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Dr. Chuck Missler
The Legacy Project: Koinonia House –
APRIL 2018

Version 2.0
Gunnar Johnson
Israel Tour Information
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018


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2 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

CONTENTS Disclaimer: The views and opinions

expressed in the articles and materials
presented in this News Journal are
those of the authors and/or reference
sources, and do not necessarily reflect
COVER the views held by Koinonia House.
While we may not agree with all the
details in each article, our intention
is to stimulate discussion among the
Passover Koinonia Institute membership as well
as our Personal UPDATE subscribers.
We encourage you to use discernment:

6 Passover is perhaps the

most universally familiar
of the seven feasts of
Acts 17:11
“These were more
noble than those in
Moses, as many have Thessalonica, in that
seen the famous Cecil they received the word
B. DeMille film, The Ten with all readiness of
mind, and searched
Commandments, which the scriptures daily,
depicts the death of the whether those things
firstborn... were so.”

BEREAN Dr. Chuck Missler FOUNDER

6 Passover by Dr. Chuck Missler PRESIDENT K-HOUSE/KI
Passover is perhaps the most universally familiar of RON MATSEN
the seven feasts of Moses, as many have seen the MANAGER/DIRECTOR
famous Cecil B. DeMille film, The Ten Commandments, OF PRINTING
which depicts the death of the firstborn, subsequently
commemorated as Passover. When God called Moses EDITOR/PUBLICATIONS
in Exodus 4, He predicted that Pharaoh would not let the
Hebrews go until the death of the firstborn. The movie, RESEARCH ASSISTANT/EDITOR
although a classic in many respects, makes it sound like
the death of the firstborn was an afterthought or was Personal UPDATE is a registered
trademark of Koinonia House, Inc..
attributed to Pharaoh’s defiance. But if you study the Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
Scripture, you realize God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and Printed in the U.S.A. Personal UPDATE
is published monthly for the supporters
told Moses that after a series of plagues He cast upon of the ministries of Koinonia Institute.
the Egyptians, it would be the death of the firstborn that
Editor E-mail Address
would finally convince Pharaoh to “let My people go!”
Physical Address
KOINONOS 4055 East 3rd Avenue,
Post Falls, Idaho 83854
19 The Legacy Project: Koinonia House – Version 2.0 Mailing Address
by Gunnar Johnson P.O. Box D,
Hello friends, Bob Cornuke and I traveled from Colorado Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347
to New Zealand in February to spend time working on Phone Orders/Subscriptions
K-house projects with Ron Matsen and the Koinonia 1-800-KHOUSE1
House New Zealand team. New Zealand is a beautiful Office Phone: 1-208-773-6310
place and The River Lodge is a quiet place of peace safely Fax: 1-208-773-6312
tucked away in the Southern Hemisphere... Online Subscriptions
28 Israel Tour Information
29 Product Order Forms Koinonia House Website
The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials Online Store
to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant
Word of God. Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 company.
The Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious
Christian for ministry in today’s world.

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VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

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4 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE


Dean Packwood
Editor, Koinonia House

any of us may be celebrating Easter or Passover. However, ever
wonder why Easter seams to change dates from year to year?
The Council of Nicaea ruled, in 325AD, that Easter would be
celebrated on the Sunday after the first full moon on or after
the vernal equinox. However, there’s a twist. If the full moon falls on a
Sunday, then Passover begins on a Sunday, so Easter is then delayed by
a week to ensure that Easter does coincide with the start of Passover.
Why? Dr. Chuck Missler looks into this in detail in his briefing pack:
The Easter Story: What Really Happened.
In this months Personal UPDATE, Dr. Chuck Missler takes us on a closer
look at Passover, revealing it’s background with perhaps a few surprises
for the Biblical believer, and yet only scratches the surface. The Feasts of
Israel, set by God, are not only commemorative in a historical context,
but are also prophetic. The first three feasts in the 1st month point to
the Messiah’s First Coming; the last three feasts in the 7th month, to
His Second Coming. The middle feast highlights the Church, in more
ways than is generally recognized.
Gunnar Johnson and Bob Cornuke came down to our New Zealand
base to spend time working on some projects with Ron Matsen and the
Koinonia House (New Zealand) team. He gives some updates and
insights of what lies ahead and the future of the Koinonia House ministry.
May God bless you as you continue to study His Word.
In HIS service,
Dean Packwood
Editor, Koinonia House

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018


Dr. Chuck Missler

Founder of Koinonia House
and Koinonia Institute
assover is perhaps the most universally familiar of the seven feasts of
Moses, as many have seen the famous Cecil B. DeMille film,
The Ten Commandments, which depicts the death of the firstborn,
subsequently commemorated as Passover. When God called Moses
in Exodus 4, He predicted that Pharaoh would not let the Hebrews
go until the death of the firstborn. The movie, although a classic in
many respects, makes it sound like the death of the firstborn was an
afterthought or was attributed to Pharaoh’s defiance. But if you study
the Scripture, you realize God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and told Moses
that after a series of plagues He cast upon the Egyptians, it would be

6 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

the death of the firstborn1 that would finally convince BIO

Pharaoh to “let My people go!”2 Dr. Chuck Missler
Founder, Koinonia
In Exodus 11 and 12, And that very night House & Institute
God told Moses that the the Death Angel After a distinguished
military career and more
Hebrews were to take an passed through than 30 very successful
unblemished lamb, keep Egypt, and houses years in the corporate
business environment,
it with them for four days
that had the blood Chuck was led to pursue
and then kill it. Then they a life-long endeavor

were to take the blood of on the doorposts of teaching the Bible

on a full-time basis.
that lamb and put it on and on the lintels He founded Koinonia

the doorposts and the were “passed over”

House, an organization
devoted to encouraging
lintels of their house that particular night, which on people to study the Bible.
He also founded Koinonia
the Hebrew calendar was the 14th of Nisan. And that Institute to enable people
very night the Death Angel passed through Egypt, to have a Kingdom effect
on the world today. Chuck
and houses that had the blood on the doorposts and is now retired, living in
on the lintels were “passed over” by the Death Angel New Zealand.

and the firstborns inside were spared.

The doors of the homes that were covered with blood were protected.
If you were the firstborn of an Egyptian and just visiting a home with the
lamb’s blood on the doorpost, you were spared. If you were a firstborn
Hebrew and not in the house with the blood, you died. In other words,
the discriminating element was the blood, not that they were Jewish or
Israeli or Egyptian. Those who followed the instructions were “covered”
by the blood and “passed over.” The key principle was to be covered by
the blood. The Death Angel followed
his instructions: if there was blood, The key principle was to
he could pass over. be covered by the blood.
The firstborns of not just the Egyptian families, but of the cattle and
everything else were taken that night. The trauma of that is unimaginable
for us. We glibly talk about it and when we read the story in Exodus
11-13, we may think to ourselves, “Gee, that’s neat for Israel.” However,
think about it from the perspective of the world empire. Remember,
Egypt ruled the world at that time. It was a major empire and the
1 Exodus 4:23
2 Exodus 9:1

