Statistics Regarding Classes: Appendix A, PT.1

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( Re-imagined Original Edition Dungeons & Dragons)

This document combines elements of Original Dungeons & Dragons with Chain Mail and the Greyhawk supplement. It offers options for
you to substitute in place of the material already found in the original sources. Some of what appears here has been re-imagined, and is
thus included to provide you with a game mechanic that functions differently than was previously published. Hopefully you will find this to
be an interesting and entertaining change.
The material presented here is meant to be used in conjunction with the original rules set--substituting for the mechanics found in those
documents. Except for the changes appearing in this document, the original rules should be used.
The first 12 levels of experience are treated as follows. Characters advancing beyond these will require extension of the information given.


Hit Dice for Hit Dice for Spells & Level

Fighting-Men Accumulated hits Magic-users Accumulated Hits 1 2 3 4 5 6
Veteran 1d8+1 Medium 1d4 1
Warrior 2d8 Seer 1d4+1 2
Swordsman 3d8 Conjurer 2d4 3 1
Hero 4d8 Theurgist 2d4+1 4 2
Swashbuckler 5d8+1 Thaumaturgist 3d4 4 2 1
Myrmidon 6d8 Magician 3d4+1 4 2 2
Champion 7d8+1 Enchanter 4d4 4 3 2 1
Super Hero 8d8+2 Warlock 5d4 4 3 3 2
Lord 9d8+2 Sorcerer 6d4+1 4 3 3 2 1
Lord 10 10d8+1 Necromancer 7d4 4 4 3 3 2
Lord 11 10d8+2 Wizard 8d4+1 4 4 4 3 3
Lord 12 11d8+1 Wizard 12 8d4+2 4 4 4 4 4 1

Hit Dice for Spells & Level Hit Dice for

Clerics Accumulated hits 1 2 3 4 5 Thieves Accumulated hits
Acolyte 1d6 Apprentice 1d4
Adept 2d6 1 Footpad 2d4
Village Priest 3d6 2 Robber 3d4
Vicar 4d6 2 1 Burglar 4d4
Curate 4d6+1 2 2 Cutpurse 5d4
Bishop 5d6 2 2 1 Sharper 6d4
Lama 6d6 2 2 2 Pilferer 7d4
Patriarch 7d6 2 2 2 1 Master Pilferer 8d4
Patriarch 9 7d6+1 3 2 2 2 Thief 9d4
Patriarch 10 7d6+2 3 3 2 2 1 Master Thief 10d4
Patriarch 11 7d6+3 3 3 2 2 2 Master Thief 11 10d4+1
Patriarch 12 8d6+2 3 3 3 2 2 Master Thief 12 10d4+2


Fighting-Men Magic-users Clerics Thieves

1 Veteran Medium Acolyte Apprentice
2 Warrior(1000) Seer(1750) Adept(1500) Footpad(1200)
3 Swordsman(2000) Conjurer(3500) Village Priest(3000) Robber(2400)
4 Hero(4000) Theurgist(7000) Vicar(6000) Burglar(4800)
5 Swashbuckler(8000) Thaumaturgist(15000) Curate(12000) Cutpurse(9600)
6 Myrmidon(16000) Magician(30000) Bishop(25000) Sharper(20000)
7 Champion(32000) Enchanter(60000) Lama(50000) Pilferer(40000)
8 Superhero(64000) Warlock(120000) Patriarch (100000) Master Pilferer(60000)
9 Lord(120000) Sorcerer(220000) Patriarch 9(200000) Thief(90000)
10 Lord 10(220000) Necromancer(420000) Patriarch 10(300000) Master Thief(150000)
11 Lord 11(320000) Wizard(520000) Patriarch 11(400000) Master Thief 11(250000)
12 Lord 12(420000) Wizard 12(620000) Patriarch 12(500000) Master Thief 12(350000)
Attacker's Defender's armor protection type and # needed to land a strike
Weapon 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
No armor Leather or Shield Leather/Padded Chain, Banded, Studded Any < Plate <&
armor Padded Only & Shield Leather or Splint mail & shield Armor Shield
1. Dagger 12 13 14 14 15 16 18 18
2. Hand-axe 13 13 13 15 16 16 17 18
3. Mace 14 14 14 15 14 14 13 14
4. Sword 13 14 14 15 14 15 16 17
5. Battle axe 14 14 14 14 13 13 15 16
6. Morn. star 12 13 13 13 12 13 14 14
7. Flail 13 13 13 13 12 13 12 13
8. Spear 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 18
9. Pole-arms 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 16
9. Halberd 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 16
10. 2 Hd. Sword 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 13
11. Lance * 11 11 11 11 12 13 15 15
12. Pike 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 16

