of Azadari of Imam Husayn [PDF]
 The Infallibles - #5 Imam al-Hussain (as) by al-Syed Mehdi Ayatollahi [PDF]
 The Journey of Imam Husain by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 The Journey of Tears by al-Shaykh Bashir Hassanali Rahim [PDF]
 The Karbala by IslamicOccasions [PDF]
 The Land of the Lovers by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 The Leader of Martyrs by Ahmed H. Sheriff [PDF]
 The Life of Imam Hussain (as) - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi
 The Martyr for Mankind by al-Syed Ali Naqi Naqvi [PDF]
 The Message of Islam and Karbala by Professor Karrar Husain [PDF]
 The Miracles of Ziyarat Ashura' [PDF]
 The Nature of Imam Husayn's Movement by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Philosophy of Husayn's Sacrifice & Our Azadari by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 The Revolution of al-Hussein [a] - It's Impact on the Consciousness of Muslim
Society by al-Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Alternate
 The Sacred Effusion [Reflections on Ziyarat Ashura’] by al-Shaykh Muhammad Khalfan
 The Sermon of Mina, Al-'Imam al Husayn's Everlasting Message to Religious Leaders
 The Significance of Mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf
 The Truth about al-Hussain's (as) Revolt by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Ultimate Sacrifice For Allah, Karbala by Dr. Umme Fatima Naqvi [PDF]
 The Uprising of Ashura and Responses to Doubts by Ali Asghar Ridwani [PDF]
 The Virtues of Imam Husayn (a) and His Companions by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali
Shomali [PDF]
 The World Finally Speaks at Karbala Tribunals by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 Tragedy of Karbala by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari [PDF]
 Tragedy of Karbala by al-Syed Muhammad Zainul Abedin Rizvi [PDF]
 Understanding Karbala by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 We Cry for Hussain, So Did the Prophet of Islam by Yasser al-Madani [PDF]
 What Did the Holy Prophet of Islam (saws) Say about Imams Hassan (as) and
Hussain (as) [PDF]
 What Non-Muslims Say about Hussain (as) - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic
Library Project [PDF]
 Who Killed Imam Husayn by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Why Imam Hosein Took a Stand by Mohammad Taqi Shariati [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Ziyarat Ashura' - An Analytical Study by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Ziyarat Ashura' - Importance, Rewards and Effects by [PDF]
 Ziyarat Ashura' [PDF]
 Ziyarat Ashura’ - Word by Word [PDF]
 Ziyarat Warith [PDF]

Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Sajjad (as)

 A Brief Biography of Ali ibn Husain (as) by MohamedRaza Dungersi [PDF]

 A Divine Perspective on Rights Commented by Dr. Ghodratullah Mashayekhi [PDF]
 Biography of Imam al-Sajjad (as) by Talib Zaidi [PDF]
 Dua Abu Hamza al-Thumali [PDF]
 Dua al-Tawbah [Supplication of Repentance] [PDF]
 Dua Makarem al-Akhlaq [PDF]
 Imam Ali Zein al-Abideen by QFatima [PDF]
 Imam al-Sajjad (as) - Taken from Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn
Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Imam al-Sajjad (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Imam al-Sajjad (as) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Reflections on Dua Aby Hamza by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Risalat al-Huquq [Treatise of Rights] by Imam al-Sajjad (as) [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Sahifa al-Sajjadia [Collection of Supplications of Imam al-Sajjad (as)] [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Supplications for the Days of the Week [PDF]
 The Illustrious Period of the Imamate of Imam Zayn al-'Abidin by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar
Rizvi [PDF]
 The Life of Imam Zayn al-Aabideen (as) - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh Baqir Shareef
al-Qurashi [PDF]
 Worship of Imam Zainul Abideen (as) by Imam Reza (as) Network [PDF]

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir (as)

 Biography of Imam al-Baqir (as) by Talib Zaidi [PDF]

 Imam al-Baqir (as) - Taken from Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad
al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Imam al-Baqir (as) [PDF]
 Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Imam al-Baqir (as) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Shi'ism in the View of Imam al-Baqir (as) by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 The Coins of Victory by Mostafa Rahmandoust [PDF]
 The Life of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh Baqir
Shareef al-Qurashi [PDF]

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (as)

 A Biography of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a) by Muhammad Nasir Husayni ‘Ala’i [PDF]
 A Short Biography of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq by M. M. Dungersi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Hadith al-Halila [Tradition of Myrobalan Fruit] by Mufaddal ibn Umar al-Jaufi and Imam
Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) [PDF]
 Imam al-Sadiq (as) - Taken from Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad
al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Imam al-Sadiq (as) by al-Shaykh Muhammad Ridha al-Muthaffar [PDF]
 Imam al-Sadiq (as), the Sixth Star by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Imam al-Sadiq’s Contribution to the Scientific Movement in the Early Period of Islam
by Muhammad Wa’iz Zadeh-i Khurasani [PDF]
 Imam al-Sadiq's Jurisprudence by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyya [PDF]
 Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) [PDF]
 Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam Ja’far-as-Sadiq (AS) - The Great Muslim Scientist and Philosopher [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Imam al-Sadiq (as) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 The Last Word of Imam as-Sadiq (as) [PDF]
 Tradition of Mufaddal [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]

Imam Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kadhim (as)

 Biography of Imam al-Kadhim (as) by Talib Zaidi [PDF]

 Imam al-Kadhim by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Imam al-Kathem (as) - Taken from Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn
Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (AS) by Alulbayt (AS) Foundation [PDF]
 Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam Musa al-Kathem (as) by al-Syed Mehdi Ayatollahi [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Imam al-Kathem (as) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Short Biography of Holy Imams (from 7 to 11) by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi
 The Infallibles - #9 Imam al-Kathem (as) by al-Syed Mehdi Ayatollahi [PDF]
 The Life of Imam Musa ibn Ja’far al-Kathem (as) - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh
Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi [PDF]
 The Second Growth [PDF]

Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (as)

 A Brief Biography of Imam al-Ridha (as) [PDF]

 Food for Thought – Risalah al-Thahabiyyah [PDF]
 Imam Ali al-Ridha (as) by QFatima [PDF]
 Imam al-Ridha's Pilgrimage [PDF]
 Imam ar-Ridha’, A Historical and Biographical Research by Muhammad Jawad Fadlallah
 Imam Reza (as) and History of the Holy Shrine by Mahmoud Iman-Doust [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Imam al-Ridha (as) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Razavi Codes of Ethics by Islamic Mobility [PDF]
 Short Biography of Holy Imams (from 7 to 11) by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi
 The Life of Imam ‘Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (as) - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh Baqir
Shareef al-Qurashi [PDF]
 The Razavi Code of Ethics by Mohammad Ali Qaemi [PDF]
 Uyun Akhbar al-Redha [The Source of Traditions on Imam Reza] - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2
[PDF] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Jawad (as)

 Biography of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad by M.M. Dungersi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]

 Duas of Imam Muhammad at-Taqi (as) [PDF]
 Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Imam al-Jawad (as) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Short Biography of Holy Imams (from 7 to 11) by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi
 The Infallibles - Imam Muhammad Al Taqi (as) [PDF]
 The Life of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (as) - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh Baqir
Shareef al-Qurashi [PDF]
 Virtues of Imam Muhammad al-Taqi al-Jawad (as) by Baqir Reza [PDF]
Imam Ali ibn Muhammad al-Hadi (as)

 Biographies of Imams al-Hadi and al-Askari (as) by Talib Zaidi [PDF]

 Imam al-Hadi (as) - Taken from Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad
al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Imam Ali al-Hadi (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Imam al-Hadi (as) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Short Biography of Holy Imams (from 7 to 11) by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi
 The Life of Imam 'Ali al-Hadi - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi
 The Trustworthy Person for God's Revelation, the Prophet's (sa) Tenth Successor by
al-Shaykh Wahid Khorasani [PDF]

Imam al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Askari (as)

 Biographies of Imams al-Hadi and al-Askari (as) by Talib Zaidi [PDF]