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

firstborn throughout the land died mysteriously that night. What pain.
What agony. What chaos on so many levels!
There’s also something interesting to consider. Passover was the 14th
of Nisan, and the Jewish day begins at sundown. What day was it on
the Egyptian calendar? The 13th because it’s a Gentile calendar: Friday
the 13th. We are indebted to Emmanuel Velikovsky3 for the research
that uncovered this, but it is plausible that the tradition of an unlucky
Friday the 13th may go back to the Gentile side of the Passover in Egypt.
Interesting irony, and obviously from that day on, as they were instructed
in Exodus 12, Jews have, throughout generations, observed this event
called Passover, to commemorate the first Passover. Moses included his
instructions from God concerning Passover in Exodus 12 and again in
Leviticus 23.
Something that may not be obvious but is useful to recognize is that
the nation of Israel is said to have been “born” that night. God speaks
of Israel from that point on as His firstborn.4 That is a label of position,
not genealogy. That was when and where the Nation of Israel began.
Those of you who are prophecy buffs might be interested to know that
the time in captivity in Egypt and the Exodus event was predicted 430
years earlier in God’s discussion with Abraham in Genesis 15:13-16.
In fact, Arthur Pink in his commentary justifies the view that it was
fulfilled to the very day.5
3 Velikovsky, Immanuel. Worlds in Collision. New York: Macmillan Publishers, 1950, pp. 62-65. “This happened
on the night of the 14th of the month of Aviv. (Exodus 12:6 and 13:4) This is the night of Passover, as the
Israelites originally celebrated Passover on the eve of the 14th of Aviv. (Where) the Hebrews counted, and
still count, the beginning of the day from sunset, the Egyptians reckoned from sunrise. For the Egyptians it
was the 13th day. Here we have the answer to the open question concerning the origin of the superstition
which regards the number 13, and especially the 13th day, as unlucky and inauspicious. (There is no) record
of this belief found dating from before the Exodus.
4 Exodus 4:22
5 Pink, Arthur. Gleanings in Genesis., 2005, Chapter 20, Genesis 15:13-16. Abraham’s Vision, p.
98ff. “And He said unto Abram, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs,
and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years. And also that nation, whom they shall
serve, will I judge; and afterward shall they come out with great substance. And thou shalt go to thy fathers
in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again;
for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full” (vv. 13-16). These verses contain a sevenfold prophecy which
received a literal and complete fulfillment. It had reference to the sojourn of Abram’s descendants in the land
of Egypt, their bondage there, and their deliverance and return to Canaan. We can do little more now than
outline the divisions of this compound prophecy. First, Abram’s descendants were to be strangers in a land
not theirs (v. 13). Second, in that strange land they were to “serve” (v. 13). Third, they were to be “afflicted”
four hundred years (v. 13)—note that Exodus 12:40 views the entire “sojourning” of the children of Israel in
Egypt. They “dwelt” in Egypt four hundred and thirty years, but were “afflicted” for only four hundred years
of that time.

8 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

To understand Passover even more thoroughly one should understand

the procedure. Passover is on the 14th of Nisan. Four days earlier on the
10th of Nisan, each family was to present their lamb for approval. It had
to be without blemish. They also kept the lamb in their household for
the four days. Picture keeping this innocent lamb in the household for
four days. It becomes a pet, doesn’t it? And then on the 14th of Nisan they
are to slaughter it for the observance of Passover. This sounds barbaric,
doesn’t it? Yet God is making a point. He’s teaching them the same
way He taught Adam and Eve in the Garden. Without the shedding of
blood, there is no remission of sin.6 Only by the shedding of innocent
blood were they covered.7 And it
was an object lesson every year to He’s teaching them the
the Jewish family that God does not same way He taught
wink at sin. It’s going to cost to have Adam and Eve in the
that covering. The sacrificed lamb Garden. Without the
was innocent and that lamb was shedding of blood, there
slaughtered for the sins of the family. is no remission of sin.
From the 10th to the 14th, the lamb was under observation. On the 14th,
“between the evenings,” it was to be slain. This is a very interesting
phrase in the Torah, but it just describes the Hebrew day, which starts
at sundown and goes to the next sundown. The entire lamb was to be
consumed. Nothing was to be left until the next morning.8
Originally, the sacrifice was administered by the head of each household.
Some scholars make the point that technically this is not a Levitical
feast because sacrifices are normally the duty of the high priest. At
that time, however, the High Priest approved the lamb and the head
of the household dealt with the “sacrifice” for his household. Later, in
Deuteronomy 16:2-7, the responsibility is transferred to the temple.
Christ our Passover
There are numerous items that tie the Passover to Jesus. It is not feasible
to go into all of the details of the Passover in this study, but we can
glean some highlights. Exodus 12 is a key chapter on the Lamb and in
6 Hebrews 9:22
7 Genesis 3:21
8 Exodus 12:1-13; Leviticus 23:4-5

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

Exodus 12:46, the Scripture states that not a bone was to be broken.
It’s repeated again in Numbers 9:12. It’s also predicted of the Messiah9
that not a bone of His was to be broken.
Fast forward to Christ on the Cross. Crucifixion was a slow, painful
death by suffocation. The outstretched arms, if you do a vector diagram,
puts excruciating pressure on the chest cavity, causing suffocation.
The only way to get air into the lungs is by putting upward pressure
on the feet so you can relieve the tension. This is only done with great
pain. The Persians invented crucifixion, but it was used by the Romans
to be a very slow, conspicuous form of death as an example to those
they were trying to dissuade from crime and from turning against the
Roman Empire. Because of the holy day coming, it was necessary to
remove Jesus’ body from the cross before the close of day. Therefore,
they put out the order to break the legs of those who were crucified
because that would hasten death. And you all know there was a Roman
soldier who technically violated his orders. He saw that the man on the
middle cross was already dead, but to make doubly sure, he thrust his
sword into the side of Jesus.
How strange. Was that unnamed Roman soldier educated in the Torah?
Did he know that Christ was our Passover? Was he a believer in the
Messiah? Did he know that if he broke the bones, the model would
have been broken? I doubt it, and yet how interesting it is that this
unknowing gesture by this Roman soldier fulfilled prophecies that go
back to the days of Moses.
Part of the Passover ritual is to go through the house and search for
leaven to make sure the house is leaven-free. What is leaven? It is yeast
that makes the bread rise and become soft and puffy. Passover is to be
unleavened, because the Hebrew children had to leave Egypt so quickly
there was no time for their bread to rise. We’ll talk more about leaven
when we get into the Feast of Unleavened Bread, but this is another
“type” of Jesus Christ. It’s interesting that to this day Jews participate
in the bedikat chametz, where they search the house for leaven.
To commemorate this, instead of just getting the leaven out of the house,
they hide a little bit of it and the children get a prize if they can find it.
9 Psalm 34:20

10 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

It’s interesting that here again you have the emphasis that the Passover
Lamb is characterized by being unblemished and totally free of sin. You
see the Messianic overtones here as well. It’s not only commemorative of
what happened in Egypt (and that is the way it is emphasized in Judaism
today), but it’s also predictive of the Messiah.
We noted earlier that the lamb was presented for observation on the
10th of Nisan, four days in advance of the sacrifice. By way of review,
in Daniel 9 the angel Gabriel visits Daniel and gives him four verses, a
mathematical prophecy.10 I encourage those of you who are unfamiliar
with these verses to study them thoroughly. As an aside, bear in mind
the Old Testament was translated into Greek almost three centuries
before Christ was born (the prophecy is so precise that critics claim it
was written after Christ’s death). In Daniel 9 the angel Gabriel stated
to Daniel that “from the going forth of the commandment to restore
and rebuild Jerusalem unto the Meschiach Nagid, the Messiah the King,
shall be seven weeks and threescore and two weeks.”11 It was to be a very
specific number of days. It happens to be 173,880 days.
There is only one time in the Bible when Jesus allowed Himself to be
worshiped as a king. Several times during His ministry, the soldiers try
to take Him and He says “My time
is not yet come, or My hour is not There is only one time
yet come.” Then one day He not in the Bible when Jesus
only permits it, He arranges it and, allowed Himself to be
in order to fulfill Zechariah 9:9, worshiped as a king.
He rides into Jerusalem on a donkey.
We celebrate this day on what we refer to as Palm Sunday or the
Triumphal Entry.
Jesus rides into Jerusalem, but He also weeps over the city because He
realized they didn’t recognize who He really was. And He says, “Because
you did not recognize this thy day, these things are now hidden.”12
Forever? No, there is a day when they’ll be revealed. Paul tells us in
Romans 11:25 when that will be. The point is that as we study history,
10 Missler, Chuck. Cosmic Codes. Koinonia House: Post Falls, ID. Chart, p. 237.
11 Daniel 9:25
12 Luke 19:44

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

we know when the decree was13 and we know the date of His entry14
and the interval is exactly 173,880 days.

