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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETS•S—Template I
(More Directed Learning Activities)
Template with guiding questions
Name Emanuel Torralba

Position 2nd grade teacher

ct Baker Elementary School / Cobb Co.


Level(s) 2nd grade

Content Area Social Studies, Technology, Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking

Time line 1 week


Content Standards
(SS2H1) After reading and researching about the life of a historical person of their choice, students will
describe their lives and contributions in Georgia history and will discuss and compare their findings to
our lives today. Students will complete this assignment in groups of 2-3 and will communicate their
findings by developing a 2-minutte video using FlipGrid and an interactive presentation using Prezi.
The historical figures to choose from are:

b. Sequoyah (development of a Cherokee alphabet)

c. Jackie Robinson (sportsmanship and civil rights)
d. Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights)
e. Juliette Gordon Low (Girl Scouts and leadership
f. Jimmy Carter (leadership and human rights)

(ELAGSE2W2) Students will also write an informative piece in which they introduce the topic they are
writing about (historical figure), state the main idea, supply supporting details that support the topic, use
linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect their reasons, and provide a concluding statement or
section. This part of the assignment will be completed using Google Docs. In here, through continuous
interaction and collaboration, students will be able to develop a draft, edit their work, and proofread
each other’s input before publishing their final piece using Prezi.

(ELAGSESL1) As part of the learning process, all students will participate in shared research and the
writing process, meaning, they will collaborate with diverse partners in small groups throughout the
process of this assignment.

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NETS Standards: Throughout the process of this task, students will meet multiple ISTE Standards as
they will use a variety of digital media sources and programs. For example, as the students research
about the historical figure of their choice, they will create a plan about what each team member’s role
will be, how each will locate, organize, analyze, and evaluate all the information collected (ISTE-S.3:
Research and Information Fluency). Each group will collaboratively evaluate the information gathered
and will determine what information will be selected to be use and what other sources and tools will be
needed to complete the task (ISTE-S.4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making).
When creating their FlipGrid video, students will interact among themselves to communicate their
findings effectively to their audience (ISTE-S.2: Communication and Collaboration). The same
principles will be implemented when transferring their draft from Google Docs into their interactive
presentation using Prezi. Models, visuals, and simulations will be expected.

This lesson will take approximately one week. Previously, I have taught this unit through multiple read
alouds, using informational videos, and other teacher-guided activities. This year, I’m planning on
having my students complete this unit using the Jigsaw Strategy, making this learning experience
student centered and student-driven. As the students, in groups and collaboratively, research the
historical figure of their choice, I will monitor their learning by being the facilitator and through
continuous questioning.
Day 1:
On day 1, I will explain all components of both rubrics and will answer any questions about each. Also,
I will direct them to websites they can visit so they can research and collect the needed information. At
this time, I will emphasize the importance of using the internet effectively and ethically. Students will
choose their groups, their historical figure, and will start researching about their historical figure using
multiple digital resources, books, and other sources.
Day 2:
Students will take notes and/or will create a draft using Google Docs compiling the information selected
through their research. Members of each team will be able to edit and proofread the team’s draft
Day 3 & 4:
On day 3, I will demonstrate the basics about creating a presentation using Prezi. I will show the class
multiple examples of various Prezi presentations. I will also host a Q & A session before students start
working on their presentations in groups. A single login ID and password will be shared by the class,
yet, individual/group presentations will be generated using this productivity tool. This product will be
considered the students’ summative assessment.
Day 5:
Students will share their findings and final products with the rest of the class; FlipGrid and Prezi. Each
team will receive a “glow” and a “grow” from their classmates as part of the evaluation process.

How did your historical figure help our state, country and/or other countries?
How did your historical figure make a difference then/now?
Why is/was your historical figure important then/now?
How is your life different than the historical figure you chose?
How did your historical figure influence civil rights?
What would you do to continue influencing today’s society as your historical figure did in their journey?