Fighting Men decrease the above figures by 2. Clerics and thieves decrease the above figures by 1. 0-level types increase the above
figures by 1. All classes additionally decrease the above figures by 1 upon reaching certain levels of ability:
FM L4, L7, L10, L13, L16 ; C /T L5, L9, L13, L17; MU L6, L11, L16, L21.

Procedure: roll 3d6, with a score equal or greater to the number required resulting in a kill/hit.
Monsters may or may not be capable of wearing armor, but not all should be treated as the "No Armor" type. Thus, they will be given an
Armor Class rating (or, ACR) of from 9 to 2 which correspond to the above armor-types.
Monsters not using weapons will be assigned an equivalent-type to account for claws, fists, bites, etc., with commensurate modifiers to
account for their HD/strength. Example: kobolds would use the above table as a 0-level type; orcs as a L1 FM.

Weapons( R*)

Short bow(15) 12 12 12 13 14 15 17 18
Horse-bow(15) 11 11 11 12 14 15 17 18
L.CRBW(18) 11 11 11 12 14 16 17 18
Composite(18) 11 11 11 12 14 16 17 18
Long bow(21) 11 11 11 10 12 14 15 17
H.CRBW(24) 10 10 10 10 12 13 14 16

(R*) = Range Divide by 3rds to determine ranges. Short = 1st 3rd; Medium = 2nd 3rd; Long = last 3rd.
Increase the figures shown by 1 for missiles fired at Medium range.
Increase the figures shown by 2 for missiles fired at Long range.
Example, Short bow: short range=1" to 5"; medium range = 6" to 10"; long range= 11" to 15"


Natural Attack
Forms 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Crushing 11 12 12 12 13 14 12 13
Piercing 11 13 12 14 17 17 14 15
Slashing 12 13 13 14 13 14 15 16

Crushing attack: fist blows, stomping, tail slaps, thrown objects (as in giant boulders),etc.
Piercing attacks: fang/teeth bites, horns, etc.
Slashing attacks: claw rends /rips,

All monsters decrease the numbers shown by 1 per each hit die they have; up to 1-1 treated as 0 level men types.
Smaller than man-sized creatures increase the numbers shown by 2.
Larger than man-sized creatures decrease the numbers shown by 1.
Huge creatures decrease the numbers shown by 2.

Humanoid creatures capable of wielding weapons will do so using the Man vs. Man adjustments, but will otherwise reduce the numbers
shown by 1 for each hit die they possess.

