Dapsone As A Potential Treatment For Cutaneous Rosai-Dorfman Disease With Neutrophilic Predominan

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Dapsone as a Potential Treatment

for Cutaneous Rosai-Dorfman Disease
With Neutrophilic Predominance
Chih-Chieh Chan, MD; Chia-Yu Chu, MD; Department of Dermatology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

The Cutting Edge: Challenges in Medical and Surgical Therapeutics

REPORT OF A CASE with oral isotretinoin (100 mg/d). However, the lesion
had continued to worsen and the symptoms of pruri-
tus and intermittent episodes of fever had progressed
A 31-year-old Taiwanese woman, who from her medi- during the treatments. Superficial irradiation was sug-
cal history was generally well, presented with 1 slowly gested, but the patient refused owing to its potential
enlarging elevated plaque on the posterior aspect of hazards.
her right shoulder. This had first been detected 3
months before the visit to our clinic. The lesion had
originated as a small, tender, erythematous papule and THERAPEUTIC CHALLENGE
had since grown into a large confluent plaque with
satellite papules. She claimed that the lesion was The patient was treated unsuccessfully with a variety
increasing in size, and this was accompanied by of therapeutic modalities, including topical and sys-
intense itching and fever. On physical examination, temic corticosteroids just noted, as well as oral
there was 1 palm-sized, dusky red, elastic firm plaque isotretinoin. She refused superficial radiation treat-
on the right shoulder. The main lesion was sur- ment and the large size of the lesion prevented the
rounded by multiple 2- to 8-mm erythematous satel- tumor from being simply excised. A safe and effective
lite papules (Figure 1). There were no palpable cervi- alternative treatment was needed.
cal, supraclavicular, axillary, or inguinal lymph nodes.
A systemic workup that included head, neck, and
chest computed tomographic scans showed no
involvement of other organs. Workups done to deter-
mine the source of her febrile episodes yielded no evi-
dence of active infection. The only abnormal labora-
tory finding was polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia
found on serum protein electrophoresis. An incisional
biopsy was performed. Microscopically, a dense der-
mal infiltrate extended from the upper dermis deep to
the subcutis (Figure 2). The infiltrating cells were
mainly composed of histiocytes with large vesicular
nuclei. They also had abundant cytoplasm with spi-
dery borders. Neutrophils, lymphocytes, and plasma
cells were scattered between the histiocytes, and the
presence of lymphocytes engulfed within the histio-
cytic cytoplasm, a feature called emperipolesis, was also
noted. The mixed infiltration was neutrophil predomi-
nant. Immunohistochemical studies revealed histio-
cytes that stained positively for S100 protein and
CD-68. Notably, the dermis surrounding the histio-
cytes was infiltrated by numerous neutrophils. Clini-
cally and histologically, she was diagnosed as having
cutaneous Rosai-Dorfman disease (CRD).
Before visiting our hospital, she had been treated at Figure 1. A palm-sized, dusky erythematous plaque with several satellite
a dermatologic clinic for 2 months, first with topical reddish papules located on the right shoulder that was tender and intensely
triamcinolone, oral prednisolone (30 mg/d), and then itchy.



©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Figure 2. Microscopically, a dense dermal infiltrate was seen composed
mainly of histiocytes. Scattered neutrophils, lymphocytes, and plasma cells
were also found in the background. Engulfed cells were found within the
cytoplasm of some histiocytes (a feature called emperipolesis) Figure 3. The lesions had regressed after 3 months of dapsone therapy.
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻200). Biopsy findings showed the presence of residual scar tissue only.

