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Copyright 0 1994 by the Genetics Society of America

Anecdotal, Historical and Critical Commentaries on Genetics
Edited by James F. Crow and William F. Dove

A Century of Homeosis, A Decade of Homeoboxes

William McGinnis
Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8114

ing mammals, and were proposed to encode DNA-

0 NE hundred years ago, while the science of genet-
ics still existed only in the yellowing reprints of a
recently deceased Moravian abbot, WILLIAM BATESON
binding homeodomainsbecause of a faint resemblance
to mating-type transcriptional regulatory proteins of
(1894) coined the term homeosis to define a class of budding yeast and an even fainter resemblance to bac-
biological variations in whichone elementof a segmen- terial helix-turn-helix transcriptional regulators.
tally repeated array of organismal structures is trans- The initial stream of papers was a prelude to a flood
formed toward the identity of another. After the redis- concerning homeobox genes and homeodomain pro-
coveryof MENDEL’Sgenetic principles, BATESON and teins, a flood that has channeled into a steady river of
others (reviewed in BATESON1909) realized that some homeo-publications, fed by many tributaries. A major
examples of homeosis in floral organs and animal skel- reason for the continuing flow of studies is that many
etons could be attributed to variation in genes. Soon groups, working on disparate lines of research, have
thereafter, as the discipline of Drosophila genetics was found themselves swept up in the currents when they
born and was evolving into a formidable intellectual found that their favorite protein contained one of the
force enriching many biologicalsubjects, it gradually be- many subtypes of homeodomain. This was in part be-
came clear that fruitflies contained multiple “homeotic” cause the definition of what proteins belonged to the
genes ( e . g . , bithorax,aristapedia and proboscipedia) homeodomain family expanded to include proteins that
(BRIDGES and MORGAN1923; BALKASCHINA 1929; BRIDGES had only marginal amounts of sequence similarity to the
and DOBZHANSKY 1933), some of which appeared to be founder members in the Drosophila Antennapedia and
loosely clustered on the third chromosome. These ge- Bithorax gene complexes. Manyof the proteins that
netic studies culminated in the systematic analyses of have homeodomains have nothing todo with BATESON’S
LEWIS(1978) and KAUFMAN et al. (1980),which provided version of homeosis, although there is a loosely defined
preliminary definitions of the many homeotic genes of structural subgroup of homeodomains that isclosely
the Bithorax and Antennapedia complexes, and also linked to homeotic genetic functions in animals.
showed that the mutant phenotypes for most of these The initial stream of reports immediately explained
genes could be traced back to patterning defects in the (or purported to explain) some of the burning ques-
embryonic body plan. tions concerning homeotic genes. They seemed to be a
Ten years ago, a sudden stream of papers (MCGINNIS fairly closely conserved gene family, and the sequence
et a l . , 1984a,b,c; SCOTTand WEINER 1984; LAUGHON and that validated their family membership, the homeobox,
SCOTT1984; SHEPHERD et al. 1984; CARRASCO et al. 1984; provided a plausible biochemical function for their ac-
LEVINE et al. 1984) introduced the homeobox to devel- tion. They were likelyto be DNA-binding transcriptional
opmental genetics and sketched its basic outlines. In regulators that would modulate the expression of many
retrospect, each of these studies contained relatively few downstream genes. The conservation of verysimilar ho-
data for theimpact they had. Putting thebest face on it, meobox sequences in other animals suggested that
one could claim they are reports of exemplary brevity. homeotic-like genetic functions might exist in structur-
These reports defined homeoboxes as members of a ally homologous genes other than in Drosophila. That
highly conserved familyof DNA sequences that a p is, perhaps a conservation of developmental genetic cir-
peared to be preferentially associated with homeotic cuitry could be detected at themolecular level that was
and segmentation genes of Drosophila. Homeobox se- invisible at the level ofcomparative embryological mor-
quences were highlyconserved in other animals, includ- phology. All of these things had been suggested before
Genetics 137: 607-611 uuly, 1994)
608 W. McCinnis