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-As a facilitator, I will monitor students and question their thinking as they research about their
historical figure by asking any of the essential questions listed above. Follow-up questions will be
generated based on their responses throughout the completion of this task.
-Teacher observation of students interacting and collaborating will be recorded via anecdotal notes.
-Each groups’ draft generated in Google Docs will be printed and collected.
-Overall participation during each groups’ FlipGrid and Prezi will be assessed and scored accordingly
using a rubric.

-Students will research information about a historical figure of their choice (differentiation based on
-Each team member will choose/decide what role he/she will play throughout the process of completing
this task (differentiation based on ability, strengths, interest).
-Each group will collect, evaluate, record, and present information obtained while researching their topic
by creating a FlipGrid video discussing how the historical figure impacted their life as it is today.
-Also, each group will be assessed on the production and presentation of a 2-5 minute Prezi informative
presentation about their historical figure. Each member in the group will actively be engaged throughout
the process and will participate during the presentation.

FlipGrid Video Rubric:

Points Possible Points Earned

All team members were introduced. 5
A clear explanation was given of why the
historical figure was chosen. 5

The FlipGrid video included an interesting

opening sentence. 10

More than 3 similarities of how life is the

same were shared in the video. 20

More than 3 differences of how life has

changed were shared in the video. 20

The group included at least 3 visuals in the

video to help aid the information shared. 20

A brief summary or closing sentence was

included in the FlipGrid video. 10

All team members participated in the video. 10

Total Possible Points 100

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Prezi Presentation Rubric:
Points Possible Points Earned
All team members were introduced. 5
A clear explanation was given of why the
historical figure was chosen. 5

The Prezi presentation included an interesting

opening sentence. 10

More than 5 differences/similarities about

how life is different/alike today in the Prezi 25

The presentation included at least 3 linking

words and/or transitional words. 10

The group included at least 3 visuals in the

presentation. 5
A brief summary or closing sentence was
included in the Prezi presentation. 10

All team members participated during the 20

A list of no less than 4 resources were listed
at the end of the presentation. 10

Total Possible Points 100

Reflection Form: Prezi Presentation Your Name: ____________________________

a. I worked on this project by myself.
b. Two teammates worked together to get this project together.
c. We all worked collaboratively!

What are two things that are different from your life today to your historical figures’ life then?

a. _____________________________________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________________________________

What is one thing your team needs to improve on?

a. _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Reflection Form: FlipGrid Video Your Name: ____________________________

a. I worked on this project by myself.
b. Two teammates worked together to get this project together.
c. We all worked collaboratively!

What did you do to help your team complete this assignment?



How could your team improve the end product (video)?



-Students participated in a mini-session about how to access information online using Cobb Digital
Library and about Internet Safety.
-Rules and expectations about internet usage will be reviewed.
-Day 3 will consist of the classroom teacher modeling how to create a Prezi including adding text,
graphs, photographs, and other basic steps on how to make a Prezi presentation.
-Students will need to know how to access and utilize FlipGrid either on a laptop, mobile phone, or iPad.

Digital Tools & Resources

-Class set of laptops and/or iPads will be needed throughout the completion of each task as students will
research information about their historical figure using online resources including, but not limiting,
Cobb Digital Public Library. Individual login numbers have previously been given to the students.
-Students will need a login username and password to access Prezi.
-Students will scan a QR code in order to access and post their FlipGrid video.

Cobb Digital Public Library: A student’s PIN number is their four digit birth month and day.
Example: If the student’s birthday is February 4th, their PIN number will be 0204.

Prezi: username: password: Teacher4

FlipGrid: or

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-Students will need a basic understanding about how to login into a laptop and/or iPads and how to
search for information using online resources.
-A clear understanding of digital citizenship and how to properly determine safe resources when
searching specific information.
-Basic knowledge about the usage of Google Docs, FlipGrid, and Prezi.