The 69 Weeks
Terminus ad quo Terminus ad quem
Commandment to The Messiah
restore Jerusalem the King
300 years earlier

69 x 7 x 360 = 173,880 days

Decree of 445 BC - 32 AD: 173,740 The Triumphal

March 14 - April 6: 24
Artaxerxes Leap Years: 116
Longimanus 173,880 April 6, 32 AD
Mar 14, 445 BC

In other words, the day that Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem is the
10th of Nisan (Jewish calendar), the same day that over in the temple area
they were reviewing the lambs that were presented. Jesus was presenting
Himself to Israel as The Lamb on the very day that Gabriel predicted five
centuries earlier.15 God says what He means and means what He says.
For as much as ye know that you were not redeemed with
corruptible things, like silver and gold from your vain
manner of life received by the tradition of your fathers,
but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish
and without spot who verily was foreordained before the foundation
of the world but was manifest in these last times for you….
1 Peter 1:18-21

Peter clearly has in his mind the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb by
Jesus Christ, who was without spot or blemish. When John the Baptist
first introduces Jesus he says “Behold, the Lamb of God that taketh
away the sins of the world.”16 Paul equates Jesus with the Passover in
1 Corinthians 5:7, “For indeed, Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for
us.” He was found without blemish, not a bone was broken. Pontius
Pilate even said, “I find no fault in Him.”17
13 Decree of Artaxerxes Longimanus on March 14, 445 BC
14 The Triumphal Entry, on April 6, 32 AD or Nisan 10
15 Missler, Chuck. Cosmic Codes. Koinonia House: Post Falls, ID. Chart, p. 237.
16 John 1:29
17 Luke 23:4; John 18:38; 19:4; 19:6

12 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

In Exodus 12, there seems to be a strange contradiction:

Your lamb shall be without blemish. A male of the first year. Ye shall
take it out from the sheep or from the goats and ye shall keep it until
the fourteenth day of the same month and the whole assembly of the
congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.
Exodus 12:5

It’s a strange grammatical construction because as you continue in

Chapter 12, you will discover there’s one for each family, just like they
did the night of the Exodus. But if you read the grammar carefully, it’s
as if there’s only one lamb: “You shall kill it for the whole congregation.”
The implication is that there is one “lamb” for everyone. That was not the
case at the time of the Exodus. There was one lamb for each household.
Do you see a hint of things to come?
Not only is Jesus presented as the Passover in general, but even the specific
aspects of the feast point to Him. When the LORD God describes the
forthcoming Passover, He says to Moses:
Therefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will
bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. I will rid
you out of your bondage. I will redeem you with an outstretched
arm and with great judgments. And I will take you to me for a
people, and I will be to you a God; and ye shall know that I am
the Lord your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens
of the Egyptians.
Exodus 6:6-7
From this quote, the Jews highlight four major commands:
1) I will bring you out
2) I will rid you out of your bondage
3) I will redeem you with an outstretched arm
4) I will take you to Me for a people
From these four commands, the Jews label the four cups used in the
Passover presentation:

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

The first is the Cup of Consecration (I will bring you out). The second
is the Cup of Deliverance (I will rid you out of your bondage—“I will
take Egypt out of you”). The third is the Cup of Passover (the Cup of
Redemption, which Paul also calls “the Cup of Blessing”). The fourth
cup is “I Will Take You as a People” (which commemorates God taking
Israel to be His people).
Jesus uses the Cup of Redemption to institute the Last Supper or the
Last Seder, as Paul highlights in 1 Corinthians 10:16 and 11:23ff. Notice
that He does not lift the fourth cup. Instead, He takes a Nazarene vow
saying, “I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that
day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”18
That’s the cup that symbolizes, “I will take you to be My People.” Christ
will lift us up from the world through Redemption, to be His people,
to be with Him in the Kingdom of God when He presents His Bride
to God the Father.
“The New Testament
As we mentioned earlier, “The New is in the Old Testament
Testament is in the Old Testament concealed; The Old
concealed; The Old Testament is in
Testament is in the
the New Testament revealed.” You
will discover as you delve deeper New Testament revealed.”
into your Bible that the Old Testament anticipates the New Testament.
If you want to take Passover seriously, I encourage you to study Isaiah
53 and Psalm 22.
Actually, Isaiah 53 begins about three verses earlier with the last three
verses of chapter 52. Those three verses, Isaiah 52:13-15 and Isaiah 53
describe the mission of Jesus Christ during His First Coming that’s just
as vivid as if you digested all of the Pauline epistles. The substitutionary
death of the Messiah on our behalf is so explicit in Isaiah 53 that
the Sephardic Jews removed it from their Scriptures. The Ashkenazi
Jews kept it.19 In 1947, when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered,
they found a complete scroll of Isaiah, created by the Essenes more than
18 Matthew 26:27-29
19 Sephardic Jews are from Spain, Portugal, North Africa and the Middle East. They are more liberal in their
interpretation of the Law than the Ashkenazic Jews, who are primarily from France, Germany and Eastern
Europe. Yiddish is the language of Ashkenazic Jews, and based on German and Hebrew. The Sephardic Jews
have their language, Ladino, based on Spanish and Hebrew.

14 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

a century before Jesus’ birth. You can go to Israel to the Shrine of the
Book and look at this magnificent scroll. Right in the middle of Isaiah
is, guess what? Isaiah 53.
The other amazing passage is Psalm 22, especially the last half of it.
It’s very vivid. As you read it, you will be gripped by the reality that it
reads as if it were written in the first person singular by Jesus as He hung
on the cross. As He hears the people mock Him. As He looks down and
watches the soldiers cast lots for His vesture. How He takes vinegar to
drink and how His hands and feet are pierced. Amazing! In fact, Jesus
calls your attention to Psalm 22 when He cries out, “Eli, Eli, Lama
Sabachthani” 20 from the cross.21 He quotes the first verse of Psalm 22.
His last words on the cross are implied and summarized in the last verse
of Psalm 22: “It is done. It is finished.”
One of the most interesting things you can do when given the opportunity
is to attend a Jewish Seder, especially one given by a Messianic Jew.
But it may in fact be more valid if you go to an Orthodox Jewish Seder
because it will not be bent or tailored for you. It will be straight from
the Jewish tradition.
You’ll notice they have the matzah, the unleavened bread, and it is
both pierced and striped. Think about it and then read again Isaiah
53, especially Isaiah 53:5. There are always three pieces of bread and
the middle one is always broken. Half of it is wrapped in a cloth and
hidden between the other two. When you ask “why?” many are unsure.
Even the rabbis argue about it and yet from the New Testament
perspective we have additional insights:
Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right
hand, and another on the left.
Matthew 27:38

And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen
cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out
in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher,
and departed.
20 Psalm 22:1
Matthew 27:59-60
21 Matthew 27:45

