Trabajo Recuperacion Ingles

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Colegio Rufino Jose Cuervo

Departamento Humanidades
Asignatura de Ingles
Mauricio Ardila
Ciclo 4
Trabajo de Recuperación

1. Subraye la forma correcta del verbo para completar la oración.

1. Doctor Moffett love / loves his job.

2. He study / studies ants.
3. A salesperson sell / sells products for a company.
4. You and Anita work / works on weekends.
5. Nurses help / helps people.
6. We write / writes science books.
7. Our office close / closes at 7:00 p.m.
8. She take / takes classes at the business school.
9. You walk / walks to work every day.
10. I start / starts work at 8:00 a.m. every morning.

2. Complete con el verbo en parentesis.

1. A zookeeper feeds (feed) animals.

2. Computer programmers ________ (write) software.
3. Photographers ___________ (take) photos.
4. A chef ________ (cook) food.
5. A firefighter __________ (fight) fires
6. Musicians __________ (play) instruments.
7. A farmer __________ (work) on a farm.
8. A dancer ___________ (dance).

3. Forme oraciones en presente simple con las siguientes palabras. (agregue o quite las palabras que sean

1) Frank / to read / comics ___________________________________

2) what / they / to eat / for breakfast ___________________________________
3) when / his mum / to come / home ___________________________________
4) to be / Peter / from Austria ___________________________________
5) Marie and Joe / to like / homework ___________________________________
6) you / to walk / to school ___________________________________
7) where / she / to live ___________________________________
8) why / you / to ride / your bike ___________________________________
9) how / Linda / to go / to the park ___________________________________
10) can / Ron / to speak / English ___________________________________

4. Pase las siguientes oraciones afirmativas a sus forma negativa

1) Kevin plays basketball. ___________________________________

2) Steve can make breakfast. ___________________________________
3) I run to school. ___________________________________
4) The kite flies into the air. ___________________________________
5) He is from Spain. ___________________________________
6) Mr Smith teaches French. ___________________________________
7) Sandy washes her hair. ___________________________________
8) The children know the answer. ___________________________________
9) She sits on a chair. ___________________________________
10) Anne and Sue carry a box. ___________________________________

5. Complete las oraciones con los verbos en el cuadro.

1. I ___________ breakfast at 7:00 every morning.

2. He always ____________ a suit to work.
3. The teacher ____________ at the front of the classroom.
4. He ________________ his teeth three times a day.
5. We usually ______________ our groceries on the weekend.
6. He _____________ a meeting every morning.
7. She often ______________ chicken for dinner.
8. They _____________ the bus to school everyday.
9. We often ____________ television in the evenings.
10. He _____________ to the radio on his way to work.
11. The teacher ______________ three languages.
12. A mechanic _______________ cars.
13. She ___________ the dishes after dinner.
14. They _____________ coffee every morning.

fix - stand - speak - drink - eat - have - wash - make

- listen - buy - take- watch - brush - do - wear

6. Complete el texto con el verbo en parentesis.

My family and I are always busy on Saturdays. In the morning, my sister Olivia and I (1) play (play)
basketball and then she (2) ............ (go) rollerblading with Dad. I (3) ............ (not like) rollerblading, so I
usually (4) ............ (help) Mum with the shopping. In the afternoon, Dad and I (5) ............ (make) model
planes and then in the evening we all (6) ............ (watch) a film together. Saturday is my favourite day.

7. Ordene las siguientes oraciones en presente simple.

1 reads / in /Jenny / always / bed Jenny always reads in bed

2 in /We/ radio/ usually / the/ the /listen /car ...........................................
3 school / sometimes / for / Joshua / late/ is . ..........................................
4 tired/ always/ Friday/ on/ Mum/ evenings/is . ...........................................
5 sister phone her often My takes with photos ...................................
6 Lizards green usually are brown or ...............................

8. Utilice le verbo para completar la oración en presente continuo

1 She is dancing (dance) in the bathroom.
2 He ......................... (draw) cartoons in the living room.
3 They ......................... (sleep) in the bedroom.
4 He ......................... (listen to) music now.
5 I ......................... (do) the housework at the moment.
6 We ......................... (play) board games in my bedroom.

9. Correct the mistakes. Use contractions.

1 Granddad is listening to the radio every morning. listens

2 I’m not liking cucumbers, bananas or lettuce. .........................................................
3 Is you having fun now? .........................................................
4 She walks the dog at the moment. .........................................................
5 He aren’t sing in a band. .........................................................
6 What are you do now? …………………………………………………

10. Complete las oraciones con is, are, isn’t or aren’t, begun corresponda.

1 There are some strawberries in the fruit bowl.

2 There .................... any rice in the cupboard.
3 There .................... a biscuit on the plate.
4 There .................... any magazines on the table.
5 There .................... some books in the bookcase.
6 There .................... any music in the restaurant.

11. Complete las preguntas con When, Where, Who or What y luego respondalas con la información de los
cuadros. Siga por el ejemplo

1 When is he going to go on holiday?

Rta: Friday 21st August

2 ....................... is he going to fly?

3 ....................... is he going to stay?
4 ....................... is he going to meet on Saturday?
5 ....................... are they going to meet?
6 ....................... are they going to do?