in either explicit or vague terms by those with insight, to clone genes. This was especially true in Drosophila,
prescience, and/or theoretical leanings (WOLPERT 1969; which already had a mother lode of genetic and cyto-
GARCIA-BELLIDO 1977; GARCIA-BELLIDO et al. 1979; LEWIS genetic studies as a biological treasure. And this rich
1978; RAFF and KAUFMAN 1983), but a bit of molecular lode ofgenetics was indeed minedfor all it was worth by
evidence goes a long way toward swaying opinion (e+ anyone with a homeobox probeand a hypothesis (e.g.,
pecially the opinion of molecular biologists), so that FJOSEet al. 1985; LEVINE et al. 1985;REGULSKI et al. 1985;
much was made of the homeobox discovery. MACDONALD et al. 1986).For those of us who were doing
In the original set of reports, the evidence for any of something with homeoboxes as students or postdocs
the conclusions was incomplete at best, which did not withWALTERGEHRING in Basel, Switzerland (which in-
prevent the original authors from discussing them as cluded MICHAELLEVINE, ATSUSHI KUROIWA, ERNSTHAFEN,
quite likely to be true. There was even more hope ex- ANDERS FJOSE, M A R E K MLODZIK, and me), it will be difficult
pressed (and a bit of metaphorical hyperbole, at least in to forget the feeling of guiltypleasure when we realized
the titles) in a variety of review articles that suggested how incredibly easy it might be to clone andidentify the
variously thatthehomeoboxmightbea biological coding regions of the Drosophila homeotic genes and
equivalent of the Rosetta stone, theuniversal genetic key many of the segmentation genes. That this suspicion
to body plan, and so on ( e . g . ,STRUHL
1984; SLACK 1984). wasn’t entirely a Swiss chocolate-inspired delusion was
There wereeven articles in newspapers and popular fortified by a chanceconversation with GINES MORATAat
magazines announcing that something important had a Swiss-USGEB meeting. Some of us, in collaboration
happened in developmental biology that might be rel- with FRANCOIS m C H and WELCOME BENDER, had found
evant even to those sophisticated mammals that perform only three homeoboxes in Bithorax complex DNA
a daily perusal of The New York Times.Allof this at- (REGULSKI et al., 1985). At the time, thenumber of
tention jump-started homeobox gene research in Dro- proteincoding transcription units in the Bithorax com-
sophila, where it would be defined and enrichedbeyond plex was thought to be eight or more, but MORATA,
anyone’swildest dreams by the rich genetics of that ani- ERNESTO SANCHEZ-HERRERO, and their co-workers hadjust
mal. But perhaps themost hope, and the most rapid and discovered that the Bithorax complex contained only
concerted jump outof the homeobox research starting three lethal complementation groups (SANCHEZ-
gate, occurred in laboratories studying development in HERRERO et al. 1985),suggesting correctly that the three
those vertebrates that had a rich history of descriptive bithorax homeoboxes corresponded to those three le-
and experimentalembryology, but rudimentary genetic thal genes, now known as Ubx, abd-A and Abd-B.
tool kits compared with Drosophila. Herethe ho- One of the most exciting outcomes of the early ho-
meobox seemed to provide a toehold halfway up what meobox research in Drosophila was the general way it
had seemed to be a slippery and impassable barrier of confirmed some of E. B. LEWIS’S speculations about the
developmental genetics. evolution of the Bithorax complex. In an article that is
Not all concurred with the blinkered enthusiasm over oft cited but rarely read in its complex entirety, LEWIS
the meaning and utility of the homeobox homology. (1978) proposed that the Bithorax complex genes were
Some fancifully suggested that many developmental bi- members of a gene family, having duplicated and di-
ologists were in the gripof “homeobox madness” or “ho- verged from a common ancestor and in the process hav-
meobox fever” (RAFF and RAFF 1985; ROBERTSON 1985; ing acquired divergent functions that accounted for
WILKINS 1986),apparently a horizontally transmitted dis- some of the morphological differences that distinguish
ease that caused a loss of one’s critical faculties. Some the Drosophila body plan from that of more primitive
geneticists and evolutionary biologists were thought to arthropods. Luckily for some of us,LEWIS put thatspecu-
be immune to this syndrome. Many of those with cool lation in the first paragraph instead of in the middle of
heads who read theoriginal homeobox papers carefully, the article among the terse and tortuous genetics. T. C.
and interpreted them critically, found some of the ar- KAUFMAN (RAFF and KAUFMAN 1983) had also proposed an
guments specious. And some were, if the results within extension of this to embrace the homeotic genes of the
a particular paper are considered in isolation. In those Antennapedia complex controlling head and thoracic
days, however,the results were coming along so fast that development. It is still unclear how much the variation
by the time one paper was written, the results for the next, in homeotic protein function or expression pattern can
or the next two or three,were already in one’snotebook. account for evolutionary changes in arthropods, but it
So the temptation was to “speculate”rather boldly on be- was eventually shown that the eight homeotic genes of
half of some of the early general conclusions described the Antennapedia and Bithorax complexes (now con-
above, this being much safer than it looked since addi- ceptually grouped as the Homeotic Complex, or
tional evidence to support them was already in hand. HOM-C genes; AKAM 1989) contained eightstructurally
Many people working on a variety of developing ani- similar homeobox sequences, sometimes designated as
mals quickly realized that the homeobox, whatever its the Antpclass of homeoboxes (GEHRING et al. 1990;
ultimate meaning, should be exploited as a useful tool MCCINNIS and KRUMLAUF 1992).
Perspectives 609