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

The shedding of the Passover Lamb’s blood is the key issue of the Passover.
It commemorates the blood on the doorposts, but it also commemorates
the whole concept of blood redemption on which the whole entire Torah
is based, as is your redemption and mine.
…and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement
for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.
Leviticus 17:11

The same message is echoed in Hebrews 9:22b, “Without the shedding

of blood, there is no remission.” The Jews are very anxious to have their
Temple rebuilt because they need the Temple in order to have an altar.
They need the altar to shed the blood to make these laws operative. Right
now they have had centuries of an elaborate rationalization using works
rather than really obeying the literal Law and making a blood sacrifice.
Matthew 26:28 records the words of Jesus for us. “Take, drink, this
is my blood shed for you.” It’s anticipatory of what’s going to happen
before the day is over.
John 19:34 is a provocative verse. In the Mishnah22 in 7, Verse 13, it
mentions that when they administer the wine during the Passover meal,
it is supposed to be mixed with warm water. And you can search the
literature and various rabbis have different conjectures as to what this
signifies and why they do it, but they don’t really know why. They only
know you are supposed to do it. In John 19:34, when the Roman soldier
thrusts his spear into the Lord’s side, what comes out? Blood and water.
And what was the water temperature? Warm. How interesting.
The Passover guide or script is called the Haggadah. Exodus 13:8 says,
“And you shall tell your son in that day, saying, ‘This is done because
of what the Lord did for me when I came up from Egypt.’” In Hebrew,
Haggadah means “the showing forth.” Paul in his description of the Last
Supper says, “For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do
show the Lord’s death till He come.”23 It’s a prophetic term. During the
season of Passover, examine your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

22 The Mishnah is the first section of the Talmud, being a collection of early oral interpretations of the Scriptures
as compiled about 200 AD.
23 1 Corinthians 11:26

16 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

I urge you to apply the blood of our Passover Lamb to your heart.24
24 1 John 1:7; 1 Corinthians 15:51; Ephesians 2:13;
John 5:24

This excerpt is from Dr. Chuck Missler’s book The Feasts of Israel, available from the K-House
Store at

The Feasts of
Dr. Chuck Missler begins to
reveal the rich background
of the Feasts of Israel with
many surprises for the Biblical
believer, and yet only scratches
the surface.
Video Download
Audio Download
Audio CD
eBook Download

on our online store:

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

The Book
Evidence US$34.95
Bible Ray Comfort Available on our online store:
Newly revised and expanded in NKJV hardcover, The Evidence
Bible arms you not just with apologetic information to refute
the arguments of skeptics, but with practical training on how
to effectively and lovingly share the truth.
Discover answers to over 200 questions such as: Why is there
suffering? How could a loving God send people to hell? What about
those who never hear of Jesus?
In addition to thousands of verse-related comments,
over 130 informative articles will help you better comprehend
and communicate the Christian faith.
Over two dozen articles on evolution will thoroughly prepare you to refute the theory.
Dozens of articles on other religions will help you understand and address the beliefs of
Mormons, Hindus, Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, cults, etc.
Hundreds of inspiring quotes from renowned Christian leaders and practical tips on defending
your faith will greatly encourage and equip you.
Includes a Concordance, Topical Subheads, and the Words of Jesus in red.
The Evidence Bible provides powerful and compelling evidence that will enrich your trust in
God and His Word, deepen your love for the truth, and enable you to radically impact those you
care about.


the Bible. From forty years of
intensive Bible study
and teaching, Missler
shares his favorite
helps, secrets and
DVD practical suggestions
US$19.95 on how to take the
Video Download Bible seriously.
US$14.95 Most Christians,
Audio Download although they
US$9.95 want to do in-
depth Bible study,
Audio CD know little of the
US$19.95 types, philosophies
and tools of study
eBook Download
available. Is the Bible
US$4.95 to be taken literally
Book or figuratively? What
US$5.95 study aids would be most helpful in beginning my
own home study library?

18 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE


Gunnar Johnson
Founder, Generosity
and Stewardship Strategies VERSION 2.0
ello friends, Bob Cornuke and I traveled from Colorado to New Zealand
in February to spend time working on K-house projects with Ron
Matsen and the Koinonia House New Zealand
team. New Zealand is a beautiful place and The BIO
River Lodge is a quiet place of peace safely tucked Gu n n a r Jo h n s o n
Before founding Generosity
away in the Southern Hemisphere. Bob and Ron also and Stewardship Strategies
filmed a Forge video responding to critics about his and co-founding Financial
Freedom International,
Temple book. ( When Gunnar Johnson was a
you get a chance, I highly recommend watching the local church Pastor and
business owner. He had
video. If Bob’s research is correct, his findings could the privilege of serving as
an Executive Stewardship
have a considerable end-time impact. Pastor at Gateway Church
in Southlake Texas for 11
As a team, this week has been full of prayer and heart- years. Prior to Gateway
to-heart conversations about the ministry’s future, Church, Gunnar served
for 2 years as a Stewardship
combined with laughter and good times followed by Minister at the The Hills
even more serious discussions about archaeological Church in North Richland
Hills, Texas. Prior to
discoveries and the modern state of the Body of Christ 13 years of vocational
we feel the Holy Spirit is guiding us onward. ministr y he owned a
drywall business in
Florida, and a Chem-Dry
The discussions centering around the future came carpet cleaning company
back to how we can best serve the Body of Christ Texas while serving on staff
with Howard Dayton and
through unique opportunities that God has given Larry Burkett at Crown
K-House under Chuck Missler’s influence as well F i n a n c i a l M i n i s t r y.
Gunnar has a passion
as his library of work. The reality is, whether ready for teaching Biblical
or not, that every ministry goes through seasons of generosity and financial
stewardship to individuals,
transition. To further emphasize the direction of our churches, non-profits
discussion, while we were together we received news and businesses. He loves
watching how they grow
of the death of Billy Graham. It is hard to see many through the power of
pillars of yesterday Christian movement aging out of God's Word.

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

ministry. Although sad for us, they each are stepping into their heavenly
rewards for lives well lived. Time has a cold way of reminding all of us
about the brevity of life. Psalm 39:4 says, “Lord, make me to know
mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is: that I may know how
frail I am.”
There is only one Chuck Missler. There
will only be one Chuck Missler. He
was born in a unique era of emerging
technological development, with an
unusually high IQ and God gave him
an appetite to use his gifts to study
scripture. I don’t want to take the time
to recap all of Chuck’s background, but
if you want to review it in depth, here’s
a link (
Dr. Chuck Missler overlooking the Waikato
Besides being a great Bible teacher and River from his home in New Zealand.
man of God, Chuck created a certain genre of Bible teaching. Genre is
defined as a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature,
characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. To describe
the uniqueness of the K-House ministry genre, I’ll borrow a phrase from
Bob Cornuke that stuck this week, “We sometimes have to leave the safe
harbor of mutual consent to find truth." Chuck and the K-House team
have consistently sailed out of that harbor and have research projects
to prove it!
With Acts 17:11 being Chuck's cornerstone, he taught us to be like
the Bereans. So many subject matters in our Christian life now in this
heightened age of deceit require a diligent Berean approach. We firmly
believe the future will require an even greater adherence to the Berean
approach to God’s word mixed with an Issacharian discernment.
And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had
understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do;
1 Chronicles 12:32
For 22 years, I personally have benefited from Chuck Missler‘s Bible
study commentaries as a study tool. Whether working in my twenties
20 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

bi-vocationally for Larry Burkett’s Crown Financial Ministry or through

my thirties and into my forties as a local brick-and-mortar church pastor
in ministry. Even now operating my own ministries and serving as a
K-House ministry affiliate, I cling ever closer to the Word of God and
a large tool box of Biblical research and experiences to navigate this
For both Bob Cornuke and Ron Matsen, their relationship with Dr.
Missler goes back even further to the Southern California days at Calvary
Chapel Costa Mesa under Pastor Chuck Smith. Each man has been
successful over the years partly due to the teaching and example they
received from Chuck Missler’s ministry.
K-house possesses the sacred trust of 1000’s of hours of materials, of
discoveries, and ministry relationships. The primary focus and function
of Chuck Missler‘s ministry has always been to conduct the serious study
of God’s word, “66 books written by 40 different authors over many
thousands of years yet creating an integrated message system.” Like me,
many of you heard Chuck's voice in your head reading that last sentence.
So, what is God doing for Koinonia House 2.0?

