Bii. IP - Innovation and NPD - WIPO

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WIPO Magazine/July-August 2005


“...Because its purpose is to create a customer, busi- never seeing the light of commer-
cial success.”2
ness has two—and only two functions: Marketing and
innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results, As is the case with inventions, so
trade secrets, utility models/petty
all the rest are costs.” – Peter Drucker, management consultant patents and patents are relevant for
and author of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” protecting, managing, exploiting
and leveraging innovations. Eco-
nomic studies have revealed that
Technological innovation is one of idea aimed at solving a specific tech- patents are the preferred IP right
the principal determinants of busi- nical problem. Innovation can be sought for the protection of techno-
ness success. Enterprises stand to seen as a process of interaction and logical innovations. This seems to
reap greater benefits from innovation feedback during the various stages reflect the use of the terms ‘innova-
if they consider the full range of in- of product development. Not all in- tion’ and ‘invention’ as synonyms.
tellectual property (IP) issues in new ventions are commercialized, so it For example, the number of patents
product development. Effective use is clear that not all inventions result owned by an enterprise is often used
of the tools of the IP system reduces in innovation. Many new ideas are as one of the main indicators for
risk and facilitates the process of tak- born but “most die a lonely death, determining its innovation intensity,
ing innovative technology to the
market place, while at the same time
enhancing the competitiveness of IP in the innovation process
technology-based enterprises.
Below is a graphic representation of the role of IP in the innovation
In order to explain the role of the process, identifying the types of IP tools that can be used at each
tools of the IP system, this article stage of the process. The choice of the type of IP tool at each stage
explores technological innovation as should be considered as part of the overall business strategy.
an interactive process made up of a
number of distinct stages, beginning
Conceptualization of an Trade secrets, patent information,
with the formulation of a novel idea/
idea (decision to innovate) patents, copyright, utility model
concept, followed by research and
development (R&D), ending in the
launch of a new or improved prod- Trade secrets, patent information,
uct in the marketplace. It will high- Research and development patents, utility models,
light the practical IP issues relevant (innovation intensity) Industrial designs, copyright,
to each stage. trademarks

Invention or innovation? Patents, utility models,

Product design
patent information,
and prototyping
Innovation concerns the commer- industrial designs, copyright
cialization of new ideas, while in-
vention is not necessarily directly
Patents, utility models,
associated with commercialization.1 Product output
trademarks, copyright,
Invention is the generation of a new (innovative output)
trade secrets, industrial designs

Product Patents, utility models,

commercialization trademarks, industrial designs,
trade secrets

Mark Rogers, 1998, “The Definition and Measurement of Innovation”
Brandt, J. L., “Capturing innovation: Turning Intellectual Assets into Business Assets”

WIPO Magazine/July-August 2005

and patents are used as a measure
of output of innovation. While such
an approach is useful, it does not
look at the role of the IP system as a
The development of the
whole in facilitating the successful vacuum cleaner since
introduction of innovative products William Hoover’s first
in the marketplace. model illustrates the
strategic use of a
combination of IP tools.
The idea stage

From the moment an enterprise has Technical drawings, which are often have access to any vital information
a potentially innovative idea, it is made in the idea stage, should also which could erode the competitive
imperative that the idea or concept be treated as trade secrets. They may advantage of the final product.
be treated as a secret. That is to say in addition be protected by copy-
that the information surrounding the right. It is important for the draw- Extensive research and consultation,
creation of the idea must be pro- ings to be dated so as to establish important to the success of the
tected carefully as a trade secret. Not the date of creation. Technical draw- project, is carried out at this stage.
all commercially viable ideas can or ings could also, at a later stage, form Many companies at this point fail to
will be patented, hence the impor- an important part of the relevant tap into the valuable technical in-
tance of treating ideas as trade se- patent application. formation contained in published
crets, particularly at the inception patent documentation. The Euro-
stage. Information contained in existing pean Patent Office (EPO) estimates
patent documents also play an im- that 70 percent of the information
For an idea that may result in a pat- portant role at this stage in the con- in patent documents is not available
entable invention, the final choice ception, screening and development elsewhere. With more than 800,000
between either the trade secret route of the idea. Patent documents can patents granted annually around the
or the patent route for protection provide useful insight into whether globe they offer a wealth of infor-
should be seen as a strategic busi- an idea is new (state-of-the art) and mation, such as information on the
ness decision to be taken at a later worth developing. Furthermore, state-of-the-art, which can help an
stage of development when all the proper analysis of patent informa- enterprise to avoid wasting re-
requirements of patentability are tion may provide insight into the sources, in terms of money and time,
met. The choice depends on the na- strategy of potential competitors and during the R&D process. Patent
ture of the invention, its business into technology trends. documents may hold information
potential, the competition, how easy that can lead to further improve-
it is to reproduce and the ability of R&D stage ments in the product or shorten the
competitors to reverse engineer it time taken to get the product to
from the final product. Whatever the The IP tools used during the idea market. Small enterprises, particu-
ultimate decision, the idea must ini- stage continue to be relevant during larly in developing and least devel-
tially be protected as a trade secret the R&D stage. Thus, a company oped countries, can use patent in-
in order to preserve the option of must continue to guard its trade se- formation in the public domain to
patenting at a later stage. Even after crets, especially if it has yet to de-
patenting, a part of the idea may re- cide on whether to file a patent ap- >>>
main an associated trade secret. plication. Competitors should not
WIPO Magazine/July-August 2005