 Imam al-Askari (as) - Taken from Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn
Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam Hasan al-'Askari by QFatima [PDF]
 Life Sketch of Imam al-Askari (as) by al-Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi [PDF]
 Short Biography of Holy Imams (from 7 to 11) by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi
 Tafsir Imam al-Askari (as) – Part 1 [PDF] – Part 2 [PDF] – Part 3 [PDF] – Part 4 [PDF] –
Part 5 [PDF] – Part 6 [PDF] – Part 7 [PDF] – Part 8 [PDF] – Part 9 [PDF] – Part 10 [PDF] –
Part 11 [PDF] – Part 12 [PDF] – Part 13 [PDF] – Part 14 [PDF] Attributed to Imam al-Askari
 The Life of Imam Hassan al-‘Askari (as) - Study and Analysis by al-Shaykh Baqir Shareef
al-Qurashi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
Imam al-Mahdi (as)
 40 Ahadith on the Awaited Saviour by WOFIS [PDF]
 82 Questions by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 88 Benefits of Dua Salamati Imam Zamana [PDF]
 90 Benefits of Dua Faraj [PDF]
 A Brief History of the Fourteen Infallibles by WOFIS [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 A Brief History of the Lives of the Twelve Imams [PDF]
 A Discussion Concerning the Mahdi by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 A Glance at the Beloved [PDF]
 A Reply to Belief in the Shia Mahdi by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF]
 A Short Account of the Lives of the Fourteen Infallibles by Mehdi Rahimi [PDF]
 A Tear for the Beloved by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Ahadith about Seeking Mediation from Imam al-Zaman [PDF]
 Al Ghayba by al-Shaykh Ibn Abu Zaynab an-Numani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Al-Imam al-Mahdi, the Just Leader of Humanity [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] by al-Shaykh Ibrahim Amini
 al-Mahdi by Sadruddin al-Sadr [PDF]
 al-Qaem - Taken from Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mufeed
 An-Najm u-Thaqib by al-Shaykh Husain Noori Tabarsi [PDF]
 An Inquiry Concerning al-Mahdi (atfs) by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 An Overview of the Mahdi’s (‘atfs) Government by Najmuddin al-Tabasi [PDF]
 Anecdotes from the Lives of the 14 Ma’sumeen by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Anticipation by al-Syed Murtada Mujtahidi Sestani [PDF]
 Awaiting the Saviour by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Bihar al-Anwaar [Seas of Light] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
o Vol. 51-53 - Part I [PDF] - Part II [PDF]
o Book of Occultation [Full] [PDF]
 Candle of Hope by al-Syed Muhammad Ridha Shirazi [PDF]
 Discussion Pertaining to Imam-e-Zamaana (atfs) by Hasan Eftekharzadeh [PDF]
 Discussions Concerning al-Mahdi by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Dua after Every Salat [PDF]
 Dua al-Ahd [PDF]
 Dua al-Hujjah [PDF]
 Dua al-Iftitaah [PDF]
 Dua al-Nudba [PDF]
 Duties of the People Towards the Imam by al-Syed Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani [PDF]
 Epoch of the Appearance by Ali al-Korani [PDF]
 Excerpts from Mikyalul Makarim by al-Syed Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani [PDF]
 Explanation to the Belief of Mahdi by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF]
 Fadail al-Mahdi by Ali Akbar Talafi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Few Facts about the Twelve Imams (as) [PDF]
 Foundations and Purposes of Imam Mahdi's (as) Global Government [PDF]
 Glimpses of al-Mahdi by IslamicMobility [PDF]
 Glimpses of al-Mahdi by YaMahdi [PDF]
 Glimpses of Shia Islam by Ahmed A. Khan [PDF]
 Haqqul Yaqeen by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 He Will Come for Sure by Association of Imam Mahdi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Imam al-Mahdi (atfs) [PDF]
 Imam al-Mahdi by QFatima [PDF]
 Imam al-Zaman (as) - Cause of Survival of the Universe Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam e Zamana (atfs) in Quran and Hadiths [PDF]
 Imam Mahdi - The Spring of Life by Association of Imam Mahdi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Imam Mahdi (a) in Chapter al-Qadr by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Imam Mahdi (as) - The Last Refuge of Human Beings by H. Hereidouni [PDF]
 Imam Mahdi (as) by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 In Memory of the Last Ruler of God by al-Shaykh Wahid Khorasani [PDF]
 Is Imam (atfs) Observing Us [PDF]
 Istigatha of Imam Zaman [PDF]
 Jihad during the Occultation of the Imam (atfs) Compiled by [PDF]
 Mahdi in the Qur'an by N. Vasram & A. Toussi [PDF]
 Mahdi's Advent, the End of Darkness by Dr. Shah Tariq Kamal [PDF]
 Manner of Awaiting by Ali Akbar Talaafi [PDF]
 Mikyal al-Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qaaim [Perfection of Morals among the
Benefits of Praying for al-Qaim] by al-Syed Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani - Vol. 1 [PDF]
- Vol. 2 [PDF]
 Necessity of the Existence of and Sunni Documentation on Imam al-Mahdi (a.s) [PDF]
 Occultation of the Imam - Our Duties and Responsibilities [PDF]
 Our Responsibilities and Conducts during Occultation Compiled by [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Preparing the Shi'a for the Age of Occultation by Dr Mohammad Reza Jabbari - Part 1
[PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 Promised One in the Quran by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 Prophecies about Imam al-Mahdi (A.S) by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Rabee al-Anaam Fi Ad’eea-e-Khairil Anaam (Collection of Supplications of the Twelfth
Imam) [PDF]
 Reflections on Dua al-Iftitaah by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Remembrance of the Beloved by al-Syed Husain al-Husaini [PDF]
 Sahifa al-Mahdawiyya [Collection of Supplications of Imam al-Mahdi (atfs)] [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Saviour in Islam by Mansour Pahlavan [PDF]
 Selected Narrations about the Twelfth Imam by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani -
Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Iqbal Husain Rizvi [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue Articles [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Spiritual Attachment with Imam of the Age (atfs) [PDF]
 Tenets of Islam by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Aroma of Mercy by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 The Awaited Savior of Humanity by Abdul-Rahim Mugahi [PDF]
 The Awaited Saviour by Association of Imam Mahdi [PDF]
 The Awaited Saviour by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari and al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr
[PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
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 The Mahdi (atfs) [PDF]
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 Vanguard of Light by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
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 What the Wahabis Say about Imam al-Mahdi (atfs) [PDF]
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[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
 Ziyarat Aal-e-Yaseen - Commentary [PDF]
 Ziyarat Aal-e-Yaseen [PDF]
Hadith [Traditions]
 ‘Ali, The Best of the Sahabah by Toyib Olawuyi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
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 Advice to Abu Thar (ra) by Prophet Muhammad (saws) [PDF]
 Ahadith about Ahlul-Bayt (as) from Sunni Narrations [PDF]
 Ahadith about Merits of Ziyarat [PDF]
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 Ahadith on Visiting Holy Graves Compiled by - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] -
Part 3 [PDF]
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Alternate [PDF]
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3 [PDF]
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Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq [PDF]
 Al-Mawaazih [The Sermons] by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq [PDF] - Alternate
 Al-Tawhid Journal [PDF]
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[PDF] - Part 6 [PDF] - Part 7 [PDF] - Part 8 [PDF] - Part 9 [PDF] - Part 10a [PDF] - Part
10b [PDF] by al-Shaykh Muhammad bin al-Hassan al-Saffaar
 Bihar al-Anwaar [Seas of Light] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
o Vol. 43 - The Life of Lady Fatima (as) [PDF]
o Vol. 51-53 - Part I [PDF] - Part II [PDF] - Book of Occultation [Full] [PDF]
 Blessings of Norouz Day Compiled by [PDF]
 Books Dealing with Hadith (Traditions) by al-Syed Waheed Akhtar [PDF]
 Brief Commentary on Hadeeth Al-Kisaa (Tradition of the Cloak) by Jerrmein Abu Shahba
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 Commentary of Salawat Shabaneya by Dr. Jerrmein Abu Shahba [PDF]
 Commentary of Ziyarat Ashura [The Visitation of Ashura’] by Ali A. Tehrani [PDF]
 Commentary on Hadeeth al-Kisaa’ by Dr. Jerrmein Abu Shahba [PDF]
 Death, Grave, Punishment and Life after Death Compiled by [PDF]
 Debating Compiled by [PDF]
 Definitions of Hadith [PDF]
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 Divorce Compiled by [PDF]
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 Dua Sanam-e-Quraish [PDF]
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 Fabricated Traditions by al-Syed Ali al-Milani [PDF]
 Fadail ash-Shia [Merits of the Shia] by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Fada'il Ameer al-Mu'mineen [PDF]
 Fasting Compiled by [PDF]
 Fatima al-Zahra (a) in the Words of the Infallibles by Zahra Ikhwan Sarraf & al-Syed
Murtada Hussayni Shah Turab [PDF]
 Final Distinct Eminence of Masomeen (as) Compiled by [PDF]
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 Ghadir as Narrated by Ahlulbayt (s.a) by al-Syed Ali al-Milani [PDF]
 Ghadir in the Light of the Book and Tradition by Majid Ma'aref [PDF]
 Ghadir Tradition, the Expressive Evidence for Guardianship [PDF]
 Ghadir Sermon [PDF]
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 Glimpses of Shi'ism in the Musnad of Ibn Hanbal by Kadhim al-Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Glimpses of the Hadith by Muhammad Azizullah [PDF]
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 Hadeeth al-Thaqalayn [PDF]
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Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) [PDF]
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 Hadith al-Tariq [PDF]
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 Hadith on the 9th of Rabi' al-Awwal Compiled by [PDF]
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 Historical and Jurisprudential Issues Pertinent to the Ziyaratu Ashura by al-Shaykh
Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Historical Sermons of Imam Hussain, Mola Abbas, Syeda Sakina & Syeda Zainab by
Islamic Mobility [PDF]
 Holy Fatima’s Mushaf [PDF]
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 Huruuf of the Quran [PDF]
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Jalaaluddin as-Suyuti [PDF]
 Imam Alee (a.s) Public Condemnation of the Usurpers Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf
 Imam Ali (as)'s Explanation of Salaat Compiled by [PDF]
 Imam e Zamana (atfs) in Quran and Hadiths [PDF]
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 Jesus through Shiite Narrations Compiled by Mahdi Muntazir Qaim [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
- Alternate [PDF]
 Jihad during the Occultation of the Imam (atfs) Compiled by [PDF]
 Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamul Ni'ma [Perfection of Faith and Completion of Divine
Favor] Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq
 Kamiluz Ziyaraat [Merits and Method of Visiting Holy Tombs] by al-Shaykh Ibn Quluwayh
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 Khutbah Rajjat [PDF]
 Khutbah Tutunjiyyih [PDF]
 Kind of People Compiled by [PDF]
 Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mufeed - Full [PDF] - Part 1
[PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Kitab al-Kafi Compiled by Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al-Kulayni
o Part 1: The Book of Reason and Ignorance [PDF]
o Part 1: The Book of Excellence of Knowledge [PDF]
o Part 1: The Book of Divine Unity - I [PDF] - II [PDF] - III [PDF]
o Part 2: The Book of Divine Proof - I [PDF] - II [PDF] - III [PDF] - IV [PDF] - V
[PDF] - VI [PDF]
o Part 2: The Book of Belief and Unbelief [PDF]
o Parts 1 and 2 [Full] [PDF]
o Part 3 [PDF]
o Part 4 [PDF]
o Part 5 [PDF]
o Part 6 [PDF]
o Part 7 [PDF]
o Part 8: I [PDF] - II [PDF] - III [PDF] - IV [PDF] - V [PDF] - VI [PDF] - VII [PDF] -
o Selections - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF]
 Kitab al-Mu'min [Book of the Believer] by al-Shaykh al-Husayn al-Ahwazi [PDF]
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 Kitab Sulaim ibn Qays al-Hilaali [PDF]
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 Last Sermon [PDF]
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 Lights on the Muhammad Sunnah or Defence of the Hadith by Mahmud Abu Riyyah [PDF]
 Loss of a Scholar Compiled by [PDF]
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 Making Use of Knowledge Compiled by [PDF]
 Manazil ul-Aakhira [Stages of the Hereafter] by al-Shaykh Abbas al-Qummi [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Meeting and Associating with Scholars Compiled by [PDF]
 Merits of Mourning over the Afflictions of Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Merits of Reciting Salawat by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Methods of Religious Thought in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Mikyal al-Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qaaim [Perfection of Morals among the
Benefits of Praying for al-Qaim] by al-Syed Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani - Vol. 1 [PDF]
- Vol. 2 [PDF]
 Misconceptions about Nahjul Balaghah by al-Syed Waheed Akhtar [PDF]
 Mishkat-ul Anwar [The Lamp Niche for the Best Traditions] [PDF]
 Mizan al-Hikmah [Scale of Wisdom] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad Reyshahri [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Moonsighting Compiled by [PDF]
 Mu'awiyah’s Testimony on the Khalifahs Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Muhammad (saws) is the Last Prophet by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Mystery of the Shia by Mateen J. Charbonneau [PDF] - [Purchase Hard Copy]
 Nafs al-Mahmoom by al-Shaykh Abbas al-Qummi [PDF]
 Nahj al-Balagha [PDF]
 Nahj al-Balagha for Children [PDF]
 Nahj al-Fasaha [PDF]
 Narrating Hadith Compiled by [PDF]
 Necessity of the Existence of and Sunni Documentation on Imam al-Mahdi (a.s) [PDF]
 Nikah Compiled by [PDF]
 Noha of Ameer al-Mu'mineen (as) at the Grave of Lady Fatima (as) Compiled by [PDF]
 Occultation of the Imam - Our Duties and Responsibilities [PDF]
 Odattol Daee [The Asset of the Supplicant] by al-Shaykh Ahmad al-Hilli [PDF]
 On Growing the Beard and Trimming the Moustache Compiled by [PDF]
 One Hundred Virtues of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib by al-Shaykh Ibn Shadhan [PDF]
 Our Husayn (a), Mourning Him and His Karbala by al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-Husayn al-Ameeni
 Our Responsibilities and Conducts during Occultation Compiled by [PDF]
 Pearls of Wisdom by Husayn Naghavi [PDF]
 Prayers Compiled by [PDF]
 Prostration in the Tradition of the Prophet (saws) and the Companions by al-Syed
Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi [PDF]
 Public Administration in Islam according to Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Qualities of Believers [PDF]
 Qualities of the Scholars Compiled by [PDF]
 Quality of Knowledge - its Virtue and the Virtue of the Scholars Compiled by [PDF]
 Questioning and Discussing the Scholars Compiled by [PDF]
 Questions of a Non-Believer on the Holy Quran Compiled by [PDF]
 Rafidi Companion of the Prophet Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Rameela's Tradition [PDF]
 Razavi Codes of Ethics by Islamic Mobility [PDF]
 Religion in Nahjul Balagha by al-Syed Javad Mostafavi [PDF]
 Reward for the Scholars and Those Who Seek Knowledge Compiled by [PDF]
 Rewards Gained by Visiting Ma'sumah Qum (s.a) Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Reward of Fasting or Charity in the Month of Ramadan Compiled by [PDF]
 Rights of the Scholars Compiled by [PDF]
 Risalat al-Huquq [Treatise of Rights] by Imam al-Sajjad (as) [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Salat and its Recognition Compiled by - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 Saving Lives Compiled by [PDF]
 Sayings of Imam al-Hussain (as) [PDF]
 Sciences of Hadith by al-Shaykh Mansour Leghaei [PDF]
 Seeking Knowledge [PDF]
 Selected Narrations about the Twelfth Imam by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani -
Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF]
 Selections from Judgements of Hazrat Ali [PDF]
 Selections from Mafatih al-Jinan [PDF]
 Selections from the Book of al-Kafi Complied by by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al-
Kulayni - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF]
 Selections from the Nahj ol-Balagha by Olumoddin Sa'id [PDF]
 Self Recognition is the Key to Recognition of One's Creator Compiled by
 Sermon of Fadak by Tahir R. Jaffer [PDF]
 Sermon on Intercession Compiled by [PDF]
 Sermon on the Day of Eid [PDF]
 Sermon without Alif [PDF]
 Sermon without Dots [PDF]
 Settling Ablaze the House of Revelation - References from Sunni Works [PDF]
 Seven Most Loved Things in Life Compiled by [PDF]
 Seventy Thousand People from Karbala Will Enter Paradise without Being Questioned
Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Sharing Knowledge is Charity Compiled by [PDF]
 Shia Rijali Views on Muhammad ibn Muslim ibn Shihab al-Zuhri by Farahnaz Vahidnia,
Hasan Naqizadih, Gholamrida Raisian [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue Articles [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Shi'ism in the View of Imam al-Baqir (as) by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 Shi’ite Social Theology by Mahmood Taghizadeh Davari [PDF]
 Sifaat [Qualities of the] ash-Shia by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq [PDF]
 Sihah-e-Sittah - Khairul Bariyyeh [PDF]
 Speak Only When You Have the Knowledge Compiled by [PDF]
 Spiritual Advice of the Messenger of Allah for Ibn Mas'ud [PDF]
 Sunan al-Nabi (saws) by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Sunni Traditions in Praise of the Ahlul-Bayt (as) [PDF]
 Supplication of Sha'baan and the Prophet's Sermon [PDF]
 Surrender and Realisation - Imam Ali on the Conditions for True Religious
Understanding by James Morris [PDF]
 Tabligh (Preaching) Compiled by [PDF]
 Tafseer e Maasomeen [PDF]
 Tafsir by
o Introduction [PDF]
o Complete Tafsir [PDF]
o #1 al-Fatiha [PDF]
o #2 al-Baqarah - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part 4 [PDF]
o #3 Aal-‘Imran [PDF]
o #4 al-Nisa’ [PDF]
o #5 al-Ma’ida [PDF]
o #6 al-‘An’aam [PDF]
o #7 al-A’raaf [PDF]
o #8 al-Anfaal [PDF]
o #9 al-Tawbah [PDF]
o #10 Yunus [PDF]
o #11 Hud [PDF]
o #12 Yusuf [PDF]
o #13 al-Ra’d [PDF]
o #14 Ibrahim [PDF]
o #15 al-Hijr [PDF]
o #16 al-Nahl [PDF]
o #17 al-Isra’ [PDF]
o #18 al-Kahf [PDF]
o #19 Maryam [PDF]
o #20 Taha [PDF]
o #21 al-Anbiya’ [PDF]
o #22 al-Hajj [PDF]
o #23 al-Mu’minoon [PDF]
o #24 al-Noor [PDF]
o #25 al-Furqaan [PDF]
o #26 al-Shu’araa’ [PDF]
o #27 al-Naml [PDF]
o #28 al-Qasas [PDF]
o #29 al-'Ankaboot [PDF]
o #30 al-Room [PDF]
o #31 Luqman [PDF]
o #32 as-Sajdah [PDF]
o #33 al-Ahzaab [PDF]
o #34 Saba' [PDF]
o #35 Fatir [PDF]
o #36 Ya Seen [PDF]
o #37 al-Saffaat [PDF]
o #38 Saad [PDF]
o #39 az-Zumar [PDF]
o #40 Ghafir [PDF]
o #41 Fussilat [PDF]
o #42 ash-Shuraa [PDF]
o #43 az-Zukhruf [PDF]
o #44 ad-Dukhan [PDF]
o #45 al-Jathiyah [PDF]
o #46 al-Ahqaaf [PDF]
o #47 Muhammad (sawa) [PDF]
o #48 al-Fath [PDF]
o #49 al-Hujurat [PDF]
o #50 Qaf [PDF]
o #51 adh-Dhariyat [PDF]
o #52 at-Tur [PDF]
o #53 an-Najm [PDF]
o #54 al-Qamar [PDF]
o #55 ar-Rahman [PDF]
o #56 al-Waqi’ah [PDF]
o #57 al-Hadid [PDF]
o #58 al-Mujadilah [PDF]
o #59 al-Hashr [PDF]
o #60 al-Mumtahanah [PDF]
o #61 al-Saff [PDF]
o #62 al-Jumuah [PDF]
o #63 al-Munafiqun [PDF]
o #64 al-Taghabun [PDF]
o #65 al-Talaq [PDF]
o #66 al-Tahrim [PDF]
o #67 al-Mulk [PDF]
o #68 al-Qalam [PDF]
o #69 al-Haqqah [PDF]
o #70 al-Ma’arij [PDF]
o #71 Nuh [PDF]
o #72 al-Jinn [PDF]
o #73 al-Muzzammil [PDF]
o #74 al-Muddathir [PDF]
o #75 al-Qiyama [PDF]
o #76 al-Insan [PDF]
o #77 al-Mursalat [PDF]
o #78 al-Naba’ [PDF]
o #79 al-Nazi’at [PDF]
o #80 ‘Abasa [PDF]
o #81 al-Takwir [PDF]
o #82 al-Infitar [PDF]
o #83 al-Mutaffin [PDF]
o #84 al-Inshiqaaq [PDF]
o #85 al-Buruj [PDF]
o #86 al-Tariq [PDF]
o #87 al-A’la [PDF]
o #88 al-Ghashiyah [PDF]
o #89 al-Fajr [PDF]
o #90 al-Balad [PDF]
o #91 al-Shams [PDF]
o #92 al-Layl [PDF]
o #93 al-Duha [PDF]
o #94 al-Sharh [PDF]
o #95 al-Tin [PDF]
o #96 al-‘Alaq [PDF]
o #97 al-Qadr [PDF]
o #98 al-Bayyinah [PDF]
o #99 al-Zalzalah [PDF]
o #100 al-‘Adiyat [PDF]
o #101 al-Qari’ah [PDF]
o #102 al-Takathur [PDF]
o #103 al-‘Asr [PDF]
o #104 al-Humazah [PDF]
o #105 al-Fil [PDF]
o #106 Quraysh [PDF]
o #107 al-Ma’un [PDF]
o #108 al-Kawthar [PDF]
o #109 al-Kafirun [PDF]
o #110 al-Nasr [PDF]
o #111 al-Masad [PDF]
o #112 al-Ikhlaas [PDF]
o #113 al-Falaq [PDF]
o #114 al-Nas [PDF]
 Tafsir Guidance for Mankind [PDF]
 Tafsir Imam al-Askari (as) – Part 1 [PDF] – Part 2 [PDF] – Part 3 [PDF] – Part 4 [PDF] –
Part 5 [PDF] – Part 6 [PDF] – Part 7 [PDF] – Part 8 [PDF] – Part 9 [PDF] – Part 10 [PDF] –
Part 11 [PDF] – Part 12 [PDF] – Part 13 [PDF] – Part 14 [PDF] Attributed to Imam al-Askari
 Tahdhib ul Islam by Talib Zaidi [PDF]
 Tahtheeb al-Islam [Etiquette of Islam] by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Taqleed, Following the Opinions of Someone Compiled by [PDF]
 Tattoo and Tattooing Compiled by [PDF]
 Tawassul in Light of Qur'aan and Hadeeth Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Thawab for Salaat al-Jama'ah [PDF]
 The Adaalah (Justice) of the Companions Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Ahl ul-Bayt; Ethical Role-Models by al-Syed Mahdi al-Sadr [PDF]
 The Chronicle of Hadeeth [PDF]
 The Commentaries on Nahjul Balaghah by al-Syed Waheed Akhtar [PDF]
 The Differences in Ahadith Compiled by [PDF]
 The Epistle [PDF]
 The Evilest of Generations Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Fitna of Dajjal Compiled by [PDF]
 The Four Pillars of the Arsh [PDF]
 The Guidance is Only through the Holy Words of Masomeen asws Compiled by [PDF]
 The Hadith of the Will (Wasiyya) about the Thaqalayn - The Book and the Sunnah by
al-Syed Ali al-Milani [PDF]
 The Hadith Qudsi [Sacred Narration] of Me'raj [Ascension] [PDF]
 The Irfan-ul-Haq and the Maurifat-e-Nooraniya Compiled by [PDF]
 The Issues of Using Lavatory Compiled by [PDF]
 The Issues of Wisdom and Ignorance Compiled by [PDF]
 The Last Word of Imam as-Sadiq (as) [PDF]
 The Life of the Prophet (saw) from the Wife of the Prophet (saw) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Luminous Flashes [The Qur’anic Names of Imam Ali (as) and His Household] by
al-Syed Hashim al-Bahrani [PDF]
 The Minimum Difference between a ‘Momin’ and a ‘Kafir’ Compiled by [PDF]
 The Names of Allah (swt) and Its Meaning Compiled by - Part 1 [PDF] - Part
2 [PDF]
 The Narration (Hadeeth) of Hudhayfah Ibn Alyaman [PDF]
 The Need for a Divine Authority Compiled by [PDF]
 The Oppression of Sayeda Faatima Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Prohibition of Recording the Hadith, Causes and Effects by al-Syed Ali Al-Shahristani
 The Prophetic Hadiths in Al-Khisal by al-Shaykh Mohammad Javad Shomali [PDF]
 The Razavi Code of Ethics by Mohammad Ali Qaemi [PDF]
 The Richest Treasure - A Selection from Nahj al-Balagha [PDF]
 The Sermon of Mina, Al-'Imam al Husayn's Everlasting Message to Religious Leaders
 The Sermon of Prophet Mohammad at Ghadir Khum by Vahid Majd [PDF]
 The Significance of Mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf
 The Slogan Compiled by [PDF]
 The Solution to a Hundred Problems by al-Syed Abid Hussain Zaidi [PDF]
 The True Tales of Salawat by Ali Mir Khalaf Zadeh [PDF]
 The Truth about the Hadith Collections of Bukhari and Muslim [PDF]
 Theology and Metaphysics in Nahjal Balaghah by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 They Ask You by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Those Who Act without Knowledge Compiled by [PDF]
 Those Who Use Their Knowledge to Fill Their Stomach Compiled by [PDF]
 Tradition and Survival by al-Syed Hossein Modarressi [PDF]
 Tradition of Mufaddal [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Traditions Related to Shoes and Socks Compiled by [PDF]
 Tragedy of Karbala by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari [PDF]
 Tuhaf al-Uqoul [The Masterpieces of the Mind] by Abu Mohammed al-Harrani [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Two Kinds of Habitants Compiled by [PDF]
 Understanding the Meaning of Ghaybat [PDF]
 Uyun Akhbar al-Redha [The Source of Traditions on Imam Reza] - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2
[PDF] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq
 Virtues of Eid al-Ghadeer Compiled by [PDF]
 Welcoming the Newborn Compiled by [PDF]
 What Did the Holy Prophet of Islam (saws) Say about Imams Hassan (as) and
Hussain (as) [PDF]
 What is a Shia [PDF]
 Why Sahaba Killed Uthman Compiled by Muhammad ibn Harir al-Tabari [PDF]
 Who Would Be Successful in the Hereafter Compiled by [PDF]
 Words of the Word of God by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Wudhu’ in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith by al-Syed Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi
 Zakat and Khums Compiled by [PDF]