Team Uniqueness
As Ron was sharing what God has put on his heart about the vision for
the future, I was encouraged looking around at the high-quality team
God has been assembling. This is a very talented and special group
of people called to continue the legacy of Koinonia House ministry.
Everyone has a different yet amazing story, many on the team assembled
have even come from different countries down to New Zealand to
lend their experience and expertise. Most of all the call of God is on
their life to build this great ministry. I watched how discussions, were
hashed out about concepts, ministry was strategized, artwork was
dreamed up and almost instantly created. Then I watched how The
River Lodge conference room was quickly converted to the recording
studio environment to create the videos that have been seen by millions
of people across the world. This team is efficient, they are proficient and
I believe they have been gathered together to continue this mission.

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

Future of the ministry

Ron’s ultimate vision for Koinonia House is to create a repository of
Biblical knowledge full of personal study notes all collected in your own
personal resource library. There would be materials on every book of
the Bible, every chapter of every book and every verse of every chapter.
On top of that, there will be a large library of topical materials too.
Koinonia House will create a hub of serious Bible scholarship that end
users could take with them as a ministry toolbox for success in whatever
Kingdom field God has called them to. There will continue to be new
resources created by men and women called to speak into this Berean
and Issachar style of ministry. What a blessing!
God has given many people a passion to invest in this type of ministry
toolbox and for those who do so regularly we are very grateful. Your
investment into the Koinonia House ministry fuels us to provide
materials that equip the Body of Christ. Thank you for making a
difference. Lives are being changed and that is the Legacy we are working
to continue.
I have two requests.
1. Share your story to encourage us and allow us to encourage others
by the word of your testimony. I am collecting ministry Impact
stories at
2. Invest in the Kingdom through the work of K-House.
Gunnar Johnson
The Legacy Project

The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe The 7th Day

Dr. Chuck Missler Dr. Chuck Missler
Isaiah 53 is one of the most astonishing Many Christians remain
passages in the entire Bible: uncomfortable with the issue of
It is often called, “The Holy of Holies” Sunday worship replacing the
of the Old Testament. However, it is traditional Sabbath of Saturday.
even more broadly impacting than most Anyone who thinks this is a
people realize; that’s why we call it, simple issue hasn't studied it
“The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe.” Its carefully.
reach includes the entire creation.

22 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

Science &
On the Edge
of the Chasm
by Amy Joy
A Life’s Search For Truth - This is
the true tale of a biochemistry
student who loves geology
and digging up dinosaur fossils
and, most of all, truth. It's
also the tale of a geology
professor, a warm friendship,
and controversy. It involves
snowstorms and police, death
and dreams - and miracles. A
terrible chasm appears to loom
between faith and science in
academia, yet we find God still
shows His power and kindness
in this world of hard, cold rocks.

US$9.95 ea
on our online store:
Amy Joy has been an integral part of the Koinonia House family since 1999. In recent
years, she has been instrumental in editing Chuck's "briefing pack" books for publication,
but for more than a decade, she wrote for K-House with no by-line at all. Between 2001
and 2012, Amy Joy researched and produced more than 800 eNews articles on subjects
as far ranging as nanotechnology, Egyptian politics, and the avian bird flu. If you read the
eNews during the first decade of this century, you most likely read articles written by
Amy Joy.
Amy Joy has been involved with most of the books included in our popular Chuck Missler
Book Collection.
Amy Joy holds degrees in Biochemistry and Religion & Philosophy.
She has written many hundreds of articles on science and
technology, international politics and current events, and has
ghostwritten more than 20 books. Since 2012, she has worked for
a geochemistry lab when she's not doing graduate research. She
lives in northern Idaho with her children, rotating family members,
and occasional strays.

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
*plus shipping
and handling
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018


Searching for
the True Location
of Christ’s Crucifixion


Warning! This book will challenge your understanding as to where Jesus Christ
was crucified. Known for his detective approach to Bible archaeology, Bob Cornuke
sets aside the emotionally held traditions of the past that may have obscured the
pathway to truth and opens the door to a whole new way of finding the Biblical site
Searching for
of the crucifixion. By using the compass of solid evidence, Bob charts a course the True Location
for discovery that will thrill the willing Bible explorer who is on a quest for truth.
Don’t let tradition get in the way of truth. A must-read for the serious Bible student. of Christ’s Crucifixion
Searching for the True Location of Christ’s Crucifixion

Ron Matsen, CEO of Koinonia House & Koinonia Institute

Where was the world’s most infamous murder committed? Using eyewitness
testimony of the gospels and the discovery of some ancient tombs just east of
Jerusalem, Bob Cornuke’s Golgotha makes a captivating case that Jesus didn’t die
where tradition tells us he did. Uh, oh. Some people steeped in tradition won’t like
this. But you will. Fascinating read!
Dr. Frank Turek, President of

Robert Cornuke is president of the Bible Archaeology Search

and Exploration (BASE) Institute. He has participated in over 60
expeditions searching for lost locations described in the Bible
and has been featured on major television networks, including
ABC, FOX, CNN, National Geographic, and the History
Channel. Bob is a former FBI-trained police investigator and
SWAT team member. The author of ten books, he received his
PhD from Louisiana Baptist University. He and his wife, Terry,
along with their children, make their home in the Pikes Peak
region of Colorado.

© Copyright 2016
Robert Cornuke

Koinonia House
P.O. Box D
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816-0347

Golgotha_Cover_10.indd 1 9/06/2016 9:56:05 a.m.

A former police investigator and SWAT team member,

Bob Cornuke is a
Biblical investigator,
international explorer,
and author of nine
books. He has
participated in over
sixty expeditions
around the world
searching for
lost locations
Robert Cornuke
described in the
Bible. These journeys include searching
for Mount Sinai in Egypt and Saudi Arabia,
looking for the remains of Noah’s Ark
in Turkey with astronaut Jim Irwin (the
eighth man to walk on the moon)
and researching ancient Assyrian and
Babylonian flood accounts in Iran.
Products available from

26 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

Bob Cornuke
Book Bundle
Sale Price:

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© Copyright 9/06/2016
9:56:05 a.m.
Robert Cornu
P.O. Box D e, ID 83816-0347
Coeur d’

This bundle includes the book titles written by Bob Cornuke which are In Search of the Lost

Shipwreck of Paul (hardback), Golgotha (paperback), Temple (paperback), and Search for
the Ark of the Covenant (paperback).
The Lost Shipwreck of Paul - The true story of The Lost Shipwreck of Paul reads like a
gripping fiction novel, as Cornuke takes readers along with him into the investigation.
Using techniques he learned as a police officer and crime scene investigator, he probes
each angle of the mystery.
Temple - In a book that is being heralded as "an investigative masterpiece" with
"astounding archaeological and prophetic implications," TEMPLE: Amazing New
Discoveries That Change Everything About the Location of Solomon's Temple, by Robert
Cornuke, is sending shockwaves through the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian worlds.
Golgotha - Where was the world’s most infamous murder committed? Using eyewitness
testimony of the gospels and the discovery of some ancient tombs just east of Jerusalem,
Bob Cornuke’s Golgotha makes a captivating case that Jesus didn’t die where tradition
tells us he did. Uh, oh. Some people steeped in tradition won’t like this. But you will.
- Dr. Frank Turek, President of
Search for the Ark of the Covenant - Bob takes you along for a first-hand account of his
journey. Join this modern-day Indiana Jones on his adventure to Ethiopia, Egypt, Israel,
and Rome where Bob will uncover evidence that very well may reveal where the Ark of the
Covenant is today.