1947, the Haloid Company acquired

the license to his basic xerographic
patents. The first xerographic copier,
Model A, was introduced in 1949.
It would be fair to say that Mr.
Carlson would not have been able
Chester Carlson
patented his to market the invention without ex-
xerography ternal investment, and that the
invention in 1942. patent he held contributed signifi-
cantly to Haloid’s decision to sup-
port the invention.
come up with innovative products tablished and issues related to result-
adapted to local conditions. ing IP resolved before embarking on Most innovative ideas never come
any joint venture or outsourcing. to market, but those protected by IP
Having decided on the type of IP stand a greater chance. IP ownership
protection it will use to protect its IP as a lifeline plays an important role in influenc-
R&D output, the enterprise should ing the decision of external partners
immediately start the registration Taking a product to market is usually as to whether to invest in a firm and
process. In the case of filing a a big challenge for inventors, entre- provides the holder with more op-
patent, this will facilitate the estab- preneurs, and enterprises, hence the tions, such as selling or licensing the
lishment of a date for determining concept of the innovation “valley of patent, or forming strategic business
the priority and claiming exclusive death,” which runs from the time the partnerships and alliances for com-
rights over the output (even before invention has been prototyped to the mercialization. Enterprises facing
a patent is granted – see the Jim launching of the new product in the financial constraints but rich with IP
Frazier case on page 10). As much market. This is the period where most assets will probably find it easier to
R&D results in both functional and inventions collapse due to the ab- establish joint ventures that allow
aesthetic improvements, enter- sence of external support or because them access to R&D facilities or to
prises should also consider regis- they are not commercially viable. distribution channels and sales net-
tering industrial designs to protect During this stage IP, particularly pat- works. An enterprise with a patented
the look and packaging of the prod- ents, play a crucial role in facilitat- product or valuable trade secrets
uct. ing access to providers of early stage may also find it strategically benefi-
capital, which may provide a lifeline cial to establish a joint venture with
Outsourcing to enable an invention to reach the an enterprise with a strong trade-
marketplace. IP ownership strength- mark.
In most cases, innovative technol- ens the negotiating position when
ogy requires resources and techni- looking for investment partners, and A well managed IP portfolio, accom-
cal development that are not avail- makes a business more attractive to panied by a business plan and strat-
able in-house. Ownership of the IP potential investors. egy that demonstrates how the as-
rights on the technology ensures sociated IP rights can be exploited
that these are not lost while taking For example, Mr. Chester Carlson in- to generate future revenue, to de-
advantage of external technical re- vented xerography in 1938 and pat- velop a strong market position, and
sources and facilities owned by a ented it in 1942. It then took him five to control the market is more than
third party. To avoid future conflict, years to find the necessary funding likely to attract venture capital.
IP ownership should be clearly es- to take the product to market. In