Non-Shi’a Books of Hadith

***Please note, a large portion of the content of these works are considered inauthentic by Shi’a scholars
and have been added not due to being accepted as beliefs, but rather for reference and refutation
purposes as stated.***

 al-Muwatta’ Compiled by Abu Amir Malik bin Anas al-Asbahi [PDF]

 Jami’ al-Tirmidhi Compiled by Abu ‘Eida Muhammad ibn ‘Eisa at-Tirmidhi – Vol. 1 [PDF] – Vol.
2 [PDF] – Vol. 3 [PDF] – Vol. 4 [PDF] – Vol. 5 [PDF] – Vol. 6 [PDF]
 Musnad ibn Hambal Compiled by Ahmed bin Hambal – Vol. 1 [PDF] – Vol. 2 [PDF] – Vol. 3
 Sahih al-Bukhari Compiled by Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari – Vol. 1 [PDF] – Vol. 2 [PDF]
– Vol. 3 [PDF] – Vol. 4 [PDF] – Vol. 5 [PDF] – Vol. 6 [PDF] – Vol. 7 [PDF] – Vol. 8 [PDF] –
Vol. 9 [PDF]
 Sahih Muslim Compiled by Abu’l Hussain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj – Vol. 1 [PDF] – Vol. 2 [PDF] –
Vol. 3 [PDF] – Vol. 4 [PDF] – Vol. 5 [PDF] – Vol. 6 [PDF] – Vol. 7 [PDF]
 Sunan Abu Dawud Compiled by Abu Dawud Sulaiman bin Ash’ath – Vol. 1 [PDF] – Vol. 2
[PDF] – Vol. 3 [PDF] – Vol. 4 [PDF] – Vol. 5 [PDF]
 Sunan an-Nasa’i Compiled by Abu Abdur-Rahman Ahmad bin Shu’aib an-Nasa’I – Vol. 1 [PDF]
– Vol. 2 [PDF] – Vol. 3 [PDF] – Vol. 4 [PDF] – Vol. 5 [PDF] – Vol. 6 [PDF]
 Sunan ibn Majah Compiled by Muhammad bin Yazeed al-Qazwini – Vol. 1 [PDF] – Vol. 2
[PDF] – Vol. 3 [PDF] – Vol. 4 [PDF] – Vol. 5 [PDF]
Other Prophets
 Adam and Eve by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Ambiya’ [Prophets of God] by QFatima [PDF]
 At the Presence of Jesus Christ by Mohamed Hossein Shahri [PDF]
 Diagram of Prophets by Play & Learn [PDF]
 Hayatul Qulub - Vol. 1 - Stories of the Prophets by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
 Hazrat Salman (ra) and the Prophets [PDF]
 Jesus as the Word of God by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Jesus Christ Son of Mary by Zayn al-Abidini al-Tarīmī [PDF]
 Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified by Abdolfath Davati [PDF]
 Jesus from the Point of View of Qur'an [PDF]
 Jesus on Ethics by WOFIS [PDF]
 Jesus through Shiite Narrations Compiled by Mahdi Muntazir Qaim [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
- Alternate [PDF]
 Jesus, Prophet of Islam by Mohammad Ata ur-Rahim [PDF]
 Man and Universe by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Mary and Jesus in Islam by Yasin T. Jibouri [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Men of God by IslamicOccasions [PDF]
 Moral Characteristics of the Prophets - A Qur'anic Perspective by Mahnaz Heydarpoor
and al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Moses verses Pharoah by Akhlaq Hussain [PDF]
 Prophet Adam (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Adam and Eve [PDF]
 Prophet Ayyub (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Ayyub (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Hud (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Hud (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Ibrahim (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Ibrahim (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Idris (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Isa (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Ismail (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Ismail (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Lut (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Musa (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Noah (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Salih (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Salih (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Shuayb (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Uzair (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Yahya (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Yaqub (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Yunus (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Yunus (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Yusuf (as) [PDF]
 Prophet Yusuf (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Prophet Zakariya (as) [PDF]
 Prophets Dawud and Sulayman (as) by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Saul and Goliath [PDF]
 Stories of the Prophets by al-Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi [PDF]
 The Life and Tales of Prophet Adam by al-Syed Abdul-Sahib al-Hasani al-Amili [PDF]
 The Story of Taloot and Jaloot by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Words of the Word of God by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
Other Personalities

 'Abd al-Malik b. Marwan & UbaydAllah b. Ziyad [PDF]

 'AbdAllah ibn Saba' by Toyib Olawuyi [PDF]
 A Biographical Notice on Baha' al-Din al'Amili by Devin J. Stewart [PDF]
 A Glance at the Life of Ayatollah Montazeri by Mostafa Izadi [PDF]
 A View at Fatima Ma'asumah's Life by Ghulam Ridha Haydari Abhari [PDF]
 Abal-Fadl al-Abbas (as) by al-Syed Mohamad Masoom [PDF]
 Abbas (as) by Zakir [PDF]
 Abdullah Ibn Saba - Fact or Fiction [PDF]
 Abu Hurayra by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Sharafuddeen [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Abu Taleb, the Faithful of Qoraysh by Abdullah Khunayzi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Abu Talib - Did He Die a Muslim or a Kafir [PDF]
 Abu Talib - The Staunch Believer [PDF]
 Abu Talib b. Abdul Muttalib by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Abu Hurayra in Bukhari and Other Books [PDF]
 Abu Sufyan [PDF]
 Abul Fadl al-Abbas by al-Syed Mohamad Masoom [PDF]
 Adam and Eve by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Ain al-Hayat by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Al-Abbas [PDF]
 Al-Abbas by Badr Shahin [PDF]
 al-Abbass (as) by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Ali al-Akbar (as) by Zakir [PDF]
 Allamah Kashif al-Ghita, Islamic Unity Pioneer [PDF]
 Allameh Tabatabai by Dr. Hamid Algar [PDF]
 Al-Miqdad bin al-Aswad by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 al-Mirza al-Qummi by Muhammad Husayn al Irfani [PDF]
 al-Shahid al-Awwal by Muhammad Husayn al Amani [PDF]
 al-Wahid al-Behbahani by Abbas al Abiri [PDF]
 Amir Mukhtar by al-Syed Hasan Zafar Naqvi [PDF]
 Ammar b. Yasir by al-Syed Sadruddin Sharafuddin [PDF]
 Ammar Bin Yasir by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 And Once Again Abu-Dhar by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 ash-Shaheed al-Awwal by Stefan Winter [PDF]
 ash-Sharif ar-Radi by Muhammad Nejad [PDF]
 Ayatollah al-Burujerdi by Abbas al-Abeeri [PDF]
 Ayatollah al-Khonsari by Hasan Iedrem [PDF]
 Ayatollah Khomeini by Dr. Hamid Algar [PDF]
 Ayatollah Khomeini, the Dynamic Star that Never Sets by Charles Makari [PDF]
 Ayesha by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Bibi Zainab (sa) by al-Syed Ali Akbar Rizvi [PDF]
 Biography and Bibliography of Ayatollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Biography of Abbas b. Ali (as) by Talib Zaidi [PDF]
 Biography of Hisham b. al-Hakam by Talib Zaidi [PDF]
 Biography of Mukhtar by Talib Zaidi [PDF]
 Biography of al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Biography of Sheikh al-Saduq [PDF]
 Christians Who Defended and Died for Muhammad and His Family by Mateen J.
Charbonneau [PDF] - Purchase Hard Copy
 Companions by QFatima [PDF]
 Conference on Ayatollah Khomeini's Character [PDF]
 Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allamah Tabatabai [PDF]
 Exemplary Women by Fahimeh Fahiminejad
o Lady Um al-Baneen [PDF]
o Lady Um Salamah [PDF]
 Exemplary Youths during the Early Days of Islam by Muhammad Ali Chanarani [PDF]
 False Allegations against Abu Talib (as) [PDF]
 Famous Scholars of Shia Islam [PDF]
 Father by Ahmad Khomeini [PDF]
 Fatima bint Asad (a) by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Rudgar [PDF]
 Fatimah al-Ma`sumah (as) by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 Glance at the Life of Fatima al-Masuma [PDF]
 Glimpses of Shia Islam by Ahmed A. Khan [PDF]
 Grand Ayatollah al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei - A Brief Biography by Yasin T. al-Jibouri
 Habib Bin Mudhahir by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Hajjaj Ibne Yousuf [PDF]
 Hamza Ibn Abd al-Muttalib by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Hazrat Ali Akbar, the Beloved Son of Imam Hussain (as) [PDF]
 Hazrat Bilal [PDF]
 Heroes of Islam by IslamicMobility [PDF]
 Hesham ibn al-Hakam by M. Reza Atai [PDF]
 Horr by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Ibn Taimiyah Compiled by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Ibn Taimiyyah - The True Image [PDF]
 In Memory of Shaheed Mutahhari [PDF]
 Iranian Thinkers - Mulla Sadra [PDF]
 Iranian Thinkers - Shaheed Mustafa Chamran [PDF]
 Islam of Abu Talib - The Great Muslim [PDF]
 Jafar al-Tayyar by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Justice of the Companions by al-Syed Murtadha al-Askari [PDF]
 Khadija Daughter of Khuwaylid by Yasin T. al-Jibouri [PDF]
 Khadijah al-Kubra by al-Syed Ali Asghar Razwy [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Khadijah, Mother of the Orphans [PDF]
 Kumayl Bin Ziyad by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Lady Fatima Masuma (a) of Qum by Masuma Jaffer [PDF]
 Lady Khadijah [PDF]
 Lady Mary as a Role Model in the Qur'an and Bible by Zahra Kashaniha [PDF]
 Lady Nusrat Beygum Amin by Tayyebeh Cheraghi [PDF]
 Lady Ruqayyah [PDF]
 Lady Zaynab [PDF]
 Lessons from the Lives of Our Ulema by Islamic-laws Ulamaa [PDF]
 Life of Lady Zaynab by Badr Shahin [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Malik al-Ashtar by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Maytham al-Tammar by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Moawiya bin Abu Sufyan [PDF]
 Mu'awiya by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Mukhtar al-Thaqafi by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Musab al-Khair by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Nasir al-Din Tusi and His Socio-Political Role in the Thirteenth Century by Dr. Abbas Ali
Shameli [PDF]
 Over the Wall by al-Shaykh Hamid Waqar [PDF]
 Private Lives of the Nasibi Salaf by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Prominent Ulama' Prior to 100 Years by Islamic-laws Ulamaa [PDF]
 Prophet Moses' (as) Mother [PDF]
 Rafidi Companion of the Prophet Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Rays of the Sun: 83 Stories from the Life of Ayatollah Khomeini by Foundation of the
Representation of the Office of Spiritual Leadership in Universities [PDF]
 Saeed Bin Jubayr by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Sakina bint al-Hussein by Bashir Rahim [PDF]
 Salman al-Muhammadi by Kamal al-Syyed [PDF]
 Sayyid Abd Al-Azim Al-Hasani by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Sayyidah Nafisah - An Exemplar Lady by Dr. Zahra Kashaniha [PDF]
 Scholars by QFatima [PDF]
 Seyyed Mohammad-Hossein is a Qur'anic Miracle [PDF]
 Shia Rijali Views on Muhammad ibn Muslim ibn Shihab al-Zuhri by Farahnaz Vahidnia,
Hasan Naqizadih, Gholamrida Raisian [PDF]
 Shi'ite Authorities in the Age of Major Occultation by Ali Naghi Zabihzadeh
o Part I [PDF]
o Part II, Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni [PDF]
o Part III, Shaykh al-Saduq [PDF]
 Shi'ite Authorities in the Age of Minor Occultation by Ali Naghi Zabihzadeh
o Part I, Shaykh al-Mufid [PDF]
o Part II, Sayyid ar-Radi [PDF]
o Part III, Sayyid al-Murtada [PDF]
 Stories of Bahlool by Kubra Jafri [PDF]
 The Adaalah (Justice) of the Companions Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Narrative of Awakening by Hamid Ansari [PDF]
 The People of Kahf [PDF]
 The People of Ras [PDF]
 The People of Sabt [PDF]
 The Queer Sahaba Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Special Deputies of Imam Mahdi (aj) [PDF]
 The Story of Shima by Abdol-Vadoud [PDF]
 The Tawwabin by Dr. I.K.A. Howard [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Truth about the Companions by al-Syed Ali al-Milani [PDF]
 The Victory of Truth - The life of Zaynab bin Ali (as) by M. H. Bilgrami [PDF] - Alternate
 Ulama' of the Recent Era by Islamic-laws Ulamaa [PDF]
 Uswat al-Aarifeen by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Bahjat [PDF]
 Was Aboo Lu'lu'ah a Zoroastrian Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Yazeed ibn Mu'awiyah by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Yazid Was Never Amirul Muminin by al-Shaykh Abdillahi Nassir [PDF]
Fiqh [Jurisprudence] & Furu’ al-Deen [Branches of Faith]
General and/or Miscellaneous