Conservation of anterior-posterior axial patterning: Also adding to the same intellectual picture are the
One important threadin homeobox gene research has highly influential studies indicating that both beetles
been the studies on the Antelass H o x genes in other and nematodes encode an important part of the genetic
animals, particularly in the mouse. It was found early on circuitry that controls their anterior-posterior axial pat-
that Hox genes were expressed in discrete anterior- terning in clusters of HOM/Hox-type homeobox genes
posterior regions of embryos ( e.g., AWGULEWITSCH et al. (BEEMAN et al. 1989; WANG et al. 1993). With the finding
1986; GAUNT et al. 1986), that some of the Hox genes that some of the most primitive animals like hydra have
mapped in clusters (LEVINE et al. 1985;HART et al. 1985), Antpclass homeobox genes that areexpressed in local-
and that some Drosophila genes were muchmore ized body regions (SHENK et al. 1993), itseems possible
closely related in structure to certain mammalian Hox that many or all animals use Antpclass genes in HOM/
genesthanto other Drosophila homeoboxgenes Hox clusters to assign positional identities on the
(REGULSKI et al. 1987). But it took the comprehensive anterior-posterior axis (or oral-aboral axis where head is
and insightful studies ofBONCINELLIet al. (1988), more difficult to define). Thus, only one hundredyears
GRAHAM et a2. (1989), and DUBOULE and DOLL; (1989) after BATESON finished analyzing some bizarre variations
to put it all together. All three groups provided con- in skeletons, and insightfully grouped a class of them as
vincing evidence that individual Hoxgenesmapped in the homeotic variations, we now have plausible molecular
same relative positions inone of the four Hox complexes explanationsfor the homeotic defects,and a near certainty
as did (some of) their homologs in Drosophila. In addi- that many of the variations that he originally noticed in a
tion, the latter two groups showed that the embryonic ex- variety of invertebrates and vertebrates are due to varia-
pression boundaries of many of the mouse Hox complex tions in the same basic underlying genetic circuitry.
genes mimicked their map order within the complexes, Homeodomain proteins as transcription factors:
again strikingly similar aingeneral sense to the properties Much of the currentresearch that concerns homeobox
of the HOMtype homeobox genes of Drosophila. gene function has been substantially enriched by the
Though many found all this to be compelling evi- work on homeodomain proteinsas transcription factors.
dence that the Hox genes must be doing something simi- The Antp-type homeodomain proteins are a relatively
lar to the Drosophila HOM-C genes, it was still correla- small subset of the total spectrum of proteins grouped
tive molecular evidence. The first strong biological in the homeodomain family. The only criterion for ad-
evidence as to the role of the Hox genes came from mission to this family isthe conservation of a few crucial
inducing their expression anterior to their normallim- amino acid residues that tend to reside in the same po-
its, or artificiallyreducing theirlevels ofexpression, both sitions in the 60-amino-acid primary sequence of known
of which caused some interpretable and some uninter- homeodomains. Structural studies of highly divergent
pretable defects in the development of more anterior homeodomains suggest that most of thefamily members
regions of thefrog or mouse (WRIGHT et al. 1989; defined by these criteria willhave extremely similar
RUIZI ALTABA and MELTON1989; KESSEL et al. 1990). By threedimensional structures and similar interactions
expressing Hox proteinsin developing Drosophila, one with DNA binding sites (GEHRING et al. 1990; KISSINGER
could also get mouse and human Hox proteins to phe- et al. 1990; WOLBERGER et al. 1991). There are many
nocopy specific Drosophila HOM gain-of-function mu- hundreds of homeodomain proteins, in many separate
tations (WICKI et al. 1990;MCGINNIS et al. 1990),which subclasses (Scorn et al. 1989). It seems likely that hun-
indicated that theHox proteins certainly had homeotic dreds exist even within a single genome-the current
genetic functions in the context of Drosophila cells, count in Drosophila is >60 and climbing (UIONIS and
though still saying little or nothing about their role in O’FARRELL 1993; DESSAIN and MCGINNIS 1993)-and these
mouse or human cells. However,in many recent studies proteins are surely involved in a myriad of biological
performed over the past few years (e.g., CHISAKA and control circuits. Many of these are understood quite
CAPECCHI 1991; LUFKIN et al. 1991;LEMOUELLIC et al. poorly at the genetic level.
1992; RAMIREZet SOal.L1993),
IS mouse Hox genes have Evidence was not long in coming that homeodomain
been mutatedby gene targeting, and many ofthese loss- proteins actually did have the ability to bind specific
of-function mutations result in either loss of axials m c - DNA sites and that proteins with different homeodo-
tures or subtle to obvious homeotic transformations of main sequences had different preferred binding sites
skeletal elements and/or rhombomere elements of the (DESPLAN et al. 1985,1988;Howand LEVINE 1988). How
hindbrain. These studies have represented one of the much these different DNA binding preferences have to
principal success stories for the practice of “reverse ge- do with their functional specificity is still rather myste-
netics,’’ a discipline that has resulted in a “reversal of rious. The most widely accepted model (or class ofmod-
fortune” for more than one long-suffering graduate stu- els) explaining homeodomain proteinfunctional speci-
dent or postdoc who has not been so fortunate as to have ficitiesis largely derived from thebiochemical studies on
the mouse Hox genes as the focus of his or her mutant yeast Mata2, mammalian Octl andOct2 and otherPOU
screen. proteins (e.g., T m m e t al. 1992; POMERANTZ et al. 1992;
610 W. McGinnis