WIPO Magazine/July-August 2005

Marketing of innovations provides a good example of strategic Conclusion
use of a combination of different types
In the phase where the product is of IP tools. In 1908, Mr. William Few technological innovations are
finally brought to market, trade- Hoover produced the first commer- radically new products, most are
marks and industrial designs play an cial upright vacuum cleaner, but he improvements, which in some way
important role. These enable con- was not its designer. He purchased make a product superior to its pre-
sumers to identify the products of a the patent from Mr. James Spangler, decessor. Development of a new or
particular company and to distin- an inventor who worked nights as a improved product gives a business
guish these products from others. janitor. Over the years, engineers at an opportunity to enter the market-
the Hoover company (established in place without competition. The IP
A trademark is a useful tool in 1909) designed new and improved system plays a significant role in
launching new product segments or devices, and countless other features helping a business to gain and re-
entirely new products. In addition, which were added to the vacuum tain this advantage. The competitive
trademarks can be very effective in cleaner. These included disposable edge that a business may gain with
penetrating new markets and ex- paper bags, a vacuum cleaner head- a radically new innovation is likely
tending commercial benefits beyond light, a self-propelled feature and a to be longer lasting than that ob-
the life of a patent. The case of Aspi- side-mounted attached hose feature, tained from a simple improvement.
rin is a good example. Developed for which Hoover received a patent In the case of an improvement, not
in 1897, the drug was patented in in 1936. In less than ten years after only are competitors for the class of
1899 by the Bayer Company. Know- the company was established, the product already in place, but the
ing that patents have a limited dura- Hoover trademark was a household improvement is far more quickly
tion, the Bayer Company embarked name. understood and replicated.
upon promoting a trademark for its
new product. When the Aspirin Trade secrets, patents, trademarks, IP strategy may differ depending on
patent expired, the company con- industrial designs, and copyright the type of innovation, but either
tinued to benefit from the sale of the may separately or simultaneously be way the IP system remains a valu-
product through its established used as tools of technology protec- able tool. Consulting IP experts will
trademark Aspirin. tion. Strategic use of a combination help enterprises to make optimum
of IP tools in the innovation process use of the system.
Technological innovation can also be can contribute to higher profits mar- ♦
supported by a combination of gins and maintenance of market
patent, industrial design and trade- position, enabling technology-
mark protection. The invention and based, innovative companies to have
For more information on various prac-
development of the vacuum cleaner a better return on investment. tical aspects of the IP system of inter-
est to business and industry, please visit
the website of the SMEs Division at
The next article in the IP and Business
series will discuss biotechnology.


Early advertising created by

Bayer to promote its ASPIRN
trademark to extend the
product life cylce beyond
that of the patent.
WIPO Magazine/July-August 2005

Australian invention dazzles Hollywood -
Jim Frazier
Physicists said it was impossible, but cameraman Jim Frazier went ahead and invented a new lens which
revolutionized the international film industry.

Mr. Frazier, who shot wildlife films for David Attenborough, was frustrated with the limitations of the lens
available on the market. “Wildlife is very unforgiving – there is no time to set up the camera and position the
shot the way you want it. As well, with small subjects, such as insects and spiders, it’s very difficult to get both
the subject and background in focus. I wanted it all in focus and I needed a versatile lens which would allow
me to rapidly get the shots I wanted.”

“In the late `70s, I began tinkering myself and started getting the results I’d envisioned. Over the next 10
years I kept rebuilding the lens and, with much trial and effort, formulated a lens with deep focus and a single
swivel on the end. The optics to do this are very complex but I began to get positive results.”

The new lens has three revolutionary features:

w a ‘set and forget’ focus which holds everything, from front of lens to infinity, in focus;
w a swivel tip so that, without moving the camera, you can swivel the lens in any direction, completing a
sphere if need be; and
w a built-in image rotator. This allows the image to be rotated inside the lens without spinning the camera.

It was a brilliant invention and when Mr. Frazier began using it in his work it did not go unnoticed. Nobody
had seen before the sort of depth and clarity of filming that he was achieving, which made his work was
unique. In 1993 he was invited to speak at Montage 93, an imaging conference in the U.S. Within days of the
event, Panavision was knocking on his door.

“It was at this point that I thought I should get a lawyer”, he recalls “Panavision sent me a standard three
page contract which my lawyer advised me not to sign. He rewrote it and we sent back a document of 30
pages which not only protected my invention but helped me negotiate a very sweet deal.”

The contract was structured so that Panavision, regarded as the best lens manufacturer in the world, could
never come back and claim they had already known about the optics used in the lens. They met with
Mr. Frazier on neutral ground in Hong Kong and the company had to sign a confidentiality agreement before
they saw the lens. “The deal was that Panavision would patent the device, at their cost, but that I would own
the patent.”

When Mr. Frazier first showed the lens to Panavision they could not initially figure how it worked, but they
recognized its value. At more than US$1 million, this may have been one of the biggest patent ever taken out
by Panavision, but the returns are already rolling in. Nearly every second commercial made in the U.S. uses
Jim Frazier’s lens, and many in the feature film area will not go on a set without it.

The benefits to the film industry are huge. Apart from the unique abilities of the lens itself, it has dramatically
lowered production costs. What used to be a three day shoot now takes only one day because Mr. Frazier’s
lens has done away with the need for teams of people to rig up complicated setups every time the director
wants a new angle. It is as simple as adjusting the swivel tip.

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