 180 Questions, Enquiries about Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi - Volume I -
The Practical Laws [PDF] - Volume II – Miscellaneous Issues [PDF]
 82 Questions by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 A Brief Summary of Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 A Code of Ethics for Muslim Men and Women by al-Syed Masud Masumi [PDF]
 A Code of Practice for Muslims in the West by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 A Course in Islamic Jurisprudence by al-Syed Hashem al-Musawi [PDF]
 A Guide to Religious Laws by Mohammed Falah-Zadeh [PDF]
 A Selection of Islamic Laws by al-Shaykh Yousef Saanei [PDF]
 A Short History of 'Ilm’ul Usul by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 A Study in the Philosophy of Islamic Rites by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 A Summary of Rulings by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Ablution by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 According to the Tahrir al-Wasilah by Laleh Bakhtial [PDF]
 Adabul Haramayn [Etiquettes of the Two Holy Shrines] by al-Syed Jawad Husseiny ash-
Shaharudy [PDF]
 Adoption in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 al-Fajr as-Sadiq - A New Perspective by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 al-Kafan Compiled by [PDF]
 al-Nass wal-Ijtihad by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Sharafuddeen [PDF]
 An Inquiry into Religious Dissimulation by Azizah Adib [PDF]
 An Introduction to the Islamic Shariah by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Articles of Islamic Acts by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 Burial Rituals by Muhammad Husien Kermali [PDF]
 Chess is Haraam [PDF]
 Contemporary Legal Rulings in Shia Law by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Crescent Sighting in the Shia Community by Mohammad Samiei [PDF]
 Current Legal Issues by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Current Legal Rulings by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Elements of Islamic Studies by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Ensoulment and the Prohibition of Abortion in Islam by al-Shaykh Arif AbdulHussain [PDF]
 Environmental Protection in Islamic Sharia [PDF]
 Essence of Thoughts by al-Shaykh Yousef Saanei [PDF]
 Examining Selected Jurisprudential Differences among Muslims by al-Syeda Zahra
Naqavi [PDF]
 Faith and Reason by al-Shaykh Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani [PDF]
 Fiqh [Jurisprudence] and Fuqaha' [Jurists] [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by Asghar Ali M. Jaffer
 Fiqh and Sunnah by Syed Saabiq [PDF]
 Five Schools of Islamic Law by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyyah
o Book 1 - Ritual Purity [PDF]
o Book 5 - Marriage [PDF]
o Book 6 - Divorce [PDF]
o Book 8 - Endowments & Wills [PDF]
 Foroo' Ud-Deen by al-Syed Ghaffari [PDF]
 Ghusl al-Mayyit by QFatima [PDF]
 Greater Sins by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi [PDF]
 Greatness of the 15th of Sha'baan by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Hanafi Fiqh Exposed Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Historical and Jurisprudential Issues Pertinent to the Ziyaratu Ashura by al-Shaykh
Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 History and Restrictions of Ijtihad by al-Shaykh Buzurg Tehrani [PDF]
 How to Perform Wudhu and Tayammum [PDF]
 How to Visit Holy Shrines Compiled by [PDF]
 Identifying the Most Learned and the Issue of Partial Taqleed According to the Verdicts
of al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Ijtihad: Takhti'ah or Taswib by Mohammad Namazi [PDF]
 Imam al-Sadiq's Jurisprudence by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyya [PDF]
 Imam Mahdi - The Spring of Life by Association of Imam Mahdi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Immigration and Jihad by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Impure Things by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Inner Secrets of the Path by al-Syed Haydar al-Amuli [PDF]
 Intoxication and Penalty Compiled by [PDF]
 Introduction to Fiqh by QFatima [PDF]
 Introduction to Taqleed by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Islam - Jafari Rules of Personal Status by Majeed Hamad Al–Najjar [PDF]
 Islam and Ownership by al-Syed Mahmoud Taleghani [PDF]
 Islam for All by Reza Esfahani [PDF]
 Islam, Fundamental Principals and Teachings by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Islamic Bioethics by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Islamic Business Ethics by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Basic Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part
4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Islamic Correspondence Course - Advanced Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] -
Part 4 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi
 Islamic Factsheets - Shiite Beliefs and Practices Explained [PDF]
 Islamic Lanterns by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 Islamic Law by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 Islamic Laws by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 Islamic Laws of Computer & Internet by al-Syed Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem [PDF]
 Islamic Laws Simplified by al-Shaykh Fahd Ibrahim al-Madani [PDF]
 Islamic Legal Laws [PDF]
 Islamic Practical Laws by al-Syed Abul-Qasim al-Khoie [PDF]
 Islamic Principles by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Islamic Rulings - A Guide of Islamic Practise by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah
 Islamic Rulings Medical Issues by al-Syed Ali Khamenei [PDF]
 Islamic Teachings - an Overview by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Islamic Teachings in Brief by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Islamic Understanding of Prayer by Fatemeh Nazari [PDF]
 Istifta'at [Religious Decrees] by al-Syed Ridha Hosseini Nasab [PDF]
 I'tikaaf by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 I'tikaaf [Spiritual Retreat] by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Jurisprudence and its Principles by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Jurisprudence Made Easy by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Jurisprudence Made Easy by al-Syed Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem [PDF]
 Jurisprudence of Human Cloning by al-Syed Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem [PDF]
 Juristic Questions by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Sharafuddeen [PDF]
 Kashf Al-Reeba An Ahkam Al-Gheeba by al-Shaykh Taqi ad-Dīn Ibrahim al-`Amili [PDF]
 Khums and Other Islamic Acts by Sadiq Hassan [PDF]
 Kinds of Blood Seen by Women by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Leaving Behind a Will Compiled by [PDF]
 Lessons in Islamic Jurisprudence by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Lessons in Islamic Laws - Extracts by al-Syed Riyadh al-Hakeem [PDF]
 Logic for Islamic Rules by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Making an Islamic Will by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Manhaj ul Fiqh il Islam by S.H. al-Musawi [PDF]
 Matrimonial Rights by al-Syed Mahdi as-Sadr [PDF]
 Method and Rulings of Wudhu by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Minhaj un-Nejat (The Way to Salvation) by al-Shaykh Muhammad Faidh al-Kashani [PDF]
 Minority Rights by Abbasali Amid Zanjani [PDF]
 Miscellaneous Fatwas by al-Syed Ali Khamenei [PDF]
 Modern Issues in Islamic Judiciary by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 Moonsighting Compiled by [PDF]
 Moonsighting (Q and A) by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Music and its Effects by Ahmed H. Sheriff [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Muslim’s Guide by al-Syed Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem [PDF]
 Muslims' Knowledge by Muhammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Obligatory Ritual Baths by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Organ Donation by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Ownership in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Pork by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Practical Laws of Islam by al-Syed Ali Khamenei [PDF]
 Practice Kids by Islamic Mobility [PDF]
 Practises of Shia Islam from Qur'an and Sunni Books [PDF]
 Punishment for Theft in the Islamic Penal Code by Mohammad Taqi Rahbar [PDF]
 Questions on Jurisprudence by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Sharafuddeen [PDF]
 Reciprocal Rights by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Recommended Ritual Baths by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Religious Dialogues by al-Syed Abdul Hadi Mohammad Taqi al-Hakim [PDF]
 Resala by al-Syed Muhammad Ridha Golpayghani [PDF]
 Resalah by al-Syed Ridha Hosseini Nasab [PDF]
 Rights of Parents by al-Shaykh Ibrahim Amini [PDF]
 Risalat al-Huquq [Treatise of Rights] by Imam al-Sajjad (as) [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Rules for the Masjid (Mosque) [PDF]
 Rules Regarding Purity by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Rules Relating to the Dead by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Saving Lives Compiled by [PDF]
 Shara'e al-Islam Fi Masail al-Halal wal-Haram [Laws of Islam Concerning the
Permissible and the Forbidden] by al-Shaykh Najm ul-Deen al-Hilli - Part 1 [PDF] - Part
2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF]
 Shia Beliefs by al-Syed Abu Mohammad Naqvi [PDF]
 Shiism in Relation to Various Islamic Sects by Dr. AbulQasim Gorji [PDF]
 Shi'i Beliefs in the Bible by Dr. Thomas McElwain [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Sileh Rahim by al-Syed Muhammad Husaini [PDF]
 Simplified Islamic Laws for Young Adults by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF]
 Simplified Islamic Laws for Youth and Young Adults by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Tahrim Halq al-Lihyah [Unlawfulness of the Shaving of the Beard] by al-Shaykh
Murtadha al-Baghdadi [PDF]
 Takfeen [PDF]
 Taqiyah Compiled by [PDF]
 Taqiyah by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Taqleed and Ijtihad by al-Syed Ibn al-Hasan al-Najafi [PDF]
 Taqleed by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Taqleed Made Easy by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Taqlid, Meaning and Reality by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Tawzih al-Masaail [Islamic Laws] by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Tawzih al-Masaail [Islamic Practical Laws] by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 Tehrir al-Vasilah by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Temporary Marriage in Islamic Law by Sachiko Murata [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Tenets of Islam by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Absolute Truth by Jameel Kermalli [PDF]
 The Basics of Islamic Jurisprudence by Hassan Al-Rida'i [PDF]
 The Book of Tahara [Ritual Purity] by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 The Core of Islam by al-Syed Fadhel al-Milani [PDF]
 The Just Ruler in Shi'ite Islam by Abdulaziz Abdulhussein Sachedina [PDF]
 The Philosophy of Services by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi [PDF]
 The Place of al-Mufid in the Development of Shi'i Kalam and Fiqh by al-Syed Ruhollah
Khomeini [PDF]
 The Practical Laws of Islam by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 The Practises of Shia Islam from Qur'an and Sunni Books [PDF]
 The Principle of Ijtihad in Islam by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Principles of State and Govenment in Islam by Muhammad Asad [PDF]
 The Rights of Family in Islam by Hossein Haqqani [PDF]
 The Rights of Prisoners According to Islamic Teachings by al-Syed Muhammad
Shirazi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Ritual Ablutions for Women by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 The Ritual and Spiritual Purity by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 The Role of Ijtihad in Legislation by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Role of Reason in Ijtehad by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Rules on the Female's Three Natures of Blood by Shaker al-Yusif [PDF]
 The Stages of Development of Shi’a Jurisprudence by al-Syed Mahmud Hashemi et
al. [PDF]
 The Status of Music in Islam by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 The System of Wilayat by al-Syed Agha Jawad Naqvi [PDF]
 The Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shari'ah by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 The Touch of Grace by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Verdict about Gambling in Islam by Be'that Foundation [PDF]
 The Verdict about Intoxicants in Islam by Be'that Foundation [PDF]
 The Wilayah of Ali in the Shia Adhan by Dr. Liyakat A. Takim [PDF]
 Thirty Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence by al-Syed Fadhel al-Milani [PDF]
 Understanding the School of Ijtehad by Shabbir Maismi [PDF]
 Wasiyya [PDF]
 What is Meant by “Temporary Marriage” by al-Syed Ridha Hosseini Nasab [PDF]
 What is Taqleed by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 What You Should Do Just before Death by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Who is the Law-Maker by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Why Wudhu' [PDF]
 Witness Document of Belief & Good Deeds for the Deceased [PDF]
 Work, Production and Labour Laws in Islam by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Writing an Islamic Will by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Wudhu & Tayammum - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project [PDF]
 Wudhu’ in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith by al-Syed Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
Salaat [Prayer]

 40 Ahadith on Salaat [Prayers] [PDF]

 A Commentary on Prayer by al-Shaykh Mohsin Qari’ati [PDF]
 Adabus Salat [The Disciplines of the Prayer] by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Ahadith about Prayers and its Effects by al-Syed Muhammad Masum [PDF]
 Combining Prayers - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project [PDF]
 Combining the Two Prayers by Dr. Liyakat A. Takim [PDF]
 Concentration - The 5 Daily Prayers - A Short Course for Children [PDF]
 Concentration in Prayer [PDF]
 Concentration in Prayer by Jameel Kermalli [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Dynamics of Prayer [PDF]
 Eid Prayer Compiled by [PDF]
 Five Schools of Islamic Law by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyyah
o Book 2 - Prayer [PDF]
 How to Perform the Daily Prayers [PDF]
 How to Perform Daily Prayers - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library
Project [PDF]
 How to Pray by al-Syed Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem [PDF]
 Imam Ali (as)'s Explanation of Salaat Compiled by [PDF]
 Importance of Salaat [Prayer] at its Prime Time Compiled by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Janazah Prayer Compiled by [PDF]
 Jawahir al-Hikmah [PDF]
 Method of Salat by al-Syed Muhammad Qadi Mar’ashi [PDF]
 Namaz with Illustration by Yusuf Talib [PDF]
 Power of Prayers by Mustafa Hajji Ahmed Khaki [PDF]
 Prayer Chart [PDF]
 Prayer of Ja'far al-Tayyar [PDF]
 Prayer Procedure [PDF]
 Prayer, Worship and Education by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Prayers Compiled by [PDF]
 Prostration in the Tradition of the Prophet (saws) and the Companions by al-Syed
Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi [PDF]
 Prostration on Dust [PDF]
 Salaat al-Ayat by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Salaat al-Jumuah by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Salaat al-Layl [The Night Prayers] [PDF]
 Salaat al-Layl [The Night Prayers] [PDF]
 Salaat al-Layl [The Night Prayers] by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Salaat the Mode of Divine Proximity & Recognition by Mohommad Biabani Oskooei [PDF]
 Salat and its Recognition Compiled by - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 Salat Ja'far al-Tayyar [PDF]
 Salat'ul Jumah [Friday Prayer] by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Salatut Tahajjud [PDF]
 Salawaat [Prayer] by QFatima [PDF]
 Shi'a Method of Salaah [Prayer] by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Summary of the Rulings of Salat al-Jamaat [Friday Prayers] by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani
 Tahajjud Salat [PDF]
 Thawab for Salaat al-Jama'ah [PDF]
 The Book of Salaat [Prayer] by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 The Inner Secrets of Prayer [Part I] by al-Shaykh Habib al-Kathemi [PDF]
 The Meanings and Addresses of Salam in Prayer by Alireza Salehi [PDF]
 The Radiance of the Secrets of Prayer by al-Shaykh Mohsin Qari’ati [PDF]
 The Secret of Prayer by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 The Shia Method of Prayers (Salat) [PDF]
 Things Which Invalidate Prayer by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 What is Prayer and How to Perform It by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Worship and Prayer by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Wudhu' and Salaat Assessment by QFatima [PDF]

Sawm [Fast]

 Basic Fasting Guidelines by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]