VERSHON and JOHNSON 1993; CLEARY et al. 1993), with spite the obvious involvement of some other homeo-
much support from genetic studies on chimeric HOM domainproteinsubgroupsin mouse (andhuman)
proteins in Drosophila embryos (e.g., LINand MCGINNIS heritable morphological abnormalities.
1992; FUROKUBO-TOKUNAGA et al. 1993; CHANand MANN Disclaimer: This essay isdefinitely not intendedto be
1993). This model has the homeodomain presenting a scholarly review of homeobox gene research over the
one face to DNA and acquiring abit of its specificityfrom past 10 years,just anadmittedly biased look back at what
that interaction.The otherface, a sociable but discrimi- happened 10 years ago, and to look at how a few of the
nating face, is free to interact with one or many other questions that were interesting then have either been
proteins either on or off DNA. Only when the right set answered (or not)in the ensuing period.I’ve benefited
of interactions takes place on both faces is a given ho- enormously from talking to all of the people working on
meodomain protein interpreted as part of an active or HOM and H o x genes and proteins and to many of those
inactive transcriptional regulatory complex that is ca- working on otherclasses of homeobox genes, and I have
pable of flipping a developmental switch. been influenced by nearly everyone. Thus, they allbear
Some questionsthat might havebeen answeredin 10 a highly diffuse responsibilityfor the opinionsexpressed
years, but might take another 10 (or 100, until BATESON’S here,though certainly no blame forthemanner in
second centennial anniversary): Though the amountof which they are expressed.
research that has beendone on HOM/Hox-type
homeodomain proteins is enormous, it is still unknown
how many genetic or cofactor inputs are required for a AKAM, M., 1989 Hox and HOM: homologous gene clusters in insects
and vertebrates. Cell 57: 347-349.
homeotic switch to be thrown that changescells (or even AWGUI.EWITSCH, A,, M. F. UTSET,C. P.HART and F. H. RUDDLE,
a single gene for that matter)from being assigned to a 1986 Spatial restriction in expression of a mouse homeo box
head, thoracic, or abdominal fate. Anotherway to look locus within the central nervous system. Nature 320: 328-335.
BAI.WSCHINA, E. I., 1929 Ein Fall der Erbhomeosis (die Genovarition
at this is that the genetic and molecular interactions be- “aristopedia”) beiDrosophila melanogaster. Wilhelm Roux’ Arch.
tween the homeotic proteins and theproteins that con- Entwicklungsmech. Org. 115: 448-463.
trol other equally (or more) important developmental BATESON, W., 1894 Materials for theStudy of Variationlreated
with Especial Regard to Discontinuity i n the Origin of Species.
decisions such as sex determination, muscle or nerve Macmillan, London.
cell identity, the timing of developmental events, or con- BATESON, W., 1909 Mendel’s Principles of Heredity. University Press,
served signal transduction pathways are largely unex- Cambridge, England.
BEEMAN, R. W., J. J.STUART, M. S. HAAS and R. E. DENELL, 1989 Genetic