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Koinonia House Presents

B.A.S.E. Tour of

Led by Robert Cornuke and Ron Matsen

Nov 21–Dec 2, 2018

More information at
B.A.S.E. - Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE
Mark Titles Below And Add Total To The Summary At The Bottom Of This Page.
Topical Studies by Chuck Missler on CD or DVD - For Download Pricing visit
Each study is US$19.95 and contains approximately two hours of audio or video
Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm CDA114 DVD108 A Walk Thru the Bible CDA56
Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War CDA115 DVD109 How to Study the Bible CDA60 DVD28
Angels Vol. 3: Denizens/Metacosm CDA135 DVD135 How We Got Our Bible CDA55 DVD27
Behold a Black Horse CDA151 DVD160 The Grand Adventure CDA47
Behold a Livid Horse CDA152 DVD161 PERSONAL CD Qty DVD Qty
Behold a Red Horse CDA150 DVD159 Armor For the Age of Deceit CDA30
Behold a White Horse CDA149 DVD158 Being Faithful in Faithless World CDA46
Church in the End Times CDA123 DVD122 Halloween: Invitation to Occult? CDA17
Eternal Security CDA82 DVD56 Kabbalah CDA26 DVD23
Footprints of the Messiah CDA37 DVD105 Spiritual Gifts - 3 Hours CDA42 DVD155
Fulcrum of the Entire Universe CDA134 DVD134 Thanksgiving CDA84
Heaven and Hell CDA18 DVD07 The Architecture of Man CDA45
Hidden Treasures CDA128 DVD127 The Da Vinci Deception CDA23 DVD18
Inheritance & Rewards CDA101 DVD71 The Once & Future Church CDA16 DVD05
Israel and The Church CDA116 DVD110 The Vortex Strategy CDA77 DVD45
Jesus: Who & Why? CDA125 DVD124 Twilight’s Last Gleaming? CDA49 DVD61
Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet CDA103 What Is Truth? CDA63 DVD34
Manifesto of our King CDA62 DVD31 Beyond Coincidence CDA34 DVD82
Return of the Nephilim CDA14 DVD06 Beyond Newton CDA108 DVD85
The 7th Day CDA093 Beyond Perception CDA36 DVD84
The Agony of Love CDA51 Beyond Time & Space CDA31 DVD80
The Beginning of Wisdom CDA136 DVD136 Biotech: Update CDA02 DVD30
The Christmas Story CDA58 DVD49 Digging Up the Truth CDA03
The Easter Story CDA68 DVD40 DNA by Design - Meyer/Missler DVD79
The Feasts of Israel CDA76 DVD44 Genesis and the Big Bang CDA40
The Flood of Noah CDA43 In the Beginning…was Information CDA32
The Origin of Evil CDA85 DVD58 Monuments: Sacred or Profane? CDA48
The Physics of Immortality CDA148 DVD157 Seat of Mercy CDA07
The Prodigal Heirs CDA104 Stretching the Heavens CDA57
The Rapture CDA13 DVD75 The Holographic Universe CDA119 DVD116
The Sovereignty of Man CDA41 The Hybrid Age - Missler/Horn CDA113 DVD107
The Trinity CDA33 Technology & the Bible CDA80 DVD52
The Whole Counsel of God CDA102 DVD72 The Mysteries of Mars CDA38
This Generation CDA27 DVD24
Thy Kingdom Come CDA08 DVD63
A Legacy of Hate (Chuck & Avi) CDA05 Critical Thinking - Corlett CDA158 DVD177
Betrayal of the Chosen CDA50 Death of Discernment - Matsen CDA117 DVD112
Daniel’s 70 Weeks CDA25 DVD19 Defending the Bible - Matsen CDA137 DVD137
Europa Rising CDA15 DVD04 Discovering God - Matsen CDA131 DVD130
Hosea, Can You See? CDA44 Doctrines of Demons - Matsen CDA142 DVD144
Jihad: America’s New War CDA06 Human Nature - Matsen CDA132 DVD132
Myths of Eschatology CDA156 DVD167 Leadership/End Times - Matsen CDA124 DVD123
Roots of War: Profiling MidEast CDA11 DVD02 The Gospel - Matsen CDA127 DVD126
The Kingdom of Blood CDA092 The Great Commission - Matsen CDA130 DVD129
The Kings of the East CDA61 DVD32 The Love of God - Matsen CDA129 DVD128
The Magog Invasion: Alt. View CDA107 DVD77 Mary - Dr. William Welty Ph.D. DVD170
The New World Order CDA52
The Next Holocaust CDA65 DVD36
The Sword of Allah CDA105
** Individual Topical Studies ** ** Individual Topical Studies **
All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change.
See also our online store:
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

Other Topical Studies CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty Total

Alien Encounters Conference DVD131 39.95
Ancient Texts - Peter Flint/ Scott Carroll DVD178 44.95
Angels Series - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs CDA155 49.95 DVD165 49.95
An Agape Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs CDA121 49.95 DVD118 49.95
Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs CDA24 49.95
Expectations of the Antichrist -
CDA141 49.95 DVD141 49.95
Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 6 hrs
Family Matters Vols. 1-3 - DVD - Matsen DVD149 39.90
Getting Started Series - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs CDA097 49.95
Islamic Uprising - Lipkin DVD97 19.95
Kingdom, Power & Glory Weekend -
CDA126 49.95 DVD125 49.95
Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs
On the Trail of Discovery - Cornuke: 2 hrs CDA154 19.95 DVD163 19.95
Prophecy 101 - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs CDA66 29.95 DVD08 29.95
Redesigning the Church - Stolebarger: 2 hrs CDA122 19.95 DVD121 19.95
Shiite/Sunni - Lipkin CDA79 19.95 DVD47 19.95
Sleeping in America - Lipkin CDA19 19.95 DVD11 19.95
Strategic Trends 2012 - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen:
CDA118 29.95 DVD114 29.95
4 hrs
The Beyond Collection - Chuck Missler: 8 hrs CDA109 49.95 DVD86 49.95
The Case for Mecca - Lipkin CDA099 19.95 DVD69 19.95
The Coming Conflict - Lipkin CDA72 19.95 DVD38 19.95
The "Creator" Series - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman:
CDA096 49.95
8+ hrs
The Dead Sea Scrolls - Flint: 2 hrs DVD89 19.95
The End Times Scenario - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs CDA090 49.95 DVD113 49.95
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: 8 hrs CDA153 49.95 DVD162 49.95
The Holy Spirit - Ron Matsen: 4 hrs CDA138 29.95 DVD138 29.95
The Mystery of Melchizedek - Chuck Missler: 1 hr DVD152 14.95
The Reemergence of Assyria - Ron Matsen: 1 hr DVD154 14.95
The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs CDA091 29.95 DVD143 29.95
Turkey: Turn Thee Back - Lipkin CDA81 19.95 DVD53 19.95
Weathering the Coming Storm - Chuck Missler
CDA120 39.95 DVD117 39.95
& Ron Matsen: 5 hrs