 Crescent Sighting [PDF]
 Eid or Fast [PDF]
 Fast by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 Fast by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Fast of 'Ashura' by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Fast of the Month of Ramadan - Philosophy and Ahkam by Yasin T. Al-Jibouri [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Fasting - A Divine Banquet by Al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Fasting and the Holy Month of Ramadhan by al-Shaykh Mansour Leghaei [PDF]
 Fasting Compiled by [PDF]
 Fasting on the Day of Doubt [PDF]
 Fasting Rules from Islamic Laws by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Fasting, I'tikaaf, Advent of the Moon and Fitra According to Four Maraji' Compiled by
Muhammad Raza Dawoodani [PDF]
 Five Schools of Islamic Law by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyyah
o Book 3 - Fasting and Alms [PDF]
 Philosophy of Hajj and Fasting by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi [PDF]
 Reward of Fasting or Charity in the Month of Ramadan Compiled by [PDF]
 The Beginning of Servitude - Contemplation on the Spiritual and Epistemic Aspects of
Fasting by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 The Book of Sawm [Fasting] by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 The Merits of Fasting and the Month of Ramadan by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali
 The Philosophy of The Holy Month of Ramadhan - A Discourse by al-Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hajj [Pilgrimage]

 40 Ahadith on the Spiritual Journey – Hajj by WOFIS [PDF]

 A Guide Book for Women on Rites of Hajj by Razia Batool Najafi [PDF]
 Brief Practical Tips for People Going to Hajj [PDF]
 Common Mistakes in Ihram [PDF]
 Five Schools of Islamic Law by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyyah
o Book 4 - Pilgrimage [PDF]
 Hajj - The Duties & the Rulings by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Hajj by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Hajj by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Hajj Compiled by [PDF]
 Hajj Guide [PDF]
 Hajj in Pictures and Diagrams by al-Syed Rizwan Raza Rizvi [PDF]
 Hajj Menses Chart [PDF]
 Hajj Rituals by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Hajj Rituals by al-Syed Ridha Hosseini Nasab [PDF]
 Hajj, Manifestation of Unity by al-Shaykh Shuja‘ ‘Ali Mirza [PDF]
 Is Hajj Obligatory on Me? by Muhammad Raza Dawoodani [PDF]
 Manasik (Rituals) of Hajj in Brief by al-Syed Ali Khamenei [PDF]
 Philosophy of Hajj and Fasting by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi [PDF]
 Secrets of Hajj by al-Shaykh Husayn Mazaheri [PDF]
 Step by Step Hajj Manual [PDF]
 The Book of Hajj and 'Umra by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 The Guide to Hajj Rites by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Hajj as Worship and Education [PDF]
 'Umrah Mafrudah by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Your Personal Guide to Umra, Hajj and Ziyara by Haj Mahmud & Zehra Habib [PDF]

Zakat [Poor-Rate]

 40 Ahadith on Zakaat [PDF]

 Bayt al-Mal and the Distribution of Zakat by Mahmood Namazi [PDF]
 Disposal of Fitrah by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Five Schools of Islamic Law by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyyah
o Book 3 - Fasting and Alms [PDF]
 Intention of Zakat by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Khums and Zakat Rulings by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Miscellaneous Rules of Zakat by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 The Book of Zakat by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Zakat and Khums Compiled by [PDF]
 Zakat by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Zakat in Shia Fiqh by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]

Khums [One-Fifth]

 A Critique of the Booklet - Questions on Khums [PDF]

 A Research on Khums and Objections Raised to It by Hossein Rajabi [PDF]
 Khums - A Support for Financial Independence by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi - Part
1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Part 3 [PDF]
 Khums and Other Islamic Acts by Sadiq Hassan [PDF]
 Khums and Zakat Rulings by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 Khums by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Khums by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Khums by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Khums Fatwa by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 The Book of Khums by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Zakat and Khums Compiled by [PDF]

Jihad [Struggle]

 Islam and Just War Pacifism by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]

 Islam and Just War Theory by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Jihad [The Holy War of Islam and its Legitimacy in the Qur’an] by al-Shaykh Murtadha
Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Jihad al-Nafs [Struggle Against the Self] - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic
Library Project [PDF]
 Jihad and Shahadat by al-Syed Mahmoud Taleghani [PDF]
 Jihad during the Occultation of the Imam (atfs) Compiled by [PDF]
 Peace and Jihad in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 The Greater Jihad by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 The Greatest Jihad [Combat with the Self] by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 The Shi'i Perception of Jihad by Assaf Moghadam [PDF]

Amr bil-Ma’ruf [Commanding the Good]

 Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 The Book of Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi
 The Sentence of Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil by al-Shaykh Basheer al-
Najafi [PDF]

Nahy ‘anil-Munkar [Forbidding Evil]

 The Book of Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi
 The Sentence of Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil by al-Shaykh Basheer al-
Najafi [PDF]
Tawalla [Loving the Friends of Allah (swt)]

 Alee (a.s) the Master of Every Believer [PDF]

 Duties of the People Towards the Imam by al-Syed Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani [PDF]
 Imam and Wilayat [PDF]
 Imamate and Wilayah by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] -
Part 3 [PDF] - Part 4 [PDF] - Part 5 [PDF] - Part 6 [PDF] - Part 7 [PDF]
 Love and Hate for God's Sake by al-Syed Mujtaba Sabouri [PDF]
 Love for the Ahlul Bayt and its Outcomes by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Master & Mastership by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Alternate
 Obedience to the Prophet by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Proof of the Wilayah of Ali by Shia0fAhlulbayt [PDF]
 Shi'ism - Imamate and Wilayat by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Spiritual Attachment with Imam of the Age (atfs) [PDF]
 Sunni Myth of Love for the Family by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 The Excellence of Durood [Sending Blessings on the Holy Prophet and His Purified
Progeny] by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 To Be with the Truthful by al-Syed Muhammad al-Tijani al-Smaoui [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Verse of Wilayah by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Why Follow the Ahlul Bayt (AS) - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
 Wilayah by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]

Tabarra [Dissociation from the Enemies of Allah (swt)]

 Ayesha by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]

 Cursing Sahaba by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Laanat - Prohibition or Sunnah [PDF]
 Love and Hate for God's Sake by al-Syed Mujtaba Sabouri [PDF]
 Muawiyah and Abusing Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Mu'awiya by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Supporting the Enemies by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 The Trial Against the Second Tyrant by al-Shaykh Yasser al-Habib [PDF]
 The World Finally Speaks at Karbala Tribunals by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 Will All the Companions of Muhammad (saw) Enter Heaven by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Yazeed ibn Mu'awiyah by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
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Akhlaq [Ethics]

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Gnosticism & Spirituality
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Library Project [PDF]
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Khalfan [PDF]
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Ibrahim Amini [PDF]
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 Tawassul to the Ahlul Bayt Compiled by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Tawassul by al-Syed Abd al-Karim Bi-Azar Shirazi [PDF]
 Tawassul in Light of Qur'aan and Hadeeth Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Tawbah [Repentance]– in a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project [PDF]
 Tawbah [Repentance] by al-Shaykh Hussain Madhahiri [PDF]
 Tawbah [Repentance] by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Beginning of Servitude - Contemplation on the Spiritual and Epistemic Aspects of
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 The Difference between ʿIrfān (Practical Gnosis) and Akhlāq (Ethics) by al-Syed Kamal
al-Haydari [PDF]
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 The Philosophy of Services by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi [PDF]
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 The Secret of Prayer by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
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 The Touch of Grace by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Wine of Love by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Understanding the Month of Glory - Lessons on the Month of Ramadhan by Islamic
Mobility [PDF]
 Uswat al-Aarifeen by Muhammad Taqi Bahjat [PDF]
 Worship and Prayer by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Worship and Self-Development by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
‘Ibadaat [Acts of Worship]
 101 Duas [PDF]
 25 Dua from the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 90 Benefits of Dua Faraj [PDF]
 A Complete Day & Night in Devotion to Allah [PDF]
 A Guide for Walking to Imam Hussain (as) [PDF]
 A Mother's Prayer - Supplications for Every Stage of a Woman's Pregnancy Compiled by
al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji and Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 A’mal for the Departed Souls [PDF]
 A’mal to Be Safe from the Squeeze of the Grave [PDF]
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 Ahadith about Reward for Imam Hussein (as) Ziyara [PDF]
 Areeza Compiled by [PDF]
 Asmaa' Allah al-Husna [The Beautiful Names of Allah] (and Their Effects) [PDF]
 Asmaa' Allah al-Husna [The Beautiful Names of Allah] to be Recited Daily [PDF]
 Benefits of Salawat [PDF]
 Book of Duas by IslamicMobility [PDF]
 Charity by [PDF]
 Commentary of Dua Kumail by Husayn A. Rahim [PDF]
 Commentary of Salawat Shabaneya by Dr. Jerrmein Abu Shahba [PDF]
 Commentary of Ziyarat Ashura [The Visitation of Ashura’] by Ali A. Tehrani [PDF]
 Commentary on Hadeeth al-Kisaa’ by Dr. Jerrmein Abu Shahba [PDF]
 Dahw al-Ardh [The Spreading of the Earth] - Extract from Iqbaal al-A'maal [PDF]
 Daily Duas for the Month of Ramadhan [PDF]
 Du'a by al-Syed Zafar Hasan Amrohi [PDF]
 Dua Abu Hamza al-Thumali [PDF]
 Dua after Completion of the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 Dua after Every Salat [PDF]
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 Dua al-Iftitaah [PDF]
 Dua al-Mashlool [PDF]
 Dua al-Mujeer [PDF]
 Dua al-Nudba [PDF]
 Dua al-Sabaah [PDF]
 Dua al-Simaat [PDF]
 Dua al-Tawbah [Supplication of Repentance] [PDF]
 Dua before and after Reciting Qur'an [PDF]
 Dua Before Class [PDF]
 Dua before Reciting the Holy Qur'an [PDF]
 Dua for Conception [PDF]
 Dua for Increase in Knowledge [PDF]
 Dua for Memory and Speech [PDF]
 Dua Ganj al-Arsh [PDF]
 Dua in Sajdat al-Shukr [PDF]
 Dua Kumail ibn Ziyaad [PDF]
 Dua Kumayl, A Translation & Commentary by Husein A. Rahim [PDF]
 Dua Makarem al-Akhlaq [PDF]
 Dua Nade-Ali [PDF]
 Dua Sanam-e-Quraish [PDF]
 Dua to Be Recited after the Adhan [Call to Prayer] [PDF]
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 Duas for Everything [PDF]
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 Duas for Repayment of Debts [PDF]
 Duas for Students [PDF]
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 Duas from Tibb al-A'imma (Islamic Medical Wisdom) [PDF]
 Duas of Imam Muhammad at-Taqi (as) [PDF]
 End of Sha'baan A'maal [PDF]
 Etiquette of Drinking Water [PDF]
 Etiquette of Ziyaara [PDF]
 Food for Thought – Risalah al-Thahabiyyah [PDF]
 Forgiveness in the Munajat Sha'baniyyah by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Four Qur’anic Passages to Be Read after Prayer [PDF]
 Gems from the Treasures of the Ahlul Bayt (as) [PDF]
 Gift for the Deceased [PDF]
 Greatness of the 15th of Sha'baan by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Greatness of the 27th of Rajab by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 Healing through Asmaa al-Husna [Beautiful Names (of Allah)] [PDF]
 Importance of Dua Jawshan al-Kabeer [PDF]
 Islamic Teachings - an Overview by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Istiadha - Seeking Allah’s Protection from Satan by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Dastghaib
Shirazi [PDF]
 Istigatha of Imam Zaman [PDF]
 Istikhara [Seeking the Best from Allah] by Muhammad Baqir Haideri [PDF] - Alternate
 Istikhara Compiled by [PDF]
 I'tikaaf [Spiritual Retreat] by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
 I'tikaaf by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Jawahir al-Hikmah [PDF]
 Kamiluz Ziyaraat [Merits and Method of Visiting Holy Tombs] by al-Shaykh Ibn Quluwayh
 Manazil ul-Aakhira [Stages of the Hereafter] by al-Shaykh Abbas al-Qummi [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Manifestations of the All-Merciful by Abu Muhammad Zain al-Aabideen [PDF] - Alternate
 Merits of Mourning over the Afflictions of Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Merits of Reciting Salawat by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Method of Offering Salaat al-Layl by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Mourning for Imam Husayn (a) and its Outcomes by Mahnaz Heydarpoor [PDF]
 Muharram A'maal by Hadl Hussain Sayyid [PDF]
 Munajaat al-Sha'baaniya [PDF]
 Munajaat of Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Mystery of the Shia by Mateen J. Charbonneau [PDF] - [Purchase Hard Copy]
 Odattol Daee [The Asset of the Supplicant] by al-Shaykh Ahmad al-Hilli [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Practical Mustahibaat [Recommended Acts] for Our Daily Lives [PDF]
 Practises of Shia Islam from Qur'an and Sunni Books [PDF]
 Prayer of Ja'far al-Tayyar [PDF]
 Prayer, Worship and Education by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Prayers Compiled by [PDF]
 Prayers of the Final Prophet by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Prayers of the Infallibles [PDF]
 Prayers at Bedtime and Upon Waking [PDF]
 Qunut [PDF]
 Rabee al-Anaam Fi Ad’eea-e-Khairil Anaam (Collection of Supplications of the Twelfth
Imam) [PDF]
 Rajab Duas [PDF]
 Recommended Prayers Compiled by Jafari Propagation Centre [PDF]
 Reflections on Dua Aby Hamza by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Reflections on Dua al-Iftitaah by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Reflections on Dua Jawshan Kabir by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Reflections on Dua Kumail by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Reflections on Munajaat of Imam Ali (a) by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Rewards Gained by Visiting Ma'sumah Qum (s.a) Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Reward of Fasting or Charity in the Month of Ramadan Compiled by [PDF]
 Sahifa al-Alawiyya [Collection of Supplications of Imam Ali (as)] [PDF] - Alternate
 Sahifa al-Mahdawiyya [Collection of Supplications of Imam al-Mahdi (atfs)] [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Sahifa al-Sajjadia [Collection of Supplications of Imam al-Sajjad (as)] [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Salaat al-Layl [The Night Prayers] [PDF]
 Salaat al-Layl [The Night Prayers] [PDF]
 Salaat al-Layl [The Night Prayers] by al-Shaykh Saleem Bhimji [PDF]
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 Salat and its Recognition Compiled by - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
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 Salatut Tahajjud [PDF]
 Seeking the Absolute - Commentary on the Dua of Rajab by al-Shaykh Muhammad
Khalfan [PDF]
 Selections from Mafatih al-Jinan [PDF]
 Sermon on the Day of Eid [PDF]
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 Short & Powerful Duas [PDF]
 Special Salawat of the Month of Sha'ban by al-Syed Mahmoud Madani [PDF]
 Spiritual Attachment with Imam of the Age (atfs) [PDF]
 Supplication in the Eyes of the AhlulBayt (AS) by al-Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi al-Asifi
 Supplication of Sha'baan and the Prophet's Sermon [PDF]
 Supplications for the Days of the Week [PDF]
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 Surahs for Forgiveness of Sins [PDF]
 Tahajjud Salat [PDF]
 Ta'qibaat [PDF]
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 The Beauty of Charity by Ahmed Ali al-Kuwaity [PDF]
 The Beginning of Servitude - Contemplation on the Spiritual and Epistemic Aspects of
Fasting by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 The Excellence of Durood [Sending Blessings on the Holy Prophet and His Purified
Progeny] by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 The Greatness of the Month of Rajab by al-Shaykh Jawad Maliki Tabrizi [PDF]
 The Hajj as Worship and Education [PDF]
 The Miracles of Ziyarat Ashura' [PDF]
 The Prayer Almanac [PDF]
 The Sacred Effusion [Reflections on Ziyarat Ashura’] by al-Shaykh Muhammad Khalfan
 The Solution to a Hundred Problems by al-Syed Abid Hussain Zaidi [PDF]
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 Verses to Be Recited by Every Salat [PDF]
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 What You Should Do Just before Death by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Witness Document of Belief & Good Deeds for the Deceased [PDF]
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 Ziyarat Lady Zeinab (as) [PDF]
 Ziyarat Warith [PDF]
Sects and Religions
Shi’a-Sunni Dialogue