12. Responda las siguientes preguntas personales usando: Yes, I do - No, I don’t.

1 Do you have to make your own breakfast? Yes, I do.

2 Do you have to do the dishes? .......................
3 Do you have to clean the car? .......................
4 Do you have to pay the bills? .......................
5 Do you have to go to work? .......................
6 Do you have to go to school? .......................

13. Pase el siguiente texto a español.

Doctor Bugs
Most people don’t like bugs, but Doctor Mark Moffet loves them! In fact, his nickname is Doctor
Bugs. He’s a photographer and an entomologist. An entomologist studies bugs. Doctor Moffett’s
favorite bug is the ant. He goes all over the world to study ants. He watches them as they eat,
work, rest, sleep, and fight. He takes photographs of the ants. He lies on the ground with his
camera and waits for the right moment. The ants and other bugs often bite him, but that doesn’t
stop Doctor Bugs. He has an interesting and unusual job, and he loves .
Verbs Doctor mofffet Ants
14. Complete el siguiente texto con la información del anterior texto.




15. Escriba los siguiente verbos en 3 persona del singular.

watch like

16 Complete el texto con los verbos en paréntesis y luego paseo a español.

Bush pilots (1) Have (have) interesting jobs. They (2) (fly) special planes to Alaska’s
bush country. (This is a wild area, far away from cities with airports.) Bush pilots
(3)____________ (carry) people or supplies in their bush planes. They
also_____________(help) rescue people. Paul Claus is a famous bush pilot. He (5)
____________ (have) a lot of experience, and he is an excellent pilot. Paul also (6)
_____________ (own) a hotel in Alaska. He (7) _____________(fly) customers to his hotel and
(8) ___________________ (take) them on adventures. He (9) ________(go) to interesting places
with them. It’s an exciting job.

17. Pase a español el siguiente texto y resuelva los siguiente puntos.

Life on the Space Station

Astronauts on the International Space Station have a busy schedule. Every day they wake up at
7:00 GMT.1 From 7:00 to 8:00, they wash up and eat breakfast. At 8:00 in the morning, they
call Ground Control2 in their countries. After they talk to Ground Control, their workday begins.
The astronauts don’t do the same thing every day. Their schedules change every week.

The astronauts don’t work all the time. Each day they exercise for an hour in the morning and
an hour in the afternoon. After dinner, they have free time. Then, it’s time to go to sleep.
Sometimes this isn’t easy because the sun rises and sets 16 times each day on the space station.

The astronauts’ work doesn’t end on Friday. They work a half day on Saturday and all day on
Sunday. Astronauts are very busy people.

18. Una los números con las letras de acuerdo a la información del texto.

1.They wash up and have breakfast.

2.They talk to Ground Control.
3. They exercise.
4. They have some free time.
5. They need to work a half day.

a. at 8:00 in the morning

b. after dinner
c. on Saturday
d. from 7:00 to 8:00 in the morning
e. for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.

19. Escoja doesn’t / don’t, dependiendo de la información del anterior texto.

1. Astronauts doesn’t / don’t work all day on Saturday.

2. An astronaut doesn’t / don’t have the same schedule every day.

3. We doesn’t / don’t work on weekends.

4. I doesn’t / don’t work in an office.

5. My office doesn’t / don’t have a window.

6. She doesn’t / don’t travel for her job.

7. You doesn’t / don’t have a busy schedule.

20. Cambie las siguientes oraciones afirmativas en oraciones negativas.

1. My brother has a job. My brother doesn’t have a job.

2. I drive to work.

3. Pilots fix planes.

4. Our teacher does homework.

5. I go to the gym in the morning.

6. We have class on Sunday.

7. You teach biology.

8. We have an exam on Saturday night.

21. Las siguientes oraciones están en desorden, ordénelas para que tengan sentido.

1. Saturday / to / work / They / need / on : They need to work on Saturday.

2. He / have / lunch / wants / at / 1:00 / to

3. tonight / to / need / work / until / 7:00 / You

4. need / buy / I / to / computer / a / new

5. She / play / to / likes / tennis

6. want / watch / to / the game / We

7. to / He / study / in the library / likes

8. need / I / do / my homework / to

9. need / I / my / call / mother / to

10. ask / to / wants / a / She / question

22. Subraye el verbo en las siguientes oraciones.

1. He helps baby elephants.

2. They play soccer.

3. He likes his job.

4. She writes articles.

5. We visit customers every day.

6. You need a new computer.

7. I ride my bike every day.

8. Makiko loves weekends.

23. Ordene las siguientes palabras para formar oraciones.

1. has / a / new / job / He : He has a new job.

2. A / cars / mechanic / fixes

3. has / huge / office / a / Jasmin

4. feed / Zookeepers / animals

5. her boss / Deanna / every day / talks to

6. beautiful / photographs / takes / Jay

7. music / listen to / I / at night

8. misses / Katrina / her friends

9. sometimes / Mr. and Mrs. Lee / visit / We

10. my parents / don’t call / I / every day

11. her sister / Kate / loves

12. Fiona and Ken / He / sees / at work

13. music / doesn’t / listen to / He / every night

14. my bike / I / ride / weekends / on

15. like / doesn’t / his job / He

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