Commentaries (plus PDF notes) MP3 Price Qty CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty Total
Genesis (24 sessions) CD116 44.95 CDC01 89.95 DVD15 89.95
Exodus (16 sessions) CD011 39.95
Leviticus (16 sessions) CD037 39.95
Numbers (8 sessions) CD046 29.95 CDC04 44.95 DVD94 44.95
Deuteronomy (16 sessions) CD043 39.95 DVD179 69.95
Joshua/12 Tribes (16 sessions) CD018 39.95
Judges (16 sessions) CD038 39.95
Ruth & Esther (8 sessions) CD019 29.95 CDC20 44.95 DVD66 44.95
I & II Samuel (16 sessions) CD040 39.95
I & II Kings (16 sessions) CD041 39.95
I & II Chronicles (16 sessions) CD048 39.95 CDC09 69.95 DVD76 69.95
Ezra & Nehemiah (8 sessions) CD042 29.95
Job (8 sessions) CD033 29.95
Psalms (24 sessions) CD049 44.95 CDC12 89.95 DVD43 89.95
Proverbs (8 sessions) CD047 29.95 CDC05 44.95 DVD29 44.95
Ecclesiastes (8 sessions) CD039 29.95
Song of Songs (5 sessions) CD017 29.95 CDC30 44.95 DVD98 44.95
Isaiah (24 sessions) CD022 44.95 CDC33 89.95 DVD139 89.95
CD015 44.95
(24 sessions)
Ezekiel (24 sessions) CD008 44.95 CDC16 89.95 DVD60 89.95
Daniel (16 sessions) CD004 39.95 CDC02 69.95 DVD20 69.95

30 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store:
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

Commentaries - Continued MP3 Price Qty CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty
Prophets to the N. Kingdom
CD051 34.95 CDC26 59.95 DVD91 59.95
(13 sessions)
Prophets to the Gentiles
CD052 29.95 CDC27 44.95 DVD92 44.95
(8 sessions)
Prophets to the S. Kingdom
CD050 34.95 CDC25 59.95 DVD87 59.95
(13 sessions)
Prophets to the Post-Exile
CD053 44.95
(22 sessions)
Matthew (24 sessions) CD006 44.95 CDC06 89.95 DVD33 89.95
Mark (16 sessions) CD028 39.95 CDC23 69.95 DVD81 69.95
Luke (24 sessions) CD021 44.95 CDC29 89.95 DVD96 89.95
John (20 sessions) CD027 39.95 CDC32 74.95 DVD120 74.95
Acts (16 sessions) CD023 39.95 CDC31 69.95 DVD104 69.95
Romans (24 sessions) CD009 44.95 CDC10 89.95 DVD46 89.95
I & II Corinthians (22 sessions) CD055 44.95 CDC34 89.95 DVD164 89.95
Galatians (8 sessions) CD012 29.95 CDC15 44.95 DVD55 44.95
Ephesians (8 sessions) CD020 29.95 CDC17 44.95 DVD59 44.95
Philippians (6 sessions) CD030 29.95 CDC28 44.95 DVD93 44.95
Colossians (8 sessions) CD034 29.95 CDC21 44.95 DVD74 44.95
I & II Thessalonians (8 sessions) CD032 29.95 CDC24 44.95 DVD83 44.95
I & II Timothy/Titus/Philemon
CD014 29.95 CDC13 44.95 DVD51 44.95
(8 sessions)
Hebrews (16 sessions) CD016 39.95 CDC11 69.95 DVD54 69.95
James (8 sessions) CD013 29.95 CDC07 44.95 DVD168 44.95
I & II Peter (8 sessions) CD024 29.95 CDC18 44.95 DVD64 44.95
I, II, & III John (8 sessions) CD029 29.95 CDC22 44.95 DVD78 44.95
Jude (8 sessions) CD010 29.95 CDC08 44.95 DVD169 44.95
Revelation (24 sessions) CD005 44.95 CDC03 89.95 DVD26 89.95
Minor Prophets Set on MP3
CD054 99.95
CD-ROM * SAVE $44.85 *
Entire Old Testament on MP3 CD-
CDOTEST 499.00
ROM * SAVE OVER $430 *
Entire New Testament on MP3
CDNTEST 399.00
Entire New Testament on DVD
* SAVE OVER $480 *
Entire Bible on MP3 DVD-ROM DVDMP3BIBLE 550.00

Commentary Handbooks # Price Qty Total

Deuteronomy Commentary Handbook * NEW * NB041F 14.95
Jude Commentary Handbook NB012F 7.95
Comprehensive Study Workbooks # Price Qty Total
Cosmic Codes Comprehensive Workbook BK124 14.95
Hermeneutics 101 Workbook (How we Got/How to Study Bible) BK136 14.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Comprehensive Workbook BK123 14.95
Prophecy 101 Comprehensive Workbook BK122 14.95
Genesis Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK120 14.95
Numbers Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK144 14.95
Proverbs Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK137 14.95
Daniel Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK127 14.95
Prophets to the N. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook BK167 14.95
Prophets to the S. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook BK168 14.95
Prophets to the Gentiles Comprehensive Workbook BK169 14.95
Matthew Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK143 14.95
Mark Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK183 14.95
Luke Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK177 14.95
John Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK182 14.95
Acts Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK178 14.95
Revelation Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK131 14.95
All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change.
See also our online store:
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