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 'AbdAllah ibn Saba' by Toyib Olawuyi [PDF]
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 12 Questions Concerning Fadak [PDF]
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 A Reply to Belief in the Shia Mahdi by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF]
 A Strife-Free Dialogue (A Step Towards Understanding) by ‘Isam al-‘Imad [PDF]
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 Advice to Our Brothers the Scholars of Najd by Yusuf ibn al-Hashim al-Rifa‘i [PDF]
 Ahadith about Ahlul-Bayt (as) from Sunni Narrations [PDF]
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 Asl al-Shia wa Usuluh [The Origin of the Shi’ite Islam and its Principles] by al-Shaykh
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 Ayah of Wilaya by al-Syed Murtadha al-Shirazi [PDF]
 Ayat ut Tatheer - To Whom Does the Purification Verse Refer To by Dr. Hatem Abu
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 Caliphate and Imamate by Ahmad Namaee [PDF]
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 Devil's Deception by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Did the Prophet Appoint a Successor - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library
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 Discovering Shi'i Islam by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Do Shias Narrate from a Donkey? Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
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 Essays on Ghadir by M. H. Shahri [PDF]
 Fadail ash-Shia [Merits of the Shia] by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Saduq [PDF] -
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 Fadak - The Property of Fatima al-Zahra [PDF]
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 Fadak of al-Zahraa (as) by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 False Allegations against Abu Talib (as) [PDF]
 Fast of 'Ashura' by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Four Schools of Thought by al-Syed Moustafa al-Qazwini [PDF]
 Ghadir in the Light of the Book and Tradition by Majid Ma'aref [PDF]
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 Ibn Taimiyyah - The True Image [PDF]
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 It Removes the Misconception about Caliphs’ Caliphate by Shah Walyullah Dehlavi [PDF]
 Itmaam al-Hujjat by al-Shaykh Husayn Ansariyan [PDF]
 Justice of the Companions by al-Syed Murtadha al-Askari [PDF]
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 Khawarij Wal-Jammah Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Laanat - Prohibition or Sunnah [PDF]
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 Lights on the Muhammad Sunnah or Defence of the Hadith by Mahmud Abu Riyyah [PDF]
 Making Abu Bakr Commander of Hajj [PDF]
 Misbah-uz-Zulam - Roots of the Kerbala Tragedy by al-Syed Imdad Imam [PDF]
 Muawiyah and Abusing Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
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 Mu'awiyah’s Testimony on the Khalifahs Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Mumtaz ul Haq Debate I On Who Killed Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Muntakhab al-Athar by al-Shaykh Lutfollah Saafi Golpayegani [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Mystery of the Shia by Mateen J. Charbonneau [PDF] - [Purchase Hard Copy]
 Names of Imam Ali's Sons by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Nasibi Beliefs by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Necessity of Divine Leadership by al-Syed Hussain Murtaza [PDF]
 Necessity of the Existence of and Sunni Documentation on Imam al-Mahdi (a.s) [PDF]
 Nikah of Lady Umme Kulthum by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Obedience to the Prophet by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 On Islamic Unity by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Origins of Shia by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Our Husayn (a), Mourning Him and His Karbala by al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-Husayn al-Ameeni
 Peshawar Nights Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by Sultanu’l-Wa’izin al-
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Practises of Shia Islam from Qur'an and Sunni Books [PDF]
 Private Lives of the Nasibi Salaf by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Prohibition of Two Lawful Pleasures by al-Syed Ali al-Milani [PDF]
 Proof of the Wilayah of Ali by Shia0fAhlulbayt [PDF]
 Proofs of Caliphate of Imam Ali [PDF]
 Prophet Mohammad and His Household [PDF]
 Prostration in the Tradition of the Prophet (saws) and the Companions by al-Syed
Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi [PDF]
 Prostration on Dust [PDF]
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Contemporary Era by Abdolhusein Moezzi [PDF]
 Rafidi Companion of the Prophet Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Rafidi Shi'ah Narrators in Sahih al-Bukhari by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
 Reason, Faith & Authority - A Shi'ite Perspective by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali
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 Saqifa by al-Shaykh Muhammad Ridha al-Muthaffar [PDF]
 Saqifa, the First Manifestations of the Emergence of the Shi'i Viewpoint by al-Syed
Husayn Muhammad Ja’fari [PDF]
 Selection and or Election by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Separating the Qur’an from the Family by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Sermon of Fadak by Tahir R. Jaffer [PDF]
 Settling Ablaze the House of Revelation - References from Sunni Works [PDF]
 Seventy Thousand People from Karbala Will Enter Paradise without Being Questioned
Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Shia Encyclopedia [PDF]
 Shia Islam in Sunni Traditions by Sultanu’l-Wa’izin al-Shirazi [PDF]
 Shi'a Method of Salaah [Prayer] by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue Articles [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Shi'ah Narrators in Bukhari by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project [PDF]
 Shiism in Relation to Various Islamic Sects by Dr. AbulQasim Gorji [PDF]
 Shiism in Sunnism by al-Syed Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi [PDF]
 Shiism, the Natural Product by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Spurious Arguments about the Shi'a by Abu-Taleb Tabrizi [PDF]
 Striving for Right Guidance by al-Syed Muhammad al-Tijani al-Smaoui [PDF]
 Sunni & Shia - A Pitiful Outcry by Dr. Ezzoddin Ibrahim [PDF]
 Sunni Myth of Love for the Family by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Sunni Traditions in Praise of the Ahlul-Bayt (as) [PDF]
 Sunnis and Tahreef in the Qur'an by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Supporting the Enemies by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Taqiyyah Compiled by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Tarawih Prayer and Shia Position by Mustafa Fazel [PDF]
 Tarawih, a Parody of Prayers by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Tawassul to the Ahlul Bayt Compiled by Arifa Hudda [PDF]
 Tawassul by al-Syed Abd al-Karim Bi-Azar Shirazi [PDF]
 Tawassul in Light of Qur'aan and Hadeeth Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Temporary Marriage by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Temporary Marriage in Islamic Law by Sachiko Murata [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Adaalah (Justice) of the Companions Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Chronicle of Hadeeth [PDF]
 The Core of Islam by al-Syed Fadhel al-Milani [PDF]
 The Evilest of Generations Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Hadith of the Will (Wasiyya) about the Thaqalayn - The Book and the Sunnah by
al-Syed Ali al-Milani [PDF]
 The Islamic Government by Abdus Samad [PDF]
 The Life of the Prophet (saw) from the Wife of the Prophet (saw) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Oppression of Sayeda Faatima Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Position of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (s) in the Verse of Mubahala from a Sunni
Perspective by Muhammad Ya‘qub Bashvi [PDF]
 The Practises of Shia Islam from Qur'an and Sunni Books [PDF]
 The Prohibition of Recording the Hadith, Causes and Effects by al-Syed Ali Al-Shahristani
 The Queer Sahaba Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Rose without Thorns by Dr. Adnan Darakhshn [PDF]
 The Right Path by al-Syed Abdul-Husayn Sharafuddeen [PDF]
 The Shia Are the Real Ahl al-Sunnah [Followers of the Prophet’s Tradition] by al-Syed
Muhammad al-Tijani al-Smaoui [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Shia Rebuts by al-Syed Ridha Hosseini Nasab [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Shia Under Attack by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Chirri [PDF]
 The Significance of Mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf
 The Trial Against the Second Tyrant by al-Shaykh Yasser al-Habib [PDF]
 The Truth about the Companions by al-Syed Ali al-Milani [PDF]
 The Truth about the Hadith Collections of Bukhari and Muslim [PDF]
 The Wilayah of Ali in the Shia Adhan by Dr. Liyakat A. Takim [PDF]
 Then I Was Guided by al-Syed Muhammad al-Tijani al-Smaoui [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 They Punctured the Ark Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 To Be with the Truthful by al-Syed Muhammad al-Tijani al-Smaoui [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Truth about Shi'ah Ithna 'Ashari Faith by Asad Wahid al-Qasim [PDF]
 Ulul Amr by al-Syed Nadeem Jafri [PDF]
 Usool ud-Deen [Pillars of Faith] by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Verdict of al-Azhar on the Shia [PDF]
 Verse of Wilayah by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Wahhabism and its Refutation [PDF]
 Wahhabism by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Was Aboo Lu'lu'ah a Zoroastrian Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Were All Companions Truthful - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
 What Does Mother Of Believers Really Mean by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 What Does the Quran Say about the Ahlul-Bayt by Zahir Ebrahim [PDF]
 What Happened in Ghadir by Muhammad Baqir Ansari [PDF]
 What is Meant by “Temporary Marriage” by al-Syed Ridha Hosseini Nasab [PDF]
 Which Path Should You Follow [PDF]
 Who are the Ulul Amr - An Excerpt from Tafsir al-Mizan by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn
Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Who Are These Twelve Successors of the Prophet (s)? by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library
Project [PDF]
 Who Killed Imam Husayn by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Who Really Killed Uthman by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Why Do the Shi'ah Avoid Tarawih Congregations [PDF]
 Why Do the Shi'ah Prostrate on Turbah? - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic
Library Project [PDF]
 Why Prostrate on Karbala's Turba? by Yasin T. al-Jibouri [PDF]
 Why Sahaba Killed Uthman Compiled by Muhammad ibn Harir al-Tabari [PDF]
 Why Shia - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project [PDF]
 Will All the Companions of Muhammad (saw) Enter Heaven by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Wudhu’ in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith by al-Syed Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi
 Yazeed ibn Mu'awiyah by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Yazid Was Never Amirul Muminin by al-Shaykh Abdillahi Nassir [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

Inter-Religion Dialogue

 A Closer Look at Christianity by Mohamed Qasem [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]

 A Glance at the Torah and the Bible by al-Syed Ridha Hosseini Nasab [PDF]
 At the Presence of Jesus Christ by Mohamed Hossein Shahri [PDF]
 Bahaism by Said Shukri [PDF]
 Bahaism's Origin and Role [PDF]
 Bible Contradictions [PDF]
 Christians Who Defended and Died for Muhammad and His Family by Mateen J.
Charbonneau [PDF] - Purchase Hard Copy
 Common Ground between Islam and Buddhism by Reza Shah Kazemi [PDF]
 Comparative Religions by QFatima [PDF]
 Elia and Islam in Ancient Scriptures [PDF]
 Extracts from Correspondence between a Muslim and a Christian by al-Syed Saeed
Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Invitation to Islam by al-Syed Moustafa al-Qazwini [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Invitation to Islam by Dr. Thomas McElwain [PDF]
 Islam and Christianity - A Comparative Study by Muhammad Ali Zenjibari [PDF]
 Islam and Christianity by al-Syed Hamid Reza Alavi [PDF]
 Islam and Religious Pluralism by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Islam and Religious Pluralism by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Islam in the Bible by Dr. Thomas McElwain [PDF]
 Jesus as the Word of God by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Jesus Christ Son of Mary by Zayn al-Abidini al-Tarīmī [PDF]
 Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified by Abdolfath Davati [PDF]
 Jesus from the Point of View of Qur'an [PDF]
 Jesus on Ethics by WOFIS [PDF]
 Jesus through Shiite Narrations Compiled by Mahdi Muntazir Qaim [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
- Alternate [PDF]
 Jesus, Prophet of Islam by Mohammad Ata ur-Rahim [PDF]
 Lady Mary as a Role Model in the Qur'an and Bible by Zahra Kashaniha [PDF]
 Mary and Jesus in Islam by Yasin T. Jibouri [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Miracles and the Principle of Causality - Christian and Shi’a Perspectives by Hanieh
Tarkian [PDF]
 Muhammad in the Bible by 'Abdul 'Ahad Dawud [PDF]
 Muhammad (saws) is the Last Prophet by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Muhammad [s] in the Mirror of Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Need of Religion by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 On Being Human - Essays from the Fifth Shi`i Muslim Mennonite Christian Dialogue by
Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Prophecies about the Holy Prophet of Islam in Hindu, Christian, Jewish and Parsi
Scriptures by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Prophet Muhammad (saws) - The Last Messenger in the Bible by Kais al-Kalby [PDF]
 Reflections on Revelation and Authority among Shi'ites and Mennonites by Dr.
Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Responding to the Religious Reasons of Others by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Search for Truth by S.V. Mir Ahmad Ali [PDF]
 Seeking the Straight Path by Diana (Masooma) Beatty [PDF]
 Shi'i Beliefs in the Bible by Dr. Thomas McElwain [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Slavery from Islamic and Christian Perspectives by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 Tale of the “Chosen People” and the Legend of “Historical Right” by Mohammad Taqi
Taqipour [PDF]
 The Bible and Christianity by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 The Bible, a Forged Truth or a True Forgery by Mohammad Jawad Balaghi [PDF]
 The Bible, the Quran and Science by Maurice Bucaille [PDF]
 The First Charter of Human Rights by Yousef N. Lalljee [PDF]
 Women in Islam vs. Women in Judaeo-Christian Tradition by Sherif Muhammad Abdel
Azeem [PDF]
 Words of the Word of God by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

Other Sects

 From Darkness Towards Light by Fakhruddin Hebtullah Rajpiplawala [PDF]