-Each student/group will choose a historical figure based on their personal interest making this
assignment student-centered and student-driven.
-Groups will create a FlipGrid video and Prezi presentation displaying illustrations, audio, and other
visual aids based on the group’s and/or individual team member’s interest and learning abilities

Prior Knowledge:
-Day 1 will consist of reviewing the rubrics for both summative projects and any answers about this
assignment will be answered then.
-The students have used FlipGrid to complete STEM and homework assignments before, therefore,
students will know the process of creating and summiting a video using this productivity tool.
-Day 3 of this unit will consists of presenting different Prezi presentations to demonstrate how this
program works, what is expected, and I will explain the basics about how to create one.

-One of the difficulties I can foresee includes students not able to differentiate reliable resources from
irrelevant information.
-Unfortunately, students with strong personalities tend to control and make all the decisions made in the
group, true collaboration throughout this assignment could be a difficulty.

-Students will be in groups of no more than 4 students to promote collaboration instead of confrontation
among the members.
-Clapping patterns will be practiced to get the students’ attention as needed.
-Groups will be assigned specific areas in the room to work collaboratively with their groups. The
hallway and Learning Commons will also be options to encourage students work ‘independently’ in
their groups.
-Each group will assign each member a role: camera man, speaker/presenter, and assistant during the
filming of the FlipGrid video.
-Different roles will be assigned for each member while completing the research portion of the Prezi
presentation to ensure all are equally contributing.
-When compiling the information collected during the research, students will interact and develop a
draft, edit their work, and proofread each other’s input before publishing their final piece using Prezi.
-Each group will be assigned two (2) iPads or laptops to ensure every member in each group is equally
contributing to complete the assignment successfully.

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-During “Day 1”: presentation of rubrics and during “Day 3”: reviewing the expectation of a Prezi
presentation, whole class lecture and modeling will be provided to ensure all students are exposed to the
same information.
-Our school does provide equitable access to the Internet within our building, so, once students login
into a laptop and/or iPad, internet accessibility will be accessible.
-To avoid any technology or technical issues, iPads will be used by the students to create their FlipGrid
videos and laptops for each group to create their Prezi presentations as iPads are challenging to
manipulate when creating Prezis, yet iPads are more manageable when recording videos.
-If additional technology issues arise, I will encourage students to record their findings and/or writing
entries using Microsoft Word, saving their work, and will later transfer this information into Prezi.


-Direct instruction will be provided during Day 1 and 3.
-Day 1 will consist of concrete and clear explanations of this activity’s objectives will be shared with the
-I will unpack our standard, explain the task and expectations, and review the rubrics students will be
assessed on.
-Throughout the completion of all three tasks; research, FlipGrid video recording, and Prezi
presentation, I will monitor all groups and provide positive criticism, and instant feedback based on EQs
and the students’ responses.
-Nonverbal cues will be given to students as I monitor all groups working collaboratively.
-As students complete their research, within each group, students will think-pair-share their findings
with the rest of the group.
-Students will be questioned when creating their Prezi presentations to determine the students’
understanding and learning process about the chosen historical figure.
-Students will take the role of researchers, evaluators, writers, publishers, and video recorders.
-Student practice will be encouraged during the planning, designing, and creating of the Prezi
presentations. Prezi presentations are often defined as Concept Maps or Word Webs.
-Students will be evaluators of the information obtain during each groups’ research.
-Once rubrics are presented and explained to the class, my role throughout this assignment will be that
of a facilitator and learner as I troubleshoot any technology issues that might arise.
-While working on their Prezi presentation, groups will conference with me as a midpoint to check the
progress and status of each group’s work.

-The assignment itself is addressing different levels of differentiation. As students who are stronger in
writing will exhibit these skills when creating the Prezi presentation, other students with strengths in
creativity, will demonstrate this in helping designing and creating an engaging Prezy layout. Vocal
students and others with strong spontaneity will showcase these skills when interacting with the camera.
-I will facilitate all students with a demonstration of how to create a Prezi allowing students to ask
questions as needed. Visuals learners will benefit primarily from visuals and instructional videos
available to them during the ‘research stage’ of this project.
-My current ELL students are proficient in all content areas, yet, scaffolding, paraphrasing, and 1-on-1
instruction could be provided based on students’ needs.
-Students able to explore the web, able to locate information accurately, and those able to evaluate
information effectively will be asked to list their resources at the end of their writing piece.