Bundles # Price Qty Total

Alien Encounters Bundle (Book, DVD and Audiobook on MP3) * NEW * BUNDLE017 44.95
Beyond Book Bundle (Paperback: Beyond Time and Space,
BUNDLE022 19.95
Beyond Coincidence, Beyond Perception and Beyond Newton)
The Cornuke Book Bundle - The Search of the Lost Shipwreck of Paul (hardback), Golgotha
BUNDLE023 39.95
(paperback), Temple (paperback), and Search for the Ark of the Covenant (paperback).
Chuck Missler Small Book Collection (Paperbacks Included: Angels Volume I, Angels
Volume II, Behold a Black Horse, Behold a Livid Horse, Behold a White Horse, Behold a Red
Horse, Beyond Coincidence, Beyond Newton, Beyond Perception, Beyond Time & Space,
Daniel’s 70 Week’s, Footprints of the Messiah, Hidden Treasures in the Biblical Text, How BUNDLE021 99.00
We Got Our Bible, Israel and the Church, The 7th Day, The Christmas Story, The Feasts of
Israel, The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe, The Origin of Evil, The Rapture, The Romance of
Redemption, The Spiritual Gifts, The Trinity, How to Study the Bible.) * NEW *
Daniel: Small Group Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks SGP06 119.95
Daniel Study Set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook) * NEW * BUNDLE025 80.00
Deuteronomy DVD plus FREE Handbook (paperback) * NEW * BUNDLE020 69.95
The Four Horsemen Paperback Bundle (White, Red, Black
BUNDLE003 19.95
and Livid books)
Genesis: Small Group Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks SGP03 139.95
Genesis Study Set (DVD, Notes, Workbook) BUNDLE011 100.00
Jude DVD plus FREE Handbook (paperback) * NEW * BUNDLE016 44.95
Mary Bundle: (DVD, Paperback book) BUNDLE013 24.95
Matthew: Small Group Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks SGP10 139.95
Prophecy DVD Bundle (Daniel 70 Weeks, Magog, Rapture,
BUNDLE019 49.95
Prophecy 101) * NEW *
Revelation: Small Group Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks SGP11 139.95
Revelation Study Set (DVD, Notes, Workbook) BUNDLE012 100.00
Welty Bundle (Books: I, Jesus, Mary, Since He Wrote About Me) * NEW * BUNDLE018 29.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours # Price Qty Total
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours DVD set (24 hrs.) - Chuck Missler DVD25 89.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Book BK107 19.99
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours on Audio CD - 24 CDs + CD-ROM CDA10 89.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours CD-ROM CD105 44.95
Learn The Bible In 24 Hours: Small Group Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks SGP02 139.95
Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Study set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook) BUNDLE004 100.00
Books # Price Qty Total
The 7th Day - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK221 5.95
America’s God and Country - William J. Federer * SALE PRICE * BK216 16.95
Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman BK056 16.95
Alien Encounters Audiobook (Audio CD Set) * NEW * ABK030 34.95
Angels: Vol. 1 - Cosmic Warfare - Chuck Missler BK217 5.95
Angels: Vol. 1 - Cosmic Warfare (SPANISH) * NEW * BK224 5.95
Angels: Vol. 2 - Messengers from the Metacosm - Chuck Missler BK219 5.95
Behold a White Horse - Chuck Missler BK195 5.95
Behold a Red Horse - Chuck Missler BK196 5.95
Behold a Black Horse - Chuck Missler BK197 5.95
Behold a Livid Horse - Chuck Missler BK198 5.95
Beyond Coincidence - Chuck Missler BK205 5.95
Beyond Newton - Chuck Missler BK207 5.95
Beyond Perception - Chuck Missler BK206 5.95
Beyond Time and Space - Chuck Missler BK204 5.95
Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: Revised & Expanded! BK119 19.95
The Christmas Story - Chuck Missler BK199 5.95
Daniel's 70 Weeks - Chuck Missler BK194 5.95
The Evidence Bible - Ray Comfort * NEW * BK110 34.95
The Feasts of Israel - Chuck Missler BK209 5.95
Footprints of the Messiah - Chuck Missler BK210 5.95
Fulcrum of the Entire Universe BK218 5.95
Hidden Treasures - Chuck Missler BK100 5.95
How We Got Our Bible - Chuck Missler BK203 5.95
I, Jesus: an Autobiography (Hardcover) - Chuck Missler & William Welty BK188 19.95
Israel and the Church - Chuck Missler BK214 5.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory - Chuck & Nancy Missler BK150 18.95
Mary: Ten Test Questions for the World's Finest Woman - William Welty BK208 9.95
The Origin of Evil - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK220 5.95
Prophecy 20/20 - Chuck Missler BK139 13.99

32 | VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store:
APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

Books - Continued # Price Qty Total

The Rapture - Chuck Missler BK193 5.95
The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler BK202 5.95
Science & Wonders Vol. I: On the Edge of the Chasm - Amy Joy * NEW * BK225 9.95
The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK227 5.95
Since He Wrote About Me - William Welty * NEW * BK222 14.95
The Sovereignty of Man - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK228 5.95
Spiritual Gifts - Chuck Missler BK215 5.95
The Trinity - Chuck Missler BK200 5.95

Robert Cornuke Book Price Qty DVD Price Qty

Golgotha - Searching for the True Location of Christ’s
BK212 12.00 DVD175 19.95
Crucifixion (DVD approx. 2 hrs)
In Search of the Lost Shipwreck of Paul (Hardcover) BK211 12.00
Mountain of Fire - The Search for the True Mount Sinai -
DVD171 14.95
(Approx. 1 hr)
On the Trail of Discovery - (Approx. 2 hrs) DVD163 19.95
Search for the Ark of the Covenant * NEW BOOK *
BK223 12.00 DVD172 14.95
(DVD approx. 1 hr)
Search for the Lost Shipwreck of Paul - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD173 14.95
Search for Noah's Ark - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD174 14.95
Temple * NEW EDITION * BK191 12.00
The King’s High Way Series - by Nancy Missler Book Price Qty DVD Price Qty
Against the Tide: Getting Beyond Ourselves BK105 5.95
Be Ye Transformed BK020 14.95 DVD16 49.95
Be Ye Transformed Leader's Guide - Notebook BK023 19.95
Faith in the Night Seasons BK087 13.95 DVD17 49.95
Faith in the Night Seasons Leaders Guide - Notebook BK095 19.95
Hope Against Hope BK189 18.95
Never Give Up! BK129 6.95
Private Worship: The Key to Joy BK114 10.95
Re-Igniting the Passion - (Approx. 4 hours) DVD39 34.95
Reflections of His Image: God's Purpose for Your Life BK140 12.95
The Choice: Hypocrisy or Real Christianity? BK102 6.95
The Key: How to Let Go and Let God BK098 6.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory BK150 18.95 DVD57 59.95
The Kingdom, Power & Glory Leader's Guide - Notebook BK155 19.95
The Way of Agape BK016 17.95 DVD10 49.95
The Way of Agape Leader's Guide - Notebook BK019 19.95
Tomorrow May Be Too Late BK118 6.95
Why Should I Be The First to Change (Introductory) BK015 6.95

Conferences # Price Qty Total

Strategic Perspectives 2017 DVD Set * NEW * KIDVD31 60.00
Strategic Perspectives 2017 Audio CD Set * NEW * KICDA13 60.00
Strategic Perspectives 2016 DVD Set * 50% Off! * KIDVD30 30.00
Strategic Perspectives 2015 DVD Set * 50% Off! * KIDVD29 30.00

Shipping Table
If Subtotal is: USA CANADA INTL-Surface INTL-Air
$10.00 and less $2.75 C$4.50 $5.00 $16.00
$10.01 - $15.00 $3.75 C$5.50 $6.00 $20.00
$15.01 - $30.00 $4.75 C$7.00 $8.00 $25.00
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$50.01 - $100.00 $7.25 C$9.50 $10.00 $30.00
$100.01 - $150.00 $8.75 C$12.00 $12.50 $35.00
$150.01 - $200.00 $10.25 C$13.50 $15.00 $40.00
Over $200.00 $11.75 C$15.00 10% 20%

All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change.
See also our online store:
VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2018

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APRIL 2018 | Personal UPDATE

Hear outstanding Christian
authorities speak about
what’s really happening in
the world—what you won’t
hear from the popular media.
Our 12th and Final Strategic
Perspectives Conference
convened to inform,
encourage, and support you
as you follow Christ Jesus.
Join us so you can be an
informed believer, equipped
to make good decisions for
the days ahead!

DVD and
US$60 ea

Audio CD
US$60 ea
on our online store:

Recorded: October 26-28, 2017

• Dr. Chuck Missler - Welcome • David McAlvany - Macro Economic
Message. Outlook.
• Jay Seegert - The Inspiration of • Joseph Farah - End Times.
Scripture. • Joel Richardson - Don’t be a Nimrod!
• Skip Heitzig - A Strategic Perspective • William Federer - Kings, Governments
on the Bible. and Power.
• William Federer - Recent History to • Joel Richardson - Discerning the Signs
Understand Past History. of the Times.
• Spike Psarris - The Beginning of • Dr. Bob Cornuke - Traditions.
Time from a Creationist, Biblical • David McAlvany - Finishing Well.
Perspective. • Tim Remington - Trials, Faith,
• Dr. William Welty - What Jesus Forgiveness and Hope.
Thought of Scripture. • Ron Matsen - The End Times Church?
• Chris Corlett - Finding Truth in a
Post-truth World.

VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 04 |

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