 Reason and Inspiration in Islam - Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim
Thought Essays in Honour of Hermann Landolt [PDF]
 Sects of Islam by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 The Isma'ilis, Their History and Doctrines by Farhad Daftary [PDF]
 The Nuşayrī-‘Alawīs by Yaron Friedman [PDF]
 The Qadiyaniyyah (Ahmadiyya) [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
 15th of Ramadan by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 200 Years of New Kharijism by Muhammad Hisham Kabbani [PDF]
 2nd of Muharram [PDF]
 A Brief History of the Fourteen Infallibles by WOFIS [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 A Brief History of the Lives of the Twelve Imams [PDF]
 A Critical Assessment of Umm Kulthum’s Marriage to Umar by al-Syed Ali al-Milani [PDF]
 A Glance at Historiography in Shiite Culture by al-Shaykh Rasul Ja’fariyan [PDF]
 A Glimpse at the Major Shi'a Seminaries Part I [PDF] - Part II [PDF] by Rasoul Imani
 A Miracle [PDF]
 A Page from Our Islamic History - A Jewess Tries to Poison Prophet Muhammad by
Yasin T. al-Jibouri [PDF]
 A Probe into the History of Ashura by Dr. Ibrahim Ayati [PDF]
 A Probe into the History of Hadith by al-Syed Murtadha al-Askari [PDF]
 A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims by Ali Asgher Razwy [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Ahl al-Bayt and Caliphate by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 al-Hussain’s Martyrdom by Muhammad Nassirudin Arif [PDF]
 Al-Malhoof ala Qatla al-Tofoof by al-Syed Radiyy ad-Deen Ibn Tawus [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Al-Tawhid Journal [PDF]
 An Everlasting Instruction by Abu Muhammad Zain al-Aabideen [PDF]
 An Introduction to the Political Upheaval at Medina by Muhammad Sultan Mirza [PDF]
 Analysis of the History of Aale Muhammad by al-Shaykh Bohlool Bahjat Afandi [PDF]
 Arabic Accounts of al-Husayn's Martyrdom by Dr. I.K.A Howard [PDF]
 Ashra E Muharram [PDF]
 Ashura - The 10th of Muharram by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Ashura Encyclopedia by Dr. I.K.A. Howard [PDF]
 Ashura by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Assassination Attempt on the Prophet (saw) by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Battle of Harrah by Muhammad Ali Chenarani [PDF]
 Black Thursday by al-Syed Muhammad al-Tijani al-Smaoui [PDF]
 Burning the House by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Christians Who Defended and Died for Muhammad and His Family by Mateen J.
Charbonneau [PDF] - Purchase Hard Copy
 Contribution of Islam to Medicine by Ezzat Abouleish [PDF]
 Dahw al-Ardh [The Spreading of the Earth] - Extract from Iqbaal al-A'maal [PDF]
 Did Prophet Muhammad (saws) Appoint a Successor [PDF]
 Early Shii Thought by Arzina Lalani [PDF]
 Events and Circumstances Surrounding the Martyrdom of al-Husain b. Ali by Dr. I.K.A
Howard [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Excerpts from: Tears and Tributes by Zakir [PDF]
 Exemplary Youths during the Early Days of Islam by Muhammad Ali Chanarani [PDF]
 Fadak in History by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Alternate
 Fadak of al-Zahraa (as) by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Four Centuries of Influence of Iraqi Shiism on Pre-Safavid Iran by al-Shaykh Rasul
Ja'fariyan [PDF]
 General Invitation by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Ghadeer Khum - Where the Religion Was Brought to Perfection by al-Shaykh I.H. Najafi
 Ghadir - An Islamic Perspective by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 Haqqul Yaqeen by al-Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [PDF]
 Hazrat Zahra’ (s.a.) & Fadak by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Hijrah [PDF]
 Historic Background of Shiism by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Historical and Jurisprudential Issues Pertinent to the Ziyaratu Ashura by al-Shaykh
Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 History and Human Evolution by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 History and Restrictions of Ijtihad by al-Shaykh Buzurg Tehrani [PDF]
 History behind Masjid Jamkaran Compiled by Research Office of the Holy Masjid of Jamkaran
 History of Banking and Islamic Laws by al-Syed Safeer Reza Naqvi [PDF]
 History of Islam - Up to the Demise of the Prophet by Mahdi Pishva’i [PDF]
 History of Karbala by Abu Ammar [PDF]
 History of Shi'ism by Gholam-Hasan Moharrami [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 History of the Caliphs by al-Shaykh Rasul Ja’fariyan [PDF]
 History of the Cemetery of Jannat al-Baqi [al-Baqi Cemetery] [PDF]
 History of the Holy Shrines [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 History of the Shi'a in the Time of Imam Sajjad (a) by al-Syed Ahmad Reza Khizri et al. -
Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 How Was the Caliphate Decided after the Death of Holy Prophet [PDF]
 Imam Hasan (as) by Revolt and Silence Imam Husain (as) by Silence and Revolt by
Hassan Saeed [PDF]
 Imam Hussein and the Day of Ashura' [PDF]
 Intellectual, Political and Social Status of the Shi'ites on the Verge of Occultation by
Mas'ud Pur Aqaei [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Islam and Iran - A Historical Study of Mutual Services by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari
 Islam Faith, Practice & History by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 It Removes the Misconception about Caliphs’ Caliphate by Shah Walyullah Dehlavi [PDF]
 Karbala and Ashura by al-Syed Ali Hosayn Jalali [PDF]
 Karbala and Beyond by Yasin T. al-Jabouri [PDF]
 Karbala by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 Karbala, the Chain of Events by Ramzan Sabir [PDF]
 Kitab al-Irshad by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mufeed - Full [PDF] - Part 1
[PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Kitab Maqtal al-Husayn Compiled by al-Shaykh Abu Mikhnaf [PDF]
 Kitab Sulaim ibn Qays al-Hilaali [PDF]
 Letters for Alpha by Mustafa Garmaroudi [PDF]
 List of Participants in Karbala [PDF]
 Man and Universe by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Maqtal al-Husayn (as) by al-Shaykh Abd al-Razzaq al-Muqarram [PDF]
 Mecca [PDF]
 Meraj, the Night of Ascension by al-Shaykh Muhammad Faidh al-Kashani [PDF] - Alternate
 Migration to Abyssinia by Shahnaze Safieddine [PDF]
 Misbah-uz-Zulam - Roots of the Kerbala Tragedy by al-Syed Imdad Imam [PDF]
 Moses verses Pharoah by Akhlaq Hussain [PDF]
 Muawiyah and Abusing Imam Ali (as) [PDF]
 Mubahala by Naba’ Organization [PDF]
 Mubahala by Tahawoor Ali Jaffari [PDF]
 Muhammad and His God before the Revelation by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 Mumtaz ul Haq Debate I On Who Killed Imam Hussain (a.s) Compiled by
RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Nahj al-Balagha [PDF]
 Najaf the Pioneer Hawza around the World by al-Anwar Foundation [PDF]
 Nasir al-Din Tusi and His Socio-Political Role in the Thirteenth Century by Dr. Abbas Ali
Shameli [PDF]
 Ohod [PDF]
 Orientalists and the Event of Ghadir Khumm by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Passing Away of the Prophet by Mohammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Peaceful Co-Existence by al-Syed Sadruddin Baldghi [PDF]
 Portraits of Youth in the Quran and the History of Islam by Ali Dawani [PDF]
 Preparing the Shi'a for the Age of Occultation by Dr Mohammad Reza Jabbari - Part 1
[PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 Private Lives of the Nasibi Salaf by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Prophet’s Covenant to the Christians of Najran by Yasin T. al-Jibouri [PDF]
 Rafidi Companion of the Prophet Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 Recognize Me, I am Fatima by al-Syed Baqir Husain Rizvi [PDF]
 Religion vs. Religion by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Rival Empires of Trade and Imami Shiism in Eastern Arabia, 1300-1800 by Juan R. I.
Cole [PDF]
 Role of Islamic Scientists in the Advancement of Science by al-Shaykh Muhammad
Mufattah [PDF]
 Roots of the Karbala Tragedy by al-Syed Imdad Iman [PDF]
 Safavid Dynasty [PDF]
 Saqifa by al-Shaykh Muhammad Ridha al-Muthaffar [PDF]
 Saqifa, the First Manifestations of the Emergence of the Shi'i Viewpoint by al-Syed
Husayn Muhammad Ja’fari [PDF]
 Scholars by QFatima [PDF]
 Science and the Muslim Ummah by Dr. Mahdi Gulshani [PDF]
 Selection and or Election by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Sermon of Fadak by Tahir R. Jaffer [PDF]
 Settling Ablaze the House of Revelation - References from Sunni Works [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Iqbal Husain Rizvi [PDF]
 Shia by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue Articles [PDF]
 Shia Sunni Dialogue by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Shiism and its Types during the Early Centuries Part 1 by al-Shaykh Rasul Ja’fariyan [PDF]
 Shi'ite Authorities in the Age of Major Occultation by Ali Naghi Zabihzadeh
o Part I [PDF]
o Part II, Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni [PDF]
o Part III, Shaykh al-Saduq [PDF]
 Shi'ite Authorities in the Age of Minor Occultation by Ali Naghi Zabihzadeh
o Part I, Shaykh al-Mufid [PDF]
o Part II, Sayyid ar-Radi [PDF]
o Part III, Sayyid al-Murtada [PDF]
 Shi’ite Political Revival in Iraq during the Early Twentieth Century [PDF]
 Slavery by al-Syed Ameer Ali [PDF]
 Society and History by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Sulah al-Hassan (as) by al-Shaykh Radi al-Yasin [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Tale of the “Chosen People” and the Legend of “Historical Right” by Mohammad Taqi
Taqipour [PDF]
 Tears and Tributes by Zakir [PDF]
 Ten Decades of Ulamaa's Struggle by Aqiqi Bakhshayeshi [PDF]
 The Adaalah (Justice) of the Companions Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Ashura Uprising by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 The Battle of Ahzab [PDF]
 The Battle of Badr [PDF]
 The Battle of Harrah by Muhammad Chenarani [PDF]
 The Battle of Hunayn [PDF]
 The Battle of Jamal [PDF]
 The Battle of Khayber [PDF]
 The Battle of Moota [PDF]
 The Battle of Nahrawan [PDF]
 The Battle of Siffin [PDF]
 The Battle of Tabuk [PDF]
 The Battle of Taif [PDF]
 The Battle of Uhud [PDF]
 The Burning of Libraries in Iran and Alexandria by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Change of Qiblah [PDF]
 The Chronicle of Hadeeth [PDF]
 The Contribution of Islamic Civilization to the Scientific and Technical Advancement
of the World by Jahanbakhsh Thawaqib [PDF]
 The Despotic Rulers by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyya [PDF]
 The Emergence of Shi'ism and the Shi'ites by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 The Epistle [PDF]
 The Event of Mubahila [PDF]
 The Event of Taff - The Earliest Historical Account of the Tragedy of Karbala by Abu-
Mikhnaf [PDF]
 The Evilest of Generations Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The First Charter of Human Rights by Yousef N. Lalljee [PDF]
 The Hidden Truth about Karbala by A. K. Ahmed [PDF]
 The History of the Islamic Calendar in the Light of the Hijra by Hakim Said [PDF]
 The Illustrious Period of the Imamate of Imam Zayn al-'Abidin by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar
Rizvi [PDF]
 The Influence of the Character of Prophet Muhammad (s) on the Spread of Islam
during the Meccan Period by Asghar Muntazir Qa’im [PDF]
 The Journey of Tears by al-Shaykh Bashir Hassanali Rahim [PDF]
 The Karbala by IslamicOccasions [PDF]
 The Narrative of Awakening by Hamid Ansari [PDF]
 The Occultation of the Twelfth Imam [A Historical Background] by Jassim M. Hussain
 The Oppression of Sayeda Faatima Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Origins and Early Development of Shia Islam by al-Syed Hosein Mohammad Jafri
 The Paths of Right and Wrong by al-Syed Hyder Raza [PDF]
 The People of Kahf [PDF]
 The People of Ras [PDF]
 The People of Sabt [PDF]
 The Pledge of Ridwaan [PDF]
 The Prohibition of Recording the Hadith, Causes and Effects by al-Syed Ali Al-Shahristani
 The Queer Sahaba Compiled by RevisitingTheSalaf [PDF]
 The Revolution of al-Hussein [a] - It's Impact on the Consciousness of Muslim
Society by al-Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Alternate
 The Role of Aisha in the History - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] by al-Syed
Murtadha al-Askari
 The Role of Holy Imams in the Revival of History Vol. 1 [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] by al-Syed
Murtadha al-Askari
 The Role of Poetry in Safeguarding the Karbala Narrative and Shi’ite Institutions from
the Imami Period by Faiyaz Jaffer [PDF]
 The Scholarly Jihad of the Imams by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 The Stages of Development of Shi’a Jurisprudence by al-Syed Mahmud Hashemi et
al. [PDF]
 The Tawwabin by Dr. I.K.A. Howard [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 The Term -Rafida- in Imami Shi'i Usage by Etan Kohlberg [PDF]
 The Truth about al-Hussain's (as) Revolt by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Uprising of Ashura and Responses to Doubts by Ali Asghar Ridwani [PDF]
 The World Finally Speaks at Karbala Tribunals by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 The Year of the Elephant [PDF]
 Timeline of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) by QFatima [PDF]
 Tradition and Survival by al-Syed Hossein Modarressi [PDF]
 Tragedy of al-Zahra' (a.s.) by al-Syed Ja’far Murtadha al-’Amili [PDF]
 Tragedy of Karbala by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari [PDF]
 Tragedy of Karbala by al-Syed Muhammad Zainul Abedin Rizvi [PDF]
 Treaty of Hudaiba [PDF]
 Trends of History in Qur'an by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Umar's Caliphate by Ahmad Namaee [PDF]
 We Cry for Hussain, So Did the Prophet of Islam by Yasser al-Madani [PDF]
 What Happened in Ghadir by Muhammad Baqir Ansari [PDF]
 When Power and Piety Collide by al-Syed Moustafa al-Qazwini [PDF]
 Who Killed Imam Husayn by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Who Really Killed Uthman by AnsweringAnsar [PDF]
 Why Imam Hosein Took a Stand by Mohammad Taqi Shariati [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Why Sahaba Killed Uthman Compiled by Muhammad ibn Harir al-Tabari [PDF]
 Yazid Was Never Amirul Muminin by al-Shaykh Abdillahi Nassir [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
Philosophy and Logic
 7 Reasons Why a Scientist Believes in God by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF]
 A Commentary on Theistic Arguments by al-Shaykh Abdollah Jawadi Amoli [PDF]
 A Comparison between Sadra's Transcendent Philosophy and Husserl's
Phenomenology by Abdul Rahim Afaki [PDF]
 A Discussion of the Kursi by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 A Divine Perspective on Rights Commented by Dr. Ghodratullah Mashayekhi [PDF]
 A Journey to the Fact by Fakhri Mashkoor [PDF]
 A Probe into the Meaning of Light in the Qur'an and Hadith by Azizullah Afshar Kermani
 A Study in the Philosophy of Islamic Rites by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 A Summary of Logic by al-Syed Sadiq Shirazi [PDF]
 Al Siraj [The Lantern on the Path to Allah Almighty] by Husain ibn Ali al-Bahrani [PDF]
 Al-Tawhid Journal [PDF]
 Are You Free or a Slave? by al-Shaykh Muhammad Reyshahri [PDF]
 Arsh of Allah by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Causality and Freedom by al-Shaykh Mohsen Araki [PDF]
 Challenges and Dilemmas in Making Values and Ideals by Dr. Abbas Ali Shameli [PDF]
 Cognizance of Unitarianism by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi [PDF]
 Contemporary Man and the Social Problem by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Contemporary Topics of Islamic Thought by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Critique of Marxist Philosophy by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2
 Determinism and Free Will in the Qur'an by Mahdi Gorjian [PDF]
 Different Methodological Approaches to Spirituality by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali
 Different Treatments of Spirituality by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Divine (Allah’s) Judgment (Hokm) versus Human Judgment (Hokm) by Dr. Hatem Abu
Shahba [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Divine Guide in Early Shi'ism by Dr. Mohammad Ali Moezzi [PDF]
 Divine Justice and the Problem of Evil by Dr. Ghulam Hossein Adeel [PDF]
 Divine Revelation - An Islamic Perspective on Divine Guidance and Human
Understanding by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Divine Revelation, Human Reason and Science by al-Shaykh Abdullah Jawadi Amuli [PDF]
 Duty of Acquiring Knowledge by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Educational Revolution by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Essence of Thoughts by al-Shaykh Yousef Saanei [PDF]
 Eternity of Man [PDF]
 Eternity of Moral Values by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Evolution of Man by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Excerpts from ‘Divine Justice’ by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari
o Benefits of Evils [PDF]
o Death [PDF]
o Evils [PDF]
o Justice and Wisdom [PDF]
o Retribution [PDF]
o What is Justice [PDF]
 Excerpt from ‘The Causes Responsible for Materialist Tendencies in the West’ by al-
Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari
o A Response to Hume [PDF]
o Chance, God or Causation [PDF]
o God and Evolution [PDF]
o The Concept of Creation [PDF]
o The Inadequacy of Some Philosophical Ideas in the West [PDF]
 Existence as a Predicate in Kant and Mulla Sadra by Reza Akbarian [PDF]
 Fast of the Month of Ramadan - Philosophy and Ahkam by Yasin T. Al-Jibouri [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF]
 Fasting and the Holy Month of Ramadhan by al-Shaykh Mansour Leghaei [PDF]
 Forty Ahadith by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Freedom by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi [PDF]
