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Name: ___________________________________________ Apple Enzyme Lab

Problem: Your favorite local restaurant is famous for it’s sliced apples. However, they are having a problem
with their apples browning after a few minutes of being sliced. Instead of throwing away the bad apples each
day, they are asking the science students of Adams High School to devise a solution to prevent their apples
from browning.

Materials may include (but not limited to):

- Apple slices - Thermometer - Base Solution

- Water - Hot plate - Sugar
- Apple juice - Acid Solution - Salt

Procedure: Develop an experiment to test potential solutions to the apple browning problem.

Research Question: How can the browning of apples be prevented?

I think that I can slow down or prevent apples from turning brown by

b.) _____________________________________________________________________________________
c.) _____________________________________________________________________________________

It will slow down or prevent the apple from turning brown because ___________________________________


How can you show that your idea is correct?

What will you do? (step-by-step)

Name: ___________________________________________ Apple Enzyme Lab
What will it look like? (draw a setup of your experiment)

Data: What qualitative and/or quantitative data would be most helpful to address your research question?
What representations of your data would be most helpful (i.e. graph, data table, descriptions, drawings,

Please use a separate sheet of paper for your data representations. Thank you!

*A strong conclusion will use CER* (Use evidence you gathered from your experiment)
Name: ___________________________________________ Apple Enzyme Lab

Follow up Questions:
People infected with the flu virus will often develop a fever during their sickness. This is an intentional response
by the body to fight off the infection. How/why does it work? Are their any side effects?

Bicarbonate is a chemical compound found inside your blood. It’s job is to prevent big changes in the pH of
your blood. What could happen if you were low on bicarbonate and you ate a meal very high in acid?

Some bacteria produce an enzyme called streptokinase. Streptokinase can break down blood clots (scabs),
making it easier to spread. Assume you have a bacterial infection that is using streptokinase. How can you
help stop the spread of the bacteria (aside from using antibiotics)?

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