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Why Upcycling is The Idea:

I found an old pair of rubber
Upcycling is very important
because it reduces the amount
of trash that ends up in landfills.
rain boots at my house, and I
instantly knew that I wanted BOOTiful
to use them. I searched for
If this rain boot were to be “up cycling rain boots” on
discarded, it would take 50-80 Pinterest, and I found a
years for the sole to decompose.
picture of a rain boot
As it is decomposing, it is taking
birdhouse pinned by Bonnie
up space in the landfill. This is
impacting our environment Miller from The
because the amount of trash birdhouse in the picture was
that we produce is getting larger not as colorful and pretty as I
and larger, causing more would like it to be, so I added
pollutants. glitter decoration to make my
birdhouse pretty. I also
changed the size and location
of the hole to be more
accessible to larger birds.

The production of the Bootiful

birdhouse has saved space in
the landfills for more important
waste items to decompose, and Merritt Fish
it is helping the environment by Webster per 3
not releasing any chemicals due
to decomposition. A special thank you to my Dad
who helped me use a drill!
The Process Rubber in Landfills The Birdhouse
I cut out a Synthetic rubber is composed of the This birdhouse is an ideal living
hole in the materials petroleum, oil, acetylene, and space for birds, with an
center of the
natural gasses. All of these materials insulated rubber boot and a
boot for the
birds, and contribute to the disability of rubber’s roof for shelter. The bird will be
two holes at decomposition. During the decomposition able to get in and out of the
the top of the of rubber, it releases greenhouse gasses boot through the center hole
boot for the into the air, and emits the hazardous and the wire hanger is able to
wire hanger. hang anywhere in the yard.
chemicals that are absorbed in the soil.
I constructed a These factors are adding to the amount of Also, the boot itself is helping
roof made of the environment because it was
dangerous chemicals in the landfills, which
popsicle sticks and upcycled, therefore not
are affecting the environment, therefore
cardboard, and contributing to the waste in
attached it to the human and animal life. landfills.
boot using a hot
glue gun.
Materials Used:
I painted and cut
the wire hanger. Rubber rain boot
Then, I ran the
wire through the Popsicle sticks
boot and
reshaped the wire
into the shape of
a hanger.

Hot glue
Wire hanger
I added
glitter glue Glitter glue
polka dots.

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