 Goal of Life by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Hegel's Ethics by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Hegel's Spirituality by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Hermeneutical Foundations for Islamic Social Sciences by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen
 How Do We Know a Scripture is True by Kamyar Hedayat [PDF]
 Human Nature and Nature of Morality by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Humanism and Theocentrism in Islamic and Western Thought by al-Syed Ruhollah
Khomeini [PDF]
 Inner Voice by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Islam - The Best Motivator [PDF]
 Islam - The Religion of Dialogue by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah [PDF]
 Islam and Nationalism - A Theoretical Point of View by al-Syed Ahmad Rahnamai - Part 1
[PDF] - Part 2 [PDF]
 Islam and Nationalism by al-Syed Ali-Mohammad Naqavi [PDF]
 Islam and Physical Care by Al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Islam and the Contemporary Man by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Islam and Just War Pacifism by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Islam and Just War Theory by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Islam and the Secular Mind by Abulala Mawdudi [PDF]
 Islam vs. Feminism by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Islamic Conception of Love and Goodness [PDF]
 Islamic Doctrine and Deeds by al-Shaykh Basheer al-Najafi [PDF]
 Islamic Philosophy by Asgariyazdi [PDF]
 Islamic Thought by Muhammad Saidi-Mihr & Amir Divani - Book 1 [PDF] - Book 2 [PDF]
 Islamic Understanding of Prayer by Fatemeh Nazari [PDF]
 Islamic Views on Human Rights - Viewpoints of Iranian Scholars [PDF]
 Islamology by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Justice as a Virtue of the Soul by Marzieh Sadeqi [PDF]
 Knowledge of God in Greek Philosophy and in the Divine Religions by Reza Barehjkar
 Lessons from Ashura by Khalil Jaffer [PDF]
 Levels of Submission by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Logic for Islamic Rules by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Logical Foundations of Induction by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Love and Hate for God's Sake by al-Syed Mujtaba Sabouri [PDF]
 Man and Faith by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Man and His Destiny by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Man and the Formation of Social Life according to Tafsir al-Mizan by Muhammad Akwan
 Man and Universe by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Man, Marxism and Islam by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Man's Social Evolution by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Mantiq [Logic] by al-Shaykh Muhammad Ridha al-Muthaffar [PDF]
 Marxism and Other Western Fallacies by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Me and Myself by Asghar Hussain Shaheedi [PDF]
 Methods of Religious Thought in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Miracles and the Principle of Causality - Christian and Shi’a Perspectives by Hanieh
Tarkian [PDF]
 Mourning for Imam Husayn (a) and its Outcomes by Mahnaz Heydarpoor [PDF]
 Mulla Sadra on Theodicy and the Best of All Possible Worlds by Ibrahim Kalin [PDF]
 Mullā Sadrā’s Teaching on the World of Command and MirDamad's Theory of Meta-
Temporal Origination by Yanis Eshots [PDF]
 Mulla Sadra's Transcendent Philosophy [PDF]
 Necessity, Causation and Determinism in Ibn Sina and His Critics by Dr. Muhammad
Legenhausen [PDF]
 Need of Religion by al-Syed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 No More Nonsense by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen
o Proving God with Anselm and Sohravardi [PDF]
o Reason and the Spiritual Journey in the Company of Anselm and Suhrawardi
 Nonreductive Pluralism and Religious Dialogue by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 On Being Human - Essays from the Fifth Shi`i Muslim Mennonite Christian Dialogue by
Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 On Getting the Last Word in by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 On the Plurality of Religious Pluralisms by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Our Philosophy by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Perspectives on the Concept of Love in Islam by Mahnaz Heydarpoor [PDF]
 Philosophical Instructions by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi [PDF]
 Philosophy of Hajj and Fasting by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi [PDF]
 Philosophy of Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti and al-Shaykh Muhammad Javad
Bahonar [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Politico-Religious Fundamentals for Renunciation of Polytheism by al-Syed Javad Varree
 Portraits of Youth in the Quran and the History of Islam by Ali Dawani [PDF]
 Principles of Sociology in Islam [PDF]
 Rationality of Islam by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 Reason and Inspiration in Islam - Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim
Thought Essays in Honour of Hermann Landolt [PDF]
 Reason, Faith & Authority - A Shi'ite Perspective by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali
 Reflections on Ashura-Oriented Literature by Muhammad-Reza Fakhr-Rohani [PDF]
 Reinterpreting the ‘Quickening’ Perspective in the Abortion Debate by al-Shaykh
Farrokh B. Sekaleshfar [PDF]
 Religion and Freedom by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Religion and Politics by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Religion and the World by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Religion in Nahjul Balagha by al-Syed Javad Mostafavi [PDF]
 Religious Democracy by Mohammad Bagher Khorramshadi [PDF]
 Religious Tolerance in Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 Research Methods in Islamic Sciences by al-Shaykh Mansour Leghaei [PDF]
 Responding to the Religious Reasons of Others by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 Satan - The Accursed [PDF]
 Sayyid Haydar Amuli - An Overview of His Doctrines Thesis by Morteza Tehrani [PDF]
 Scientific Survey - Islamic Ideology by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Secrets of Success by al-Shaykh Ja’far Subhani [PDF]
 Seeking Knowledge [PDF]
 Seeking the Straight Path by Diana (Masooma) Beatty [PDF]
 Self Knowledge by al-Shaykh Mohammed Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Seven Most Loved Things in Life Compiled by [PDF]
 Spiritual Dimensions of Mourning for Imam Husayn (a) by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali
Shomali - Part I - The Divine Plan for Human Salvation [PDF] - Part II - The Role of
Hardship and Suffering in Spiritual Progress [PDF] - Part III - How True Mourning Can
Lead to the Goodly Life [PDF]
 Spiritual Discourses by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Status of Women in Islam - A Critical Analysis on a Matter of Equality by Ghulam
Hossein Adeel [PDF]
 Surrender and Realisation - Imam Ali on the Conditions for True Religious
Understanding by James Morris [PDF]
 Tahzeeb ul Khasail by Hassanally P. Ebrahim [PDF]
 Tasheeh al-I'tiqaad [Emendation of Shiite Creed] Compiled by al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn
Muhammad al-Mufeed [PDF]
 The Causes Responsible for Materialist Tendencies in the West by al-Shaykh Murtadha
Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Core of Islam by al-Syed Fadhel al-Milani [PDF]
 The Deficiencies of Women in the Eyes of Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balagha by al-Shaykh
Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 The Ethics of Authenticity by Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen [PDF]
 The Final Collapse by al-Shaykh Fadhlullah Haeri [PDF]
 The Final Conclusion Published by Dr. Hatem Abu Shahba [PDF]
 The History and Philosophy of Azadari of Imam Husayn [PDF]
 The Human Being in the Qur'an by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Ideal of Islam [PDF]
 The Issues of Wisdom and Ignorance Compiled by [PDF]
 The Importance of Knowledge in Islam by S. A. Husain [PDF]
 The Mystery of Life by al-Syed Muhammad Taqi Ja’fari [PDF]
 The Paths of Right and Wrong by al-Syed Hyder Raza [PDF]
 The Philosophy of Husayn's Sacrifice & Our Azadari by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 The Philosophy of Services by al-Shaykh Mushtaq Hussain Shahidi [PDF]
 The Philosophy of The Holy Month of Ramadhan - A Discourse by al-Syed Jawad Naqvi
 The Place of Knowledge in Islam by al-Syed Mohamad Sohofi [PDF]
 The Problem of Contradiction in Islamic Philosophy by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari
 The Purpose and Aim of Creating the Human by al-Syed Kamal al-Haydari [PDF]
 The Status of Knowledge in Islam by Mohammad Hossein Faryab [PDF]
 The Source of Rights by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi [PDF]
 The Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shari'ah by al-Syed Muhammad Rizvi [PDF]
 The Theory of 'Alam al Khalq and 'Alam al-'Amr [PDF]
 The Touch of Grace by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 Theology and Metaphysics in Nahjal Balaghah by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Ultimate Questions in Philosophy of Religion by al-Shaykh Mansour Leghaei [PDF]
 Understanding God's Mercy by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali - Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2
[PDF] - Part 3 [PDF] - Part 4 [PDF] - Part 5 [PDF] - Part 6 [PDF] - Part 7 [PDF] - Part 8
 Universality of Islam by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Western Nationalism and Islamic Nationhood by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 What is Justice by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Wisdom of the Unseen by al-Syed Amir Raza [PDF]
 Worship and Prayer by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Your Questions Answered - Vol. 1 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 2 [PDF] - Alternate
[PDF] - Vol. 3 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 4 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 5 [PDF] -
Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 6 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] - Vol. 7 [PDF] - Alternate [PDF] by al-Syed
Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
Economics, Politics and Current Events
 A Brief Summary of Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 A Call to Divine Unity by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 A Critique of Islamic Arguments on Human Cloning by al-Shaykh Farrokh B. Sekaleshfar
 A Cursory Glance at the Theory of Wilayat al-Faqih by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah
Yazdi [PDF]
 A Glance at Tomorrow's History by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 A Living Religion with Exalted Teachings [PDF]
 Al-Tawhid Journal [PDF]
 An Introduction to Principles of Islamic Banking by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr
 An Introduction to the Political Upheaval at Medina by Muhammad Sultan Mirza [PDF]
 An Outline of Governance from a Qur’anic Perspective by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi
Mesbah Yazdi [PDF]
 Aspects of the Political Theory by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Ayatollah Khomeini and the Muslim World [PDF]
 Beyond the Moslem Nation States by Kalim Siddiqui [PDF]
 Capitalism Wakes Up by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Democracy and Constitution by al-Shaykh Hosseinali Montazeri [PDF]
 Economic System in Islam by Abdul Husain Muhammad [PDF]
 Educational Revolution by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Foreign Policy of an Islamic State by al-Shaykh Ibrahim Amini [PDF]
 Glimpses of Certain Aspects of Islam by al-Syed Nasim Jafarey [PDF]
 History of Banking and Islamic Laws by al-Syed Safeer Reza Naqvi [PDF]
 If Islam Were to Be Established in Iraq by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 Imam Ali and Political Leadership by al-Shaykh Muhammad Reyshahri [PDF]
 Importance of Problems of World View by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi [PDF]
 Iqtisaduna [Our Economics] - Vol. 01 Part 1 [PDF] - Part 2 [PDF] - Vol. 2 Part 1 [PDF] -
Part 2 [PDF] by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr
 Islam - Jafari Rules of Personal Status by Majeed Hamad Al–Najjar [PDF]
 Islam and Politics by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Islam and Revolution by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Islam and Schools of Economics by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Islam and the Modern Age by al-Syed Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i [PDF]
 Islam and the Political Order [PDF]
 Islam and the Secular Mind by Abulala Mawdudi [PDF]
 Islam for All by Reza Esfahani [PDF]
 Islam is a Political Religion by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Islam Wants Governments to Serve the People by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Islam, Dialogue and Civil Society by al-Syed Mohammad Khatami [PDF]
 Islamic Bioethics by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
 Islamic Government by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Islamic Movements in the Twentieth Century by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Islamic Political Theory by al-Shaykh Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi
o Legislation [PDF]
o Statecraft [PDF]
 Islamic Principles by al-Balagh Foundation [PDF]
 Islamic Unity and Happiness by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 Islamic View on Imposed Peace by al-Shaykh Mohammad-Ali Tashkiri [PDF]
 Islamic Views on Human Rights - Viewpoints of Iranian Scholars [PDF]
 Lectures by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 Modern Issues in Islamic Judiciary by al-Syed Abul Qasim al-Khoei [PDF]
 Most Killed, Least Covered - The Case of Syrian Shia [PDF]
 On the Plight of the Oppressed People by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Palestine by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Pithy Aphorisms Wise Sayings and Counsels by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Politico-Religious Fundamentals for Renunciation of Polytheism by al-Syed Javad Varree
 Red Shi'ism, Black Shi'ism by Dr. Ali Shariati [PDF]
 Reinterpreting the ‘Quickening’ Perspective in the Abortion Debate by al-Shaykh
Farrokh B. Sekaleshfar [PDF]
 Religion and Politics by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Religious Democracy by Mohammad Bagher Khorramshadi [PDF]
 Research Methods in Islamic Sciences by al-Shaykh Mansour Leghaei [PDF]
 Revolution in Arab World by al-Syed Jawad Naqvi [PDF]
 Role of Islamic Scientists in the Advancement of Science by al-Shaykh Muhammad
Mufattah [PDF]
 Science and the Muslim Ummah by Dr. Mahdi Gulshani [PDF]
 Shia Genocide in Pakistan [PDF]
 Shi’ite Political Revival in Iraq during the Early Twentieth Century [PDF]
 Spirituality and Politics by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Sun of Justice by Muhammad Reza Hakimi [PDF]
 Sunni & Shia - A Pitiful Outcry by Dr. Ezzoddin Ibrahim [PDF]
 Tale of the “Chosen People” and the Legend of “Historical Right” by Mohammad Taqi
Taqipour [PDF]
 The Absolute Truth by Jameel Kermalli [PDF]
 The Ashura Uprising by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 The Concept of an Islamic Republic by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 The Contribution of Islamic Civilization to the Scientific and Technical Advancement
of the World by Jahanbakhsh Thawaqib [PDF]
 The Despotic Rulers by al-Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyya [PDF]
 The Divine Cultural Revolution by al-Syed Muhammad Beheshti [PDF]
 The Elixir of Love by al-Shaykh Muhammad Reyshahri [PDF]
 The Islamic Government by Abdus Samad [PDF]
 The Islamic Movement - A System's Approach [PDF]
 The Islamic System of Government by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi [PDF]
 The Narrative of Awakening by Hamid Ansari [PDF]
 The Principles of State and Govenment in Islam by Muhammad Asad [PDF]
 The Psychological Role of Islam in Economic Development by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir
al-Sadr [PDF]
 The Revolutionary Line of Action by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 The Role of Women Towards the System of Wilayat by al-Syed Jawad Naqvi [PDF]
 The Socio-Political Thought of Ayatollah al-Fayadh [PDF]
 Theory of Justice by al-Syed Ruhollah Khomeini [PDF]
 Towards a Definition of Terrorism by al-Shaykh Muhammad Ali Tashkiri [PDF]
 Towards an Islamic Economy by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 War, Peace and Non-violence (An Islamic Perspective) by al-Syed Muhammad Shirazi
[PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 Western Civilization through Muslim Eyes by al-Syed Mujtaba Musawi Lari [PDF]
 Western Nationalism and Islamic Nationhood by al-Shaykh Murtadha Mutahhari [PDF]
 What Do You Know about Islamic Economics? by al-Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr [PDF]
 Wilayatul Faqih [The Governance of the Jurist] by Akbar Asad Ali Zadeh [PDF]
Family, Marriage and Social Issues
 ‘Asabiyya [Prejudice] - In a Nutshell by Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project [PDF]
 40 Ahadith on Parents [PDF] - Alternate [PDF]
 A Brief Summary of Islam by al-Shaykh Nasir Makarem Shirazi [PDF]
 A Code of Ethics for Muslim Men and Women by al-Syed Masud Masumi [PDF]
 A Code of Practice for Muslims in the West by al-Syed Ali al-Sistani [PDF]
 A Divine Perspective on Rights Commented by Dr. Ghodratullah Mashayekhi [PDF]
 A Gift for the Youth by al-Syed Shabeeb Rizvi [PDF]
 A Probe into Wilayah and its Social Dimensions by al-Shaykh Mohammad Ali Shomali [PDF]
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Fiction and Stories
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