Shiva Stav A

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.. shivastavaH 2 ..

; Efv-tv, 2 ;

; Efv-tv, ;
SHIVASTUTI. It is known that many centuries ago India had trade and
cultural links with the far eastern nations. We could see
evidences of this fact even today in these countries. There are
Hindu temples. Hindu festivals are celebrated. People know our
puranas and epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. The temples there
contain inscriptions that contain hymns on Hindu gods and goddesses.
A hymn on Shiva found in Bali, an island
near Java is given below along with some other verses on Shiva.
: nm, EfvAy fvA y dvd  vAy {v nm, .
zdýAy Bvn  fAy Efv!pAy {v nm, ; 1;
(v\ Efv-(v\ mhAd  v I˜r, prm  ˜r, .
b}œA Ev Z– zdý– pzq, þkEt--tTA ; 2;
(v\ kAl-(v\ ymo m(y-v zZ-(v\ kbrk, .
idý, sy , ffA¬– g}h-n"/-tArk, ; 3;
pETvF sEll\ (v\ Eh (vmE`n-vA yrv .
aAkAf\ (v\ pr\ fy\ skl\ En kl\ tTA ; 4;
afE vA fE vA Ep sv kAmgtoEp vA .
E ty ŒvmFfAn\ s bAA<ytr, fE , ; 5;
nm-t  dvdvf (v(þsAdA’dAMyhm^ .
vA?y hFn  _EtEr?t
 vA mA\ "m-v srom ; 6;
nm-t  dvdvf IfAn vrdAQyt .
mm EsEˆ\ By– (EsEˆ, sdA ByAt^) sv kAy  q f\kr ; 7;
b}œA Ev ZrF˜r– mhAd  v nmo_-t t  .
sv kAy \ þEsytA\ "mAng}hkArZ ; 8;
; fBm^ ;
The following slokas are also from stone inscriptions.
nm, fNdgZAyA-t &ytFt Edýyv(m n
Ev˜to &y[nvAnAy &yom!pAy fMBv  ; 1;
umnA yA stF kAtA EntAt-Efvs½tA .
jgEˆtAy AfA-t sA fE?t-r lA(mjA ; 2;
jytFd rEv &yom vAvA(m #mA jlAnl {, .
tnoEt tnEB, fMByo _£EBrEKl\ jgt^ ; 3;
Line one of this verse is missing

ymAtr\ >yoEtzpAst bDA, Enzr\ b}œpd\ EjgFqv, ; 1;
tp[€t >yAEvDyo ydp ZAt^ Bv(yEnd [yPlAnbEDn, .
n kvl\ t(Plyogs\EgnAms\EgnA\ km Pl(yjAmEp ; 2;
Ensg Esˆ
{ rEZmAEdEBg Z  tm\gFktfE?tEv-trI, (rm^).
{ zp
EDyAmtFt\ v sAmgo rmnA-pd\ y-y pd\ Evdb DA, ; 3;
; : t(st^ ;
Encoded and proofread by N.Balasubramanian
The text is found in inscriptions in the Far East lands of Java and Cambodia.

Please send corrections to

Last updated November 25, 2006

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