SOLUTION ticosteroids, retinoids, and thalidomide. 4-6 In our

patient, the previous treatments included systemic and
topical corticosteroids as well as oral isotretinoin, but
We administered oral dapsone, 100 mg daily, to treat the
these drug regimens failed to relieve her symptoms.
patient since the skin biopsy findings revealed profuse
We tried dapsone therapy because we noticed clini-
neutrophilic infiltration, which clinically corresponded
cally severe inflammation of the skin lesion with the
to an inflamed component of the disease. Ten days after
microscopic finding of profuse neutrophilic infiltra-
starting dapsone therapy, the patient felt an obvious im-
tion within the lesion. The skin lesions of CRD in the
provement in the itching and local erythema. Within 3
presenting case regressed after 2 months of dapsone
months, the extensive and disfiguring skin lesion had un-
treatment alone. The regression of her cutaneous
dergone significant regression (Figure 3). After 3 months
lesion could have been related to the incisional biopsy,
of treatment, the histologic characteristics of a skin bi-
but progression of the skin lesions after she under-
opsy specimen taken from the right shoulder showed only
went the first incisional biopsy for diagnosis at
residual scar tissue; dapsone therapy was therefore dis-
another dermatology clinic makes the beneficial effect
continued. No recurrence of the skin lesion was noted
of surgical intervention unlikely.
during the year that followed the discontinuation of dap-
Dapsone (4,4⬘-diaminodiphenylsulfone) is an anti-
sone therapy.
microbial substance that has anti-inflammatory activ-
ity, which has been attributed to its ability to inhibit
COMMENT myeloperoxidase (MPO), a human enzyme in the
azurophilic granules of neutrophils and in the lyso-
In 1969, Rosai and Dorfman1 first described the dis- somes of monocytes. During the process of neutro-
ease of sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenop- philic inflammation, MPO catalyzes the conversion of
athy (SHML), a histiocytosis syndrome that usually hydrogen peroxide and chloride ions into hypochlo-
presents with cervical lymphadenopathy. Extranodal rous acid, a potent oxidant that causes cell damage,
involvement is frequently seen and the skin is the thus forming a killing zone around activated neutro-
most common organ of involvement.2 The pure cuta- phils. Successful dapsone treatment, which targets
neous form of this histiocytosis without involvement the neutrophilic component by inhibiting the MPO–
of the lymph nodes or other organs is known as CRD. hydrogen peroxide–chloride system, may have
The pathogenesis of SHML and CRD remains unclear. brought about the surprising regression of the major
Most cases of CRD have a limited distribution and are histiocytic component of the lesion in our case. There-
self-limiting, requiring no treatment. However, the fore, dapsone may be a useful treatment for neutro-
disease has an unpredictable duration before reaching philic CRD. Dapsone has been found to be metabo-
spontaneous remission.3 Patients who have extensive lized to hydroxylamine in neutrophils, monocytes,
cutaneous involvement may be subjected to intoler- and activated mononuclear leukocytes.7 Since mono-
able disfigurement and mental stress. In addition, cytes and their derivatives, tissue macrophages and
some patients are significantly disturbed by the symp- histiocytes, also have MPO, dapsone may change their
toms and need careful evaluation and active treatment. inflammatory response too and it has been reported
Various treatment modalities for localized CRD have to be a successful treatment for lymphohistiocyte-
been introduced including superficial radiation treat- predominant diseases such as erosive lichen planus.8
ments, surgical excision, intralesional or systemic cor- We surmise that similar effects should also contribute



©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.


1. Rosai J, Dorfman RF. Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy: a newly

recognized benign clinicopathological entity. Arch Pathol. 1969;87:63-70.
2. Chu P, LeBoit PE. Histologic features of cutaneous sinus histiocytosis (Rosai-
Dorfman disease): study of cases both with and without systemic involvement.
J Cutan Pathol. 1992;19:201-206.
3. Kang JM, Yang WI, Kim SM, Lee MG. Sinus histiocytosis (Rosai-Dorfman dis-
ease) clinically limited to the skin. Acta Derm Venereol. 1999;79:363-365.
4. Chang LY, Kuo TT, Chan HL. Extranodal Rosai-Dorfman disease with cutaneous,
ophthalmic and laryngeal involvement: report of a case treated with isotretinoin.
Int J Dermatol. 2002;41:888-891.
5. Tjiu JW, Hsiao CH, Tsai TF. Cutaneous Rosai-Dorfman disease: remission with
thalidomide treatment. Br J Dermatol. 2003;148:1060-1061.
6. Lu CI, Kuo TT, Wong WR, Hong HS. Clinical and histopathologic spectrum of cuta-
neous Rosai-Dorfman disease in Taiwan. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;51:931-939.
7. Uetrecht J, Zahid N, Shear NH, Biggar WD. Metabolism of dapsone to a hydrox-
ylamine by human neutrophils and mononuclear cells. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1988;
Figure 4. High-power view of the specimen. A, Centrally, there is 1 8. Falk DK, Latour DL, King LE Jr. Dapsone in the treatment of erosive lichen planus.
large histiocyte with eosinophilic cytoplasm (arrow) and several engulfed J Am Acad Dermatol. 1985;12:567-570.
cells (a feature called emperipolesis). The arrowhead indicates a typical
polymorphonucleated cell (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification
⫻ 600). B, With a special stain for myeloperoxidase, not only the Submissions
polymorphonucleated cells (arrowhead) but also the histiocytes (arrow)
stained positive within their cytoplasm (original magnification ⫻ 600).
Clinicians, residents, and fellows are invited to submit
cases of challenges in management and therapeutics to
this section. Cases should follow the established pat-
to the regression of the histiocytic component of CRD, tern. Manuscripts should be prepared double-spaced with
which was supported by the positive reaction of both right margins nonjustified. Pages should be numbered
histiocytes and neutrophils to an MPO immunohisto- consecutively with the title page separated from the text
(see Instructions for Authors for information about prepa-
chemical study in our presenting case (Figure 4).
ration of the title page). Clinical photographs, photo-
Though the precise mechanisms of pathogenesis and micrographs, and illustrations must be sharply focused
treatment response in CRD remain unknown, the sig- and submitted as separate JPG files with each file
nificance of our finding allows for an alternative thera- numbered with the figure number. Material must be ac-
peutic option when treating CRD, especially in those companied by the required copyright transfer statement
cases where there is dense neutrophilic infiltration. (see Instructions for Authors). Preliminary inquiries
regarding submissions for this feature may be submitted
Correspondence: Chia-Yu Chu, MD, Department of to George J. Hruza, MD (ghruza@aol.com). Manu-
Dermatology, National Taiwan University Hospital, 7, scripts should be submitted via our online manuscript
Chung-Shan South Road, Taipei, Taiwan (chiayu.chu submission and review system (http://manuscripts
Financial Disclosure: None.



©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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