Damage done by creatures is given in the Monsters & Treasure booklet of the OD&D rules. Generally, 1d6 is the default range, but some
creatures will have specific modifications to this. A good table depicting each monster's natural attack form/s is found in the Greyhawk
supplement on pages 16 -19. Some are not specified (as giants), and the DM should assign the appropriate attack types in such cases.
When using GH supplement, consider only the attack forms, and ignore the damages listed, referring to the original rules.
Weapons Cost Armor Cost Miscellaneous Cost
Battle axe 15 Leather 25 Barding (horse) 300
Bow-- Mail-types-- Back pack 10
short 30 banded 40 Boots, combat 25
horse 55 chain 50 Flint & steel 5
Lt. CRBW 30 splint 45 Garlic/1 bud 5
composite 75 studded 35 Holy Water/1 vial 50
long 60 Padded 15 Lantern 25
H. CRBW 50 Plate armor 125 Mirror, small silver 30
Club, war* 10 Shield, small 25 Mirror, steel 15
Dagger 5 Shield, large 45 Oil/1 flask 25
Flail 20 Pole, 10' 5
Halberd 15 Missiles Rations--
Hand axe 5 Arrows/20 25 iron 45
Lance 10 Silver-tipped/1 10 standard 15
Mace 10 Bolts-quarrels/30 25 Rope/50' 10
Morning star 15 Sack, large/small 5/3
Pike/Pole arm 12 Mounts * Silver cross 50
Spear 5 horse, riding 75 Spikes, iron/12 15
Sword 25 horse, war/ L. 150 Stakes, wooden/3 5
Two-handed sword 45 mule 100 Torches/6 5
horse, draft 200 Wagon 200
* use mace/flail attack adjustments Saddle 50
choosing the better of the 2 vs. armor types. Saddle bags 15
Used mostly by barbarians and thugs. Tack 10


The dedicated Dungeon Master will not settle for what is in hand when sprinkled throughout that 'what' is a smorgasbord of inspiration. The
original (3 little) brown booklets that make up the 1974 Dungeons and Dragons game are nothing less than a springboard for creative world
makers to expand upon. One can easily create original material for the game, or alter material borrowed from other systems. Evidence of
this being in fact the case (as early as 1975-76) can be found in the supplements--Greyhawk and Blackmor--and the plethora of articles
that appeared in Strategic Review and Dragon magazine around the same time.
Thus the following is included in this document for use by the Dungeon Master, and serves as such an example.

Hit Dice for
LVL. Accumulated hits Special Abilities General Class Notes
1 Runner 2d6 Only 3 rangers can adventure in a group.
2 Strider(1250) 3d6 All rangers are +1 to hit with missile weapons
3 Scout(2500) 4d6 A All rangers get +1 to damage with melee type
4 Guide(5000) 5d6+1 --weapons vs. Giant-type creatures.*
5 Pathfinder(10000) 6d6 Rangers will not wear plate armor.
6 Warder(20000) 7d6 B Rangers must have no less than 6 in their Prime
7 Woodsman(40000) 8d6 --requisite(strength), intelligence, wisdom and
8 Master Woodsman(80000) 9d6+1 --constitution.
9 Guardian(160000) 10d6 C Rangers cannot be evil.
10 Ranger-knight(320000) 11d6 Rangers must be human or half-elf only.
11 Ranger-lord(420000) 12d6 *See U&WA booklet, p.18; does not apply to
12 Ranger-lord 12(520000) 13d6 D demi-human player-characters.

A. At 3rd level and for each level thereafter the ranger is able to slow the effects of poison in a victim by 1 hour per level attained. Initially 1
person can be treated thus; for each addition 3 levels gained another victim can be treated.
B. At 6th level rangers are immune to Fear attacks, and increase all companions' saves against such at +2.
C. At 9th level rangers attract a small body of wilderness companions. (See table to follow.)
D. At 12th level the ranger is immune to illusion-attacks.

RANGER COMPANIONS Roll d6+3 to generate the number of companions the ranger attracts. (4-9/18) Roll per each type on table 1, then
refer to the various- appropriate sub-tables to determine each one.

Table 1(roll 2d6) Roll d20: PET ELF DWARF MOUNT SPECIAL
2-3 Pet (1-6) Hunting dog(2) F2 F2 Horse, riding Lawful were-bear
4-6 Elf (7-11) Falcon F2/MU2 F3 Horse, war--L. Treant
7-9 Dwarf (12-15) Wolf MU3 F4 Horse, war--M. Stone Giant
10-11 Mount (16-18) Ferret (2) MU4 T4 Horse, war--H. Pixie (3)
12 Special (19) Owl F5 T5 Hippogriff Dryad
(20) Black bear T5 F5 Pegasus* Blink Dog(2)

* Unicorn if ranger is female

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