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-For non-readers or students reading below grade level, text or links with the same information on their
reading comprehension ability will be provided. PebbleGo and MyOn are both reading and
informational resources available to students whose reading skills are still developing.
-Also, Read To websites or books can be located prior certain students starting their research.
-To ensure all groups are composed with students from multiple learning styles and levels, no group will
have more than one Target/Gifted or ELL student.

-First of all, students will choose the historical figure they want to research. Giving students the
opportunity to choose their own historical figure will give them the opportunity to make decisions on
their own and take ownership of their learning.
-Once students chose one of the historical figures, groups will be created including learners from all
reading levels and abilities to ensure each group is well-rounded.
-Because, each group will collaboratively determine the role of each member, differentiation will be
determined by the group members themselves based on learning abilities, interests, and strengths.
-Because each group will have students at different performing academic levels, Prezi and FlipGrid will
give students the opportunity to focus and complete part of the assignment they’re the most comfortable
with. For example, if a student is creative, he/she might want to be incharge of designing or creating the
Prezi presentation (layout of Prezi), writing (content of Prezi), recording (perfectionist), narrating
(speaking skills) among other skills needed and represented throughout this assignment.
-Students with writing difficulties, Good Docs and Prezi will allow them to type their information, their
learning, and any other input into the team’s draft instead of ‘writing it down’. FlipGrid will also give
these students the opportunity to share their learning by creating a video instead of by writing their

-Each group’s presentation, Prezi and FlipGrid will vary depending on the group’s decisions made
during the Content and Process stages.
-Instead of using FlipGrid, students will also have the option of using Tellagami, ChatterPix, or Voki.
-ELL students will have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers, yet, if they’re not comfortable
speaking in front of the camera, they can assist by helping with the recording or by designing the Prezi
presentation, but again, the project itself is student-driven, so the students will decide what role they
want to play throughout the entire assignment and how active they want to be throughout the process.

As a culminating activity, on Day 5, students will present their FlipGrid videos and Prezi presentations
to the class. Each group will become publishers and presenters of their own work. While presenting,
each group will be assessed using the rubrics provided and shared on Day 1. Additional questions might
be asked either by me or classmates to determine the presenters’ learning experience and activity’s
effectiveness. After each presentation, classmates will share a ‘glow’ and ‘grow’ with the group as
immediate feedback. All members in each group will complete the “Reflection Form” on their group
and their overall performance. To reach a larger audience, all videos and Prezi presentations will be
share with parents via Dojo and our class’ blog.

One of the most difficult tasks for all students, and even adults, is to effectively and successfully
collaborate. Working towards the same goal in mind is often a difficult task for many to accomplish

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because of different personalities, learning styles, and learning abilities. As adults, we bump heads with
coworkers. The same behavior is often observed in our students. Making sure that each group was not
primarily ELL or Gifted dominant was a great decision to make. Perhaps, next time, I’ll let the student
make their own groups and see if their interaction, productivity, and final products are as successful as
this time around.
Also, in addition to asking students to use Cobb Digital Public Library and GoogleScholar, I will
generate a series of links linked to our class’ blog for the students to use next time. Allowing students
to do research is tremendously risky and many perimeters need to be set to avoid any students from
accessing undesirable content. Even after discussing Digital Citizenship, especially at this age/grade, it
is difficult to monitor 20+ students exploring the web at the same time.
One component I was extremely impressed with is the ability to create a Prezi individually, insert links
and pictures within the presentation. Students were able to create presentations full of character, used
visuals beautifully and effectively, and shared the knowledge they gained through phenomenal
informative presentations!

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