plored and mysterious. analysis of the homeotic gene complex (HOM-C) in the beetle
Westill don’t really understand why the HOM/Hox Tribolium castaneum. Dev. Biol. 1 3 3 196-209.
genes tend to be arranged in a colinear arraythat (usually) et al., 1988Organization of humanhomeobox genes. Hum.
correlates with the order of their domains of expression Reprod. 3: 880-886.
and function in embryos. There aresome appealing ideas BOTAS,J., 1993 Control of morphogenesis and differentiation by
HOM/Hox genes. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 5: 1015-1022.
about how these clustersmight have arisenand theforces BRIDGES, C. B., andT. DOBZHANSKY, 1933 The mutant “proboscipedia”
that might tend to keep them together, involving shared in Drosophila melanogaster-a case of hereditary homeosis.
regulatory regions (e.g., CELNIKER et al. 1990), but there is Wilhelm Roux’ Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Org. 127: 575-590.
BRIIXES,C. B., and T. H. MORGAN,1923 The third-chromosome
not enough evidence as yet to provide a convincing ex- group of mutant characters ofDrosophila melanogaster. Carnegie
planation for the persistent colinear arrangements. Inst. Washington Publ. 327: 93.
We haveonly a primitive understanding ofhow CARRASCO, A. E., W. M(:GINNIS, W. J. GEHRING and E. M. DEROBERTIS,
1984 Cloning of a Xenopus laevis gene expressed during early
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teins for that matter, mighthave the wholesale but CO- sophila homeotic genes. Cell 37: 409-414.
ordinated effects that they exert on morphogenesis. In CELNIKER, S. E., S. SHARMA, D. J. KEELAN and E. B. Lewis, 1990 The
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scription factors, growth factors, homophilic membrane Ultrabithorax arecontained within its homeo domain and
carboxy-tprminal sequences. Genes Dev. 7: 796-81 1.
proteins, and proteins of unknown function (reviewed CHISAW, O., and M. R. CAPECCHI, 1991 Regionally restricted devel-
in BOTAS1993), buthow is this all coordinated to result opmental defects resultingfrom targeted disruption ofthe mouse
in an antenna instead of a leg, or even a gut constriction? homeobox gene hox-1.5. Nature 350: 473-479.
CLEARY, M. A,, S. STERN, M.T.4NAKA and W. HERR,1993 Differential
One interesting curiosity is that despite the impor- positive control by Oct-1 and Oct-2: activation of a transcription-
tance that the human H o x genes must have during de- ally silent motif through Oct-1 and W 1 6 co-recruitment. Genes
Dev. 7: 72-83.
velopment, there is surprisingly little direct or indirect DESPWN, C . ,J. THEIS and P. H. O’FAKRELL, 1985 The Drosophila de-
evidence that their proper function is relevant to known velopmental gene, engrailed, encodes a sequence-specific DNA
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tology (e.g., WOLCEMUTH et al. 1989). In addition,to my ficity of homeodomain-DNA interaction. Cell 54: 1081-1090.
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Perspectives 61 1

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