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Kekasihku, jangan bersedih

Tidurlah dan bermimpi
Ke negeri
Ke hamparan
Kehampaan kasih

Ke hamparan kehampaan
Kehangatan tawa canda
Lahan per lahan perlahan lahan
Menghampar hampa kasih

Usai impianmu rangkai cerita

T’lah kau jumpai tawa canda
Dan tak kelak
Anak anakmu kan percaya
Perca perca cerita tentang tawa canda
Dan biar kelak
Anak anakmu kan percaya
Jangan kau bersedih

My love, don’t be sad

sleep and dream
To the land
Spreading out
Emptiness of love
To the spread of emptiness
The warmth of laughter and mirth
Slowly and slowly
Spreading out emptiness, love
Thus ends your dream tying stories together
you’ve come across laughter and mirth
and in future
Your children shall believe in
Shreds of stories about laughter and mirth
And in future
Your children shall believe in
Your bragging
Don’t you be sad

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